• Title/Summary/Keyword: Up-Coming Trends

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Development of Analysis Model for R&D Environment Change in Search of the Weak Signal (Weak Signal 탐색을 위한 연구개발 환경변화 분석모델 개발)

  • Hong, Sung-Wha;Kim, You-Eil;Bae, Kuk-Jin;Park, Young-Wook;Park, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.189-211
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    • 2009
  • The importance of searching the weak signal has been increasingly recognized to cope with rapidly changing circumstances as an environmental analysis technique. This study proposed the NEST process for the searching for the weak signal. The NEST (New & Emerging Signals of Trends) is a micro environmental analysis process based on both quantitative and qualitative method. For this, the weak signal Searching Board is developed and traditional methods as global monitoring, trend analysis, brainstorming and delphi method are implemented to NEST. The NEST process is consists of three stage modules; the global monitoring stage in search of seeds information related to the environmental change, the weak signal analysis stage using the weak signal Tracking Board, and the delphi valuation stage for objectifying the final result. The NEST provides the weak signal of the promising technology which can bring new paradigm and the Up-Coming Trends which can lead new trend in the future. These outputs can be used to select promising technology from firm level to national level. The NEST system can be effectively operated as well as in small group so that small and medium innovative firms can develop and execute their own NEST process individually.

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Chronological Trends of Fashion and Make-up in 1990s for the Next Millennium (밀레니엄을 맞이하는 1990년대 패션과 메이크업의 경향)

  • 김수진;한명숙
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 1999
  • This paper analyzes the trend of fashion and make-up in 1990s and their relevancy to each other. Based on the chronological analysis, we propose a new category for the fashion and make-up trend in 1990s, which is 1) traditional ecology period(1990∼1994), 2) versatile trial or decadent period(1995∼1997), and 3) soft landing period based on the minimal neo-ecology and romanticism(1998∼2000). Between 1990 and 1994, there was no differentiation in seasons. It appeared that spring/summer and fall/winter trend have had no big differences. At the beginning in 1990s, it was basically based on ecology concept that emphasizes the natural image. However after 1995, seasonal differences in trend are appeared and there were various make-up designs. The trends of spring/summer in 1996 could be named as color revolution period that emphasized the unique and individual expression of each person. In 1997, black, pastel, and brown colors were the result of reinterpreting the classic and sexy images of 1960s to natural and modernistic image of 1997. Purple color started to be introduced to us. In 1998, pastel tone, pink, and purple color expresses the glamorous look based on the romantic feminism. S/S of 1999 is mainly represented by minimalism and avant garde. For fall/winter trends, brown color lines make-up comes to mix with romantic image and developed into wine, orange, neon colors in 1995 and 1996. These colors were the symbol of property and sentiment. Gold make-up emphasizing the eye area was the tendency of that period. In 1997, the fear of coming end of century was expressed as decadent image. At that time, ethnic and romantic image appeared with vivid color lines, gold, red and violet. In 1998, romanticism was popular again with modernism and ethnic mood. It expressed the romantic elegant image. The trend has returned to the ecology mood again in 1999. This ecology is somewhat different from the previous ecology. It adds a sofistaiced feeling and sportic fashion. To express natural and sportic image, they choose pink blush. In coming 2000 as a new millennium, the yellow color will be main the stream to express vision, dream, and happiness in both fashion and make-up as an accent color. The minimal design and minimal tools will be used for the design and make-up, respectively. In addition, the fusion concept will dominate the fashion and make-up industry in the globalized and boundariless age. Through this paper, we hope that make-up can be accepted as a part of total fashion in its relationship with other elements such as shoes, clothes and accessory and that it can be considered as a independent art that has direct influence on people and industry.

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Research Trends of Fashion Field among Chinese Students in Korea - Focused on Graduate Degree Thesis - (재한 중국인 유학생의 패션 분야 연구 동향 - 대학원 학위논문을 중심으로 -)

