• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ventilation volume

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Cadiorespiratory effects of isoflurane-anesthetized dogs with closed chest during spontaneous two-lung and one-lung ventilation (마취된 개의 자발호흡상태에서 일측폐환기 및 양측폐환기가 심순환기 및 호흡기계에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Young-sung;Chang, Hwa-seok;Kim, Hye-jin;Kim, Soon-shin;Choi, Joon-chul;Yang, Hee-taek;Chung, Dai-jung;Kim, Hwi-yool
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 2005
  • One-lung ventilation (OLV) is the isolation and selective ventilation of one lung field. OLV allows the collapse of lung lobes on the side of the thoracic surgical approach to facilitate observation of intrathoracic structures and to achieve lung immobility. OLV be achieved by endotracheal intubation with double lumen tubes or bronchial blockers. In this study, cardiopulmonary consequences of two-lung ventilation (TLV), OLV and Re-TLV (TLV after OLV) were evaluated in 5 dogs. The dogs were anesthetized with mask induction and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. Tidal volume and respiratory rates were set to maintain end-tidal $CO_2$ at $40{\pm}2mmHg$ during instrumentation. Following instrumentation, the dogs were placed in right lateral recumbency and induced spontaneously respiration state. Effect of TLV on hemodynamic and pulmonary variables were recorded. Then, the left bronchus was obstructed by endotracheal intubation with double lumen endotracheal tube to achieve OLV state and recording was continued. After OLV, double lumen endotracheal tube was extubated, and standard endotracheal tubes was intubated again. In this study, spontaneous OLV caused significant decrease in $PaO_2$, arterial oxygen saturation, mixed-venous oxygen saturation, and increase in $PaCO_2$. Especially, a significant elevation in $PaCO_2$ and respiratory acidosis were remarkable findings. So spontaneous ventilation in OLV affected gas exchange and hemodynamic function.


  • Lee, Eun Chol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-44
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    • 1969
  • The important results which have been obtained in the investigation can be recapitulated as follows. 1. As demostrated by the experimental results and analyses concerning their effects in the on-ground type mushroom house, the constructions in relation to the side wall and ceiling of the experimental houses showed a sufficient heat insulation on effect to protect insides of the houses from outside climatic conditions. 2. As the effect on the solar type experimental mushroom house which was constructed in a half basement has been shown by the experimental results and analyses, it has been proved to be effective for making use of solar heat. However there were found two problems to be improved for putting solar houses to practical use in the farm mushroom growing: (1) the construction of the roof and ceiling should be the same as for the on-ground type house, and (2) the solar heat generating system should be reconstructed properly. A trial solar heat generating system is shown in Fig. 40. 3. Among several ventilation systems which have been studied in the experiments, the underground earthen pipe and ceiling ventilation, and vertical side wall and ceiling ventilation systems have been proved to be most effective for natural ventilation. 4. The experimental results have shown that ventilation systems such as the vertical side wall and underground ventilation systems are suitable to put to practical use as natural ventilation systems for farm mushroom houses. These ventilation systems can remarkably improve the temperature of fresh air which is introduced into the house by heat transfers within the ventilation passages, so as to approach to the desired temperature of the house without any cooling or heating operation. For example, if it is assuming that x is the outside temperature and y is the amount of temperature adjustment made by the influence of the ventilation system, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the following regression lines. Underground iron pipe ventilation system ${\cdots}{\cdots}$ y=0.9x-12.8 Underground earthen pipe ventilation system ${\cdots}{\cdots}$y=0.96x-15.11 Vertical side wall ventilation system${\cdots}{\cdots}$ y=0.94x-17.57 5. The experimental results have shown that the relationships existing between the admitted and expelled air and the $Co_2$ concentration can be described with experimental regression lines or an exponent equation as follows: 1) If it is assumed that x is an air speed cm/sec. and y is an expelled air speed in cm/sec. in a natural ventilation system, since the y is a function of the x, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the regression lines shown below: 2) If it is assumed that x is an admitted volume of air in $m^3/hr$ and y is an expelled volume of air in $m^3/hr$ in a natural ventilation system, since the y is a function of the x, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the regression lines shown below. 3) If it is assumed that the expelled air speed in cm/sec and replacement air speed in cm/sec. at the bed surface in a natural ventilation system are shown as x and y, respectively, since the y is a function of the x, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the following regression line: G.E. (100%)- C.V. (50%) ventilation system${\cdots}$ y=0.54X+0.84 4) If it is assumed that the replacement air speed in cm/sec. at the bed surface is shown as x, and $CO_2$ concentration which is expressed by multiplying 1000 times the actual value of $CO_2$ % is shown as y, in a natural ventilation system, since the y is a function of the x the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the following regression line: G.E. (100%)- C.V. (50%) ventilation system${\cdots}{\cdots}$ y=114.53-6.42x 5) If it is assumed that the expelled volume of air is shown as x and the $CO_2$ concentration which is expressed by multiplying 1000 times the actual of $CO_2$ % is shown as y in a natural ventilation system, since the y is a function of of the x, the relationships that exist between x and y can be expressed by the following exponent equation: G.E. (100%)-C.V. (50%) ventilation system${\cdots}{\cdots}$ $$y=127.18{\times}1.0093^{-X}$$ 6. The experimental results have shown that the ratios of the crass sectional area of the G.E. and C.V. vent to the total cubic capacity of the house, required for providing an adequate amount of air in a natural ventilation system, can be estimated as follows: G.E. (admitting vent of the underground ventilation)${\cdots}{\cdots}$ 0.30-0.5% (controllable) C.V. (expelling vent of the ceiling ventilation)${\cdots}{\cdots}$ 0.8-1.0% (controllable) 7. Among several heating devices which were studied in the experiments, the hot-water boilor which was modified to be fitted both as hot-water toiler and as a pressureless steam-water was found most suitable for farm mushroom growing.

