• Title/Summary/Keyword: User's Evaluation

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Enrichment of POI information based on LBSNS (위치기반 소셜 네트워크 서비스(LBSNS)를 이용한 POI 정보 강화 방안)

  • Cho, Sung-Hwan;Ga, Chil-O;Huh, Yong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2018
  • Point of interest (POI) of the city is a special place that has what importance to the user. For example, it is such landmark, restaurants, museums, hotels, and theaters. Because of its role in the social and economic life of us, these have attracted a lot of interest in location-based applications such as social networks and online map. However, while it can easily be obtained through the Web, the basic information of POI such as geographic location, another effort is required to obtain detailed information such as Wi-Fi, accepting credit cards, opening hours, romper room and the assessment and evaluation of other users. To solve these problems, a new method for correcting position error is required to link location-based social network service (LBSNS) data and POIs. This paper attempts to propose a position error correction method of POI and LBSNS data to enrich POI information from the vast information that is accumulated in LBSNS. Through this study, we can overcome the limitation of individual POI information via the information fusion method of LBSNS and POI, and we have discovered the possibility to be able to provide additional information which users need. As a result, we expect to be able to collect a variety of POI information quickly.

A Study on the Kiosk UI Reflecting the Elderly's Characteristics (고령자의 특성을 반영한 패스트푸드점 키오스크 UI 연구)

  • Hong, Seung Yoon;Choe, Jong-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.556-563
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to improve the use experience of elderly people in fast food kiosks which are actively utilizing 'un-tact' technology. First, the Kiosk design analysis criteria were discussed through literature research. Then, the UI screens of McDonald's, Lotteria and Burger King, which are currently serving kiosks in Korea, were divided into colors, layouts and buttons. Next, the usability evaluation and survey of the elderly revealed problems with the interface design of the current kiosk. As a result, older people do not recognize buttons without an outline as buttons, and errors occur when layout changes or when viewing is complicated. In addition, horizontal navigation and vertical layout menus were error-free, and the design of buttons was error-free with the same color for the same function. Research shows that the Kiosk UI design is preferred by older people. First, buttons in the form of outline or solid are recommended. Second, vertical binding of buttons combined with images and text is recommended. Third, the screen layout should be consistent with the direction of view flow and manipulation, and should avoid increasing the number of menus and information. Fourth, page navigation is recommended in horizontal form and menu arrangement is vertical form. Finally, buttons that perform the same function are efficient for buttons to use the same color, and for different functions, applying a complementary colors can reduce confusion.

ESG Management Strategy and Performance Management Plan Suitable for Social Welfare Institutions : Centered on Cheonan City Social Welfare Foundation (사회복지기관에 적합한 ESG경영 전략도출 및 성과관리방안 : 천안시사회복지재단을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Kyoo-il
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.165-184
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    • 2023
  • Since municipal welfare institutions operate for different purposes from general companies or public enterprises, ESG practice items and model construction should be conducted through various and comprehensive social welfare studies. Since there are not many studies available in domestic welfare institutions yet and there are no suitable ESG management utilization indicators, the Cheonan Welfare Foundation's strategy and management strategy system were established to spread the model to other welfare institutions and become a leading foundation through education and training. The foundation and front-line welfare institutions selected issues identification and key issues through the foundation's empirical analysis and criticality analysis, focusing on understanding ESG management and ways to establish a practice model that positively affects institutional image and business performance. Based on this, the promotion system was examined by establishing a performance management plan after deriving appropriate strategies and establishing a strategic system for social welfare institutions. Environmental and social responsibility, transparent management, safety management system establishment, emergency and prevention, user (customer) satisfaction system establishment, anti-corruption prevention and integrity ethics monitoring and evaluation, responsible supply chains, and community contribution programs. This study attempted to specifically present efforts to settle ESG management through the consideration of the Cheonan Welfare Foundation. Therefore, it is considered to be useful data for developing ESG management by referring to the systematic development process of the Cheonan City Restoration Foundation to develop ESG measurement indicators.

