• Title/Summary/Keyword: Value distinction

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Study on Folk Caring in Korea for Cultural Nursing (문화간호를 위한 한국인의 민간 돌봄에 대한 연구 : 출생을 중심으로)

  • 고성희;조명옥;최영희;강신표
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.430-458
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    • 1990
  • Care is a central concept of nursing. Nursing would not exist without caring. Care and quality of life are closely related. Human behavior is a manifestation of culture. We can say that caring and nursing care are expression of culture. The nurse must understand the relationship of culture with care for ensure quality nursing care. But knowledge of cultural factors in nursing is not well developed. Time and in - depth study are needed to find meaningful relationships between culture and care. Nurses recognized the importance of culturally appropriate nursing There are two care systems in culturally based nursing. The folk care system and the professional nursing care system. The folk care system existed long before the professional nursing care system was introduced into this culture. If the discrepancy between these two care systems is great, the client may receive inappropriate nursing care. Culture and subcaltures are diverse and dynamic in nature. Nurses need to know the caring behaviors, patterns, and their meaning in their own culture. In Korea we have taken some first step to study cultural nursing phenomena. It is not our intent necessarily to return to the past and develop a nationalistic of nursing, but to identify the core of traditional caring and relate that to professional nursing care. Our Assumptions are as follows : 1) Care is essential for human growth, well being and survial. 2) 7here are diverse and universal forma, expressions, patterns, and processes of human care that exist transcul - turally. 3) The behaviors and functions of caring differ according to the social structure of each culture. 4) Cultures have folk and professional care values, beliefs, and practices. To promote the quality of nursing care we must understand the folk care value, beliefs, and practices. We undertook this study to understand caring in our traditional culture. The Goals of this study were as follows : 1) To identify patterns in caring behavior, 2) To identify the structural components of caring, and 3) To understand the meaning and some principles of caring. We faised several questions in this study. Who is the care-giver? Who is the care-receipient? Was the woman the major care -giver at any time? What are the patterns in caring behavior? What art the priciples underlying the caring process? We used an interdisciplinary team approach, composed of representatives from nursing and anthropology, to contribute in -depth understanding of caring through a socicaltural perspeetive. A Field study was conducted in Ro-Bong, a small agricultural kinship village. The subjects were nine women and one man aged be or more years of age. Data were collected from january 15 to 21, 1990 through opem-ended in-depth interviews and observations. The interview focused on caring behaviors sorrounding birth, aging, death and child rearing. We analysed these data for meaning, pattern and priciples of caring. In this report we describe caring behaviors surrounding childbirth. The care-givers were primarily mothers- in -low, other women in the family older than the mother - to- be, older neighbor woman, husbands, and mothers of the mother-to- be. The care receivers were the mother-to-be the baby, and the immediate family as a component of kinship. Emerging caring behavior included praying, helping proscribing, giving moral advice(Deug - Dam), showing concern, instructing, protecting, making preparations, showing consideration, touching, trusting, encouraging, giving emotional comfort, being with, worrying about, being patient, preventing problems, showing by an example, looking after bringing up, taking care of postnatal health, streng thening the health condition, entering into another's feelings(empathizing), and sharing food, joy and sorrow The emerging caring component were affection, touching, nurtuing, teaching, praying, comforting, encouraging, sharing. empathizing, self - discipline, protecting, preparing, helping and compassion. Emerging principles of. caring were solidarity, heir- archzeal relationships, sex - role distinction. Caring during birth expresses the valve of life and reflects the valued traditional beliefs that human birth is given by god and a unique unifying family event reaching back to include the ancestors and foreward to later generations. In addition, We found positive and rational foundations for traditionl caring behaviors surrounding birth, these should not be stigmatized as inational or superstitious. The nurse appropriately adopts the rational and positive nature of traditional caring behaviors to promote the quality of nursing care.

