• Title/Summary/Keyword: Value-added weight

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A Study on the Shape Optimization of a Cutout Using Evolutionary Structural Optimization Method (진화 구조 최적화 기법을 이용한 개구부의 형상 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • 류충현;이영신
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.369-372
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    • 2000
  • ESO(Evolutionary Structural Optimization) method is known that elements involved low stress value are removed from the previous model or that elements are added around elements involved high stress level on it and then the optimized model is obtained with required weight. Rejection ratio/addition ratio and evolutionary ratio are predefined and elements having lower/higher stress than reference stress, which average Mises stress on edge elements times rejection ratio, are deleted/added. In this study, when the plate having a cutout is subjected various in-plane load, a cutout shape is optimized using ESO method. ANSYS is used to analyse a finite element model and optimization procedure is made by APDL (ANSYS Parametric Design Language). ESO method is useful in rather than a complex structure optimization as well as a cutout shape optimization.

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Compression Characteristics of Waste Tire Powder-Added Lightweight Soil (폐타이어 분말을 이용한 혼합경량토의 압축특성 연구)

  • Kang, Hyo-Sub;Kim, Yun-Tae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.774-781
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to research on compressibility characteristics of waste tire powder-added lightweight soil(TLS) for recycling dredged soil, bottom ash and waste tire. The TLS used in this experiment consists of dredged soil, cement, waste tire powder and bottom ash. Test specimens were prepared with various content of waste tire powder ranged from 0% to 100% at 25% intervals by the dried weight of dredged soil. Several series of one-dimensional consolidation tests were carried out. Based on the experimental results, as the waste tire powder increased, the swelling index of TLS increased. The compression index and swelling index of the TLS with bottom ash content showed lower value than without bottom ash. Then, compressibility characteristics of TLS were strongly influenced by mixing conditions of waste tire powder content and bottom ash content.

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Thermoplasticization of Wood by Benzylation (벤질화에 의한 목재의 열가소화)

  • Han, Gyu-Seong;Kim, Eun-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 1994
  • The methods in wood processing are so limited at present that a scope of its utilization is restricted. This often makes wood itself less valuable as a material comparing with other materials, that is, plastics, metals, and glass. Such differences are due to a lack of plasticity in wood, i.e. it cannot be melted, dissolved, or softened sufficiently for molding. However, once plastic properties are added to wood, it becomes more useful material. This further broadens the method in wood processing to a variety of fields. In this way, wooden material which is limited in use can be modified into a high quality product with additional value. Furthermore, utilization of wastes from wood, for example, would be made viable. In this study, thermoplasticization was carried out by benzylation of wood(sawdust). Various factors those affect the reaction were tested to produce benzylated wood with different degrees of substitution. Reaction temperature and time were the quite important factors. Optimum reaction temperature was 110$^{\circ}C$, and weight percent gains(WPG) of final products increased gradually with the increase of reaction time. The pretreatment (or preswelling) of wood with alkaline solution had a critical effect on benzylation. and the concentration of alkaline solution should be above 30% to obtain high weight percent gain. The thermal flow temperature of the benzylated wood decreased with the increase in weight percent gain, that of 80% weight percent gain is about 200$^{\circ}C$.

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Development of Value-added Macaronè with Perilla frutescens Powders and Their Physiological Characteristics (자일로스와 들깨를 이용한 기능성 마카롱 개발 및 생리활성 품질 분석)

  • Lee, Min-Woo;Choi, Soo-Yong;Yoo, Kyung-Mi;Lim, Soo-Yeon;Jung, Woo-Seok;Hwang, In-Kyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of Perilla frutescens powder on physiological and sensory characteristics in macaron$\grave{e}$. The perilla powders were added to macaron$\grave{e}$ at a weight percentage of 0, 2.5 and 4%. Color values (L-value, redness and yellowness index), total phenolics, DPPH radical scavenging activity, textures, total sugar contents and sensory characteristics of macaron$\grave{e}$ made with varying levels of perilla powder were measured. In sensory evaluation, significant differences (p<0.05 and p<0.01) were shown in color, sweetness, nuttyflavor, texture and overall acceptability depending on the addition level of perilla powders.