Analysis of Behavioral Characteristics by Park Types Displayed in 3rd Generation SNS (제3세대 SNS에 표출된 공원 유형별 이용 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Eun;Park, Chan;Kim, Ah-Yeon;Kim, Ho Gul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2019
  • There have been studies on the satisfaction, preference, and post occupancy evaluation of urban parks in order to reflect users' preferences and activities, suggesting directions for future park planning and management. Despite using questionnaires that are proven to be affective to get users' opinions directly, there haven been limitations in understanding the latest changes in park use through questionnaires. This study seeks to address the possibility of utilizing the thirdgeneration SNS data, Instagram and Google, to compare behavior patterns and trends in park activities. Instagram keywords and photos representing user's feelings with a specific park name were collected. We also examined reviews, peak time, and popular time zones regarding selected parks through Google. This study tries to analyze users' behaviors, emerging activities, and satisfaction using SNS data. The findings are as follows. People using park near residential areas tend to enjoy programs being operated in indoor facilities and to like to use picnic places. In an adjacent park of commercial areas, eating in the park and extended areas beyond the park boundaries is found to be one of the popular park activities. Programs using open spaces and indoor facilities were active as well. Han River Park as a detached park type offers a popular venue for excercises and scenery appreciation. We also identified companionship characteristics of different park types from texts and photos, and extracted keywords of feelings and reviews about parks posted in $3^{rd}$ generation SNS. SNS data can provide basis to grasp behavioral patterns and satisfaction factors, and changes of park activities in real time. SNS data also can be used to set future directions in park planning and management in accordance with new technologies and policies.

A Study on the Product Design Case Study of Differential Design Concept (차별화 된 디자인 개념의 제품디자인 사례 연구)

  • 이덕상;한세준;김홍규;조철희
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.335-350
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    • 2004
  • Design takes concrete form from the things which are not yet exist to the molded reality. Creation of value which is accompanied by the rational value could be possible only through the searching examination of the basic concept. All designs are under circumstances because the results and the character of the problems are different under the given conditions and circumstances which are the characteristic of the design. The aim of this study is searching for the differential design conce- pt which is the most appropriate and reasonable in the basic design process in which the phase of the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the problem. First of all the pursuit value of the times and the change of the view point of value of the product design. How the pursuit value of times were searched and analyzed. Analyze the successful product design realization of the typical trend of the modern design which are 3-2. function-focused design, 3-3. emotion-centered design, 3-4. image communicative design through the metaphor, 3-5. environmental affinity design. On the base of the case analysis how to apply the differential design concept which is coming as a trend in the future society which are sustainable developing society was examined closely. The outcome through the analysis of the success cases are as follows, \circled1 the value of the spirit of the times should be emphasized as the design image, \circled2 environmental appropriateness should be taken into consideration as the first primary factor, \circled3 the realization of value of the fulfillment of differential consumer's needs, \circled4 lead to prolong the life cycle of the product, \circled5 promote the sustaining growth of enterprise, \circled6 user-centered product value should be the first consideration. \circled7 It is necessary to overcome the cultural andinguistic barriers and to reflect the metaphor which people remember well. \circled8 The application of human's true character should be decided beforehand. It is the commonness of values of times and customs. \circled9 The differentiated design concept which meets our mental satisfaction, not material one, will be required. In addition to this the creative and differentiated design concepts which are accompanied by the good design factor under the base of product could achieve the emotional consensus from the consumers. That is, the value of all designs should be estimated by the base of the humanism ' The human beings are the barometer of all things".ngs".uot;.

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Development of the Monte Carlo Simulation Radiation Dose Assessment Procedure for NORM added Consumer Adhere·Non-Adhere Product based on ICRP 103 (ICRP 103 권고기반의 밀착형·비밀착형 가공제품 사용으로 인한 몬테칼로 전산모사 피폭선량 평가체계 개발)

