• Title/Summary/Keyword: Valve Leak

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Development of IoT-based Safety Management Method through an Analysis of Risk Factors for Industrial Valves (산업용 밸브의 위험요소 분석을 통한 IoT 기반 안전관리 방안 개발)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Young-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2019
  • The safety of industrial valves, which are the core parts of plant facilities, are managed by manpower and there are difficulties because of side area for inspection and limited accessibility due to the nature of facilities. The industrial valves used in plant facilities cause problems such as interrupted production; a loss of life due to leak or explosion of poisonous material and flammable gases, and difficulty in locating accident positions in the event of leakage or failure. Therefore, safety management and control systems based on IoT technology are needed. This study is about the development of risk factor prediction technique among the safety management of industrial valves through IoT- based wireless communication and the development of actuator control system. We have developed IoT-based industrial valve safety management techniques to prevent accidents caused by main risk factors by conducting an analysis of the structural characteristics of valves and an analysis of the causes of main risk factors through review of failure data and literature and an analysis of accident scenarios.

TMP 1000L/s 급 database 구축 및 종합특성평가시스템 진단 기술 개발

  • Gang, Sang-Baek;Sin, Jin-Hyeon;Cha, Deok-Jun;Jeong, Wan-Seop;Im, Jong-Yeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2010.02a
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    • pp.335-335
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    • 2010
  • 한국표준과학연구원 진공센터에서는 국제규격에 바탕을 둔 저진공펌프 종합특성평가시스템을 구축하여 $1100mbar\;{\sim}\;10^{-3}mbar$ 압력 영역에서의 저진공펌프(roots, dry 등)류의 종합특성평가를 시행하고 있다. 저진공펌프 종합특성평가시스템은 국제적 절차에 따른 신뢰성을 바탕으로 구축하고 있으나, 한국표준과학연구원 진공센터 뿐만 아니라, 국내에서도 고진공 종합특성평가 시스템을 구축 하고 있지 않다. 이에 반도체/디스플레이 등 첨단 공정에서 진공 환경을 조성하는 핵심장비인 고진공펌프의 종합특성평가시스템을 개발하고자 터보펌프(TMP) 1000L/s 급의 database를 구축 하였다. 터보펌프(TMP)는 throughput method와 orifice method 두 가지 방법을 병행하여 pumping speed 측정한다. orifice method는 일종의 미세유량 측정 장치이며, 실험값과 계산값 유량의 오차 범위가 작고 신뢰성을 확보하면 throughput method 만으로 측정할 수 있다. Througput method는 $10^{-6}mbar$ 압력 이상의 영역을 측정하며, ultimate pressure 및 $150^{\circ}C$의 bake-out 을 진행하여 base pressure을 측정 할 수 있으며, $10^{-6}mbar$ 압력 이상의 pumping speed를 측정 할 수 있다. 이에 따른 정압형 유량시스템을 개발 중에 있으며, inlet pressure와 outlet pressure를 이용한 compression ratio를 측정 한다. Orifice method는 ultimate pressure와 base pressure을 측정하며, leak valve를 이용한 컨덕턴스(C)로 pressure ratio을 이용하여 유량값을 계산하며, $10^{-6}mbar$ 압력 이하의 pumping speed를 측정할 수 있다. 또한 throughput method와 orifice method의 pumping speed 뿐만 아니라 소비전력 및 소음, 진동, 온도 등 특성평가 관련 사항들의 전반적인 사항을 평가하여 터보펌프(TMP) 1000L/s 급의 database를 구축한다. 향후 예비 실험을 통한 고진공펌프의 종합특성평가시스템을 완비해 나가며, 고진공펌프 종합 특성평가시스템을 통하여 국제적으로 공인받을 수 있는 평가기준을 확립하고 그 기준에 의한 진공/기계적 성능의 전방위적인 종합특성진단과 공정대응성 평가 등 국제적 기술 신뢰성을 확보하고자 한다.

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Reoperations on the Aortic Root and Ascending Aorta (대동맥근부 혹은 상행대동맥의 재수술)