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Effects of the Forest-land Registry System of the Forest Law of 1980 on the Colonial Forest-land Policy used in Korea under the influence of Japanese Imperialism (삼림법(森林法)(1908)의 지적신고제도(地籍申告制度)가 일제(日帝)의 식민지(植民地) 임지정책(林地政策)에 미친 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Bae, Jae Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.3
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    • pp.398-412
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the roles of the forest-land registry system in the Forest Law of 1908 and the effects this system had on the colonial forest-land policy used in Korea under the influence of Japanese Imperialism. This was started under the Profit-sharing Forest System which was one of the policies for disposing of the Korean national forests. The purpose of this system was to establish forest-land ownership, a fundamental human right. This system was enforced by the Japanese Colonial Government without regard to the customary and important right of Koreans to use the forests, and without considering the distinction between national and private forests. Koreans understood that this system was a warning sign of a tax being imposing on forest-land owners. Furthermore, Koreans thought the Japanese were using this system to deprive them of their forest-land. The strata of Koreans reporting ownership were very limited and included the intellectual(upper-middle) class, higher officials in counties and townships, relatives and relations of these officials, and survey agents. In particular the actual owners could not submit a report registering their land in this system because the required survey cost more than the value of the forest-land. Within the time period specified by the Japanese Colonial Government, about 520,000 registries were reported involving 2.2 million Jung-bo(.9917 hectare) with most of these coming during the last five months of reporting period. Koreans made a reasonable request to extend the deadline, but it was refused. After the reporting period expired there were no follow-up measures such as verification of the reported registrations nor establishment of boundaries between national and private forests. According to Article 19 in the Forest Law of 1908 about 14 million Jung-bo, which was not registered within the reporting period was nationalized. The colonial forest-land policy used in Korea by the Japanese Colonial Government was as follows : (1) to create a large number of national forests in the early period of their rule, (2) to divide these national forests into indispensible national forests and dispensible national forests, and (3) to transfer ownership of the dispensible national forests to colonial Japanese. To achieve the latter, the occupational government needed a method to insure ownership. They devised a tree-planting scheme in which the national forests classified as disposable were "loaned" and then transferred to these Japanese. The actual Korean owners claimed title to this forest-land and asked for the eviction of the new owners but the Japanese occupation government rejected these suits using the excuse that previous Korean owners did not submit the required registration report within the specified time period. In short the Principle of Forest-land Registry was used as a means to consolidate the forest-lands of Korea and distribute large portions of it to Japanese citizens after seizing it from the rightful Korean owners.

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The Role of T1-201 Brain SPECT in the Differentiating Recurrent Tumor from Radiation Necrosis (뇌종양의 재발과 방사선 괴사의 감별을 위한 탈륨 SPECT의 역할)

  • Won, Kyoung-Sook;Ryu, Jin-Sook;Moon, Dae-Hyuk;Yang, Seoung-Oh;Lee, Hee-Kyung;Lee, Jung-Kyo;Kwun, Byung-Duk
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.476-483
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    • 1996
  • Following radiation therapy for brain tumors, patients often have clinical deterioration due to either radiation necrosis or recurrent tumor progression in the treatment field. The distinction between these entities is important but difficult clinically or even with CT or MRI. T1-201 has been known to accumulate in various tumors and be useful to grade, predict prognosis or detect recurrence of glioma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of T1-201 SPECT in the differentiation of recurrent tumor from radiation necrosis. Of 67 patients who did T1-201 brain SPECT imaging with clinically suspected recurrent tumor or radiation necrosis, 20 patients underwent histopathological examination and constituted the study population. T1-201 uptake indices on T1-201 brain SPECT imaging rrere calculated and correlated with histopathological diagnosis. Of 20 patients, 15 were histopathologically confirmed as recurrent original tumor or malignant transformation of benign tumor and 5 were diagnosed as radiation necrosis. On T1-201 SPECT, 18 of 20 had T1-201 index above 2.5 which was regarded as positive indicator for the presence of tumor. Seventeen cases showed concordance, which consisted of 15 true positive and 2 true negative. Discordant 3 cases were all false positive. There was no case of false negative. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of T1-201 SPECT were 100%, 40%, 83% and 100%. In conclusion, T1-201 brain SPECT is a sensitive diagnostic test in the detection of recurrent tumor following radiation therapy and is useful in the differentiation of recurrent tumor from radiation necrosis. Relatively low specificity should be evaluated further in larger number of patients in consideration of sampling error and referral bias for pathologic examination.