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The Impact of Ventilation Strategies on Indoor Air Pollution: A Comparative Study of HVAC Systems Using a Numerical Model (실내오염물질의 환기기술전략에 따른 영향평가 : 수치적 모델을 이용한 HVAC 시스템의 비교연구)

  • Park, Sung-Woo;Song, Dong-Woong;D.J. Moschandreas
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.11 no.E
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 1995
  • Indoor air quality models are useful to predict indoor air pollutant concentrations as a function of several indoor factors. Indoor air quality model was developed to evaluate the pollutant removal efficiency of variable-air-volume/bypass filtration system (VAV/BPFS) compared with the conventional variable-air-volume (VAV) system. This model provides relative pollutant removal effectiveness of VAV/BPFS by concentration ratio between the conventional VAV system and VAV/BPFS. The predictions agree closely, from 5 to 10 percent, with the measured values for each energy load. As a results, we recommend the VAV/BPFS is a promising alternative to conventional VAV system because it is capable of reducing indoor air pollutant concentration and maintaining good indoor air quality.

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Effect of Hypothermia on the Prevention of Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury in Rats (백서에서 저체온 전처치가 환기기유발폐손상 억제에 미치는 효과)

  • Lim, Chae-Man;Hong, Sang-Bum;Koh, Youn-Suck;Shim, Tae-Sun;Lee, Sang-Do;Kim, Woo-Sung;Kim, Dong-Soon;Kim, Won-Dong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.540-548
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    • 2001
  • Backgrounds : Because ventilator-induced lung injury is partly dependent on the intensity of vascular flow, we hypothesized that hypothermia may attenuate the degree of such an injury through a reduced cardiac output. Methods : Twenty-seven male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to normothermia ($37{\pm}1^{\circ}C$)-injurious ventilation (NT-V) group (n=10), hypothermia ($27{\pm}1^{\circ}C$)-injurious ventilation (HT-V) group (n=10), or nonventilated control group (n=7). The two thermal groups were subjected to injurious mechanical ventilation for 20 min with peak airway pressure 30 cm $H_2O$ at zero positive end-expiratory pressure, which was translated to tidal volume $54{\pm}6\;ml$ in the NT-V group and $53{\pm}4\;ml$ in the HT-V group (p>0.05). Results : Pressure-volume (P-V) curve after the injurious ventilation was almost identical to the baseline P-V curve in the HT-V group, whereas it was shifted rightward in the NT-V group. On gross inspection, the lungs of the HT-V group appeared smaller in size, and showed less hemorrhage especially at the dependent regions, than the lungs of the NT-V group. [Wet lung weight (g)/body weight (kg)] ($1.6{\pm}0.1$ vs $2.4{\pm}1.2$ ; p=0.014) and [wet lung weight/dry lung weight] ($5.0{\pm}0.1$ vs $6.1{\pm}0.8$ ; p=0.046) of the HT-V group were both lower than those of the NT-V group, while not different from those of the control group($1.4{\pm}0.4$, $4.8{\pm}0.4$, respectively). Protein concentration of the BAL fluid of the HT-V group was lower than that of the NT-V group($1,374{\pm}726\;ug/ml$ vs $3,471{\pm}1,985\;ug/ml$;p=0.003). Lactic dehydrogenase level of the BAL fluid of the HT-V group was lower than that of the NT-V group ($0.18{\pm}0.10\;unit/ml$ vs $0.43{\pm}0.22\;unit/ml$;p=0.046). Conclusions : Hypothermia attenuated pulmonary hemorrhage, permeability pulmonary edema, and alveolar cellular injuries associated with injurious mechanical ventilation, and preserved normal P-V characteristics of the lung in rats.