Effects of Surfactants on Dispersion Behavior of Vectran® in Water(II) -Study on the Manufacture and Properties of Wet-laid Nonwoven Fabrics- (Vectran®의 수중 분산 거동에 미치는 계면활성제의 영향(II) - 습식부직포의 제조와 그 물성연구 -)

  • Kang, Yoo-Jung;Song, Sun-Hye
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.327-333
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    • 2015
  • This paper aims to manufacture nonwoven fabrics by wet-laid technology using Vectran$^{(R)}$ one of the highly favoured high-performace fiber. In previous study, a novel evaluation on fiber dispersion was studied to select optimum surfactant by the need for the control of fiber dispersion in water with reference to wet-laid nonwoven technology. 3 Types of sulfonate anionic surfactants were chosen and added in a stage of agitation to improve dispersion behavior of fibers in water. It was observed that the state of fiber dispersion in water affected various properties of nonwovens, including appearance, physical properties, and mechanical properties. Nonwoven added SDBS was uniform in web structure, thickness and weight. Its average pore was small in size and consisted of fine pores and the value of porosity was high. Further, the difference of tensile value between 2 directions was the least. Consequentially, as the dispersion behavior of fiber increases, nonwoven shows more balanced and uniform physical properties in all directions.

Effect of Black Carrot (Daucus carota L.) on the Quality of Pork Hamburger Patties (자색당근 첨가가 돈육 햄버거 패티의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Young-Joo;Yoo, Seung-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.345-354
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of black carrot (Daucus carota L.) on the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of pork patties. Patties were provided with different amounts (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8%) of black carrot. Notably, the cooking loss rate of the group added with 8% black carrot was lowest (p<0.001). As the content of black carrot increased, the L value decreased and the a, b value increased. The texture analysis results showed that the hardness and chewiness to decrease as the amount of black carrot increased (p<0.05). Evaluation of consumer acceptability revealed that the 4% black carrot groups had a higher score in respect to overall preference and taste to the other groups (p<0.05). For antioxidant activities, both total phenolic compounds content and DPPH were increased (p<0.001) as the amount of added black carrot was increased. As a result, it can be concluded that adding the black carrot to patties in processing can improve antioxidant activities and quality of the patties. Considering various aspects of quality, the suitable amount is 4% of total weight.

Isolation of Lipid High-yielding Chlorella vulgaris Mutants by UV Irradiation (자외선 조사에 의한 지질 고생산성 Chlorella vulgaris 변이주 분리)

  • Jeong, Haeng Soon;Choi, Min Kyung;Choi, Tae-O;Lee, Jae-Hwa
    • Journal of Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.26-30
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    • 2014
  • Chlorella vulgaris, a genus of single-cell green algae, is considered to be a very essential resource for the higher value-added business including functional food and biodiesel, due to its high contents of protein, carbohydrate and lipid. In this study, ultraviolet rays were irradiated in order to induce the mutation of C. vulgaris. After inducing the mutation, UV1-20 mutant, high in lipid was selected and its cell growth rate, dry weight, pigment content and lipid content were measured. The growth rate of the UV1-20 mutant was increased almost 1.5 times than the wild type, but pigment contents of chlorophyll and carotinoid were decreased. In addition, the lipid content of UV1-20 was increased 1.8 times than the wild type. Therefore, C. vulgaris mutant, isolated in this study, is considered to have sufficient potential to be used as a material for the higher value-added business.

Impacts of the Proportion of Sea-tangle on Quality Characteristics of Muffin (다시마 머핀의 제조 및 품질특성)

