• Title/Summary/Keyword: UV-histogram

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Fast Human Detection Method in Range Data using Adaptive UV-histogram and Template Matching (적응적 UV-histogram과 템플릿 매칭을 이용한 거리 영상에서의 고속 인간 검출 방법)

  • Yoon, Bumsik;Kim, Whoi-Yul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.9
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, a fast human detection method using adaptive UV-histogram and template matching is proposed. The proposed method improves the detection rate in the scene of complex environment. The method firstly generates U-histogram to extract human candidates and adaptively generates V-histogram for each labled U-histogram, thus it could extract humans correctly, which was impossible in the previous method. The method tries to match the human candidates with the adaptively sized omega shape template to the focal length and distance in order to improve the detection accuracy. It also detects false positives by rematching the template with accumulated foreground images and hence is robust to the occlusion. Experimental results showed that the proposed method has superior performance to the Bae's method in the complex environment with about 15% improvement in precision and 80% in recall and has 20 times faster processing time than Xia's method.


  • Park, Myoung-Joo;Matuo, Yoichirou;Akiyama, Yoko;Izumi, Yoshinobu;Nishijima, Shigehiro
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2009
  • The effect of low doses of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation on morphology changes of cell has been studied based on the observation of the cell length. It was shown that UV-irradiated cell has different behavior in comparison with non-irradiated cell. From the histogram of cell-length distribution, it was confirmed that cell cycle of non irradiated cell was 28 hours, and that cell cycle of irradiated cell with dose of $20\;Jm^{-2}$ was delayed (39 hours), while irradiated cell with $40\;Jm^{-2}$ and $60\;Jm^{-2}$ did not divide and kept growing continuously. It was supposed that in case of $20\;Jm^{-2}$ of irradiation dose, the cell cycle was delayed because the checkpoint worked in order to repair DNA damage induced by generation of pyrimidine dimer, reactive oxygen species and so on. It was also supposed that in case of $40\;Jm^{-2}$ and $60\;Jm^{-2}$ of irradiation dose, overgrowth was induced because the checkpoint was not worked well. The morphology of overgrown cell was similar to that of normally senescent cell. Therefore, it was considered that cell senescence was accelerated by UV irradiation with irradiation doses of $40\;Jm^{-2}$ and $60\;Jm^{-2}$.

Optimal Tongue Image Analysis for recognizing a Coated Tongue in the Tongue Diagnosis (설진에서 설태 인식을 위한 최적 혀 영상 분석)

  • Choi, chang-yur;Lee, woo-beom;Hong, you-sik;Lee, sang-suk;Nam, dong-hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.533-534
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서 적외선(IR; Infrared), 자외선(UV; Ultraviolet), 가시광선(VR; Visible ray)의 영역에서 촬영한 설진 영상으로부터 가장 효과적인 설태 인식을 위한 최적 혀 영상 분석 방법을 제안한다. 제안한 방법은 설진에서 혀 영상 촬영을 위한 최적 파장 범위와 해당 파장에서 설태 분석에 최적의 컬러 영상을 선정한다. 최적 영상 선정을 위해서는 각 파장별로 촬영한 혀 영상을 LAB, HSV, YcBcR, RGB 컬러모델로 변환하고, 변환된 영상들로부터 설태와 비설태 영역의 히스토그램(Histogram)을 분석에 의해서 영역-분별력을 측정한다. 실험 결과 설진에서 설태 인식을 위한 최적 혀 영상은 자외선 영역에서의 RGB 컬러모델로 나타났다.

