• 제목/요약/키워드: Ventilation volume

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교통환기력에 의한 터널내 환기량 추정에 관한 연구 (Estimation of Ventilation Volume by Traffic Ventilation Force in Tunnel)

  • 김종호;이상칠;도연지;김신도
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 1995
  • This study is to estimate the ventilation volume by the traffic that originated from driving automobiles for two tunnels (Kugi tunnel and Kumhwa tunnel) that adopted natural ventilation system among tunnels of Seoul, and on the basis of which, we estimated the ventilation velume at various conditions. With the result of the estimation, we will present the basic method that can be operated with the optimum condition for the ventilation system. Estimating the predicted ventilation volume in the tennel by the pollutant concentration, we used traffic volume and CO emission data by the automobile speed and CO concentration in the tunnel. And, when we estimated the traffic ventilation volume by natural and traffic ventilation force, we used traffic volume, automobile speed, tunnel area, automobile area data and so on. As the result of simple regression between predicted ventilation volume and traffic ventilation volume, we attained the regression coefficient 0.88, and achieved the relation form that predicted ventilation volume equal 0.12x traffic ventilation volume-92, 000. Using this equation, we estimated the ventilation volume to satisfy the enviromnental standards of several space, and calculated the required volume for mechanical ventilation. Incase of Kumhwa Tunnel, there is a need of mechanical ventilation all day long to satisfy air quality standard 9 ppm for 8 hours average and 10 ppm for the indoor air quality standard of public facilities.

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개구부를 통한 의복의 환기 양상 평가 (Assessment of Clothing Ventilation through Openings)

  • 추미선
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제8권5호
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    • pp.660-667
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    • 2000
  • Clothing ventilation was investigated using a manikin wearing an impermeable overall under an isothermal condition, in which the ventilation occurred only through the openings. The ventilation volume was estimated by both microenvironment volume and ventilation rate, where, the microenvironment volume was measured by an air subsitution method and the ventilation rate by a trace gas method. Microenvironment volume of the experimental garment was about 21.0 liters. Even though it was certainly affected by the distance from the opening, the ventilation rate was more significantly influenced by the opening area and the shape of air layer in the clothing. The volume of air exchange in the clothing microenvironment was affected greatly by the microenvironment volume and the opening area, and it was different for each part of the body with bigger air exchange volume in the microenvironment of the leg as compared to that of the arm.

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백-밸브-마스크 보조장치를 이용한 환기효과 비교 (A comparison of ventilation effects using bag-valve-mask assist device)

  • 서은영;윤병길;김가은;김용석
    • 한국응급구조학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: TThe experiment was designed to compare the efficiency of ventilation between conventional BVM ventilation and a newly devised A-BVM ventilation method with Tidal volume, total ventilation rate, average Ventilation speed, and average Ventilation volume. Methods: 40 Paramedical students who agreed to participate in the study were analyzed. Values were measured using IMB PASS after 2 minutes of Brayden Pro manikin with BVM and A-BVM ventilation. The difference in general characteristics was assessed by t-test and ANOVA and the difference in ventilation methods was analyzed by IBM SPSS. Results: A significant difference was found between the two ventilation methods in terms of tidal volume (t=-11.203, p<.001), ventilation time (t=-3.834, p<.001), and optimum ventilation probability (t=10.770, p<.001). A-BVM ventilation method, rather than BVM ventilation method, showed a value close to the appropriate amount recommended by Korean Advanced Life Support (500~600mL) in tidal volume, and higher in optimum ventilation probability. Conclusion: We could identify the a better mode of ventilation. Further studies on the efficacy of existing BVM ventilation methods as compared to device augmented BVM ventilation methods should be carried out to ensure that adequate ventilation is available to patients in clinical practice.

공동주택내 다분기챔버형 환기시스템 적용을 통한 풍량분배 개선효과에 관한 연구 (Performance Evaluation of Multidrop Chamber Ventilation System in Apartment)

  • 김성수;손장열
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제21권10호
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 2009
  • It is common to design the duct branches where to supply the required air flow for individual room in residential apartment house. And TAB process is applied to control the designed air volume with adjusting volume dampers and/or supply diffusers after fully installing the ventilation system. This process has been resulted increasing the initial cost for the residential ventilation system because of man-hour and accessories such as volume control damper or diffuser. However it is difficult to adjust the air volume adequately in small air duct branches in residential ventilation system. The purpose of this study is to figure out the performance of Multidrop chamber coupling system for the residential ventilation system.

