• Title/Summary/Keyword: Users Movement

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A Study on Posture Discrimination using Coordinate Transformation of Skeleton Data (골격 데이터의 좌표변환을 이용한 자세판별 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-jin;Noh, Yun-hong;Jeong, Do-un
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.510-511
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, a study was conducted to prevent spinal - related diseases and to help posture correction by feeding back the wrong attitude to the users. Kinect sensor was used for this purpose. In order to measure the movement of the user, the degree of motion change was measured by indexing the skeletal data coordinate value. It is confirmed that the implemented system can observe not only posture but also distraction of user.

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A Study of the Performance Prediction Models of Mobile Graphics Processing Units

  • Kim, Cheong Ghil
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2019
  • Currently mobile services are on the verge of full commercialization ahead of 5G mobile communication (5G). The first goal could be to preempt the 5G market through realistic media services utilizing VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) technologies that users can most easily experience. Basically this movement is based on the advanced development of smart devices and high quality graphics processing computing power of mobile application processors. Accordingly, the importance of mobile GPUs is emerging and the most concern issue becomes a model for predicting the power and performance for smooth operation of high quality mobile contents. In many cases, the performance of mobile GPUs has been introduced in terms of power consumption of mobile GPUs using dynamic voltage and frequency scaling and throttling functions for power consumption and heat management. This paper introduces several studies of mobile GPU performance prediction model with user-friendly methods not like conventional power centric performance prediction models.

Spatial Audio Technologies for Immersive Media Services (체감형 미디어 서비스를 위한 공간음향 기술 동향)

  • Lee, Y.J.;Yoo, J.;Jang, D.;Lee, M.;Lee, T.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2019
  • Although virtual reality technology may not be deemed as having a satisfactory quality for all users, it tends to incite interest because of the expectation that the technology can allow one to experience something that they may never experience in real life. The most important aspect of this indirect experience is the provision of immersive 3D audio and video, which interacts naturally with every action of the user. The immersive audio faithfully reproduces an acoustic scene in a space corresponding to the position and movement of the listener, and this technology is also called spatial audio. In this paper, we briefly introduce the trend of spatial audio technology in view of acquisition, analysis, reproduction, and the concept of MPEG-I audio standard technology, which is being promoted for spatial audio services.

A Research on the Use of DID Using a Private Blockchain (프라이빗 블록체인을 사용한 DID 활용 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Gyu;Kwon, Seong-Geun;Kwon, Ki-Ryong;Lee, Suk-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.760-767
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    • 2021
  • The identity verification is one of the most important technologies in online services. Many services in society are provided online, and the service is provided after confirming the user's identity. Users can do a lot of things online, but they also have side effects. Online digital information is easily manipulated and it is difficult to verify its authenticity, causing social confusion. Accordingly, there has been a movement for individuals to directly manage their identity information using DID. In this paper, we propose a system that can authenticate identity by directly adding own personal information and issuing an identifier using DID technology based on a private blockchain. Then, to verify the proposed system, the scenario is executed and verified.

A Study on Marker-based Detection Method of Object Position using Perspective Projection

  • Park, Minjoo;Jang, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2022
  • With the mark of the fourth industrial revolution, the smart factory is evolving into a new future manufacturing plant. As a human-machine-interactive tool, augmented reality (AR) helps workers acquire the proficiency needed in smart factories. The valuable data displayed on the AR device must be delivered intuitively to users. Current AR applications used in smart factories lack user movement calibration, and visual fiducial markers for position correction are detected only nearby. This paper demonstrates a marker-based object detection using perspective projection to adjust augmented content while maintaining the user's original perspective with displacement. A new angle, location, and scaling values for the AR content can be calculated by comparing equivalent marker positions in two images. Two experiments were conducted to verify the implementation of the algorithm and its practicality in the smart factory. The markers were well-detected in both experiments, and the applicability in smart factories was verified by presenting appropriate displacement values for AR contents according to various movements.

Effects of Emoji Approach-Avoidance Visual Experience on Valence Ratings via Mobile Interface

  • Eojin Kim;Dahua Li;Soojin Jun
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.180-189
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    • 2024
  • We aimed to see if approach-avoidance visual experience would have different effects in the valence rating of emojis. Previous literature has shown that approach-avoidance tendencies have influences people's emotional perceptions. Up until now, research on emojis have been heavily focused on static emojis, which gives room for exploration whether if movement added on to emoji would elicit different emotional responses. In the study, we examined the impact of approach-avoidance visual experience of emojis via mobile interface, categorized into 4 experimental conditions (positive approach, negative approach, positive avoid, and negative avoid), and conducted semi-structured interviews to identify users' reasonings towards their valence ratings on specific emojis with approach or avoid movements. We found that positive approach emojis were the highest valence rating and preferred by the participants, while there were no differences between negative emoji approach or avoidance. Based on these findings, we conclude that positive emojis could be intensified to be more positive with approach motion, yet for negative emojis, individual differences or contextual differences may arise in its emotional ratings.

