• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trend Research

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Monitoring and Preventive Preservation of Cultural Heritages to Maintain Original Wooden Architectural Cultural Heritage (목조건축문화재 원형유지를 위한 문화재돌봄 모니터링과 예방보존)

  • CHUN Kyoungmee
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.192-214
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    • 2023
  • Wooden architectural cultural heritages are one of the visible legacies that show the national's identity. Even when the concept of 'the original' of cultural heritages was not accurately understood, the emphasis of preservation and management of cultural heritages was placed on 'preservation of the original form' or 'maintenance of the original form'. Moreover, these days, following the trend of international preservation principles, cultural heritages are considered important as "values as historical objects." This paper is the result of an attempt to determine the scope and content of what parts should be monitored to maintain the original form of wooden architectural cultural heritage. The first thing to be done in monitoring wooden architectural cultural heritage is to check the condition of the ground and foundation. The second is the column. This is because the instability of the column causes damage to the joint with each member and the fitting part, resulting in physical changes leading to damage to the wall. The third is monitor the roof tiles. If the leak continues into the building due to the separation or damage of the roof, the defect should be partially dismantled and repaired, so it should be monitored to maintain its original shape as much as possible. The monitoring range of the base, column, and roof serves as a reference point for identifying what damage is being done to the relevant cultural heritages. In other words, the data at the time when monitoring began becomes the 'original' for the year. Alternatives based on the analysis of monitoring for the preservation of original cultural heritages should be actively introduced. In addition, by sharing the current state and situation of cultural heritages as a result of monitoring with various related organizations, preventive preservation should be established rather than preservation of cultural heritages by "intervention."

The Effect of Consumption Value and Consumers' Need for Cognition on Satisfaction through the Mediating Role of Trust in Online Shopping Websites (소비가치와 소비자의 인지욕구가 온라인 쇼핑 웹사이트에 대한 신뢰성을 매개로 만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yun-sun
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to confirm that consumers' satisfaction with online shopping websites has changed to a phenomenon different from the past. In other words, in a situation where the use of e-commerce is expanding worldwide after the pandemic and various types of commerce such as mobile commerce and social commerce are formed, the consumer's information processing and decision-making process are meaningful in examining the behavior that has been changed based on the perceived motivation level of consumers by the new environment according to the consumption value and personal characteristics perceived by the consumer. In other words, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of consumption value and need for cognition on the satisfaction toward online websites as a mediating role in the trust of the website. As a result of testing Hypothesis 1, not only the hedonic value of the consumer for the website but also the utilitarian value had a positive influence on the satisfaction toward the website, and in particular, the utilitarian value showed a relatively greater influence than the hedonic value. However, the negative relationship between the need for cognition and satisfaction was found to be at a significant level under one-sided verification. In Hypothesis 2, only the utilitarian value among the consumption values of 2-1 showed a positive effect on satisfaction through a mediating role of trust. It was confirmed that the utilitarian value among the consumption values was an important factor in the satisfaction toward the website. The significance of this study is that, unlike previous research results, not only consumption value based on senses and emotions but also utilitarian value has a greater influence. Therefore, utilitarian value and need for cognition have a stronger influence on satisfaction if they play a mediating role based on the trust of the website used by consumers. These findings reflect the current market trend of online consumption, and they are helpful in the management and strategy of online websites based on consumer behavior understanding and major factors.

