• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trust model

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The Influence of Service Recovery Justice on Intention to Recommend for Retailer

  • SHIN, Yongsun;KIM, Moonseop
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This research aimed to suggest retailing companies some ways to enhance customer satisfaction with service recovery and recommendation intention towards these companies. For this purpose, current study examined the relationships among service recovery justice, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction and intention to recommend and the moderating role of ego-resilience. Research design, data and methodology: Current study developed a structural equation model in which perceived service recovery justice is a predictor, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction are mediators, intention to recommend is a dependent variable and the ego-resilience is a moderator between the perceived service recovery justice and the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction. Data were collected from customers who experienced service failures from retailers. A total of 400 questionnaires were collected and 365 samples were used for analysis after deleting data having missing value. SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used to test the validity, reliability, and structural equation modeling. Results: Empirical results showed that the perceived service recovery justice had a negative influence on the perceived service failure severity and a positive influence on the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction. These results indicate that when customers perceive the service recovery justice more highly, they perceive the service failure less severe but they perceive the retailer more trustworthy and are satisfied with service recovery. In addition, the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction had a positive influence on the intention to recommend. These results indicate that when customers perceive the retailer more trustworthy and are satisfied with service recovery, they are more intend to recommend the retailer. Moreover, the influence of the perceived service recovery justice on the customer trust and the recovery satisfaction was moderated by the ego-resilience. Conclusions: This study contributed to the service recovery literature by proving the relationship among service recovery justice, service failure severity, customer trust, recovery satisfaction and intention to recommend. Moreover, current research introduced the ego-resilience into service recovery research area and revealed the moderation role of the ego-resilience. Managerially, this research suggested retailing companies some ways to effectively recover from service failure.

The Effect of CSR on the Organizational Trust and Job-esteem (CSR이 조직신뢰와 직업존중감에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim, Ji-Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2014
  • The purse of this article is to analyze the effect of CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility) on organizational trust and job-esteem in the Hotel. Based on theoretical backgrounds, 3 hypotheses were derived and a regression model and AMOS was proposed. Analysis results are as follows: first, the higher degree of ethical responsibility and contributional responsibility have on active organizational trust positively. second, the relationship between CSR and job-esteem, only contributional responsibility affected intrinsic value and economic responsibility affected social reputation. third, the relationship between organizational trust and job-esteem, organizational trust had positive influence on intrinsic value and social reputation. In summary, the contributional responsibility among CSR was the key factors that affected employee's organizational trust and job-esteem directly or indirectly. We could lead employee's positive attitude as active charity and a portion of sale by returning to society. Therefore, Hotel should be improved employee's organizational trust with CSR consistantly and implemented policy that increase job-esteem as well.

The Influence of Firm Trust and Salesperson Trust on Commitment and Relational Citizenship Behavior (기업간 거래에서 관계적 시민행동에 관한 연구)

  • 김재욱;이성근;최지호;한계숙
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.75-99
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    • 2004
  • The primary purpose of this research is to develop and test a model that explains the process of how trust in a supplier firm and salesperson through relational commitment influence buyer's positive and desirable behavior. In order to do so, we are empirically to examine how a supplier firm and salesperson trust can reinforce buyer's relational commitment leading to relational citizenship behavior using over 138 buying firms, Through structural equation modeling, we find that trust in a supplier firm and salesperson influence the relational commitment and relational commitment enhance relational citizenship behavior. However, trust in a supplier firm is unrelated to the buying firm's relational citizenship behavior whereas trust in salesperson has direct effect on relational citizenship behavior. Finally, we discuss several theoretical and practical implications, and suggest limitations for the research and future research issue.

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Departmental Trust on Departmental Development and Academic Performance and Demographic Differences in the Department affiliated with Physical Education (체육계열 학과 학생들의 학과발전과 학업성과에 대한 학과신뢰의 영향과 인구통계학적 차이)

  • Choi, Jin-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.467-475
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the impact of departmental trust on departmental development and academic performance in the department affiliated with physical eduction. Furthermore, it investigated the differences of departmental development and departmental trust by gender and school year of the students. Data were analyzed from 313 students in the department affiliated with Physical Education from 6 institutions of a 4-year university located in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Incheon, and ChungChong-do. For the research questions, simple linear regression model and two-way multivariate analysis of variance were analyzed. Results indicated that departmental trust had a positive effect on departmental development. But, departmental trust statistically had no effect on academic performance. Sophomore and junior in departmental development were higher than senior. Junior in departmental trust was higher than senior. There was no statistically difference in departmental development and departmental trust by gender.