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Effects of Inspiratory Pressure Preset on Alveolar Gas Exchange Using Anesthetic Ventilator (전시마취시 흡입압력기준의 양압조절호흡이 폐포환기 정도에 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, III-Soak;Kang, Hee-Ju;Kim, Heung-Dae
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 1988
  • The study was undertaken to determine the most adequate tidal volume when used volume preset ventilator during anesthesia. The thirty patients were received controlled mechanical ventilation with constant inspiratory pressure of 10cmH2O and respiratory frequency of 12/minute. The results were as follows : 1) The PH was $7.39{\pm}0.01$ and it is within normal limit. 2) The $PaCO_2$ was $34.0{\pm}0.6$ mmHg and it is a slightly hyperventilatory state. 3) The $PaO_2$ was $228.0{\pm}8.2$ mmHg. 4) The Buffer base was $20.7{\pm}0.3mEql$ and it is a slightly buffer base deficient state. From the above results. We concluded that if patients were fully relaxed during general anesthesia, it is desirable to maintain the inspiratory pressure of anesthetic mechanical ventilator to $10cmH_2O$ for adeguate alveolar ventilation.

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Air Contamination in an Underground Commercial Floor assayed by GAseous Pollutants, Dusts and Mutagenicity (빌딩 地下商街의 空氣性狀 및 분자의 變異原性)

  • 兪榮植
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 1987
  • There are many factors such as airtighteness and high density of merchandises or passengers that contaminate indoor air in underground commercial floor. So it is very important to know air quality and quantity of contamination in underground market increasing in number lately. It was from these viewpoints that gaseous pollutants, dusts and mutagenicity of organic compounds extracted from dusts in an underground market were investigatd. Organic ompounds (tar) were extracted by Soxhlet extractor with benzene as a solvent. Mutagenicities of these extracts were evaluated by the preincubation method using Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 and TA 98 strains with and without S9mix. The results obtained were as follows: It seemed to be under the influence of outdoor air that the concentrations of $CO, CO_2, NO, NO_2$ and dusts were higher in winter than summer. The concentration of $CO_2$ was higher in indoor than outdoor, but the concentration of NOx was similar in both sampling areas. Metal contents in dusts attached to the ventilation ducts were as follows showing in order of high concentration : Fe (9000-22000ppm), Zn(1200-2300ppm) and Pb (280-590ppm). The contents of tar were 6-33% of dusts, and higher than those from dusts collected by high volume air sampler. The extracts from dusts attached to the inlet duct exhibited lower mutagenicity than those from dusts attached to the outlet duct. This finding seemed to suggest that mutagenic substances were in creasing in underground. There was no seasonal difference of mutagenicity toward TA 98. Toward TA 100 in the presence of S9mix, the mutagenicity was about 3 fold higher in winter than summer. The mutagenicities of tar extracted from dusts collected by high volume air sampler were different from those attached to the ventilation ducts. The former showed 2-3 fold higher mutagenicity than the latter toward TA 100. However no difference showed between the former and the latter toward TA 98 in the absence of S9mix, but the former was 4-5 fold higher than the latter in the presence of S9mix.

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Correlation between Body Composition and Lung Function in Healthy Adults (정상 성인의 신체조성과 폐 기능의 연관성)

