• 제목/요약/키워드: Two-dimensional temperature

검색결과 1,053건 처리시간 0.027초

엔진룸 내의 열유체 유동의 2차원 수치시뮬레이션 (A two-dimensional numerical simulation of the thermal and fluid flow in engine room)

  • 유정열;윤홍열;이훈구
    • 오토저널
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 1992
  • The complex geometry of the engine room of a passenger car has been modelled two-dimensionally and the thermal and fluid flow therein have been analyzed by using a commercially available code, PATRAN/FLORAM$\mid$N. FLOTRAN adopts a finite element method with streamline upwind formulation for convective terms and the k-.epsilon. turbulence model to solve the three dimensional turbulent flow and heat transfer problems. Velocity vectors, pressure and temperature distributions have been obtained for various cases with different arrangements of license plate, underbody-covers and air dams. The results show that the numerical analysis using PATRAN/FLOTRAN can predict qualitatively well the practical phenomena.

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自由平面제트 및 衝突平面제트의 亂流特性 (The Characteristics of Free and Impinging Turbulent Plane Jet)

  • 정필운;이상수;윤현순
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.361-371
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    • 1983
  • The turbulent structures of the free plane jet and two dimensional impinging jet are investigated experimentally. In order to get the two dimensional jet, the contour of the cubic equation suggested by Morel is used for a contracting nozzle. A linearized constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer is used for measurement. Mean velocities and turbulent intensities are measured along the centerline of the jet. Jet halp width spatial double velocity correlation coefficients and integral length scales are obtained. It is established that the free plane jet is truly self-preserving about 40 slot widths downstream of the nozzle. The experiments for the impinging jet are carried out at four different impingement wall locations within the self-preserving region of the free plane jet, and comparing the results with that of free plane jet, the mean velocity is changed in the region of 0.25H and turbulent intensities are affected in the region of 0.2H from the wall, respectively, where H means the distance between the nozzle exit and the wall.

수정 Eshelby등가 개재물 방법을 이용한 단섬유 금속 복합재료의 열적잔류응력의 해석에 관한 연구

  • 손봉진;이준현;김문생
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 1993년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.660-665
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    • 1993
  • An elastic model is developed to predict the average thermal residual stresses in the matrix and fiber of a misoriented short fiber composite. The thermal residual stresses are induced by the mismatch in the coefficient of the thermal expansion of the matrix and fiber when the composite is subjected to a uniform temperature change. The model considers two special cases of fiber misorientation ; two-dimensional in-plane and three-dimensional axisymmetric. The analytical formulation of the model is based on Eshelby's equivalent inclusion method and is nuque in that it is able to account for interactions among fibers. The model is more general than past models and it is able to treat prior analyses of the simpler composite systems as extram cases. The present model is to investigate the effects of fiber volume fraction, distribution type, distribution cut-off angle, and aspect ratio on thermal residual stress for both in-plane and axisymmetric fiber misorientation. Fiber volum fraction, aspect ratio, and disturbution cut-off angle are shown to have more significant effects on the magnitude of the thermal residual stress than fiber distrubution type for both in-plane and axisymmetric misorientation.

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環境傾度에 의한 母岳山 植物個體群의 分布類型 (Distribution patterns of specice populations along the environmental gradients in mt. moak provincial park, korea)

  • Kim, Jeong-Un;Yim, Yang-Jai
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.365-375
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    • 1992
  • The environmental gradient analyses were applied for the distribution patterns of species populations in mt. moak provincial park in korea. The species populations were sequentially ordered along the environmental gradients such as soil moisture, soil ph, soil organic matter content and elevation and were grouped into seven ecological groups by the two-dimensional analyses of temperature-moisture gradient : zelkova serrata group on mesic-lower parts near the streames and well drained stony slopes, carpinus tschonoskii group on mesic-middle parts, quercus acutissima group on lower parts destroyed by human activities, quercus variabilis group on xeric-middle parts, quercus serrata group on xeric-upper middle parts, quercus mongolica group on xeric-upper parts and pinus densiflora group on xeric-rock ridge lines, hillocks and lower parts interfered by human. Four forest vegetation types, zelkova forest dominated by the c. tschonoskii group on mesic-middle parts, oak forest dominated by the groups of q. acutissima, q. variabilis, q. serrata and q. mongolica on xeric sites and pine forest dominated by the p. densiflora group on dry and poor sites, were separated in mosaic chart by the two-dimensional analysis.