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A Study on the Aesthetic Art Marketing Communication of Luxury Brand Using Storytelling (스토리텔링을 이용한 명품 브랜드의 미학적 아트마케팅 커뮤니케이션에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hye-Duk;Hwang, Jae-Kwang;Lee, Sang-Youn
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2011
  • This study presents an effective and distinctive marketing strategy through the implementation of the aesthetic art marketing communication technique of storytelling. The reason applying art to marketing is effective is that it gives "class" and aesthetic beauty to the brand's image, which will lead to an increase in revenue and loyalty of consumers. The story stands in for the brand's subject of "desire." Luxury brand customers not only consume high-quality products, require the utmost in service, and value of the brand, they also appreciate the story the brand is telling. The story, combined with art, is called art marketing communication; it makes the brand more unique through its enhanced visual elements. The study discusses art collaboration, art exhibition, a transforming architecture project, art advertisement, a flagship store, and a human resource training center. Based on the "desire," I adopted the element and principle of storytelling. By visualizing the brand with a symbol, the company is able to relate to consumers' sentimentality. Through storytelling art marketing communication, and the strategy using relevance of brand and artist's popularity, the research shows efficient art marketing influences to the brand's image. The results of the research indicate that by using adequate art marketing communication that best reflects the identity and story of the luxury brand, it produces great results; the research also demonstrated, in various ways, that art marketing will succeed. The case showed the following outcomes. First, consumers have a tendency to choose a brand that is associated with an empathizing story. World renowned brands see through the market's "desires" for unique stories, and they also provide the ability to amuse consumers. The story in a product will become an important competitive element in future markets. Second, the art marketing communication applying a story rendered a brand with distinction. The most effective art marketing communications are art collaboration, art exhibition, locomotive architecture project, and others that are adopted as various means. Third, the brand's products were considered as an art piece, which led to not only strengthening the loyalty of consumers but also an increase in sales. In addition, the company could sustain a premium price for the goods sold. By adapting art to a brand's tradition, an innovative and creative new product provides consumer satisfaction, and producing goods in limited editions creates enthusiastic collectors. Fourth, this study suggests an abridged report, implication, limitation of the study, and directions for further research. Referring to the case for the adaptation of luxury brands, efficient art marketing strategies considering Korean company brand and efficiently study preceding Korean company brand art marketing strategy could be proposed.

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Geo-educational Values of the Jebudo Geosite in the Hwaseong Geopark, Korea (화성 지질공원 제부도 지질명소의 지질교육적 가치)

  • Ha, Sujin;Chae, Yong-Un;Kang, Hee-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Sun;Park, Jeong-Woong;Shin, Seungwon;Lim, Hyoun Soo;Cho, Hyeongseong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.311-324
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    • 2021
  • Recently, ten geosites have been considered in Hwaseong for endorsement as national geoparks, including the Jebudo, Gojeongri Dinosaur Egg Fossils, and Ueumdo geosites. The Jebudo geosite in the southern part of the Seoul metropolitan area has great potential for development as a new geoscience educational site because it has geological, geographical (landscape), and ecological significance. In this study, we described the geological characteristics through field surveys in the Jebudo geosite. We evaluated its potential as a geo-education site based on comparative analysis with other geosites in Hwaseong Geopark. In addition, we reviewed the practical effect of field education at geosites on the essential concepts and critical competence-oriented education emphasized in the current 2015 revised science curriculum. The Jebudo Geosite is geologically diverse, with various metamorphic rocks belonging to the Precambrian Seosan Group, such as quartzite, schist, and phyllite. Various geological structures, such as clastic dikes, faults, joints, foliation, and schistosity have also been recorded. Moreover, coastal geological features have been observed, including depositional landforms (gravel and sand beaches, dunes, and mudflats), sedimentary structures (ripples), erosional landforms (sea cliffs, sea caves, and sea stacks), and sea parting. The Jebudo geosite has considerable value as a new geo-education site with geological and geomorphological distinction from the Gojeongri Dinosaur Egg Fossils and Ueumdo geosites. The Jebudo geosite also has opportunities for geo-education and geo-tourism, such as mudflat experiences and infrastructures, such as coastal trails and viewing points. This geosite can help develop diverse geo-education programs that improve key competencies in the science curriculum, such as critical thinking, inquiry, and problem-solving. Furthermore, by conducting optimized geo-education focused on the characteristics of each geosite, the following can be established: (1) the expansion of learning space from school to geopark, (2) the improvement of understanding of specific content elements and linkage between essential concepts, and (3) the extension of the education scope throughout the earth system. There will be positive impacts on communication, participation, and lifelong learning skills through geopark education.