  • Kim, Jung-Hee;Kim, Jang-Ho;Yoo, Seung-Seok
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.565-572
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    • 2008
  • The principal objective of this study was to determine the optimal conditions for making muffins with sea-tangle powder, which is known to be a healthy food supplement. The characteristics of the sea-tangle muffins were analyzed in a quality evaluation. Sea-tangle powder was added to the muffins at concentrations of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% prior to baking. The height of the muffins to which the sea-tangle powder had been added, after storage at $20^{\circ}C$, was shown to decrease with increases in the concentration of sea-tangle powder. The weight of the muffins increased with increasing storage time, but these differences were not profound. The moisture content of the muffins decreased with increased storage time. The change in pH in accordance with storage time differed only slightly. In terms of the color of the sea-tangle powder-supplemented muffins, after storage at $20^{\circ}C$, the “L” and “b” values decreased with increasing amounts of added sea-tangle powder. The “a” value increased with increasing amounts of added sea-tangle powder. With regard to the textural properties of the sea-tangle powder-supplemented muffins, after storage at $20^{\circ}C$, the hardness and chewiness increased with greater quantities of added sea-tangle powder. Springness, cohesiveness, and adhesiveness differed only slightly as more sea-tangle powder was added. With regard to the sensory characteristics of the muffins, the overall quality of the muffin to which 10% sea-tangle powder was added was evaluated as the best. The color, flavor, and softness were also assessed as the highest. The sweetness of the muffins was assessed as weak.

Quality Characteristics of Muffin added with Makgeolli Lees (주박 첨가량을 달리한 머핀의 품질 특성)

  • Yun, Chun-Sik;Kim, Hyun-Ah;Kim, Yong-Sik
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.198-211
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    • 2015
  • The following research was done to develop a low calorie muffin that has good taste, as well as nutritional benefit. This was done through adding various nutritional qualities of Makgeolli Lees to muffins. It was found that adding Makgeolli Lees substantially increased the amount of ash, crude protein, crude fiber, and moisture. However, it decreased the amount of crude fat. It was also found that the volume, height, and weight all increased with a lower baking loss rate. Other testing on the hardness, expand chewiness, gumminess, and cohesiveness of the muffins with different amounts of Makgeolli Lees found that more Makgeolli Lees led to a lower hardness and chewiness. However, it did not affect the gumminess. "MLM10" with 10 g of added Makgeolli Lees had a cohesiveness that was significantly different from other samples. The cohesiveness of the other samples was substantially lower. "L-value", or lightness, as well as yellowness, decreased as more Makgeolli Lees was added. On the other hand, "a-value", or redness, increased as more Makgeolli Lees was added. A sensory test proved that Makgeolli Lees added muffins were not preferred over the control group in its color, texture, and overall preference, but was evaluated as "good". However, the Makgeolli Lees added muffins were evaluated better than the control group in the categories of "expanded", "uniformity", and "he size of the pores". Therefore, creating muffins by using Makgeolli Lees instead of fat was proven to be possible, and furthermore proved to be a viable substitute.

Study of Fermentation Extract Made from Rice Bran and Dendropanax on the Whitening Effects in B16F10 Cell Line (미강·황칠 발효추출물이 B16F10 세포의 미백에 미치는 효과)

  • Choi, Chan Hun;An, Jeong Eun;Jeong, Hyun Woo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.301-307
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to research the whitening effects of fermentation extract made from the Rice bran and Dendropanax(FRD) Fermentation conditions were as follows; 1) Dendropanaxand and Rice bran were blended in a ratio of 1 to 1, 2) a weight of sugar was 10% of the total weight, 3) an amount of enzyme was 0.1%, and 4) a temperature was 20℃. It has been fermented for 90 days. In order to observe the whitening effects of FRD, the author measured the cell viability and the inhibition rate of the melanin biosynthesis, the activity of tyrosinase and SOD (superoxide dismutase) in malignant melanoma, B16F10 cells. As a result, FRD significantly inhibited the cell viability of B16F10 in more than 500 ㎍/㎖. FRD significantly suppressed the generation of melanin, and that induced by α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) in more than 1,000 ㎍/㎖. FRD significantly decreased the activity of tyrosinase and that induced by α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) in more than 500 ㎍/㎖. FRD did not changed the activity of SOD in dose dependent manner. Therefore, the author considered that the fermentation extract made from a Rice bran and Dendropanax will be able to produce high value-added products, if used as a commercial. Therefore, the author considered that the fermentation extract made from a Rice bran and Dendropanax will be able to produce high value-added products, if used as a commercial.