• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vegetation Cover

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Analysis of Plant Height, Crop Cover, and Biomass of Forage Maize Grown on Reclaimed Land Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology

  • Dongho, Lee;Seunghwan, Go;Jonghwa, Park
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2023
  • Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and sensor technologies are rapidly developing and being usefully utilized for spatial information-based agricultural management and smart agriculture. Until now, there have been many difficulties in obtaining production information in a timely manner for large-scale agriculture on reclaimed land. However, smart agriculture that utilizes sensors, information technology, and UAV technology and can efficiently manage a large amount of farmland with a small number of people is expected to become more common in the near future. In this study, we evaluated the productivity of forage maize grown on reclaimed land using UAV and sensor-based technologies. This study compared the plant height, vegetation cover ratio, fresh biomass, and dry biomass of maize grown on general farmland and reclaimed land in South Korea. A biomass model was constructed based on plant height, cover ratio, and volume-based biomass using UAV-based images and Farm-Map, and related estimates were obtained. The fresh biomass was estimated with a very precise model (R2 =0.97, root mean square error [RMSE]=3.18 t/ha, normalized RMSE [nRMSE]=8.08%). The estimated dry biomass had a coefficient of determination of 0.86, an RMSE of 1.51 t/ha, and an nRMSE of 12.61%. The average plant height distribution for each field lot was about 0.91 m for reclaimed land and about 1.89 m for general farmland, which was analyzed to be a difference of about 48%. The average proportion of the maize fraction in each field lot was approximately 65% in reclaimed land and 94% in general farmland, showing a difference of about 29%. The average fresh biomass of each reclaimed land field lot was 10 t/ha, which was about 36% lower than that of general farmland (28.1 t/ha). The average dry biomass in each field lot was about 4.22 t/ha in reclaimed land and about 8 t/ha in general farmland, with the reclaimed land having approximately 53% of the dry biomass of the general farmland. Based on these results, UAV and sensor-based images confirmed that it is possible to accurately analyze agricultural information and crop growth conditions in a large area. It is expected that the technology and methods used in this study will be useful for implementing field-smart agriculture in large reclaimed areas.

The Impact of Environmental Characteristics in the Geumho River Watershed on Stream Water Quality (금호강 유역의 환경특성이 하천수질에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2003
  • There has recently been an increasing interest of the watershed management as a solution to a wide range of problems related water environment, therefore this study attempted to construct the environment information system to monitor the Geumho River watershed, and to evaluate the impacts of the watershed characteristics on stream water quality. A detailed GIS database to analyze the environmental characteristics at the subwatershed units, including 1:25,000 scale topographical maps, detailed soil maps, land use, 10m-resolution DEMs, roads, streams, vegetation index(NDVI) calculated from Landsat TM imagery, rainfall, and soil loss using RUSLE, is compiled for the study area. The set of variables representing watershed urbanization or industrialization, residential and commercial landuse, industrial landuse, and road area have significantly negative(-) relationship with water quality variables(BOD, COD, SS, T-N, T-P). On the other hand, watershed indicators related to natural environmental conditions, forest cover and vegetation index(NDVI) in each subwatershed were significantly positive(+) relationship with water quality. Three other variables, agricultural landuse, amount of fertilizer and pesticides, and potential soil loss, were not significant in explaining the correlations between watershed environment and stream water quality.

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Comparison of Topographic, Vegetation, Scenic Resource Distribution between Natural Preservation Zone and Natural Environment Zone in Mt. Teogyu National Park (덕유산(德裕山) 국립공원(國立公園)의 자연보존지구(自然保存地區)와 자연환경지구(自然環境地區)의 지형(地形), 식생(植生), 경관자원(景觀字源)의 분포(分布) 비교(比較))