Trend Analysis of Documenting the Gardens of Old Houses with the Measurement Drawings of National Folklore Cultural Heritage (국가민속문화재의 실측도면을 통해 살펴본 고택 정원의 기록화 경향 분석)

  • LIM, Cheyeon;LEE, Jaeyong
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.46-58
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the documentation trend of garden components such as plants, infrastructure, unit facilities, and structures, based on 188 measurement drawings of 94 old houses in a report on the documentation of the national folklore cultural heritage. The findings are as follows. First, it was found that plants and structures continuously appeared as the subject of measurement drawings, while infrastructure was often omitted. It was confirmed that unit facilities, which are smaller than other components, were frequently excluded from the documentation subject as well due to frequent changes such as movement, loss, and expansion. Second, the level of expression in measurement drawings showed different aspects for each component. The unit facilities showed a large change over time with respect to the level of documentation, and the level of documentation was somewhat polarized, particularly toward the latter stage. This suggests that the level of documenting the drawings limited to specific facilities improved, but the overall level of drawings did not improve, such as a lack of diversification of expression techniques suitable for various unit facilities. On the other hand, it was confirmed that the level of documenting the drawings for plants, infrastructure and structures did not change to a significant degree, implying that no improvements were made to the expression of components. Third, as for the technique of detailed expression, in the case of plants, vegetation status was prepared without distinction of old or protected trees that have historical value. Above all, there was no record of the vegetation structure that could help grasp the vegetation landscape of the outer area. As for the infrastructure, there was no consistent expression technique to systematically convey topographic changes such as the height and slope of the land. In addition, since there was no subtype classification defined for unit facilities and structures, there was no subject or method of documentation. This study is meaningful in that it expanded the category of documentation, which has been concentrated on buildings in old houses, to gardens, and called attention to the need for documenting the gardens for the preservation and management of old houses as an integration of the building and outer area.

Characristics and Management Plans of Myeongwoldae and Myeongwol Village Groves Located in, Jeju (제주 팽림월대(彭林月臺)의 경관특성 및 관리방안)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Chol, Yung-Hyun;Kahng, Byung-Seon;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to identify the spacialty, to illuminate the existence and values of Myeongwoldae(明月臺) and Forest Myeongwol, and to suggest the sustainable usage, preservation and management plans with the purpose of ecological and cultural landscaping characteristic and value identification. The result of the study is as follows. Castle Myeongwol and Port Myeongwol shows the status of Hallim-eup Myeongwol District which is the administrative center of western Jeju as well as is the fortress. Building Wolgyejeongsa and School Woohakdang, the head temple of education and culture, located in Myeongwol District represents the spaciality of Myeonwol-ri which was the center of education. Stand Myeongwol is one of the most representative Confucian cultural landscapes in Jeju Island and the field of communion with nature where scholars enjoy poetries, nature, changgi(Korean chess), and go in the Joseon Dynasty period. It was found that the current relics of Myeongwoldae was recovered through the maintenance project conducted by Youth Group Myeongwol composed with Hongjong-si(洪鍾時) as the center during the Japanese colonial era in 1931. It seems that the stonework of Myeongwoldae composed of three levels in the order of square, octagon, and circle based on the heaven-man unity theory of Confucianism and the octagon in the middle is the messenger of Cheonwonjibang(天圓地方), in other words, between the square-shaped earth and the circle-shaped sky. It is assumed that both Grand Bridge Myeongwol and Bridge Myeongwol were constructed as arched bridges in early days. Bridge Myeongwol is the only arched bridge remaining in Jeju Island now, which has the modern cultural heritage value. In Forest Myeongwol, 97 taxa of plants were confirmed and in accordance with 'Taxonomic Group and Class Criteria of Floristic Specific Plants', eight taxa were found; Arachniodes aristata of FD IV and Ilex cornuta, Piper kadsura, Litsea japonica, Melia azedarach, Xylosma congestum, Richosanthes kirilowii var. japonica, Dichondra repens, Viburnum odoratissimum var. awabuki of FD III. Otherwise, 14 taxa of naturalized plants including Apium leptophylihum which is imported to Jeju Island only were confirmed. In Forest Myeongwol, 77 trees including 41 Celtis sinensis, 30 Aphananthe aspera, two Wylosma congestum, a Pinus densiflora, a Camellia japonica, a Melia azedarach, and an Ilex cornuta form a colony. Based on the researched data, the preservation and plans of Myeongwoldae and Forest Myeongwol is suggested as follows. Myeongwoldae, Bridge Myeongwol, and Forest Myeongwol should be managed as one integrated division. Bridge Myeongwol, an arched bridge which is hard to be found in Jeju Island is a high-standard stonework requiring long-term preservation plans. Otherwise, Grand Bridge Myeongwol that is exposed to accident risks because of deterioration and needs safety diagnosis requires measures according to the result of precise safety diagnosis. It is desirable to restore it to a two-sluice arched bridge as its initial shape and to preserve and use it as a representative local landmark with Stand Myeongwol. In addition, considering the topophsis based on the analysis result, the current name of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Monument No. 19 'Myoengwol Hackberry Colony' should change to 'Myeongwol Hackberry-Muku Tree Colony'. In addition, the serial number system which is composed without distinction of hackberry and muku tree should be improved and the regular monitoring of big and old trees, specific plants, and naturalized species is required.

