• Title/Summary/Keyword: Unmanned monitoring system

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Analysis of 3D composited monitoring system using unmanned surface vehicle (무인 원격 이동체를 활용한 3차원 복합 모니터링 기술에 관한 연구)

  • Ho Soo Lee;Chang Hyun Lee;Young DO Kim
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.86-86
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    • 2023
  • 최근에 들어 환경보전과 지속가능한 하천관리의 중요성이 대두되고 있으며, 통합물관리에 있어 수리량과 수질을 연계한 통합 모니터링의 필요성이 커지고 있다. 수리량과 수질 분야에 대한 모니터링 기술은 지속적인 연구가 이루어져 왔으나, 각 분야의 개별적 연구로 인해 수리량과 수질을 통합하여 모니터링 하는 기술 개발은 미흡한 수준이다. 또한 수질 측정은 수질오염공정시험기준에 있는 채수 기준에 따라 채수하여 측정하고 있으며, 채수 지점은 하천의 수심별로 달리하여 정해진다. 수리 측정은 현장계측을 통한 2차원적 계측으로 진행하고 있어 수질 측정 시 채수지점과 수리 측정지점은 일치하지 않는다. 동일 지점에서의 수질과 수리량을 동시에 고려하고 있지 못한 모니터링은 본류와 지류의 혼합거동이 많은 국내 하천 특성을 반영하지 못한다. 또한 현재의 수질·수리 모니터링은 ADCP나 다항목수질측정기 같은 고가의 장비를 운영하며, 홍수기와 같은 고위험 계측 조건에서 인력을 통해 측정하고 있기에 고비용의 장비운영비와 인명 피해를 야기시키고 있다. 따라서 무인 원격 기술을 적용한 하천 모니터링 기술과 수질과 수리량의 데이터 연계를 통한 3차원 모니터링 기술의 확보는 하천관리에 있어 매우 필수적이다. 본 연구에서는 수중 무인 원격이동체인 ROV와 무인 원격이동체(USV)를 활용한 3차원 수질·수리 모니터링 기술 개발에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 국내 하천 특성을 고려한 혼합거동을 분석하기 위해 ROV에 수중 GPS 장비와 수질센서를 부착시켜 수중 내 2차원으로 측정되는 수리량과 동일한 좌표를 가지는 수질자료를 계측하여 하천의 연직 분포와 수평적 분포를 통해 화학적 수리적 거동을 분석하여 하천의 3차원 혼합거동 양상을 판단할 수 있었다. 이와 같은 무인 원격이동체를 통한 3차원 수질·수리 모니터링 기술은 하천의 3차원 분석에서 수질·수리량 보간 자료로 활용 가능하며, 효율적인 모니터링을 통하여 하천 전반 및 통합물관리에 있어 크게 기여할 것이라 사료된다.

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Development and Application of Private-focused Digital Public Service Evaluation Framework: Focused on AHP Analysis (민간 중심 디지털 공공 서비스 적합성 평가 프레임워크 개발 및 시범 적용 연구: AHP를 중심으로)

  • Sangjun Lee;DaeChul Lee
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.71-92
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    • 2023
  • Globally, under the leadership of advanced ICT countries, the private sector is promoting various policies to promote the digital transformation of public services. Looking at the research trend, design of public service indicators, development of evaluation system, and empirical research are being carried out steadily, but there are insufficient research cases on models in which the private sector participates in the planning, development, and operation of public services. In this study, Private-centric digital public service suitability evaluation indicators were discovered through interviews with experts in various fields, and weights for each indicator were analyzed through AHP evaluation. In addition, by applying the analysis results to 18 digital public services on a trial basis, the importance and priority of evaluation indicators for each service were derived, and at the same time, the evaluation framework was designed and applied to diagnose implications. As a result of the study, 'social utility', 'corporate acceptability', and 'public acceptability' were selected as the top three indicators of suitability evaluation. At this time, it was analyzed that the weight of the 'company acceptability' index, which includes sub-indices such as 'service profitability', 'service scalability', and 'private initiative possibility', was the highest among the three top indicators. As a result of the demonstration for public services, "IoT facility unmanned remote monitoring service", "blockchain real estate transaction service", and "digital twin disaster prediction service" were evaluated as the most suitable public services for the transition to the private sector.