Utilization of Smart Farms in Open-field Agriculture Based on Digital Twin (디지털 트윈 기반 노지스마트팜 활용방안)

  • Kim, Sukgu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2023.04a
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    • pp.7-7
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    • 2023
  • Currently, the main technologies of various fourth industries are big data, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, mixed reality (MR), and drones. In particular, "digital twin," which has recently become a global technological trend, is a concept of a virtual model that is expressed equally in physical objects and computers. By creating and simulating a Digital twin of software-virtualized assets instead of real physical assets, accurate information about the characteristics of real farming (current state, agricultural productivity, agricultural work scenarios, etc.) can be obtained. This study aims to streamline agricultural work through automatic water management, remote growth forecasting, drone control, and pest forecasting through the operation of an integrated control system by constructing digital twin data on the main production area of the nojinot industry and designing and building a smart farm complex. In addition, it aims to distribute digital environmental control agriculture in Korea that can reduce labor and improve crop productivity by minimizing environmental load through the use of appropriate amounts of fertilizers and pesticides through big data analysis. These open-field agricultural technologies can reduce labor through digital farming and cultivation management, optimize water use and prevent soil pollution in preparation for climate change, and quantitative growth management of open-field crops by securing digital data for the national cultivation environment. It is also a way to directly implement carbon-neutral RED++ activities by improving agricultural productivity. The analysis and prediction of growth status through the acquisition of the acquired high-precision and high-definition image-based crop growth data are very effective in digital farming work management. The Southern Crop Department of the National Institute of Food Science conducted research and development on various types of open-field agricultural smart farms such as underground point and underground drainage. In particular, from this year, commercialization is underway in earnest through the establishment of smart farm facilities and technology distribution for agricultural technology complexes across the country. In this study, we would like to describe the case of establishing the agricultural field that combines digital twin technology and open-field agricultural smart farm technology and future utilization plans.

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Development and assessment of pre-release discharge technology for response to flood on deteriorated reservoirs dealing with abnormal weather events (이상기후대비 노후저수지 홍수 대응을 위한 사전방류 기술개발 및 평가)

  • Moon, Soojin;Jeong, Changsam;Choi, Byounghan;Kim, Seungwook;Jang, Daewon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2023
  • With the increasing trend of extreme rainfall that exceeds the design frequency of man-made structures due to extreme weather, it is necessary to review the safety of agricultural reservoirs designed in the past. However, there are no local government-managed reservoirs (13,685) that can be discharged in an emergency, except for reservoirs over a certain size under the jurisdiction of the Korea Rural Affairs Corporation. In this case, it is important to quickly deploy a mobile siphon to the site for preliminary discharge, and this study evaluated the applicability of a mobile siphon with a diameter of 200 mm, a minimum water level difference of 6 m, 420 (m2/h), and 10,000 (m2/day), which can perform both preliminary and emergency discharge functions, to the Yugum Reservoir in Gyeongju City. The test bed, Yugum Reservoir, is a facility that was completed in 1945 and has been in use for about 78 years. According to the hydrological stability analysis, the lowest height of the current dam crest section is 27.15 (EL.m), which is 0.29m lower than the reviewed flood level of 27.44 (EL.m), indicating that there is a possibility of lunar flow through the embankment, and the headroom is insufficient by 1.72 m, so it was reviewed as not securing hydrological safety. The water level-volume curve was arbitrarily derived because it was difficult to clearly establish the water level-flow relationship curve of the reservoir since the water level-flow measurement was not carried out regularly, and based on the derived curve, the algorithm for operating small and medium-sized old reservoirs was developed to consider the pre-discharge time, the amount of spillway discharge, and to predict the reservoir lunar flow time according to the flood volume by frequency, thereby securing evacuation time in advance and reducing the risk of collapse. Based on one row of 200 mm diameter mobile siphons, the optimal pre-discharge time to secure evacuation time (about 1 hour) while maintaining 80% of the upper limit water level (about 30,000 m2) during a 30-year flood was analyzed to be 12 hours earlier. If the pre-discharge technology utilizing siphons for small and medium-sized old reservoirs and the algorithm for reservoir operation are implemented in advance in case of abnormal weather and the decision-making of managers is supported, it is possible to secure the safety of residents in the risk area of reservoir collapse, resolve the anxiety of residents through the establishment of a support system for evacuating residents, and reduce risk factors by providing risk avoidance measures in the event of a reservoir risk situation.