  • Kim, Hyunseung;Cho, Sunghyoun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2020
  • Purpose : We investigated the correlation between body composition and lung function in healthy adults. Methods : This study included 204 healthy adults in whom all measurements were obtained once, and all data were analyzed using the SPSS software for Windows, version 22.0. Pearson's correlation analysis was performed to determine the correlation between body composition (represented by the total body water, protein mass, soft lean mass, mineral mass, basal metabolic rate, fat-free mass, skeletal muscle mass, and body fat percentage) and lung function (represented by the forced vital capacity [FVC], forced expiratory volume in 1 second [FEV1], the FEV1/FVC ratio, maximum voluntary ventilation [MVV], maximum expiratory pressure [MEP], and the maximum inspiratory pressure [MIP]). All measurements were obtained by two investigators to improve reliability. A significance level of α=.05 was used to verify statistical significance. Results : Among the lung function measurements obtained in both men and women, the FVC, FEV1, MVV, and MIP were positively correlated with the total body water, protein mass, soft lean mass, mineral mass, basal metabolic rate, fat-free mass, and skeletal muscle mass in men (p<.05). The FEV1/FVC ratio was negatively correlated with the total body water, soft lean mass, mineral mass, basal metabolic rate, fat-free mass and the body fat percentage (p<.05). Notably, the FVC, FEV1, and MVV were positively correlated with the total body water, protein mass, soft lean mass, mineral mass, basal metabolic rate, fat-free mass, and skeletal muscle mass in women (p<.05). Conclusion : This study showed a significant correlation between body composition and lung function in healthy adults. In combination with future studies on lung function, our results can provide objective evidence regarding the importance of prevention of lung disease, and our data can be utilized in rehabilitation programs for patients with respiratory diseases.

1-D Analysis of Tandem-ejector for the Engine-bay Ventilation (엔진베이 환기용 탠덤 이젝터의 1차원 해석모델링 기법 개발)

  • Im, Ju Hyun;Kim, Myung Ho;Kim, Yeong Ryeon;Jun, Sang In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2014
  • Tandem-ejector has been devised for engine-bay cooling. In this study, 1-D model has been developed to analyze Tandem-ejector. In the model, the primary, the secondary and the tertiary flow conditions have been analyzed with isentropic process. The mixing process has been analyzed with conservation laws based on the control volume analysis. The total pressure loss of the primary flow has been analyzed under the matching condition between the static pressure of Tandem-ejector discharge flow and atmospheric pressure. Consequently, 1-D model can predict Tandem-ejector performance accurately and provide the performance map.

A Study on the Environmental Performance Level Measurement in the Lecture Room during Winter Time (동계 대학강의실 환경성능수준 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2018
  • This study is designed to measure the indoor environment and research on the environmental situation in the lecture room where the lecture is conducted during the winter time in order to understand the level of environment in the lecture room and then suggest the method of improving the environment in the lecture room in the future. The findings are as follows. First, the number of ventilation measured at Lecture Room 1 was 1.2 times/hour while that at Lecture Room 2 was 2.2 times/hour. Second, the lighting at Lecture Room 1 and 2 was 650~700 lux while the noise at Lecture Room 1 and 2 was not more than 60dB. Third, Group 1 and Group 2 felt in the same way that the air quality in the lecture room was not good when the air quality was measured in 30 minutes after the start of lecture. Fourth, both Group 1 and Group 2 showed the lowered concentration on the class in 30 minutes after the start of the class when the room was heated. But Group 1 got less drop in the concentration when they was put in the non-heated room. Fifth, As for the change in the carbon dioxide volume during lecture, the carbon dioxide volume in the room where the windows was closed rose 1,000~1,400ppm from that at the time of start, thus showing that the indoor air quality got worsened. In addition, it is hard to control the indoor temperature due to the heating and non-heating. Accordingly, it is necessary to get the heating system which can make the ventilation in order to keep the environmental level in the lecture room to a certain level and keep the proper indoor temperature.

Ventilatory Responses to Continuous Negative Pressure Breathing(CNPB) in Awake Dogs

  • Cha, Eun-Jong;Goo, Yong-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 1993
  • Ventilatory responses to inhaled $CO_2$ were measured during continuous negative pressure breathing (CNPB) in awake dogs. End expiratory lung volume (EELV) decreased linearly with pressure level during CNPB (correlation coefficient= 0.81, p<0.005) during air breathing. When CNPB was applied during 5% $CO_2$ inhalation, the decrease in EELV was not significantly different (p<0.5) from that during air breathing. As a result of a lowered EELV, tidal volume ($V_T$) significantly decreased by 22% and breathing frequency ($f_B$) increased by 68% in the steady state during air breathing (p<0.0001). These responses were similar during 5% $CO_2$ inhalation, thus the $CO_2$ response curve measured during CNPB shifted upward without a change in sensitivity (p>0.05). These results indicate additive effects of CNPB and $CO_2$ inhalation. The degree of hyperventilation during CNPB at eupnea was estimated to be 63% of that during control ventilation and was significantly greater than zero (p<0.0001), which suggests an alveolar hyperventilation due to CNPB. These results suggest that the mechanical alterations associated with n decrease in lung volume could play an important role in ventilatory control independently of chemical regulation of breathing. Thus, exercise hyperpnea, which is associated with a lowered functional residual capacity (FRC), may in part be explained by this mechanical stimulation of breathing.

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