The detection of collapsible airways contributing to airflow limitation (기류 제한에 영향을 미치는 허탈성 기도의 분석)

  • Kim, Yun Seong;Park, Byung Gyu;Lee, Kyong In;Son, Seok Man;Lee, Hyo Jin;Lee, Min Ki;Son, Choon Hee;Park, Soon Kew
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.558-570
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    • 1996
  • Background : The detection of Collapsible airways has important therapeutic implications in chronic airway disease and bronchial asthma. The distinction of a purely collapsible airways disease from that of asthma is important because the treatment of the dormer may include the use of pursed lip breathing or nasal positive pressure ventilation whereas in the latter, pharmacologic approaches are used. One form of irreversible airflow limitation is collapsible airways, which has been shown to be a Component of asthma or to emphysema, it can be assessed by the volume difference between what exits the lung as determined by a spirometer and the volume compressed as measured by the plethysmography. Method : To investigate whether volume difference between slow and forced vital Capacity(SVC-FVC) by spirometry may be used as a surrogate index of airway collapse, we examined pulmonary function parameters before and after bronchodilator agent inhalation by spirometry and body plethysmography in 20 cases of patients with evidence of airflow limitation(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 12 cases, stable bronchial asthma 7 cases, combined chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with asthma 1 case) and 20 cases of normal subjects without evidence of airflow limitation referred to the Pusan National University Hospital pulmonary function laboratory from January 1995 to July 1995 prospectively. Results : 1) Average and standard deviation of age, height, weight of patients with airflow limitation was $58.3{\pm}7.24$(yr), $166{\pm}8.0$(cm), $59.0{\pm}9.9$(kg) and those of normal subjects was $56.3{\pm}12.47$(yr), $165.9{\pm}6.9$(cm), $64.4{\pm}10.4$(kg), respectively. The differences of physical characteristics of both group were not significant statistically and male to female ratio was 14:6 in both groups. 2) The difference between slow vital capacity and forced vital capacity was $395{\pm}317ml$ in patients group and $154{\pm}176ml$ in normal group and there was statistically significance between two groups(p<0.05). Sensitivity and specificity were most higher when the cut-off value was 208ml. 3) After bronchodilator inhalation, reversible airway obstructions were shown in 16 cases of patients group, 7 cases of control group(p<0.05) by spirometry or body plethysmography d the differences of slow vital capacity and forced vital capacity in bronchodilator response group and nonresponse group were $300.4{\pm}306ml$, $144.7{\pm}180ml$ and this difference was statistically significant. 4) The difference between slow vital capacity and forced vital capacity before bronchodilator inhalation was correlated with airway resistance before bronchodilator(r=0.307 p=0.05), and the difference between slow vital capacity and forced vital capacity after bronchodilator was correlated with difference between slow vital capacity and forced vital capacity(r=0.559 p=0.0002), thoracic gas volume(r=0.488 p=0.002) before bronchodilator and airway resistance(r=0.583 p=0.0001), thoracic gas volume(r=0.375 p=0.0170) after bronchodilator, respectively. 5) The difference between slow vital capacity and forced vital capacity in smokers and nonsmokers was $257.5{\pm}303ml$, $277.5{\pm}276ml$, respectively and this difference did not reach statistical significance(p>0.05). Conclusion : The difference between slow vital capacity and forced vital capacity by spirometry may be useful for the detection of collapsible airway and may help decision making of therapeutic plans.