  • Lee, Chahng-Hah;Ahn, Seung-Mahn;Lee, Kyoo-Seock
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 1998
  • Zoning areas within national parks in Korea are classified into Natural Preservation Zone(NPZ). Natural Environment Zone(NEZ), Settlement Zone(SZ) and Mass Facility Zone(MFZ) based on the Natural Park Act Large-scale development which might cause permanent destruction of natural resources are being done in NEZ which covers 90% of the total natural park area. Thus it is necessary to examine National Park Act which refers the authorized criteria and development activities of NEZ. However, the current environmental impact statement(EIS) does not cover the full impact of the development inside the national park area. Based on these concepts, the study examines the appropriate resources to distinguish the NPZ and NEZ in Mt. Teogyu National Park, then compare the distribution of resource characteristics between two area by using GIS. Through this study, the conclusions are as follows; (1) In terms of scenic resource analysis, the current NPZ does not meet the criteria on the National Park Act Rather, most of the resources which should be located within the NPZ are located within the NEZ. (2) In terms of elevation analysis, Mt. Teogyu National Park, most of NPZ are located on high altitude which is more than l,200m above the mean sea level. Therefore, it shows the elevation is the only criteria for distinguishing NPZ and NEZ. (3) In terms of Degree of Green Naturality(DGN), the second forest areas, the eighth grade of DGN in Mt. Teogyu National Park are distributed much more in the NEZ than NPZ. (4) After examining five factors - scenic resources, elevation, slope and DGN, vegetation- it was found out that zoning of Mt. Teogyu National Park is not adequatly designated. Zoning of national parks should be accomplished based on the precise inventory of the current resources.

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Predicting the Potential Distributions of Invasive Species Using the Landsat Imagery and Maxent : Focused on "Ambrosia trifida L. var. trifida" in Korean Demilitarized Zone (위성영상과 Maxent를 활용한 생태계교란생물 분포지역 예측 : DMZ의 단풍잎돼지풀을 대상으로)

  • Park, Hyun-Chul;Lim, Jeong-Cheol;Lee, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Gwan-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2017
  • This study has been carried out for the purpose of predicting the potential habitat sites of invasive alien plants in the DMZ and providing the basic data for decision-making in managing the future DMZ natural environment. From 2007 to 2015, this study collected the data for the advent of Ambrosia trifida var. trifida through fieldwork around the DMZ area, and simulated the potential distribution area of Ambrosia trifida var. trifida using Maxent model among the models of species distributions. As a result, it showed that the potential distribution area of the Ambrosia trifida var. trifida was concentrated in the western DMZ with relatively low altitude and scanty in the central east regions with relatively high elevation and forest cover rate. Because the invasive alien vegetation is a significant threatening factor in the agriculture and restoration of ecology and it costs a lot to restore the area already invaded by invasive alien vegetation, advance precautions are necessary to prevent biological invasions. It is expected that it is possible to predict the disturbed ecosystems through this study for the efficient land use within DMZ in the future and to apply this study in setting up the areas for the development and conservation within the DMZ.

Development of Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Algorithm from the MTSAT-2 Data

  • Kim, Ji-Hyun;Suh, Myoung-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.653-662
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    • 2011
  • Land surface temperature (LST) is a one of the key variables of land surface which can be estimated from geostationary meteorological satellite. In this study, we have developed the three sets of LST retrieval algorithm from MTSAT-2 data through the radiative transfer simulations under various atmospheric profiles (TIGR data), satellite zenith angle, spectral emissivity, and surface lapse rate conditions using MODTRAN 4. The three LST algorithms are daytime, nighttime and total LST algorithms. The weighting method based on the solar zenith angle is developed for the consistent retrieval of LST at the early morning and evening time. The spectral emissivity of two thermal infrared channels is estimated by using vegetation coverage method with land cover map and 15-day normalized vegetation index data. In general, the three LST algorithms well estimated the LST without regard to the satellite zenith angle, water vapour amount, and surface lapse rate. However, the daytime LST algorithm shows a large bias especially for the warm LST (> 300 K) at day time conditions. The night LST algorithm shows a relatively large error for the LST (260 ~ 280K) at the night time conditions. The sensitivity analysis showed that the performance of weighting method is clearly improved regardless of the impacting conditions although the improvements of the weighted LST compared to the total LST are quite different according to the atmospheric and surface lapse rate conditions. The validation results of daytime (nighttime) LST with MODIS LST showed that the correlation coefficients, bias and RMSE are about 0.62~0.93 (0.44~0.83), -1.47~1.53 (-1.80~0.17), and 2.25~4.77 (2.15~4.27), respectively. However, the performance of daytime/nighttime LST algorithms is slightly degraded compared to that of the total LST algorithm.

