• Title/Summary/Keyword: U-shape reinforcement

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Evaluation of Bond Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with High-Strength Transverse Reinforcement (고강도 횡보강근을 사용한 철근콘크리트 보의 부착 거동 평가)

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Kim, Young-Sik;Baek, Seung-Cheol;Kim, Kil-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.102-109
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    • 2010
  • This paper investigates the bond behavior of reinforced concrete beams having high-strength transverse reinforcement. A total of four reinforced concrete beams were tested in this study to estimate the bond capacity of the proposed U-shape reinforcement. The proposed U-shape reinforcement not only has a simple structure to install, but also can increase the bond capacity of reinforced concrete beams by controling bond cracks. This study follow the test method proposed by Ichinose to obtain the bond stress and the bond slip of the specimens. The main test parameters were the yield strength, ratio, and reinforcing types of transverse reinforcements. It was found that the proposed U-shape reinforcement was able to effectively improve the bond performance of reinforced concrete beams with high-strength transverse reinforcement.

An Experimental Study on Beam Strengthening of RC Buildings with Expanded Steel Plates in Rural Area (농어촌 지역 RC건축물 보의 철판망 보강에 관한 실험 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon IL;Hong, Si Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2005
  • This experimental study was conducted to investigate beam strengthening of RC buildings with expended steel plate(ESP) in rural area. Nine test specimens were manufactured, whose variables were tensile steel ratio and the amount and the shape of expanded steel plate. The test results indicated that strengthened beams with ESP showed the improvement of flexural strength of 50%~90%, and the beam strengthening of U type was excellent for shear reinforcement as well as flexural reinforcement, more over, the honeycomb shape of ESP and anchor bolts for development of ESP were very effective.

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Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with rectangular web openings by FRP Composites

  • Abdel-Kareem, Ahmed H.
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.281-300
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    • 2014
  • This study presents the experimental results of twenty three reinforced concrete beams with rectangular web openings externally strengthened with Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) composites bonded around openings. All tested beams had the same geometry and reinforcement details. At openings locations, the stirrups intercepted the openings were cut during fabrication of reinforcement cage to simulate the condition of inclusion of an opening in an existing beam. Several design parameters are considered including the opening dimensions and location in the shear zone, the wrapping configurations, and the amount and the type of the FRP composites in the vicinity of the openings. The wrapping configurations of FRP included: sheets, strips, U-shape strips, and U-shape strips with bundles of FRP strands placed at the top and sides of the beam forming a fan under the strips to achieve closed wrapping. The effect of these parameters on the failure modes, the ultimate load, and the beam stiffness were investigated. The shear contribution of FRP on the shear capacity of tested beams with web openings was estimated according to ACI Committee 440-08, Canadian Standards S6-06, and Khalifa et al. model and examined against the test results. A modification factor to account for the dimensions of opening chords was applied to the predicted gain in the shear capacity according to ACI 440-08 and CSA S6-06 for bonded Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) around openings. The analytical results after incorporating the modification factor into the codes guidelines showed good agreement with the test results.

Experimental Study on Improvement of Bond Performance of RC Beams with High-Strength Shear Reinforcement (고강도 전단철근을 사용한 철근콘크리트 보의 부착성능 향상에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Kim, Do-Jin;Yoon, Hye-Sun;Baek, Sung-Cheol;Kim, Kil-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2010
  • This study presents a simple method to improve the bond performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams having high-strength shear reinforcement. In general, the yield strength and the ratio of shear reinforcements are the main parameters governing the shear capacity of RC beams. The yield strength of shear reinforcement, however, has little influence on the bond capacity of RC beams. Therefore, a sudden bond failure of the members with high-strength shear reinforcement can occur before flexural failure. To estimate the structural performance of the proposed method, four RC beams were cast and tested. The main test parameters were the yield strength, ratio, and reinforcing types of shear reinforcements. The experimental results indicated that the proposed method was able to effectively improve the bond performance of RC beams with high-strength shear reinforcement.

Experimental Study on the Structural Capacity of the U-Flanged Truss Steel Beam (U-플랜지 트러스 보의 구조 내력에 관한 실험 연구)

  • Oh, Myoung Ho;Kim, Young Ho;Kang, Jae Yoon;Kim, Myeong Han
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2018
  • U-flanged truss beam is composed of u-shaped upper steel flange, lower steel plate of 8mm or more thickness, and connecting lattice bars. Upper flange and lower plate are connected by the diagonal lattice bars welded on the upper and lower sides. In this study the structural experiments on the U-flanged truss beams with various shapes of upper flange were performed, and the flexural and shear capacities of U-flanged truss beam in the construction stage were evaluated. The principal test parameters were the shape of upper flange and the alignment space of diagonal lattice bars. In all the test specimens, the peak loads were determined by the buckling of lattice bar regardless of the upper flange shape. The test results have shown that the buckling of lattice bar is very important design factor and there is no need to reinforce the basic u-shaped upper flange. However, the early lattice buckling occurred in the truss beam with upper steel bars because of the insufficient strength and stiffness of upper chord, and the reinforcement in the upper chord is necessary. The formulae of Eurocode 3 (2005) have presented more exact evaluations of lattice buckling load than those of KBC 2016.

