• Title/Summary/Keyword: Triaxial shear strength

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The study on the Crushability of Weathered Cranite Soils (화강암질 풍화토의 파쇄성에 관한 연구)

  • 도덕현;강우묵
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.81-103
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    • 1979
  • The weathered granite soil involves problems in its stability in soil structures depending upon the reduction of soil strength due to the water absorption, crushability, and content of colored mineral and feldspar. As an attemt to solve the problems associated with soil stability, the crushability of weathered granite soil was investigated by conducting tests such as compaction test, CBR test, unconfined compression test, direct shear test, triaxial compression test, and permeability test on the five soil samples different in weathering and mineral compositions. The experimental results are summarized as follows: The ratio of increasing dry density in the weathered granite soil was high as the compaction energy was low, while it was low as the compaction energy was increased. The unconfined compressive strength. and CBR value were highest in the dry side rather than in the soil with the optimum moisture content, when the soil was compacted by adjusting water content. However, the unconfined compressive strength of smples, which were compacted and oven dried, were highest in the wet side rather than in soil with the optimum moisture content. As the soil becomes coarse grain, the ratio of specific surface area increased due to increased crushability, and the increasing ratio of the specific surface area decreased as the compaction energy was increased. The highest ratio of grain crushability was attained in the wet side rather than in the soil with the optimum moisture content. Such tendency was transforming to the dry side as the compaction energy was increased. The effect of water on the grain crushability of soil was high in the coarse grained soil. The specific surface area of WK soil sample, when compacted under the condition of air dried and under the optimum moisture content, was constant regardless of the compaction energy. When the weathered granite soil and river sand with the same grain size were compacted with low compaction energy, the weathered granite soil with crushability had higher dry density than river sand. However, when the compaction energy reached to certain point over limitation, the river sand had higher dry density than the weathered granite soil. The coefficient of permeability was lowest in the wet side rather than in the optimum moisture content, when the soil was compacted by adjusting soil water content. The reduction of permeability of soil due to the compaction was more apparent in the weathered granite soil than in the river sand. The highly significant correlation coefficient was obtained between the amount of particle breakage and dry density of the compacted soil.

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Scale Effects of Initial Model and Material on 3-Dimensional Distinct Element Simulation (3차원 개별요소해석 시의 초기 모델 및 재료 스케일 영향)

  • Jeon, Jesung;Shin, Donghoon;Ha, Iksoo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2011
  • Numerical simulations by three-dimensional Particle Flow Code($PFC^{3D}$, Itasca) considering distinct element method (DEM) were carried out for prediction of triaxial compression test with sand material. The effect of scale conditions for numerical model and distinct material on final prediction results was analyzed by numerical models under various scale conditions, and following observations were made from the numerical experiments. It is very useful to model the initial material condition without any porosity conversion from 2-D to 3-D DEM. Numerical experiments have shown that in all cases considered, 3D distinct element modeling could provide good agreement on stress-strain behavior, volume change and strength properties with laboratory testing results. It was important thing to assess reasonable scale ratio of numerical model and distinct elements for saving calculation time and securing calculation efficiency under condition with accuracy and appropriateness as numerical laboratory. As results of DEM simulations under various scale conditions, most of results show that shear strength properties as cohesion and internal friction angle are similar in condition of $D_{mod}/D_{gmax}$ < 10. It shows that 3-D distinct element method could be used as efficient tool to assess strength properties by numerical laboratory technique.

Effect of Specimen Size on Undrained and Drained Shear Characteristics of Granular Soils (공시체의 직경이 사질토의 비배수 및 배수 전단거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Sung-Sik;Choi, Sun-Gyu;Kim, Dong-Rak
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2012
  • An internal friction angle, which is one of strength parameters of granular soils, can be obtained from direct shear tests or triaxial tests. The result of traixial tests can be influenced by various experimental conditions such as confining pressure, shearing rate, specimen diameter and height, and end constraint. In this study, undrained and drained shearing behaviors of Nakdong River sand were investigated for loose (Dr = 40%) and dense (Dr = 80%) specimens with 5, 7, and 10 cm in diameter. Friction angles such as undrained total stress friction angle, undrained effective stress friction angle, and drained friction angle obtained from Mohr's stress circle slightly increased and then decreased as a diameter of a specimen increased from 5, 7 to 10 cm, regardless of relative densities. The difference between friction angles caused by different specimen size was at maximum 4.5 degrees for undrained total stress friction angle of dense specimen. In most cases, there was little difference between friction angles of large and small specimens, which was less than 2 degrees. The difference between an effective friction angle from undrained tests and a drained friction angle from drained tests was at maximum 7 degrees for loose samples but negligible for dense samples.