A Design and Implementation of Health Schedule Application

  • Ji Woo Kim;Young Min Lee;Won Joo Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we design and implement the HealthSchedule app, which records exercise data based on the GPS sensor embedded in smartphones. This app utilizes the smartphone's GPS sensor to collect real-time location information of the user and displays the movement path to the designated destination. It records the user's actual path using latitude and longitude coordinates. Users register exercise activities and destination points when scheduling, and initiate the exercise. When measuring the current location, a lime green departure marker is generated, and the movement path is displayed in blue, with the destination marker and a surrounding 25-meter radius circle shown in sky blue. Using the coordinates of the starting point or the previous location and the current GPS sensor-transmitted location coordinates, it measures the distance traveled, time taken, and calculates the speed. Furthermore, it accumulates measurement data to provide information on the total distance traveled, movement path, and overall average speed. Even when reaching the destination during exercise, the movement path continues to accumulate until the completion button is clicked. The completion button is activated when the user moves into the sky blue circular area with a radius of 25 meters, centered around the initially set destination. This means that the user must reach the designated destination, and if they wish to continue exercising without clicking the completion button, they can do so. Depending on the selected exercise type, the app displays the calories burned, aiming to increase user engagement and a sense of accomplishment.

A Study for Reappearance Acording to the Scan Type, the CT Scanning by a Moving Phantom (팬톰을 이용한 전산화 단층촬영방법에 따른 재현성에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Jae-Hyock;Jeong, Do-Hyeong;Suk, Choi-Gye;Jang, Yo-Jong;Kim, Jae-Weon;Lee, Hui-Seok
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: CT scan shows that significant tumor movement occurs in lesions located in the proximity of the heart, diaphragm, and lung hilus. There are differences concerning three kinds of type to get images following the Scan type called Axial, Helical, Cine (4D-CT) mode, when the scanning by CT. To know how each protocol describe accurately, this paper is going to give you reappearance using the moving phantom. Materials and Methods: To reconstruct the movement of superior-inferior and anterior-posterior, the manufactured moving phantom and the motor following breathing were used. To distinguish movement from captured images by CT scanning, a localizer adhered to the marker on the motor. The moving phantom fixed the movement of superior-inferior upon 1.3 cm /1 min. The motor following breathing fixed the movement of anterior-posterior upon 0.2 cm /1 min. After fixing each movement, CT scanning was taken by following the CT protocols. The movement of A localizer and volume-reappearance analyzed by RTP machine. Results: Total volume of a marker was 88.2 $cm^3$ considering movement of superior-inferior. Total volume was 184.3 $cm^3$. Total volume according to each CT scan protocol were 135 $cm^3$ by axial mode, 164.9 $cm^3$ by helical mode, 181.7 $cm^3$ by cine (4D-CT) mode. The most closely describable protocol about moving reappearance was cine mode, the marker attached localizer as well. Conclusion: CT scan should reappear concerning a exact organ-description and target, when the moving organ is being scanned by three kinds of CT protocols. The cine (4D-CT) mode has the advantage of the most highly reconstructible ability of the three protocols in reappearance of the marker using a moving phantom. The marker on the phantom has always regular motion but breathing patients don't move like a phantom. Breathing education and devices setting patients were needed so that images reconstruct breathing as exactly as possible. Users should also consider that an amount of radiation to patients is being bombed.

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Gesture Recognition based on Mixture-of-Experts for Wearable User Interface of Immersive Virtual Reality (몰입형 가상현실의 착용식 사용자 인터페이스를 위한 Mixture-of-Experts 기반 제스처 인식)

  • Yoon, Jong-Won;Min, Jun-Ki;Cho, Sung-Bae
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • As virtual realty has become an issue of providing immersive services, in the area of virtual realty, it has been actively investigated to develop user interfaces for immersive interaction. In this paper, we propose a gesture recognition based immersive user interface by using an IR LED embedded helmet and data gloves in order to reflect the user's movements to the virtual reality environments effectively. The system recognizes the user's head movements by using the IR LED embedded helmet and IR signal transmitter, and the hand gestures with the data gathered from data gloves. In case of hand gestures recognition, it is difficult to recognize accurately with the general recognition model because there are various hand gestures since human hands consist of many articulations and users have different hand sizes and hand movements. In this paper, we applied the Mixture-of-Experts based gesture recognition for various hand gestures of multiple users accurately. The movement of the user's head is used to change the perspection in the virtual environment matching to the movement in the real world, and the gesture of the user's hand can be used as inputs in the virtual environment. A head mounted display (HMD) can be used with the proposed system to make the user absorbed in the virtual environment. In order to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed interface, we developed an interface for the virtual orchestra environment. The experiment verified that the user can use the system easily and intuituvely with being entertained.

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An Analysis of Locational Characteristics and User Behavior of Neighborhood Parks in Central Business District (중심상업지역 근린공원의 공간적 입지특성과 이용행태 분석)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;Woo, Young-Sook;Jung, Sung-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2015
  • The user behaviors in the parks around the commercial area may have different characteristics in comparison with the behaviors in typical neighborhood parks because they may be affected by nearby commercial facilities. The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of park users'behavior considering adjacent environments in the neighborhood parks located in central business district of Daegu and to suggest improvements and complements for the construction of new parks and remodeling current parks. According to the results, the land values were high and the percentage of deteriorated buildings was low around Gukchae Reward Movement Memorial Park and 2.28 Central Memorial Park. However, the commercial facilities were entirely declined along with a drop in land values around Gyeongsang-gamyeong Park and old people used this park more than young people. In terms of the purpose of park use, users of three parks had indirect behavior patterns related near commercial facilities rather than using directly park facilities and the age groups of park users were similar to the user groups of nearby commercial facilities. Also, the determinant factors of satisfaction with park use were varied depending on the difference of age groups of park users and park characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the effects of user age groups according to the changes of environment around parks for the construction and organization of parks.