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Analysis of the Stage and Performance Elements for Bongsudang-jinchan Banquet in Joseon Dynasty (봉수당진찬(奉壽堂進饌)의 무대와 공연 요소 분석)

  • Song, Hye-jin
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.18
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    • pp.413-444
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    • 2009
  • This paper is an analysis of stage and performance elements for the ceremonial procedures and dance featured in bongsudang-jinchan, a feast celebrating the 60th birthday of Hyegyeong-gung Hongssi (Crown Princess Hong of Hyegyeonggung), the mother of King Jeongjo, which took place in Hwaseong haegung palace in 1795. The primary sources used are data on bongsudangjinchan recorded in Wonhaeng-eulmyojeongriuigwe, Jeongjo-sillok, Hongjae-jeonseo, pictorial sources such as Folding Screens of Hwaseong-neunghaeng and Hwaseong Ilgi, which is a journal in Korean by Yi Hui-pyeong. A court ceremony to offer music, dance, flowers, and food, as well as wine and poetry which express the sentiments of chung (fidelity) and hyo (filial piety) was considered a national ceremony and has constituted a unique musical culture during the 500 years of Joseon dynasty. However, after the fall of Joseon dynasty, ceremonial music and dance, which have been organically linked within the overall symbolic system of ye (courtesy), became scattered to become independent 'pieces.' As a result, all of their philosophy, principles, and the time-space interpretation of court music and dance became greatly reduced, leaving only the artistic expression and formal structure of the music and dance to become emphasized. Since the 1990s, there has been many research and events aiming to re-create the court ceremonial tradition, resulting in the increase of the related performance activities. This is especially true with bongsudang-jinchan, which is now being performed on modern stage in various forms. However there are still many problems to be solved, such as the issue of re-creating and restoring the original, and the question of artistic value found in the traditional pieces. Until now, much focus has been paid to the outer re-construction of uiju document as recorded in Wonhaeng-eulmyo-jeongriuigwe. On the other hand, there lacked an in-depth study which analyzes the stage situation and performance elements. Therefore in this paper, after focusing on the stage structure and performance elements, it is concluded that bongsudang-jinchan, the only court feast to be held in Haeng gung, not only consists of the fundamental aspects of court performance principle as 'governing through ye and ak (music),' but also served as an important occasion to bring together the sovereign and the subject. Bongsudang-jinchan had features of both naeyeon (feast for ladies) and oeyeon (feast for gentlemen). It minimized the use of screens and allowed every guest to enjoy food, music, and dance together, but provided a separate tent for foreign guests, maintaining the ideal balance between equality and distinction among different gender and social status. A screen symbolizing the venue for the feast is placed for all of the government officials. The king then pronounces the beginning of the banquet in which the ideal of gunsin-dongyeon (king and officials dining together) is realized. This indicates that bongsudang-jinchan, compared to other court ceremonies that emphasize the principle of yeak (courtesy and music), focuses more on the spirit of harmony and rapprochement. The king played a more active role in bongsudang-jinchan than in any other royal feasts. Examples as recorded in uiju documents are; Jeongjo's conversation with his retainers after the 7th wine, king's bestowing of food and flowers to the officials, writing his own majesty's poems with regard to the festival, and asking the retainers to write replying poems. All these played an important part in making the occasion more rich, extensive, and meaningful. Moreover, as analysis of the structure of orchestral music and court dance featured in bongsudang-jinchan shows, it was like any other court banquet in that it employed minimal use of extravagance in movements and conversation. However, the colors and tonal texture used in the music and dance were more brilliant in this case. Compared to other banquets that took place before king Jeongjo, the dance style was more diverse, which included some of the latest additions. There were past performances arranged anew. Noteworthy are; the incorporation of "Seonyurak (Boat Dance)" and "Geommu (Sword Dance)," traditionally used for local officials and civilians feast, to suit the court taste; and the use of saenghwang (mouth organ), which was a rising instrument in pungnyubang (literati's private salon), for "Hakmu (Cranes Dance)." This especially indicates the nature of the 'open structure' pursued by the court banquets at the time, which strove to break away from the traditional rules and customs and accept something new.