  • Go, Ho-Jung;Noh, Siwan;Lee, Jae-Ho;Yeom, Yeon-Soo;Lee, Jai-Ki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 2015
  • Radiation exposure to humans can be caused by the gamma rays emitted from natural radioactive elements(such as uranium, thorium and potassium and any of their decay products) of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials(NORM) or Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials(TENORM) added consumer products. In this study, assume that activity of radioactive elements is $^{238}U$, $^{235}U$, $^{232}Th$ $1Bq{\cdot}g^{-1}$, $^{40}K$ $10Bq{\cdot}g^{-1}$ and the gamma rays emitted from these natural radioactive elements radioactive equilibrium state. In this study, reflected End-User circumstances and evaluated annual exposure dose for products based on ICRP reference voxel phantoms and ICRP Recommendation 103 using the Monte Carlo Method. The consumer products classified according to the adhere to the skin(bracelet, necklace, belt-wrist, belt-ankle, belt-knee, moxa stone) or not(gypsum board, anion wallpaper, anion paint), and Geometric Modeling was reflected in Republic of Korea "Residential Living Trend-distributions and Design Guidelines For Common Types of Household.", was designed the Room model($3m{\times}4m{\times}2.8m$, a closed room, conservatively) and the ICRP reference phantom's 3D segmentation and modeling. The end-user's usage time assume that "Development and Application of Korean Exposure Factors." or conservatively 24 hours; in case of unknown. In this study, the results of the effective dose were 0.00003 ~ 0.47636 mSv per year and were confirmed the meaning of necessary for geometric modeling to ICRP reference phantoms through the equivalent dose rate of belt products.

A Study on the Performance of Cloud-based VDI Adoption: Comparing between IS administrators and business users (클라우드 기반 VDI 도입 성과에 관한 연구 - 시스템 관리자와 일반 사용자의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Il-Han;Kwon, Sun-Dong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.149-167
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure(VDI) adoption. VDI performance was measured by IS manager (system quality, security, and managerial operation) and business user (usability, access, and user satisfaction). The survey questionnaires were developed for measuring VDI performance. 84 data samples were collected from the companies that had adopted cloud-based VDI. This research model was verified by Smart-PLS and SPSS. The research findings were as follows: First, the companies using VDI experienced actual performance, but they did not attain their expectation. Second, as results of comparing between IS managers and business users, IS administrators had considerably higher performance than business users, which indicates that there were big differences in performance perception among users. Compared with prior research such as technical trend, system construction, and performance improvement, this study has the following implications. First, by comparing the expected performance with the actual performance of the companies that have implemented and operating VDI, it was suggested how a company that wants to adopt VDI can manage the expectation level of VDI and achieve higher actual performance. Second, because the perception of VDI performance differs between business users and system managers, it is meaningful that a fair evaluation of VDI performance requires a balanced consideration of business users and system managers.

Information Privacy Concern in Context-Aware Personalized Services: Results of a Delphi Study