  • Baek, Man-Jong;Na, Chan-Young;Kim, Woong-Han;Oh, Sam-Se;Kim, Soo-Cheol;Lim, Cheong;Ryu, Jae-Wook;Kong, Joon-Hyuk;Kim, Wook-Sung;Lee, Young-Tak;Moon, Hyun-Soo;Park, Young-Kwan;Kim, Chong-Whan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.188-198
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    • 2002
  • Background: Reoperations on the aortic root or the ascending aorta are being performed with increasing frequency and remain a challenging problem. This study was performed to analyze the results of reoperations on the ascending aorta and aortic root. Material and Method: Between May 1995 and April 2001, 30 patients had reoperations on the ascending aorta and aortic root and were reviewed retrospectively. The mean interval between the previous repair and the actual reoperation was 56 months(range 3 to 142 months). Seven patients(23.3%) had two or more previous operations. The indications for reoperations were true aneurysm in 7 patients(23.3%), prosthetic valve endocarditis in 6(20%), false aneurysm in 5(16.7%), paravalvular leak associated with Behcet's disease in 4(13.3%), malfunction of prosthetic aortic valve in 4(13.3%), aortic dissection in 3(10%), and annuloaortic ectasia in 1(3.3%). The principal reoperations performed were aortic root replacement in 17 patients(56.7%), replacement of the ascending aorta in 8(26.7%), aortic and mitral valve replacement with reconstruction of fibrous trigone in 2(6.6%), patch aortoplasty in 2(6.6%), and aortic valve replacement after Bentall operation in 1 (3.3%). The cardiopulmonary bypass was started before sternotomy in 7 patients and the hypothermic circulatory arrest was used in 16(53.3%). The mean time of circulatory arrest, total bypass, and aortic crossclamp were 20$\pm$ 12 minutes, 228$\pm$56 minutes, and 143$\pm$62 minutes, respectively Result: There were three early deaths(10%). The postoperative complications were reoperation for bleeding in 7 patients(23.3%), cardiac complications in 5(16.7%), transient acute renal failure in 2(6.6%), transient focal seizure in 2(6.6%), and the others in 5. The mean follow-up was 22.8 $\pm$20.5 months. There were two late deaths(7.4%). The actuarial survival was 92.6$\pm$5.0% at 6 years. One patient required reoperation for complication of reoperation on the ascending aorta and aortic root(3.7%). The 1- and 6-year actuarial freedom from reoperation was 100% and 83.3$\pm$15.2%, respectively. One patient with Behcet's disease are waiting for reoperation due to false aneurysm, which developed after aortic root replacement with homograft. There were no thromboembolisms or anticoagulant related complications. Conclusions: This study suggests that reoperations on the ascending aorta and aortic root can be performed with acceptable early mortality and morbidity, and adequate surgical strategies according to the pathologi conditions are critical to the prevention of the reoperation.

Clinical Analysis of Disease Recurrence for the Patients with Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (이차성 자연기흉 환자의 재발양상에 관한 분석)

  • Ryu, Kyoung-Min;Kim, Sam-Hyun;Seo, Pil-Won;Park, Seong-Sik;Ryu, Jae-Wook;Kim, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.619-624
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    • 2008
  • Background: Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax is caused by various underlying lung diseases, and this is despite that primary spontaneous pneumotherax is caused by rupture of subpleural blebs. The treatment algorithm for secondary pneumothorax is different from that for primary pneumothorax. We studied the recurrence rate, the characteristics of recurrence and the treatment outcomes of the patients with secondary spontaneous pneumothorax. Material and Method: Between March 2005 to March 2007, 85 patients were treated for their first episodes of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax. We analyzed the characteristics and factors for recurrence of secondary spontaneous pneumothorax by conducting a retrospective review of the medical records. Result: The most common underlying lung disease was pulmonary tuberculosis (49.4%), and the second was chronic obstructive lung disease (27.6%), The recurrence rate was 47.1% (40/85). The second and third recurrence rates were 10.9% and 3.5%, respectively. The mean follow up period was $21.1{\pm}6.7$ months (range: $0{\sim}36$ month). For the recurrence cases, 70.5% of them occurred within a year after the first episode. The success rates according to the treatment modalities were thoracostomy 47.6%, chemical pleurodesis 74.4%, blob resection 71% and Heimlich valve application 50%. Chemical pleurodesis through the chest tube was the most effective method of treatment. The factor that was most predictive of recurrence was 'an air-leak of 7 days or more' at the first episode. (p=0.002) Conclusion: The patients who have a prolonged air-leak at the first episode of pneumothorax tend to have a higher incidence of recurrence. Further studies with more patients are necessary to determine the standard treatment protocol for secondary spontaneous pneumothorax.