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Glutaraldehyde-Mediated Synthesis of Asparaginase-Bound Maghemite Nanocomposites: Cytotoxicity against Human Colon Adenocarcinoma Cells

  • Baskar, G;George, Garrick Bikku
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.4237-4240
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    • 2016
  • Drugs processed using nanobiotechnology may be more biocompatible, with sustainable and stabilised release or action. L-asparaginase produced from fungi has many advantages for treatment of lymphocytic leukemia with lesser side effect. In the present work, maghemite nanobiocomposites of fungal asparaginase were produced using glutaraldehyde-pretreated colloidal magnetic nanoparticles. Formation of nanobiocomposites was observed using laser light scattering and confirmed by UV-visible spectrophotometry with the absorption peak at 497 nm. The specific asparaginase activity was increased from 320 U/mg with crude asparaginase to 481.5 U/mg. FTIR analysis confirmed that primary amines are the functional groups involved in binding of asparaginase on magnetic nanoparticles. The average size of the produced nanobiocomposite was found in the range of 30 nm to 40 nm using histogram analysis. The magnetic nanobiocomposite of asparaginase synthesised using glutaraldehyde showed 90.75% cytotoxicity against human colon adenocarcinoma cell lines. Hence it can be used as an active anticancer drug with an augmented level of bioavailability.

Fusarium mangiferae as New Cell Factories for Producing Silver Nanoparticles

  • Hamzah, Haider M.;Salah, Reyam F.;Maroof, Mohammed N.
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.1654-1663
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    • 2018
  • Finding a safe and broad-spectrum medication is a goal of scientists, pharmacists, and physicians, but developing and fabricating the right medicine can be challenging. The current study describes the formation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by Fusarium mangiferae. It involves the antibiofilm activity of the nanoparticles against Staphylococcus aureus. It also involves cytotoxic effect against mammalian cell lines. Well-dispersed nanoparticles are formed by F. mangiferae. The sizes of the nanoparticles were found to range from 25 to 52 nm, and UV-Vis scan showed absorption around 416-420 nm. SEM, TEM, and AFM results displayed spherical and oval shapes. Furthermore, the FTIR histogram detected amide I and amide II compounds responsible for the stability of AgNPs in an aqueous solution. AgNPs were observed to decrease the formation of biofilm at 75% (v/v). DNA reducing, smearing, and perhaps fragmentation were noticed after treating the bacterial cells with 50% (v/v). Additionally, cell lysis was detected releasing proteins in the supernatant. It was also observed that the AgNPs have the ability to cause 59% cervical cancer cell line (HeLa) deaths at 25% (v/v), however, they showed about 31% toxicity against rat embryo fibroblast transformed cell lines (REF). The results of this study prove the efficiency of AgNPs as an antibiofilm against S. aureus, suggesting that AgNPs could be an alternative to antibiotics. It must also be emphasized that AgNPs displayed cytotoxic behavior against mammalian cell lines. Further studies are needed for assessing risk in relation to the possible benefit of prescribing AgNPs.

X-ray/gamma radiation shielding properties of Aluminium-Bariume-Zinc Oxide nanoparticles synthesized via low temperature solution combustion method

  • K.V. Sathish;K.N. Sridhar;L. Seenappa;H.C. Manjunatha;Y.S. Vidya;B. Chinnappa Reddy;S. Manjunatha;A.N. Santhosh;R. Munirathnam;Alfred Cecil Raj;P.S. Damodara Gupta;B.M. Sankarshan
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.1519-1526
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    • 2023
  • For the first time Aluminium-BariumeZinc oxide nanocomposite (ZABONC) was synthesized by solution combustion method where calcination was carried out at low temperatures (600℃) to study the electromagnetic (EM) (X/γ) radiation shielding properties. Further for characterization purpose standard techniques like PXRD, SEM, UV-VISIBLE, FTIR were used to find phase purity, functional groups, surface morphology, and to do structural analysis and energy band gap determination. The PXRD pattern shows (hkl) planes corresponding to spinel cubic phase of ZnAl2O4, cubic Ba(NO3)2, α and γ phase of Al2O3 which clearly confirms the formation of complex nano composite. From SEM histogram mean size of nano particles was calculated and is in the order of 17 nm. Wood and Tauc's relation direct energy band gap calculation gives energy gap of 2.9 eV. In addition, EM (X/γ) shielding properties were measured and compared with the theoretical ones using standard procedures (NaI (Tl) detector and multi channel analyzer MCA). For energy above 356 keV the measured shielding parameters agree well with the theory, while below this value slight deviation is observed, due to the influence of atomic/crystallite size of the ZABONC. Hence synthesized ZABONC can be used as a shielding material in EM (X/γ) radiation shielding.