Review of applicability of Turbidity-SS relationship in hyperspectral imaging-based turbid water monitoring (초분광영상 기반 탁수 모니터링에서의 탁도-SS 관계식 적용성 검토)

  • Kim, Jongmin;Kim, Gwang Soo;Kwon, Siyoon;Kim, Young Do
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.12
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    • pp.919-928
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    • 2023
  • Rainfall characteristics in Korea are concentrated during the summer flood season. In particular, when a large amount of turbid water flows into the dam due to the increasing trend of concentrated rainfall due to abnormal rainfall and abnormal weather conditions, prolonged turbid water phenomenon occurs due to the overturning phenomenon. Much research is being conducted on turbid water prediction to solve these problems. To predict turbid water, turbid water data from the upstream inflow is required, but spatial and temporal data resolution is currently insufficient. To improve temporal resolution, the development of the Turbidity-SS conversion equation is necessary, and to improve spatial resolution, multi-item water quality measurement instrument (YSI), Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry (LISST), and hyperspectral sensors are needed. Sensor-based measurement can improve the spatial resolution of turbid water by measuring line and surface unit data. In addition, in the case of LISST-200X, it is possible to collect data on particle size, etc., so it can be used in the Turbidity-SS conversion equation for fraction (Clay: Silt: Sand). In addition, among recent remote sensing methods, the spatial distribution of turbid water can be presented when using UAVs with higher spatial and temporal resolutions than other payloads and hyperspectral sensors with high spectral and radiometric resolutions. Therefore, in this study, the Turbidity-SS conversion equation was calculated according to the fraction through laboratory analysis using LISST-200X and YSI-EXO, and sensor-based field measurements including UAV (Matrice 600) and hyperspectral sensor (microHSI 410 SHARK) were used. Through this, the spatial distribution of turbidity and suspended sediment concentration, and the turbidity calculated using the Turbidity-SS conversion equation based on the measured suspended sediment concentration, was presented. Through this, we attempted to review the applicability of the Turbidity-SS conversion equation and understand the current status of turbid water occurrence.

The Effect of Mentoring on the Mentor's Job Satisfaction: Mediating Effects of Personal Learning and Self-efficacy (멘토링이 멘토의 직무만족도에 미치는 영향: 개인학습 및 자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Lee, In Hong;Dong, Hak Lim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.157-172
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    • 2023
  • The recent Fourth Industrial Revolution is accelerating changes due to digital transformation. According to this trend, the existing start-up paradigm is changing, and new business models based on new technologies and creative ideas are emerging. In addition, the diversity of mentoring relationships and environments such as online mentoring, reverse mentoring, group mentoring, and multiple mentoring is also increasing. However, most mentors in their 50s and 60s, who are mainly active in the start-up field, have been able to help mentees a lot based on their own experience and expertise, but they are having difficulty responding to the changing environment due to a lack of understanding and experience of new technologies and environments. To cope with these changes well, mentors must constantly study, acquire and apply the latest technologies to improve their understanding of new technologies and the environment. In addition, it is necessary to have an understanding and respect for the diversity of mentoring relationships and environments, and to maximize the effectiveness of mentoring by actively utilizing them. Therefore, mentors should recognize that they directly affect the growth and development of mentees, constantly acquire new knowledge and skills to maintain and develop expertise, and actively deliver their knowledge and experiences to mentees. Therefore, in this study, was tried to empirically analyze the relationship between mentoring's influence on mentor's job satisfaction through mentor's personal learning and self-efficacy. The results of the empirical analysis were as follows. Among the functions of mentoring, career function and role modeling were found to have a positive effect on both personal learning and self-efficacy, which are parameters, and job satisfaction, which is a dependent variable. On the other hand, psychological and social functions have a positive effect on personal learning, but they do not have an effect on self-efficacy and job satisfaction. In addition, as a result of analyzing the mediating effect, all mediating effects were confirmed for career functions, and only the mediating effect of self-efficacy was confirmed for role modeling. Through this study, mentoring is an important factor in promoting job satisfaction, personal learning and self-efficacy, and this study can be said to be academically and practically meaningful in that it confirmed personal learning and self-efficacy as factors that increase mentor's job satisfaction, and the focus of mentoring research was shifted from mentee to mentor to study the impact of mentoring on mentors.