A Study on the Effects of CSR Activities on Organization Trust and Job Satisfaction in Manufacturing Enterprises (제조업의 CSR활동이 조직신뢰와 직무만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Soo-Cheol;Cho, Young-Bohk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to discover the effects of CSR activities on manufacturing employees' organizational trust and job satisfaction. A proposed model based on previous research was empirically tested via structural equation modeling by AMOS using 374 valid samples collected from current employees of D-Heavy Industries & Construction in Chang Won. The results of the empirical analysis are summarized as follows. CSR activities had a partially direct impact on job satisfaction and organizational trust. It has been confirmed that organizational trust has a partial mediation effect(full mediation effect) in the process of CSR activities and job satisfaction. These findings indicate that there exist interrelationships among entrepreneurship, internal and external CSR activities, organizational trust, and job satisfaction. In particular, the importance of CSR activities were identified in terms of effective organizational management by confirming their impact on organizational trust of employees. In addition, organizational trust was verified as an antecedent factor to improve job satisfaction.

The Effect of Make-up Artist Experiences on Brand Loyalty through Mediation of Trust and Brand Satisfaction (메이크업 아티스트 체험이 신뢰와 브랜드 만족을 매개로 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Sin, Hyang Soo;Rhee, Young Sun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.346-355
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to determine the factors of the make-up artist experience and establish their effects on brand loyalty through the mediation of trust and brand satisfaction. The step of first surveyed the make-up artist experience level through precedent research and made concept frame of study. The step of second checked up the effects of make-up artist experience through the desires for change. The step of third established to the effects of brand loyalty through make-up artist experience brand through mediation of make-up artist trust and brand satisfaction. The survey was carried out on 440 women aged 20 to 40 who experienced make-up services in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Sejong and Daejeon. The data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0, and AMOS 18.0 using frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, structural model analysis and t-tests. 1)Make-up artist experiences were divided into informational/ relational experiences and emotional experiences. 2)Desires for change influenced positive effects about information/relational experience and emotional experience. 3)The information/relation experiences influenced positive effects about artist trust and brand satisfaction. 4)The emotional experiences influenced positive effects about make-up artist trust and brand satisfaction. 5) The make-up artist trust influenced positive effects about brand satisfaction. Trust in the make-up artist did not directly influence brand loyalty, but influenced it through satisfaction. 6)The brand satisfaction influenced positive effects about brand loyalty. This study identified the roles of make-up artist and the importance of the make-up experience.

The Effect of Employee's Self Leadership of Construction Company on Organization Citizenship Behaviour and Organizational Trust through Psychology Empowerment (중소 ICT건설기업 조직원의 셀프리더십이 심리적 임파워먼트 통하여 조직시민행동과 조직신뢰에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, JaeYoung;Hwang, Changyu
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.207-223
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to explore the casual relation between construction company employees' Self-Leadership and two variables: Organization Citizenship Behaviour and Organizational Trust through Psychology Empowerment. To explain in details, this study examines how the independent variable, Self Leadership, with its behavior-focused, natural reward and constructive thought pattern strategies, affects the dependent variable, Organization Citizenship Behavior and Organizational Trust through the intervening variable, Psychology Empowerment. A survey was conducted on current employees of construction companies in metropolitan areas to empirically examine the research model. The result of study hypothesis on Self-Leadership is as follows; first, Self-Leadership showed a positive effect on Psychology Empowerment, Organization Citizenship Behaviour and Organizational Trust. Second, Psychology Empowerment showed a positive effect on Organization Citizenship Behaviour. Third, Psychology Empowerment showed a positive effect on Organizational Trust. The capacity of individuals is critical when it comes to competitiveness of construction companies. When employees willingly participate in building trust within the company, the work place will become more and more constructive; based on trust, efficiency will increase because people from different processes can work together and performance will also improve even when project managers are absent because others could help their role instead, thus driving more efficient human resource management to the company. To conclude, a company's vision can be spread wide and far when their employees engage themselves in Learning Organization with Self Leadership. They will also be satisfied with their work through improving interpersonal relationship at work.