Analysis about Habitat of Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra L. by Using GIS in the River Ungok of North-Kyongsang Province (GIS를 이용한 경북 봉화군 운곡천 수달(Lutra lutra Linnaeus, 1758)의 서식지 분석)

  • 정종철;조영석
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2004
  • This Study was Analysis about Habitat of Eurasian otter Lutra lutra L. In October 2002 during September 2003, Otter Spraints and Sprainting site were searched in river Unkog of North-Kyongsang Province for taking the GPS coordinates. For Analysis of habitat, This data were used by Arcview ver. 3.2 with 1/25000 Topology Map and Other Field data. The result of Habitat Analysis meant that Habitat use was strongly related to Fish diversity and richness also vegetation and cover were connected with otter habitat. In other hand, The Human interferences including dense structures like House acted as factor of disturbance. This study suggest that The preceding about Suitable habitat having free of Human disturbance, abundant fish and good vegetation is essential In Trial for Conservation or Recovery of Otter like Trans-location.

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Analysis of Treatment Efficiency according to Open-water in Constructed Wetland (인공습지 내 개방수역 조성에 따른 처리효율분석)

  • Kim, Hyung-Chul;Yoon, Chun-Gyeong;Um, Han-Yong;Kim, Hyung-Jung;Haam, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.709-717
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    • 2008
  • The field scale experiment which is constructed with four sets (0.88 ha for each set) of wetland (0.8 ha) and pond (0.08 ha) systems was performed to examine the effect of plant coverage on the constructed wetland performance and to recommend the optimum development and management of macrophyte communities. After six growing seasons of wetlands, plant coverage was about 100%. And the concentration of DO showed low value (1.0~5.4 mg/L). This is caused by a blighted plant consumed dissolved oxygen with decay in water column. As the result, water column went to be anaerobic conditions and T-N removal rate are 58~67%. Dead vegetation increased nitrogen removal during winter because it is a source of organic carbon which is an essential parameter in denitrification. However, wetland released phosphorus caused by a blighted plant and accumulation, the removal rate of phosphorus might be decreased. To rise of DO concentration, the three open-waters were constructed in cell 3 and 4. Cell 3 has two open-waters (width 10 m, depth 1.8 m) and cell 4 has one open-water (width 20 m, depth 1.8 m). As the result, DO concentration and treatment efficiency of nutrient and BOD were improved. In case that constructed wetland is operated for a long time, physical circulation structure such as open water help continuous circulation of aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Through the constructed open-water, treatment efficiency of phosphorus and nitrogen in wetland could be improved effectively.

The Lichen Flora of Oases of Continental Antarctic, and the Ecological Adaptations of Antarctic Lichens

  • Andreev, Mikhail
    • 한국균학회소식:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.10a
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    • pp.24-28
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    • 2006
  • Author have studies lichen flora of the most important ice-free areas of Continental Antarctic: Bunger Hills, and the vicinity of Prudz Bay (Larsemann Hills, and Radok Lake in Prince Charles Mountains). Totally 44 lichen species from 22 genera were reported for Bunger Hills and 50 lichen species from 22 genera and 10 families: Acarosporaceae, Lecanoraceae, Lecideaceae, Parmeliaceae, Pertusariaceae, Physciaceae, Rhizocarpaceae, Stereocaulaceae, Theloschistaceae, and Umbilicariaceaewere reported for the Prudz Bay Region. 20 lichen species were found in the region for the first time. Phytogeographic analysis indicated a relatively high proportion of species with bipolar distribution - about 50% of recorded lichen species. About 30% of lichens normally don't extend into maritime zone occurring in continental Antarctic only. The most common lichen families in the region are Buelliaceae, Lecanoraceae and Teloschistaceae. The water supply and not a temperature is the critical factor for lichens in the Continental Antarctic. Moisture appears to be supplied for lichens not only from snow-melt water but mainly from air. In Maritime Antarctic, due to high air humidity macrolichens form communities everywhere (Himantormia, Usnea and Umbilicaria). In oases of Continental Antarctic extensive sites are lacking in lichen cover, even if the ground is normally snow free. Lichens occur at humid sites with moisture which were brought by winds over the ice cap and poorly developed or absent in dry areas. Of particular significance for lichens are substrate characteristics, animals influence and salinity brought by wind in coastal areas. Most rich lichen vegetation developed in oases around nests of snow petrels, where the melt water is enriched by nutrients. In contrast, the most pure vegetation is on mobile sand and gravel and in salted coastal habitats.