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GenAI(Generative Artificial Intelligence) Technology Trend Analysis Using Bigkinds: ChatGPT Emergence and Startup Impact Assessment (빅카인즈를 활용한 GenAI(생성형 인공지능) 기술 동향 분석: ChatGPT 등장과 스타트업 영향 평가)

  • Lee, Hyun Ju;Sung, Chang Soo;Jeon, Byung Hoon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.65-76
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    • 2023
  • In the field of technology entrepreneurship and startups, the development of Artificial Intelligence(AI) has emerged as a key topic for business model innovation. As a result, venture firms are making various efforts centered on AI to secure competitiveness(Kim & Geum, 2023). The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the development of GenAI technology and the startup ecosystem by analyzing domestic news articles to identify trends in the technology startup field. Using BIG Kinds, this study examined the changes in GenAI-related news articles, major issues, and trends in Korean news articles from 1990 to August 10, 2023, focusing on the emergence of ChatGPT before and after, and visualized the relevance through network analysis and keyword visualization. The results of the study showed that the mention of GenAI gradually increased in the articles from 2017 to 2023. In particular, OpenAI's ChatGPT service based on GPT-3.5 was highlighted as a major issue, indicating the popularization of language model-based GenAI technologies such as OpenAI's DALL-E, Google's MusicLM, and VoyagerX's Vrew. This proves the usefulness of GenAI in various fields, and since the launch of ChatGPT, Korean companies have been actively developing Korean language models. Startups such as Ritten Technologies are also utilizing GenAI to expand their scope in the technology startup field. This study confirms the connection between GenAI technology and startup entrepreneurship activities, which suggests that it can support the construction of innovative business strategies, and is expected to continue to shape the development of GenAI technology and the growth of the startup ecosystem. Further research is needed to explore international trends, the utilization of various analysis methods, and the possibility of applying GenAI in the real world. These efforts are expected to contribute to the development of GenAI technology and the growth of the startup ecosystem.

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Influence of Increased Carbon Dioxide Concentration on the Bioluminescence and Cell Density of Marine Bacteria Vibrio fischeri (이산화탄소 농도 증가에 따른 발광미생물의 상대발광량과 밀도변화에 대한 연구)

  • Sung, Chan-Gyoung;Moom, Seong-Dae;Kim, Hye-Jin;Choi, Tae-Seob;Lee, Kyu-Tae;Lee, Jung-Suk;Kang, Seong-Gil
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2010
  • An experiment was conducted to evaluate the biologically adverse effect of increased carbon dioxide in seawater on marine bacteria, Vibrio fischeri. We measured the bioluminescence and cell density at every 6 hours for 24 hours of the whole incubation period after exposing test microbes to a range of CO2 concentration such as 380(Control), 1,000, 3,000, 10,000 and 30,000 ppm, respectively. Significant effect on relative luminescence(RLU) of V. fischeri was observed in treatments with CO2 concentration higher than 3,000 ppm at t=12 h. However, the difference of RLU among treatments significantly decreased with the incubation time until t=24 h. Similar trend was observed for the variation of cell density, which was measured as optical density using spectrophotometer. The results showed that a significant relationship between CO2 concentration and bioluminescence of test microbes was observed for the mean time. However, the inhibition of relative bioluminescence and also cell density could be recovered at the concentration levels higher than 3,000 ppm. The dissolved CO2 can be absorbed directly by cell and it can decrease the intracellular pH. Our results implied that microbes might be adversely affected at the initial growing phase by increased CO2. However, they could adapt by increasing ion transport including bicarbonate and then could make their pH back to normal level. Results of this study could be supported to understand the possible influence on marine bacteria by atmospheric increase of CO2 in near future and also by released CO2 during the marine CO2 sequestration activity.