  • Wei, Fei;Park, Eun Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.1
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    • pp.58-72
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    • 2016
  • Since the mid 2000s, a large number of Chinese students have come to Korea to study. This study investigates the research trends of Chinese students studying in the fashion field in Korea. For this study, a total of 235 graduate degree theses on fashion written by Chinese students in Korea (from 1992 to 2014) were collected through the RISS website. Various keywords were used to find the theses, including fashion, clothing and costume. Factors used in the analysis of these theses were the number of theses per year, major of the student, research trend of specific areas and research target area. The results are as follows: Most of the theses were written by Fashion/Clothing majors (141 theses/60% of the total), while other majors - such as Business Administration, International Trade, Economics, Journalism/Broadcasting, and Movie Entertainment - made up the rest (94/40%). The theses researched in the study were focused on a specific field in fashion. Fashion Marketing/Socio-Psychology of Clothing was the most popular field (113/48.1%), and Fashion Design/Aesthetics came in second (87/37.0%). Other topics, such as Costume History, Clothing Construction/Textile Science, Costume Culture, followed. Chinese student's research target area was very limited, with Chinese Study being the most popular area, and Korean and Chinese Comparative Study coming in second.

The Prospects of International Cities in China

  • Zhou, Yi-Xing
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.131-153
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    • 1999
  • Since 1980's there have been two trends that obviously developed in the would -- economics globalization and urban internationalization. China, with is reform and opening-up policy and rapid economic growth, keeps pace with these two trends. The term "International City" has no putative standard or definition. If we make an analogue of urban functional hierarchy in the world with a pyramid, the International Citiesa are the few elites on its top. The highest level international cities can be called "World City" or "Global City". In today's new international division of labor, they are diversified leading cities with control capacity on a world scale, like New York, London, and Tokyo. The secondary international cities are either diversified cities with influence and regulative functions on multinational scale or specialized cities on politics, economics, culture, or other aspects with worldwide impact. Judged by different criteria, there is no city that is qualified as International City with the exception of Hong Kong, which was returned to the P.R. of China in 1997. Nevertheless, Some favorable conditions for the development of the international city still exist in China. This country is already the sixth largest economic entity in the world, and the second largest economic entity in the world, and the second largest one if GNP estimated by ppp. Furthermore its import and export value make up for 40% of its GNP, indicating that China is repidly merging into global economy. In this 1, 2 billion-population country, the difference of economic levels between urban and rural, coastal and inland regions is so big that a few metropolises in the coastal region have the possibilities and potentials to develop into international cities regardless of rather low GNP per capita of the whole country. This article will focus on analysis from several perspectives, such as the proportion of foreign trade values in GDP, the proportion of imports and exports by foreign funded enterprises in total foreign trade value; distribution of the 500 largest foreign-funded enterprises; distribution of the 500 enterprises with largest import and export values; distrigbution of foreign computer and telecom companies with offices in China; the number of outward flights per week and the international tourists; the value of foreign capital used in cities and so on. From this analysis, it is predicted that Chinese international cities will surely emergy from the eastern coastal regions and they must be the core cities of metropolitan interlocking regions that have been formed or in the process of forming. Those international cities will arise from south to north in turn : Hong Kong-Guangzhu, Shanghai, Beijing-Tianjin, and perhaps the last one is Dalian-Shenyang. The other side of this issue is that there is a long way for the coming international cities in China except Hong Kong. At least China and these core cities must continually devote to (1) improve the regional composition of foreign capital sources. (2) improve the composition of export commodities. (3) improve the investment environment (including hard and soft environment) to attract more transnational corporations to settle. (4) deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and establish Chinese own transnational corporations to enter the world market.ons to enter the world market.

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Time-Series Prediction of Baltic Dry Index (BDI) Using an Application of Recurrent Neural Networks (Recurrent Neural Networks를 활용한 Baltic Dry Index (BDI) 예측)

  • Han, Min-Soo;Yu, Song-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2017.11a
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    • pp.50-53
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    • 2017
  • Not only growth of importance to understanding economic trends, but also the prediction to overcome the uncertainty is coming up for long-term maritime recession. This paper discussed about the prediction of BDI with artificial neural networks (ANN). ANN is one of emerging applications that can be the finest solution to the knotty problems that may not easy to achieve by humankind. Proposed a prediction by implementing neural networks that have recurrent architecture which are a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). And for the reason of comparison, trained Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) from 2009.04.01 to 2017.07.31. Also made a comparison with conventional statistics, prediction tools; ARIMA. As a result, recurrent net, especially RNN outperformed and also could discover the applicability of LSTM to specific time-series (BDI).