Object-based Building Change Detection Using Azimuth and Elevation Angles of Sun and Platform in the Multi-sensor Images (태양과 플랫폼의 방위각 및 고도각을 이용한 이종 센서 영상에서의 객체기반 건물 변화탐지)

  • Jung, Sejung;Park, Jueon;Lee, Won Hee;Han, Youkyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.989-1006
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    • 2020
  • Building change monitoring based on building detection is one of the most important fields in terms of monitoring artificial structures using high-resolution multi-temporal images such as CAS500-1 and 2, which are scheduled to be launched. However, not only the various shapes and sizes of buildings located on the surface of the Earth, but also the shadows or trees around them make it difficult to detect the buildings accurately. Also, a large number of misdetection are caused by relief displacement according to the azimuth and elevation angles of the platform. In this study, object-based building detection was performed using the azimuth angle of the Sun and the corresponding main direction of shadows to improve the results of building change detection. After that, the platform's azimuth and elevation angles were used to detect changed buildings. The object-based segmentation was performed on a high-resolution imagery, and then shadow objects were classified through the shadow intensity, and feature information such as rectangular fit, Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) homogeneity and area of each object were calculated for building candidate detection. Then, the final buildings were detected using the direction and distance relationship between the center of building candidate object and its shadow according to the azimuth angle of the Sun. A total of three methods were proposed for the building change detection between building objects detected in each image: simple overlay between objects, comparison of the object sizes according to the elevation angle of the platform, and consideration of direction between objects according to the azimuth angle of the platform. In this study, residential area was selected as study area using high-resolution imagery acquired from KOMPSAT-3 and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Experimental results have shown that F1-scores of building detection results detected using feature information were 0.488 and 0.696 respectively in KOMPSAT-3 image and UAV image, whereas F1-scores of building detection results considering shadows were 0.876 and 0.867, respectively, indicating that the accuracy of building detection method considering shadows is higher. Also among the three proposed building change detection methods, the F1-score of the consideration of direction between objects according to the azimuth angles was the highest at 0.891.

Security Problem of National Major Facility's Parking Lot and its Improvement Method -Focused on Doonchi(Waterside) Parking Lot of National (국가중요시설의 주차장 보안의 문제점과 개선방안: 국회둔치주차장을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sang-Hun;Lee, Sang-Yeol
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.50
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    • pp.61-87
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    • 2017
  • National Assembly is a constitutional institution that is required to first consult the will of the people and it should do its effort continuously so that security of citizens using parking lot would be enhanced at the same time while improving parking service in order to increase customer satisfaction of the people. Under this recognition, in this study, Doonchi parking lot of National Assembly under consigned management was first reviewed in a perspective of criminal prevention through environmental design(CPTED) and particularly, fence installation and reinforcement work for securing 'territoriality' and operation of all round shooting camera and installation of No-trespassing warning board at entrance were suggested. Second, it was recommended to change independent control system in which CCTV security system of National Assembly Doonchi parking lot is operated separately from National Assembly safety situation room and integrate it with National Assembly safety situation room(revised to double safety system) and performance of CCTV camera was made to be increased to over 2m. In addition, video recording mode was converted to NVR mode for application to IP camera in the future and in order to avoid dead zone of security monitoring area and based on site inspection result, addition 3 places of newly installing CCTV were indicated. Third, it was recommended to introduce parking fare billing and management system through unmanned equipment in parking lot management and operation.(specialized management of professional parking service provider was reviewed). By doing so, risk of cash handling by charging personnel was removed by reducing current 7 working personnel to 3 and particularly, by converting parking lot management mode being operated temporarily from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. at present to 24 hours operation mode and providing more specialized parking service, citizens visiting National Assembly were provided with convenience and image of National Assembly was also enhanced. This study was carried out in parallel with various literature and case studies, including data from the Office of the Defense Protection in the National Assembly.