Change in Fish Species Composition in the Saemangeum Reservoir after the Construction of Dike in 2006-2007 (새만금 방조제 물막이 완공 후인 2006-2007년 새만금호 어류 종조성의 변화)

  • Lee, Tae-Won;Hwang, Hak-Bin;Hwang, Sun-Wan
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2007
  • Seasonal variation in species composition of fish in the Saemangeum Reservoir was determined using seasonal samples collected by an otter trawl from April 2006 to February 2007 after the dike construction, and compared with the data obtained during the dike construction in 2001-2002. A total of 35 species, 8,960 individuals and 53,084.4 g of fish were collected during the study. Of the fish collected, brackish and coastal fishes such as Konosirus punctatus, Synechogobius hasta and Repomucenus lunatus, and migrant fishes such as Engraulis japonicus and Scomberomorus niphonius predominated in abundance accounting for 95% in the total number of individuals. Fish species composition and abundance showed a similar seasonal trend to those in the other western coastal waters of Korea. The resident species were mainly collected in spring and in autumn. The number of species and biomass were high in summer by the large amount of catch of migrating species. Catch was low in winter and only 2 species were collected. A brackish and coastal fish, K. punctatus and two migrant fishes, E. japonicus and S. niphonius were abundantly collected after the dike construction. However, the dominant fishes during the dike construction such as Leiognathus nuchalis, Neosalanx jordani and Chaeturichthys stigmatias were rarely collected. Fish density was 1,149inds./10,000m2and12,644g/10,000m2 during the dike construction, and increased 6 times in the number of individuals (7,467inds./10,000m2) and 3 times in biomass (44,237g/10,000m2) after the dike construction. Annual species richness (R) and species diversity (H') decreased from R=0.0160 and H'=2.47 during the dike construction in 2001-2002 to R=0.0038 and H'=1.11 after dike construction in 2006-2006, respectively. These changes seemed to be related to the reduction of the saline area and degradation of water quality in Semangeum Reservoir after the dike construction.

A Study on the Characteristics of Patent Innovation in the Service Industry (서비스 산업의 특허권 혁신 특성에 대한 연구)

  • Pyoung Yol Jang
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.82-100
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    • 2024
  • Due to the intensifying global technological competition, the strategic and economic importance of intellectual property such as patents as intangible assets is increasing. The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of patent innovation in the service industry and to derive the characteristics and implications of patent innovation in the service industry. To this end, this study conducted an investigation and analysis to understand the characteristics of patent innovation in the service industry based on the data from the business activity survey. The proportion of patent companies in the service industry, characteristics of each service industry, proportion of each service industry, and the number of patent rights holdings were analyzed. In addition, the trend of patent changes in the service industry was investigated. The service industry was compared and analyzed with other industries based on the results of the analysis of patent innovation in the service industry. In particular, the service industry was divided into four types in terms of the rate of increase in the proportion of patent companies and the ratio of patent holing companies, and the types were derived. Based on the analysis results, the characteristics of patent innovation in the service industry were presented. As a result of the study, the proportion of patent holding companies in the service industry was lower than that of other industries, and the gap with other industries was widening, showing that the patent innovation of service companies is lower than that of other industries. The average number of patents held by service industry companies was lower than that of other industries, and the increase rate of the number of patent rights held was also lower than that of other industries, widening the gap. Patent innovation in the service industry can be divided into four quadrants in terms of the rate of increase in the proportion of patent holding companies and the proportion of patent holding companies, and it has been studied that the service industry needs policy support suitable for the characteristics of patent innovation in the quadrant to which the individual service industry belongs.