Estimation of Non-linear Strength and Stiffness for Silty Sands (실트질 모래지반의 비선형 강도 및 강성도 추정법)

  • Lee Kyung-Sook;Kim Hyun-Ju;Lee Jun-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2006
  • In general typically granular soils contain a certain amount of fines. It is also widely recognized that foundation soils under working loads show highly non-linear behavior from very early stages of loading. In the present study, a series of laboratory tests with sands of different silt contents are conducted and methods to assess strength and stiffiness characteristics are proposed. Modified hyperbolic stress-strain model is used to analyze non-linearity of silty sands in terms of non-linear Degradation parameters f and g as a function of silt contents and Relative density Dr. Stress-strain curves were obtained from a series of triaxial tests on sands containing different amounts of silt. Initial shear modulus, which is used to normalize Degradation modulus of silty sands, was determined from resonant column test results. From the laboratory test results, it was observed that, as the Relative density increases, values of f decrease and those of g increase. In addition, it was found that values of f and g increase and decrease respectively as a Skeleton void ratio $(e_{sk})$ increases.

Case Study on the Instability of the Slopes in Unsaturated Residual Soils Considering the Rainfall Characteristics (강우특성을 고려한 불포화 잔적토 비탈면의 붕괴사례 연구)

  • Nam, Samheon;Lee, Younghuy;Oh, Seboong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2015
  • This study has obtained Soil Water Retention Curve (SWRC) of the unsaturated soil from the volumetric pressure plate extractor test and the triaxial compression tests was also conducted. By using the rainfall data measured in the site the seepage analysis of unsteady flow was performed with the program of SEEP/W in Geostudio 2007 and stability of the slope was analyzed with SLOPE/W program. Results of analyses show that shear strength of the unsaturated soil increases with the increase of matric suction. And it was also found that the net volumetric stress and the apparent cohesion increased with the matric suction. The seepage analysis of rainfall represents that the increasing rate of negative pore pressure at the zone of large negative pore pressure is appeared to be high even though lower rainfall intensity, but this tendency declines with ground depth. The stability analysis of slope was carried out for the actual plane of failure with the data representing the field condition. The factor of safety thus calculated was about unity (1.0) or just below, which means that the adopted method of analysis is in good agreement with the field condition.

Analysis on the Deformation Characteristics of a Pillar between Large Caverns by Burton-Bandis Rock Joint Model (Barton-Bandis 절리 모델에 의한 지하대공동 암주의 변형 특성 연구)

  • 강추원;임한욱;김치환
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2001
  • Up to now single large cavern was excavated for each undergroud hydraulic powerhouse in Korea. But the Yangyang underground hydraulic powerhouse consists of two large caverns; a powerhouse cavern and main transformer cavern. In this carte, the structural stability of the caverns, especially the rock pillar formed between two large caverns, should be guaranteed to be sound to make the caverns permanently sustainable. In this research, the Distinct Element Method(DEM) was used to analyze the structural stability of two caverns and the rock pillar. The Barton-Bandis joint model was used as a constitutive model. The moot significant parameters such as in-site stress, JRC of in-situ natural joints, and spatial distribution characteristics of discontinuities were acquired through field investigation. In addition, two different cases; 1) with no support system and 2) with a support system, were analysed to optimize a support system and to investigate reinforcing effects of a support system. The results of analysis horizontal displacement and joint shear displacement proved to be reduced with the support system. The relaxed zone in the rock pilar also proved to be reduced in conjunction with the support system. Having a support system in place provided the fact that the non zero minimum principal stresses were still acting in the rock pillar so that the pillar was not under uniaxial compressive condition but under triaxial compressive condition. The structural stability f an approximately 36 m wide rock pillar between two large caverns was assured with the appropriate support system.

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A Study on the Engineering Characteristics of Power Plant Coal Ash (화력발전소 부산물인 석탄회의 공학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kuk, Kilkeun;Kim, Hyeyang;Chun, Byungsik
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2010
  • In this study characteristics for reclaimed ash was studied to enlarge the usage of reclaimed ash which is reaching to 72 million ton producted from whole thermal power plants in South Korea. Fly ash and bottom ash are reclaimed separately at some of thermal power plants. However, typically bottom ash and fly ash are mixed when they are buried at most of the thermal power plant, as a result the engineering characteristics of ponded ash are not investigated properly. In order to investigate the engineering characteristics of the ponded ash, laboratory tests were performed with ponded ash and fly ash from youngheung and samcheonpo thermal power plants. Specific gravity, unit weight, and grain size analysis test were fulfilled to evaluate the physical characteristics and triaxial permeability test, direct shear test, unconfined compressive strength test, compaction test were performed to evaluate the mechanical characteristics. And also engineering characteristics of coal ash from anthracite and Bituminous thermal power plants were compared and studied respectively. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that using coal ash from Bituminous thermal power plants can be effective in the place where lightweight materials are required and using coal ash from anthracite thermal power plants can be effective as backfill material which require higher permeability. Finally, it was confirmed that fly ash from youngheung thermal power plants which has the lowest permeability among the tested material is suitable for a field requiring impermeable material.