서울시내 극장내 공기조사 성적 (제4보) (극장환기에 대한 고찰)

  • 권숙표
    • 약학회지
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    • 제2권1_2호
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 1953
  • According to the results of the investigation of air condition on a movie hause in Seoul city, for the period August 1948 to August 1949, the results were considerable condition contrary to the expection due to lack of Ventilation. By the above equation, the total air ventilation volume, the avarage air volume of natural ventilation, and the air volume of artifical ventilation to be required of the seven movie hause in Seoul city are discussed (See table in page in this Journal)

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차량 배출가스 규제기준이 소요환기량에 미치는 연구 (A study on the effects of exhaust emission standards on the required ventilation rate in vehicle tunnels)

  • 김효규;류지오;송석헌;정창훈
    • 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.409-420
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    • 2017
  • 터널환기 계획시 소요환기량은 환기시설 용량을 결정하기 위한 중요한 인자이며, 소요환기량 산정을 위한 차종별 오염 물질 배출량(환기설계를 위한 기준배출량)은 현재 환경부에서 제시하는 '제작차 허용배출 기준'을 근거하여 산정하고 있다. 그러나, 2013년부터 환경부에서는 자동차에서 배출되는 오염물질을 산정하기 위한 규정으로 '자동차 총 오염물질 배출량 산정방법에 관한 규정'을 고시하고 이 규정에 '자동차 차종별 배출계수'를 제시하고 있다. 따라서 도로터널의 소요환기량 산정시 이를 적용하는 것에 대한 검토가 필요한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 2015년 경유차량의 배출가스 조작사건 이후 자동차 배출가스 규제강화에 따라 터널의 소요환기량 산정에 미치는 영향을 검토하였으며, 최근 환경부에서 개정한 '제작차 허용배출량 기준'과 '자동차 차종별 배출계수'에 의한 소요환기량과 EURO 배출기준을 적용한 소요환기량을 비교 분석하였다. 또한 소요환기량 산정 근거에 따른 합리적인 환기시스템 용량결정을 위한 기초 설계자료를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다.

소아의 기계적 환기요법 (Mechanical Ventilation of the Children)

  • 박준동
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • 제48권12호
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    • pp.1310-1316
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    • 2005
  • Mechanical ventilation in children has some differences compared to in neonates or in adults. The indication of mechanical ventilation can be classified into two groups, hypercapnic respiratory failure and hypoxemic respiratory failure. The strategies of mechanical ventilation should be different in these two groups. In hypercapnic respiratory failure, volume target ventilation with constant flow is favorable and pressure target ventilation with constant pressure is preferred in hypoxemic respiratory failure. For oxygenation, fraction of inspired oxygen($FiO_2$) and mean airway pressure(MAP) can be adjusted. MAP is more important than FiO2. Positive end expiratory pressure(PEEP) is the most potent determinant of MAP. The optimal relationship of $FiO_2$ and PEEP is PEEP≒$FiO_2{\times}20$. For ventilation, minute volume of ventilation(MV) product of tidal volume(TV) and ventilation frequency is the most important factor. TV has an maximum value up to 15 mL/kg to avoid the volutrauma, so ventilation frequency is more important. The time constant(TC) in children is usually 0.15-0.2. Adequate inspiratory time is 3TC, and expiratory time should be more than 5TC. In some severe respiratory failure, to get 8TC for one cycle is impossible because of higher frequency. In such case, permissive hypercapnia can be considered. The strategy of mechanical ventilation should be adjusted gradually even in the same patient according to the status of the patient. Mechanical ventilators and ventilation modes are progressing with advances in engineering. But the most important thing in mechanical ventilation is profound understanding about the basic pulmonary mechanics and classic ventilation modes.

Theoretical Prediction of Lung Hyperinflation(LHI) Due to Asymmetric Pressure-Flow Characteristics of Human Airways During High Frequency Ventilation (HFV)

  • Cha, Eun-Jong
    • 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 1990
  • The hypothesis of asymmetric resistance to explain the phenomenon of lung hyperinflation (LHI) during hlgh frequency ventilation (HFV) was quantitatively studied. LHI was predicted by modeling the ism-volume pressure-flow (IVPF) data from 5 human subjects using the empirical Rohrer's equation. Non-steadiness during HFV was compensated by em- ploying recently proposed volume-frequency diagram. Tidal volume and ventilation frequency were 100 ml and 20 Hz, respectively. Airflow pattern was a symmetric sinusoid. The predic- tion results of mean pressure drop across the airways were averaged for those 5 subjects, and compared with zero by one-sided student's t-test. A marginally significant (P<0.1) increase in mean pressure drop was observed during HFV at low lung volumes (below FRC) , which could increase mean lung volume up to one liter When the lung volume was above FRC, no significant LHI (P >0.25) was resulted. LHI seemed to be inversely related to the lung volume. These results recommend to clinically apply HFV only at lung volumes above FRC.