  • Lee, Yon-Nim;Kwon, Oh-Byung
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2010
  • Personalized services directly and indirectly acquire personal data, in part, to provide customers with higher-value services that are specifically context-relevant (such as place and time). Information technologies continue to mature and develop, providing greatly improved performance. Sensory networks and intelligent software can now obtain context data, and that is the cornerstone for providing personalized, context-specific services. Yet, the danger of overflowing personal information is increasing because the data retrieved by the sensors usually contains privacy information. Various technical characteristics of context-aware applications have more troubling implications for information privacy. In parallel with increasing use of context for service personalization, information privacy concerns have also increased such as an unrestricted availability of context information. Those privacy concerns are consistently regarded as a critical issue facing context-aware personalized service success. The entire field of information privacy is growing as an important area of research, with many new definitions and terminologies, because of a need for a better understanding of information privacy concepts. Especially, it requires that the factors of information privacy should be revised according to the characteristics of new technologies. However, previous information privacy factors of context-aware applications have at least two shortcomings. First, there has been little overview of the technology characteristics of context-aware computing. Existing studies have only focused on a small subset of the technical characteristics of context-aware computing. Therefore, there has not been a mutually exclusive set of factors that uniquely and completely describe information privacy on context-aware applications. Second, user survey has been widely used to identify factors of information privacy in most studies despite the limitation of users' knowledge and experiences about context-aware computing technology. To date, since context-aware services have not been widely deployed on a commercial scale yet, only very few people have prior experiences with context-aware personalized services. It is difficult to build users' knowledge about context-aware technology even by increasing their understanding in various ways: scenarios, pictures, flash animation, etc. Nevertheless, conducting a survey, assuming that the participants have sufficient experience or understanding about the technologies shown in the survey, may not be absolutely valid. Moreover, some surveys are based solely on simplifying and hence unrealistic assumptions (e.g., they only consider location information as a context data). A better understanding of information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services is highly needed. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to identify a generic set of factors for elemental information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services and to develop a rank-order list of information privacy concern factors. We consider overall technology characteristics to establish a mutually exclusive set of factors. A Delphi survey, a rigorous data collection method, was deployed to obtain a reliable opinion from the experts and to produce a rank-order list. It, therefore, lends itself well to obtaining a set of universal factors of information privacy concern and its priority. An international panel of researchers and practitioners who have the expertise in privacy and context-aware system fields were involved in our research. Delphi rounds formatting will faithfully follow the procedure for the Delphi study proposed by Okoli and Pawlowski. This will involve three general rounds: (1) brainstorming for important factors; (2) narrowing down the original list to the most important ones; and (3) ranking the list of important factors. For this round only, experts were treated as individuals, not panels. Adapted from Okoli and Pawlowski, we outlined the process of administrating the study. We performed three rounds. In the first and second rounds of the Delphi questionnaire, we gathered a set of exclusive factors for information privacy concern in context-aware personalized services. The respondents were asked to provide at least five main factors for the most appropriate understanding of the information privacy concern in the first round. To do so, some of the main factors found in the literature were presented to the participants. The second round of the questionnaire discussed the main factor provided in the first round, fleshed out with relevant sub-factors. Respondents were then requested to evaluate each sub factor's suitability against the corresponding main factors to determine the final sub-factors from the candidate factors. The sub-factors were found from the literature survey. Final factors selected by over 50% of experts. In the third round, a list of factors with corresponding questions was provided, and the respondents were requested to assess the importance of each main factor and its corresponding sub factors. Finally, we calculated the mean rank of each item to make a final result. While analyzing the data, we focused on group consensus rather than individual insistence. To do so, a concordance analysis, which measures the consistency of the experts' responses over successive rounds of the Delphi, was adopted during the survey process. As a result, experts reported that context data collection and high identifiable level of identical data are the most important factor in the main factors and sub factors, respectively. Additional important sub-factors included diverse types of context data collected, tracking and recording functionalities, and embedded and disappeared sensor devices. The average score of each factor is very useful for future context-aware personalized service development in the view of the information privacy. The final factors have the following differences comparing to those proposed in other studies. First, the concern factors differ from existing studies, which are based on privacy issues that may occur during the lifecycle of acquired user information. However, our study helped to clarify these sometimes vague issues by determining which privacy concern issues are viable based on specific technical characteristics in context-aware personalized services. Since a context-aware service differs in its technical characteristics compared to other services, we selected specific characteristics that had a higher potential to increase user's privacy concerns. Secondly, this study considered privacy issues in terms of service delivery and display that were almost overlooked in existing studies by introducing IPOS as the factor division. Lastly, in each factor, it correlated the level of importance with professionals' opinions as to what extent users have privacy concerns. The reason that it did not select the traditional method questionnaire at that time is that context-aware personalized service considered the absolute lack in understanding and experience of users with new technology. For understanding users' privacy concerns, professionals in the Delphi questionnaire process selected context data collection, tracking and recording, and sensory network as the most important factors among technological characteristics of context-aware personalized services. In the creation of a context-aware personalized services, this study demonstrates the importance and relevance of determining an optimal methodology, and which technologies and in what sequence are needed, to acquire what types of users' context information. Most studies focus on which services and systems should be provided and developed by utilizing context information on the supposition, along with the development of context-aware technology. However, the results in this study show that, in terms of users' privacy, it is necessary to pay greater attention to the activities that acquire context information. To inspect the results in the evaluation of sub factor, additional studies would be necessary for approaches on reducing users' privacy concerns toward technological characteristics such as highly identifiable level of identical data, diverse types of context data collected, tracking and recording functionality, embedded and disappearing sensor devices. The factor ranked the next highest level of importance after input is a context-aware service delivery that is related to output. The results show that delivery and display showing services to users in a context-aware personalized services toward the anywhere-anytime-any device concept have been regarded as even more important than in previous computing environment. Considering the concern factors to develop context aware personalized services will help to increase service success rate and hopefully user acceptance for those services. Our future work will be to adopt these factors for qualifying context aware service development projects such as u-city development projects in terms of service quality and hence user acceptance.