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  • Shabani Mohammad Reza;Rahimian Mohammad Hassan
    • 한국전산유체공학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this research is to estimate two dimensional ablating and charring of heat shield materials in severe aero-thermal heat transfer. This estimation requires an accurate and rapid technique for its serious heat transfer with a moving boundary. Aerodynamic heating is obtained by an explicit relation which is a function of Mach number and air condition, while a fully implicit method is used for heat transfer calculations. Moving boundary is captured by FLIAR method which is a subgroup of VOF. Thickness of ablating and charring of heat shield, temperature of the moving surface and rate of radiation heat are calculated and compared with references. The results are in good agreement with other calculations.

Numerical Study on Vortex Structures in a Two-dimensional Bluff-Body Burner in the Transitional Flow Regime

  • Kawahara, Hideo;Nishimura, Tatsuo
    • 한국연소학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2002
  • Vortical structures are investigated numerically for both cold and combusting flows from a two-dimensional bluff-body burner in the transitional flow regime from steady to unsteady state. The Reynolds number of the central fuel flow is varied from 10 to 230 at a fixed air Reynolds number of 400. The flame sheet model of infinite chemical reaction and unit Lewis number are assumed in the simulation. The temperature dependence of the viscosity and diffusivity of the gas mixture is also considered. The vortex shedding is observed depending on the fuel flow. For cold flow, four different types of vortical structure are identified. However, for combusting flow of methane-air system the vortical structures change significantly due to a large amount of heat release during the combustion process, in contract to cold flow.

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Convective heat and mass transfer affected by aspect ratios for physical vapor transport crystal growth in two dimensional rectangular enclosures

  • Kim, Geug Tae;Kwon, Moo Hyun
    • 한국결정성장학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2018
  • Natural convection of a two dimensional laminar steady-state incompressible fluid flow in a rectangular enclosure has been investigated numerically for low aspect ratios with the physical vapor transport crystal growth. Results show that for aspect ratio (Ar = L/H) range of $0.1{\leq}Ar{\leq}1.5$, with the increase in Grashof number by one order of magnitude, the total mass flux is much augmented, and is exponentially decayed with the aspect ratio. Velocity and temperature profiles are presented at the mid-width of the rectangular enclosure. It is found that the effect of Grashof number on mass transfer is less significant when the enclosure is shallow (Ar = 0.1) and the influence of aspect ratio is stranger when the enclosure is tall and the Grashof number is high. Therefore, the convective phenomena are greatly affected by the variation of aspect ratios.

A Semi-Implicit Method for the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Fluid Flow with Moving Free Surfaces

  • Lee, Woo-Il;Park, Jong-Sun;Kim, Min-Soo;Lee, Joon-Sik
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.720-731
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    • 2002
  • Flow with moving free surfaces is analyzed with an the Eulerian coordinate system. This study proposes a semi-implicit filling algorithm using VOF in which the PLIC (Piecewise Linear Interface Calculation) -type interface reconstruction method and the donor-acceptor-type front advancing scheme are adopted. Also, a new scheme using extrapolation of the stream function is proposed to find the velocity of the node that newly enters the computational domain. The effect of wall boundary conditions on the flow field and temperature field is examined by numerically solving a two-dimensional casting process.

장방형주 후류의 2차원 난류특성 (The Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Turbulent Wake Flow Past a Rectangular Cylinder)

  • 남청도;조석호;부정숙
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 1990
  • Two-dimensional turbulent wake flow past a rectangular cylinder is investigated experimentally by using the linearized constant temperature hot-wire anemometer. Some of turbulent characteristics are obtained at the range of X=6B-500B downstream from the cylinder and the Reynolds number range is 500-2800. For the statistical treatment, autocorrelation coefficient, probability density function and power spectral density function are obtained by using the signal analyzer. It is clear that coherent structure of strong periodic eddies exists to the position of 20B downstream from the cylinder, and its feature is similar to round type as nearer to the cylinder while it is stretched longitudinally along with flow direction as the distance from the cylinder is increased to downstream.

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Analytical solution of a two-dimensional thermoelastic problem subjected to laser pulse

  • Abbas, Ibrahim A.;Alzahrani, Faris S.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.791-803
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    • 2016
  • In this article, the problem of a two-dimensional thermoelastic half-space are studied using mathematical methods under the purview of the generalized thermoelastic theory with one relaxation time is studied. The surface of the half-space is taken to be thermally insulated and traction free. Accordingly, the variations of physical quantities due to by laser pulse given by the heat input. The nonhomogeneous governing equations have been written in the form of a vector-matrix differential equation, which is then solved by the eigenvalue approach. The analytical solutions are obtained for the temperature, the components of displacement and stresses. The resulting quantities are depicted graphically for different values of thermal relaxation time. The result provides a motivation to investigate the effect of the thermal relaxation time on the physical quantities.