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A review on recent advances in water and wastewater treatment facilities management for earthquake disaster response (지진발생 대응을 위한 상하수도시설 관리 및 기술 현황에 대한 고찰)

  • Park, Jungsu;Choi, June-Seok;Kim, Keugtae;Yoon, Younghan;Park, Jae-Hyeoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2020
  • The proper operation and safety management of water and wastewater treatment systems are essential for providing stable water service to the public. However, various natural disasters including floods, large storms, volcano eruptions and earthquakes threaten public water services by causing serious damage to water and wastewater treatment plants and pipeline systems. Korea is known as a country that is relatively safe from earthquakes, but the recent increase in the frequency of earthquakes has increased the need for a proper earthquake management system. Interest in research and the establishment of legal regulations has increased, especially since the large earthquake in Gyeongju in 2016. Currently, earthquakes in Korea are managed by legal regulations and guidelines integrated with other disasters such as floods and large storms. The legal system has long been controlled and relatively well managed, but technical research has made limited progress since it was considered in the past that Korea is safe from earthquake damage. Various technologies, including seismic design and earthquake forecasting, are required to minimize possible damages from earthquakes, so proper research is essential. This paper reviews the current state of technology development and legal management systems to prevent damages and restore water and wastewater treatment systems after earthquakes in Korea and other countries. High technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles, wireless networks and real-time monitoring systems are already being applied to water and wastewater treatment processes, and to further establish the optimal system for earthquake response in water and wastewater treatment facilities, continuous research in connection with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including information and communications technologies, is essential.

Normalized Digital Surface Model Extraction and Slope Parameter Determination through Region Growing of UAV Data (무인항공기 데이터의 영역 확장법 적용을 통한 정규수치표면모델 추출 및 경사도 파라미터 설정)

  • Yeom, Junho;Lee, Wonhee;Kim, Taeheon;Han, Youkyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.499-506
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    • 2019
  • NDSM (Normalized Digital Surface Model) is key information for the detailed analysis of remote sensing data. Although NDSM can be simply obtained by subtracting a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) from a DSM (Digital Surface Model), in case of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) data, it is difficult to get an accurate DTM due to high resolution characteristics of UAV data containing a large number of complex objects on the ground such as vegetation and urban structures. In this study, RGB-based UAV vegetation index, ExG (Excess Green) was used to extract initial seed points having low ExG values for region growing such that a DTM can be generated cost-effectively based on high resolution UAV data. For this process, local window analysis was applied to resolve the problem of erroneous seed point extraction from local low ExG points. Using the DSM values of seed points, region growing was applied to merge neighboring terrain pixels. Slope criteria were adopted for the region growing process and the seed points were determined as terrain points in case the size of segments is larger than 0.25 ㎡. Various slope criteria were tested to derive the optimized value for UAV data-based NDSM generation. Finally, the extracted terrain points were evaluated and interpolation was performed using the terrain points to generate an NDSM. The proposed method was applied to agricultural area in order to extract the above ground heights of crops and check feasibility of agricultural monitoring.

A Study on Changes in Seafarers Functions and Manpower Training by the Introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (자율운항선박 도입에 따른 선원직능 변화와 인력양성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung-Ju Lim;Yong-John Shin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.78-80
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on Degree of Recognition and AHP surveys for experts, this study investigates changes in the demand of seafarers in response to changes in the shipping industry environment in which Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships(MASS) emerge according to the application of the fourth industrial revolution technology to ships, and it looks into changes in seafarers' skills. It also analyzes and proposes a plan for cultivating seafarers accordingly. As a result of Degree of Recognition and AHP analysis, it is analyzed that a new training system is required because the current training and education system may cover the job competencies of emergency response, caution and danger navigation, general sailing, cargo handling, seaworthiness maintenance, emergency response, and ship maintenance and management, but jobs such as remote control, monitoring diagnosis, device management capability, and big data analysis require competency for unmanned and shore based control.By evaluating the importance of change factors in the duties of seafarers in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships, this study provides information on seafarers educational institutions response strategies for nurturing seafarers and prioritization of resource allocation, etc. The importance of factors was compared and evaluated to suggest changes in the duties of seafarers and methods of nurturing seafarers according to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.It is expected that this study is meaningful as it systematically derived the duties and competency factors of seafarers of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships from a practical point of view and analyzed the perception level of each relevant expert to diagnose expert-level responses to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.