Structural Performance of Shearwall with Sectional Shape in Wall-type Apartment Buildings (단면현상에 따른 벽식구조 전단벽의 구조성능 평가)

  • 한상환;오영훈;오창학;이리형
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2000
  • Structural performance of the walls subjected to lateral load reversals depends on various parameters such as loading history, sectional shape, reinforcement, lateral confinement, aspect ratio, axial compression, etc. Thus, the performance of the shearwall for wall-type apartment should be evaluated properly considering above parameters. This study investigates the effect of sectional shape on the structural performance of the wall. Sectional shape of the specimen is rectangular, barbell and T. Based on this experimental results, all specimens behaved as ductile fashion and failed by concrete crushing of the compression zone. Deformation index of those specimens evaluated better than 3 of ductility ratio, and 1.5% of deformability specified by seismic provision. Moreover, the performance of the rectangular shaped specimen, whose compression zone was confined with U-bar and cross tie, was as good as the barbell shaped specimen. Therefore, if we considered construction practice such as workmanship and detailing, shearwall with rectangular section may be more economical lateral load resisting system.

Experimental Study on the Structural Capacity of the U-flanged Truss Hybrid Beam with Hollow Rebars (중공철근으로 보강한 U-플랜지 트러스 복합보의 구조 내력에 관한 실험연구)

  • Lee, Seong Min;Oh, Myoung Ho;Kim, Young Ho
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2022
  • A typical low and medium-sized neighborhood living facility in reinforced concrete building secures a high floor and pursues an efficient module plan(long span). Accordingly, research on the development of new hybrid beams that can innovatively reduce labor costs such as on-site installation and assembly while securing strength and rigidity is ongoing. In order to verify the structural performance of the U-flanged truss composite beam with newly developed shape, Experiments with various variables are required. Based on the results, this study is to evaluate the strength of U-flanged truss hybrid beam through the flexural strength of the Korea Design Code and experimental values. It was evaluated that nominal flexural strength was 110% to 135% higher than the experimental value.

Behavior of pre-cracked deep beams with composite materials repairs

  • Boumaaza, M.;Bezazi, A.;Bouchelaghem, H.;Benzennache, N.;Amziane, S.;Scarpa, F.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.63 no.5
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    • pp.575-583
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    • 2017
  • The study covers the behavior of reinforced concrete deep beams loaded under 4-point bending, failed by shear and repaired using bonding glass fiber reinforced plastics fabrics (GFRP) patches. Two rehabilitation methods have been used to highlight the influence of the composite on the ultimate strength of the beams and their failure modes. In the first series of trials the work has been focused on the reinforcement/rehabilitation of the beam by following the continuous configuration of the FRP fabric. The patch with a U-shape did not provide satisfactory results because this reinforcement strategy does not allow to increase the ultimate strength or to avoid the abrupt shear failure mode. A second methodology of rehabilitation/reinforcement has been developed in the form of SCR (Strips of Critical Region), in which the composite materials reinforcements are positioned to band the inclined cracks (shear) caused by the shear force. The results obtained by using this method lead a superior out come in terms of ultimate strength and change of the failure mode from abrupt shearing to ductile bending.

Study on the Cyclic Seismic Testing of U-shape Hybrid Composite Beam-to-Composite Column Connections (신형상 U형 하이브리드 합성보와 기둥 접합부의 내진성능에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Bae;Kim, Sang Seup;Ryu, Deog Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2013
  • This study that is a successive secondary study right after the primary bending strength test of a new form of U-shape hybrid composite beam is a cyclic seismic test of U-shape hybrid composite beam and column conncetion. Three specimens are built for the variables which are kinds of columns, depth of beam, continuity or discontinuity of upper plate of beam, and a number of steel bars of end-beam. Kinds of columns are a reinforcement concrete column and a ACT column of CFT shape, and beam depth are 300, and 500 mm. Detail of connection is bolt connection with using a short bracket that is commonly use. As the result, deformability of 2~4% is ensured the floor displacement angle. If it is the negative moment, the maximum moment shows that its capacity is above the nominal moment.

Studies on the Development of Bearing Capacity Reinforcement for the Foundation of Soil (기초지반의 지지력보강공법에 관한 연구)

  • 유동환;최예환;유연택
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.38-49
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    • 1988
  • This paper presented as follows results of laboratory model tests with various shaped footings on soil bed reinforced with the strips on the base of behaviour of soil structure according to the loads and triaxial test results reinforced with geotextiles. Their parameters studied were the effects on the bearing capacity of a footing of the first layer of reinforcement, horizontal and vertical spacing of layers, number of layers, tensile strength of reinforcement and iclination load to the vertical 1.Depending on the strip arrangement, ultimate bearing capacity values could be more improved than urreinforced soil and the failure of soil was that the soil structure was transfered from the macrospace to microspase and its arrangement, from edge to edge to face to face. 2.The reinforcement was produced the reinforcing effects due to controlling the value of factor of one and permeable reinforcement was never a barrier of drainage condition. 3.Strength ratio was decreased as a linear shape according to increment of saturation degree of soil used even though at the lower strength ratio, the value of M-factor was rot influenced on the strength ratio but impermeable reinforcement decreased the strength of bearing capacity. 4.Ultimate bearing capacity under the plane-strain condition was appeared a little larger than triaxial or the other theoretical formulars and the circular footing more effective. 5.The maximum reinforcing effects were obtained at U I B=o.5, B / B=3 and N=3, when over that limit only acting as a anchor, and same strength of fabric appeared larger reinforcing effects compared to the thinner one. 6.As the LDR increased, more and more BCR occurred and there was appeared a block action below Z / B=O.5, but over the value, decrement of BCR was shown linear relation, and no effects above one. 7.The coefficient of the inclination was shown of minimum at the three layers of fabrics, but the value of H / B related to the ultimate load was decreased as increment of inclination degree, even though over the value of 4.5 there wasn't expected to the reinforcing effects As a consequence of the effects on load inclination, the degree of inclination of 15 per cent was decreased the bearing capacity of 70 per cent but irnproved the effects of 45 per cent through the insertion of geotextile.

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