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백-밸브-마스크 환기 시 마스크 밀착방법에 따른 환기효과 비교 (Comparison of ventilation effects by mask-sealing methods during bag-valve-mask ventilation)

  • 이남종;백미례
    • 한국응급구조학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the tidal volumes and airway pressures of 3 mask-sealing methods (one hand C-E, two hands C-E, and one hand O-E) for ventilation treatment. Methods: The study subjects were 45 paramedic students. Tidal volume was measured for the three sealing methods by setting a ventilator, connecting it to the masks for 2 minutes, and using Respi-trainer software. Results: Regarding general characteristics, the group of men, in upper grades, and with practical training experience and experience and experience in the implementation of bag-valve-mask ventilation provided higher tidal volumes. Regarding physical characteristics, larger hands and greater grip strength correlated with higher tidal volume. Two hands C-E generated the highest tidal volume of $483.78{\pm}34.14mL$, one hand O-E generated $449.59{\pm}51.09mL$ and one hand C-E generated $394.31{\pm}68.95mL$. Conclusion: Means of tidal volumes were statistically significantly different based on mask sealing methods (p<.001). Two hand C-E was performed by the two-persons task and was suggested as the most effective method. For the one-person task, one hand O-E was the more effective method compared to the previous one hand C-E.

폐용적과 폐기능 환기장애에 대한 유의성 평가 (Significance Evaluation of Lung Volume and Pulmonary Dysfunction)

  • 김지율;예수영
    • 한국방사선학회논문지
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.767-773
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구에서는 폐용적에 영향을 미치는 관련 인자들과 폐기능 환기장애에 대한 유의성을 평가하고자 하였다. 실험대상으로는 저선량 흉부 CT검사와 폐활량검사를 동시에 수행한 정상 성인 남·여 206명을 선정하였으며 실험방법으로는 저선량 흉부 CT검사로 획득한 폐 CT 영상을 이용하여 폐용적을 딥러닝 기반의 AVIEW LCS 자동진단 프로그램을 이용하여 측정하였다. 그리고 폐활량계를 이용하여 폐기능을 측정한 결과를 획득하였으며 폐용적에 영향을 미치는 관련 인자로 성별 및 BMI를 선정하여 폐용적과의 독립표본 T-test를 통하여 유의성을 평가하고자 하였다. 실험결과 성별에 따른 폐용적의 평가에서 남성의 모든 폐용적이 여성의 모든 폐용적보다 크다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 성별 및 폐용적에 대한 각각의 평균값을 이용한 독립표본 T-test 결과 남성이 여성보다 모든 폐용적이 더 크다는 결과는 유의한 결과를 나타내었다(p<0.001). 그리고 BMI 지수에 따른 폐용적의 평가에서 BMI 지수 24 이상의 성인의 모든 폐용적이 BMI 지수 24 미만의 모든 폐용적보다 크다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 BMI 지수 및 폐용적에 대한 각각의 평균값을 이용한 독립표본 T-test 결과 BMI 지수 24 이상이 BMI 지수 24 미만보다 모든 폐용적이 더 크다는 결과는 유의한 결과를 나타내지 않았다(p<0.055). 폐기능 환기장애 유무에 따른 폐용적의 평가에서 폐기능 환기 정상성인의 모든 폐용적이 폐기능 환기 장애성인의 모든 폐용적보다 크다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 폐기능 환기장애 유무 및 폐용적에 대한 각각의 평균값을 이용한 독립표본 T-test 결과 폐기능 환기 정상성인이 폐기능 환기 장애성인보다 모든 폐용적이 더 크다는 결과는 유의한 결과를 나타내었다(p<0.001). 폐용적과 폐활량 검사 결과는 폐 건강을 평가하는데 가장 중요한 지표이며, 이 두 지표를 함께 사용하여 폐 기능을 평가하는 것이 가장 정확한 평가 방법이다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 폐용적과 폐활량 검사에 대한 향후 유사 연구 시 폐기능 환기 정상 성인과 폐기능 환기 장애 성인에 대한 폐용적 평균값을 제시하여 기초자료로 활용될 것이라고 사료된다.