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A Study on the Application of Drone to Prevent the Spread of Green Tides in Lake Environment (호수 환경의 녹조 확산 방지를 위한 드론 적용 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jin-Taek Lim;Woo-Ram Lee;Sang-Beom Lee
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2023
  • Recently, water shortages have occurred due to climate change, and the need for water management of agricultural water has increased due to the occurrence of algal blooms in reservoirs. Existing algae prevention is operated by putting many people on site and misses the optimal spraying time due to movement through boats. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to block contamination in advance and move within time to uniformly spray complex microorganisms uniformly. Control drones are used for pesticide spraying and can be applied to algae prevention work by utilizing control drones. In this paper, basic research for the establishment of a marine control system was conducted for application to the reservoir environment, and as one of the results, the characteristics of a drone nozzle, a core technology that can be used for control drones, were calculated. In particular, it was found that the existing agricultural control drones had a disadvantage that the concentration was non-uniform within the suggested spraying interval, and to compensate for this, nozzle positioning and nozzle spraying uniformity were calculated. Based on the experimental results, we develop a core algorithm for establishing an algal bloom monitoring system in the reservoir environment and propose a precision control technology that can be used for marine control work in the future.

A Comparative Analysis between Photogrammetric and Auto Tracking Total Station Techniques for Determining UAV Positions (무인항공기의 위치 결정을 위한 사진 측량 기법과 오토 트래킹 토탈스테이션 기법의 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Won Jin;Kim, Chang Jae;Cho, Yeon Ju;Kim, Ji Sun;Kim, Hee Jeong;Lee, Dong Hoon;Lee, On Yu;Meng, Ju Pil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.553-562
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    • 2017
  • GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver among various sensors mounted on UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) helps to perform various functions such as hovering flight and waypoint flight based on GPS signals. GPS receiver can be used in an environment where GPS signals are smoothly received. However, recently, the use of UAV has been diversifying into various fields such as facility monitoring, delivery service and leisure as UAV's application field has been expended. For this reason, GPS signals may be interrupted by UAV's flight in a shadow area where the GPS signal is limited. Multipath can also include various noises in the signal, while flying in dense areas such as high-rise buildings. In this study, we used analytical photogrammetry and auto tracking total station technique for 3D positioning of UAV. The analytical photogrammetry is based on the bundle adjustment using the collinearity equations, which is the geometric principle of the center projection. The auto tracking total station technique is based on the principle of tracking the 360 degree prism target in units of seconds or less. In both techniques, the target used for positioning the UAV is mounted on top of the UAV and there is a geometric separation in the x, y and z directions between the targets. Data were acquired at different speeds of 0.86m/s, 1.5m/s and 2.4m/s to verify the flight speed of the UAV. Accuracy was evaluated by geometric separation of the target. As a result, there was an error from 1mm to 12.9cm in the x and y directions of the UAV flight. In the z direction with relatively small movement, approximately 7cm error occurred regardless of the flight speed.

Factors influencing population dynamics of herons in rice paddy at different time scales (다른 시간 단위에서 백로류 개체군 변동과 그 결정 요인)

  • Nam, Hyung-Kyu;Kim, Myung-Hyun;Kwon, Soon-Ik;Eo, Jinu;Song, Young-Ju
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.256-262
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    • 2018
  • Multiple temporal scale can be a useful method to understand population dynamics in ecosystem. The multi-temporal scale approach for population dynamics has rarely been researched till lately. This study was carried out to identify the factors in affecting the population dynamics of herons, including Eastern Cattle Egret (Bubulcus coromadus), Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea), Great Egret (A. alba), Intermediate Egret (Egretta intermedia) and Little Egret (E. garzetta), at rice paddy fields of Seokmun-myeon in the city of Dangjin, South Chungcheong Province during the main breeding periods from 2014 to 2017. We identified the population dynamics of herons at different time interval (day and month) using the unmanned monitoring system. As a result, monthly population dynamics was mostly affected by time, mean temperature and mean precipitation, whereas daily population dynamics was affected by mean temperature and habitat types. The results suggest that there are differences in the factors affecting the population dynamics of herons according to the time scale.