Imperfect Trust Degree based Throughput Maximization for Cooperative Communications (불완전한 신뢰도 기반 정보 처리율 최대화 협력통신 기법)

  • Ryu, Jong Yeol;Hong, Jun-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.589-595
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    • 2019
  • Recently, the mobile social networks, which consider both social relationship between users and mobile communication networks, have been received great attention. In this paper, we consider the trust degree of node as the social relationship for the cooperative communication networks. In contrast to the existing works that consider the case of the perfect trust degree information, for the case that transmitter has an imperfect trust degree information, we propose an imperfect trust degree based cooperative communication technique that maximizes a throughput. We first model the imperfect trust degree information as a probability distribution and derive the outage probability using the probability distribution. Then, we propose the transmission scheme that maximizes the throughput, which consider both outage probability and transmission rate. The simulation results show that the proposed cooperative transmission scheme outperforms the conventional scheme in terms of the throughput.

How Shipping Company Satisfies Shippers Through Service Quality in South Korea: The Mediation Role of Trust

  • Roh, Taewoo;Park, Keun-Sik;Oh, Yeeun;Noh, Jinho
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.19-38
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - This study aims to verify the direct causal relationship between cost competitiveness and global network competitiveness, which are the tangible service quality factors determined by the shipping company, which in turn affect the shipper's customer satisfaction. Additionally, we empirically investigate the intangible, related service qualities determined by shipping companies, such as operational competitiveness and customer relationship quality, and how these then positively affect customer satisfaction through the formation of trust. Therefore, we examine the mediating effect of trust formation among different contractors for shipping services. Design/methodology - In order to examine the shipping company's tangible and intangible service-qualities perceived by the shipper on customer satisfaction and the process of trust formation between contractors, we collected valid data from 114 respondents out of 200 distributed questionnaires. The respondents consisted of domestic freight forwarders who engage with domestic and international shipping and logistics agencies. Descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, convergent and discriminant validities, common method bias, and PLS-SEM (partial least square-structural equation model) were analyzed using the program STATA 16. Findings - The findings of this study are as follows. First, our results showed that all hypotheses assumed in this study had statistically significant supporting evidence. Second, it was found that the mediating effect of trust was significant in affecting the quality of intangible service- qualities for customer satisfaction. Third, through supplementary analysis, we found that the global network competitiveness of domestic shipping companies will increase in importance in the future. In conclusion, the theoretical and practical implications of these findings are presented. Originality/value - This study reaffirmed the traditional causal relationship between customer satisfaction and tangible service quality. Additionally, we also contribute to the literature on the understanding of the causal relationship between trust formation and customer satisfaction through intangible interactions from a long-term perspective.

The Relationship between Job Stress, Organizational Trust, and the Job Change Intentions of Beauty Industry Workers: Verification of the Mediating Effect of Organizational Trust (뷰티산업종사자의 직무 스트레스와 조직신뢰, 이직의도와의 관계: 조직신뢰의 매개효과 검증)

  • Seo, Yoo Jung;Kwon, Ki Han
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2021
  • The study analyzes the relationship between job stress, organizational trust, and the job change intentions of beauty industry workers. Three-hundred sixty-nine workers in the beauty industry with longer than three months of working experience were chosen as this study. The study used to perform frequency analysis, exploratory factor and reliability, correlation, confirmation, and structural equation model verification. The following results are as follows. First, job stress had a positive influence. Second, stress related to fairness had a negative effect on organizational trust. Third, organizational trust had a negative effects. In conclusion, organizational trust and stress related to fairness are the important variables. Furthermore, this study suggests that each organization needs to make an effort to increase organizational trust and to relieve stress related to fairness in order to reduce the job change intentions.