Numerical Calculations of IASCC Test Worker Exposure using Process Simulations (공정 시뮬레이션을 이용한 조사유기응력부식균열 시험 작업자 피폭량의 전산 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Kyu-Ho;Kim, Hae-Woong;Kim, Chang-Kyu;Park, Kwang-Soo;Kwak, Dae-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.803-811
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the exposure amount of IASCC test worker was evaluated by applying the process simulation technology. Using DELMIA Version 5, a commercial process simulation code, IASCC test facility, hot cells, and workers were prepared, and IASCC test activities were implemented, and the cumulative exposure of workers passing through the dose-distributed space could be evaluated through user coding. In order to simulate behavior of workers, human manikins with a degree of freedom of 200 or more imitating the human musculoskeletal system were applied. In order to calculate the worker's exposure, the coordinates, start time, and retention period for each posture were extracted by accessing the sub-information of the human manikin task, and the cumulative exposure was calculated by multiplying the spatial dose value by the posture retention time. The spatial dose for the exposure evaluation was calculated using MCNP6 Version 1.0, and the calculated spatial dose was embedded into the process simulation domain. As a result of comparing and analyzing the results of exposure evaluation by process simulation and typical exposure evaluation, the annual exposure to daily test work in the regular entrance was predicted at similar levels, 0.388 mSv/year and 1.334 mSv/year, respectively. Exposure assessment was also performed on special tasks performed in areas with high spatial doses, and tasks with high exposure could be easily identified, and work improvement plans could be derived intuitively through human manikin posture and spatial dose visualization of the tasks.

Image Quality Evaluation of CsI:Tl and Gd2O2S Detectors in the Indirect-Conversion DR System (간접변환방식 DR장비에서 CsI:Tl과 Gd2O2S의 검출기 화질 평가)

  • Kong, Changgi;Choi, Namgil;Jung, Myoyoung;Song, Jongnam;Kim, Wook;Han, Jaebok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the features of CsI:Tl and $Gd_2O_2S$ detectors with an indirect conversion method using phantom in the DR (digital radiography) system by obtaining images of thick chest phantom, medium thickness thigh phantom, and thin hand phantom and by analyzing the SNR and CNR. As a result of measuring the SNR and CNR according to the thickness change of the subject, the SNR and CNR were higher in CsI:Tl detector than in $Gd_2O_2S$ detector when the medium thickness thigh phantom and thin hand phantom were scanned. However, when the thick chest phantom was used, for the SNR at 80~125 kVp and the CNR at 80~110 kVp in the $Gd_2O_2S$ detector, the values were higher than those of CsI:Tl detector. The SNR and CNR both increased as the tube voltage increased. The SNR and CNR of CsI:Tl detector in the medium thickness thigh phantom increased at 40~50 kVp and decreased as the tube voltage increased. The SNR and CNR of $Gd_2O_2S$ detector increased at 40~60 kVp and decreased as the tube voltage increased. The SNR and CNR of CsI:Tl detctor in the thin hand phantom decreased at the low tube voltage and increased as the tube voltage increased, but they decreased again at 100~110 kVp, while the SNR and CNR of $Gd_2O_2S$ detector were found to decrease as the tube voltage increased. The MTF of CsI:Tl detector was 6.02~90.90% higher than that of $Gd_2O_2S$ detector at 0.5~3 lp/mm. The DQE of CsI:Tl detector was 66.67~233.33% higher than that of $Gd_2O_2S$ detector. In conclusion, although the values of CsI:Tl detector were higher than those of $Gd_2O_2S$ detector in the comparison of MTF and DQE, the cheaper $Gd_2O_2S$ detector had higher SNR and CNR than the expensive CsI:Tl detector at a certain tube voltage range in the thick check phantom. At chest X-ray, if the $Gd_2O_2S$ detector is used rather than the CsI:Tl detector, chest images with excellent quality can be obtained, which will be useful for examination. Moreover, price/performance should be considered when determining the detector type from the viewpoint of the user.