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A Study on the Slope Ecological Restoration and Revegetation Models of the Baekdu-Mountain Range (백두대간 절토 비탈면의 생태복원녹화 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Choon;Nam, Un-Jung;Shin, Kyung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.72-84
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    • 2008
  • Since enactment of the Baekdu-Mountain Range protection law in Dec. 31st 2003, great interest arose in recovery of the natural environment in the Baekdu-Mountain Range. Since the Baekdu-Mountain Range has formed boundaries between different regions and it is the mountain that crosses our country from East to West, there are so many roads that penetrate this area. Slopes made by the construction of roads have poor foundation for the growth of vegetation and it takes a long period to restore only with natural restoration force. For this reason, various methods of revegetation to restore the damages are implemented but until now, revegetation of domestic soil cutting slopes are mainly covered by foreign import grasses to stabilize and cover grounds early. As we depended upon foreign import grasses for slopes revegetation, the landscape did not match in harmony with surrounding vegetation and therefore, we could see that these foreign grasses are withered in 2~3 years after the revegetation works and slopes become barren again. However, currently, there are no applicable standards for designs of green hill, desirable revegetation methods for the hill areas, roads and recovery models. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the status of revegetation plants and revegetation methods for the hill areas of the Baekdu-Mountain Range (azimuth, degree of tilt, and tilted places). Based on this, we attempted to find the desirable recovery models for the hill areas of the Baekdu-Mountain Range.

Evaluation of Future Climate Change Impact on Streamflow of Gyeongancheon Watershed Using SLURP Hydrological Model

  • Ahn, So-Ra;Ha, Rim;Lee, Yong-Jun;Park, Geun-Ae;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2008
  • The impact on streamflow and groundwater recharge considering future potential climate and land use change was assessed using SLURP (Semi-distributed Land-Use Runoff Process) continuous hydrologic model. The model was calibrated and verified using 4 years (1999-2002) daily observed streamflow data for a $260.4km^2$ which has been continuously urbanized during the past couple of decades. The model was calibrated and validated with the coefficient of determination and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency ranging from 0.8 to 0.7 and 0.7 to 0.5, respectively. The CCCma CGCM2 data by two SRES (Special Report on Emissions Scenarios) climate change scenarios (A2 and B2) of the IPCC (Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change) were adopted and the future weather data was downscaled by Delta Change Method using 30 years (1977 - 2006, baseline period) weather data. The future land uses were predicted by CA (Cellular Automata)-Markov technique using the time series land use data of Landsat images. The future land uses showed that the forest and paddy area decreased 10.8 % and 6.2 % respectively while the urban area increased 14.2 %. For the future vegetation cover information, a linear regression between monthly NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) from NOAA/AVHRR images and monthly mean temperature using five years (1998 - 2002) data was derived for each land use class. The future highest NDVI value was 0.61 while the current highest NDVI value was 0.52. The model results showed that the future predicted runoff ratio ranged from 46 % to 48 % while the present runoff ratio was 59 %. On the other hand, the impact on runoff ratio by land use change showed about 3 % increase comparing with the present land use condition. The streamflow and groundwater recharge was big decrease in the future.