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Trends of Comparative Education in Europe for the 21st Century - A Task beyond Euro-centrism - (21세기 유럽 비교교육학의 동향 - Euro-centrism극복의 과제 -)

  • Kang, Soon Won
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2016
  • This paper aims to explore the historical characteristics of CESE (Comparative Education Society in Europe) and BAISE(British Association of International and Comparative Education) through the analysis of their theoretical discourses which have impacted on Korean Society of Comparative Education. Inaugurated in 1963 by UK scholars, CESE is an ongoing international educational society beyond Europeanization. It seems intellectually struggling for setting up its peculiar comparative methodology discriminated from Americanization of method in general, because a long tradition that Europe is the center of the world has been shrunk by the emergence of WCCES led by US. While BAICE, inaugurated in 1997, is floating an international association with international students coming from overseas countries, tackling the global issues actively and making more balances with a critical equilibrium theories.

Trend Analysis of Pet Plants Before and After COVID-19 Outbreak Using Topic Modeling: Focusing on Big Data of News Articles from 2018 to 2021

  • Park, Yumin;Shin, Yong-Wook
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.563-572
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    • 2021
  • Background and objective: The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic restricted daily life, forcing people to spend time indoors. With the growing interest in mental health issues and residential environments, 'pet plants' have been receiving attention during the unprecedented social distancing measures. This study aims to analyze the change in trends of pet plants before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and provide basic data for studies related to pet plants and directions of future development. Methods: A total of 2,016 news articles using the keyword 'pet plants' were collected on Naver News from January 1, 2018 to August 15, 2019 (609 articles) and January 1, 2020 to August 15, 2021 (1,407 articles). The texts were tokenized into words using KoNLPy package, ultimately coming up with 63,597 words. The analyses included frequency of keywords and topic modeling based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify the inherent meanings of related words and each topic. Results: Topic modeling generated three topics in each period (before and during the COVID-19), and the results showed that pet plants in daily life have become the object of 'emotional support' and 'healing' during social distancing. In particular, pet plants, which had been distributed as a solution to prevent solitary deaths and depression among seniors living alone, are now expanded to help resolve the social isolation of the general public suffering from COVID-19. The new term 'plant butler' became a new trend, and there was a change in the trend in which people shared their hobbies and information about pet plants and communicated with others in online. Conclusion: Based on these findings, the trend data of pet plants before and after the outbreak of COVID-19 can provide the basis for activating research on pet plants and setting the direction for development of related industries considering the continuous popularity and trend of indoor gardening and green hobby.

Linguistic Theory in India and Panini (인도의 언어이론과 파니니)

  • 김형엽
    • Lingua Humanitatis
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2001
  • In the history of linguistics in the world the scholars in India could be regarded as the representative linguists, who had provided the cornerstone of the academic development at linguistics. Without looking into the contents of Indian linguistic theories devised and developed in the past it would be almost impossible to account for the origin of descriptive linguistics and historical linguistics. These linguistics trends became full-fledged in 19 and 20 century and are still accepted by a lot of researchers in order to analyze newly revealed languages and train students only coming up the toddling level of linguistic studies. In this paper I will show how far the influence of Indian linguistics has colored the flow of linguistic growth historically. Especially through the analysis of Panini grammar I will prove the intimate relationship between the Indian linguistic theory and the generative grammar - it is the most active theory at present. The methods that Panini applied to constitute the rules like sutra include lots of information, that also could be discovered at the rules postulated in the generative grammar. One of the common features found at both linguistic theories is the simplicity of rule representation. At the generative grammar a rule has to be established without any redundancy. When certain number of sounds like p, b, m show the same phonological. change relevant to lips (labial in linguistic term) different rules need not to be given for each sound separately. It is better to find a way of putting the sounds together in a rule with grouping the 3 sounds with the shared phonetic feature 'labial'. In Panini grammar the form of a rule was decided based on the simplicity, too. For example, sutra 6.1.77 shows the phonological connection between the vowels i, u r 1 and the semi-vowels y, v, r, 1. However, it does not require to postulate 4 individual rules respectively. Instead a rule in which the vowels and the semi-vowels are involved is suggested, and linguistically the rule make it clear that the more simpler the rules will be the better they can reflect the efficiency of human language acquisition. Although the systems introduced at Panini grammar have some sense of distance from the language education itself we cannot deny the fact that the grammar formulates the a turning point of linguistic development. It is essential for us to think over the grammar from the view point of the modem linguistic theories to understand their root and trunk more thoroughly. It will also help us to predict in which way linguistic tendency will proceed to in future.

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