Study on the Damage Pattern Analysis of a 3 Phase 22.9/3.3kV Oil Immersed Transformer and Judgment of the Cause of Its Ignition (3상 22.9/3.3kV 유입변압기의 소손패턴 해석 및 발화원인 판정에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Chung-Seog
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.1274-1279
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this paper is to present the manufacturing defect and damage pattern of a 3 phase 22.9/3.3kV oil immersed transformer, as well as to present an objective basis for the prevention of a similar accident and to secure data for the settlement of PL related disputes. It was found that in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents to transformers, insulating oil analysis, thermal image measurement, and corona discharge diagnosis, etc., were performed by establishing relevant regulation. The result of analysis performed on the external appearance of a transformer to which an accident occurred, the internal insulation resistance and protection system, etc., showed that most of the analysis items were judged to be acceptable. However, it was found that the insulation characteristics between the primary winding and the enclosure, those between the ground and the secondary winding, and those between the primary and secondary windings were inappropriate due to an insulating oil leak caused by damage to the pressure relief valve. From the analysis of the acidity values measured over the past 5 years, it is thought that an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) caused an increase in the temperature inside the transformer and the increase in the ethylene gas increased the possibility of ignition. Even though 17 years have passed since the transformer was installed, it was found that the system's design, manufacture, maintenance and management have been performed well and the insulating paper was in good condition, and that there was no trace of public access or vandalism. However, in the case of transformers to which accidents have occurred, a melted area between the upper and the intermediate bobbins of the W-phase secondary winding as well as between its intermediate and lower bobbins. It can be seen that a V-pattern was formed at the carbonized area of the transformer and that the depth of the carbonization is deeper at the upper side than the lower side. In addition, it was found that physical bending and deformation occurred inside the secondary winding due to non-uniform pressure while performing transformer winding work. Therefore, since it is obvious that the accident occurred due to a manufacturing defect (winding work defect), it is thought that the manufacturer of the transformer is responsible for the accident and that it is lawful for the manufacture to investigate and prove the concrete cause of the accident according to the Product Liability Law (PLL).


  • Webster, John G.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1992 no.05
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 1992
  • Engineers have developed new instruments that aid in diagnosis and therapy Ultrasonic imaging has provided a nondamaging method of imaging internal organs. A complex transducer emits ultrasonic waves at many angles and reconstructs a map of internal anatomy and also velocities of blood in vessels. Fast computed tomography permits reconstruction of the 3-dimensional anatomy and perfusion of the heart at 20-Hz rates. Positron emission tomography uses certain isotopes that produce positrons that react with electrons to simultaneously emit two gamma rays in opposite directions. It locates the region of origin by using a ring of discrete scintillation detectors, each in electronic coincidence with an opposing detector. In magnetic resonance imaging, the patient is placed in a very strong magnetic field. The precessing of the hydrogen atoms is perturbed by an interrogating field to yield two-dimensional images of soft tissue having exceptional clarity. As an alternative to radiology image processing, film archiving, and retrieval, picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) are being implemented. Images from computed radiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, and ultrasound are digitized, transmitted, and stored in computers for retrieval at distributed work stations. In electrical impedance tomography, electrodes are placed around the thorax. 50-kHz current is injected between two electrodes and voltages are measured on all other electrodes. A computer processes the data to yield an image of the resistivity of a 2-dimensional slice of the thorax. During fetal monitoring, a corkscrew electrode is screwed into the fetal scalp to measure the fetal electrocardiogram. Correlations with uterine contractions yield information on the status of the fetus during delivery To measure cardiac output by thermodilution, cold saline is injected into the right atrium. A thermistor in the right pulmonary artery yields temperature measurements, from which we can calculate cardiac output. In impedance cardiography, we measure the changes in electrical impedance as the heart ejects blood into the arteries. Motion artifacts are large, so signal averaging is useful during monitoring. An intraarterial blood gas monitoring system permits monitoring in real time. Light is sent down optical fibers inserted into the radial artery, where it is absorbed by dyes, which reemit the light at a different wavelength. The emitted light travels up optical fibers where an external instrument determines O2, CO2, and pH. Therapeutic devices include the electrosurgical unit. A high-frequency electric arc is drawn between the knife and the tissue. The arc cuts and the heat coagulates, thus preventing blood loss. Hyperthermia has demonstrated antitumor effects in patients in whom all conventional modes of therapy have failed. Methods of raising tumor temperature include focused ultrasound, radio-frequency power through needles, or microwaves. When the heart stops pumping, we use the defibrillator to restore normal pumping. A brief, high-current pulse through the heart synchronizes all cardiac fibers to restore normal rhythm. When the cardiac rhythm is too slow, we implant the cardiac pacemaker. An electrode within the heart stimulates the cardiac muscle to contract at the normal rate. When the cardiac valves are narrowed or leak, we implant an artificial valve. Silicone rubber and Teflon are used for biocompatibility. Artificial hearts powered by pneumatic hoses have been implanted in humans. However, the quality of life gradually degrades, and death ensues. When kidney stones develop, lithotripsy is used. A spark creates a pressure wave, which is focused on the stone and fragments it. The pieces pass out normally. When kidneys fail, the blood is cleansed during hemodialysis. Urea passes through a porous membrane to a dialysate bath to lower its concentration in the blood. The blind are able to read by scanning the Optacon with their fingertips. A camera scans letters and converts them to an array of vibrating pins. The deaf are able to hear using a cochlear implant. A microphone detects sound and divides it into frequency bands. 22 electrodes within the cochlea stimulate the acoustic the acoustic nerve to provide sound patterns. For those who have lost muscle function in the limbs, researchers are implanting electrodes to stimulate the muscle. Sensors in the legs and arms feed back signals to a computer that coordinates the stimulators to provide limb motion. For those with high spinal cord injury, a puff and sip switch can control a computer and permit the disabled person operate the computer and communicate with the outside world.

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