• 제목/요약/키워드: Tree care

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미국의료시설 병동부의 시대적 변천과 공간적 특성에 관한 연구 (A Chronological Study on the Transformation and the Spatial Characteristics of Inpatient Care Facilities in the United States)

  • 이수경;최윤경
    • 의료ㆍ복지 건축 : 한국의료복지건축학회 논문집
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study aims to emphasize interrelation between healthcare policies, design standards and hospital architecture of the United States since 1950s; to examine spatial characteristics of inpatient care facilities through case studies; and to consider the social implication of these spatial changes. Methods: In this study, reviewing the overall healthcare system, design standards and inpatient care facilities of the United States since 1950s, a total of five inpatient care facilities, one for each period, were selected in order to analyze the spatial characteristics. The spatial maps of Space Syntax were employed for analyzing five case studies. Results: The distance between the nursing station, the support service, and inpatient room were getting closer. The spatial structure of inpatient care facilities is transformed from tree structures to annular tree structures. This result shows that the efficiency between patient, staff and support service is higher and the depth of the spaces is getting deeper, which indicates that efficiency for improving healthcare quality affect the spatial structure of inpatient care facilities. Implications: In the future, if Korea's health policy is changed to a demand-oriented health care policy, this conclusion predicts medical planning of hospital will be focused on the efficiency.

천연에센셜오일의 Streptococcus mutans에 의한 치석형성 억제 활성을 이용한 구강관리제품 개발 가능성에 대한 융합연구 (Convergence research on the possibility of development of oral care products using the anti-plaque activity of natural essential oils against Streptococcus mutans)

  • 김민형;이소영;민희홍
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제9권7호
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문은 Lavender, Tea tree, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass 4종의 천연에센셜오일의 Streptpccous mutans 에 의한 치석형성억제 효과에 대하여 연구해 보고자 하였다. Streptpccous mutans 에 의한 치석형성 억제 활성 측정결과인 Lavender 에센셜 오일의 MAC (Minium anti-adhesive concentration, 최소부착저지 농도)가 1.0 % 이고 Tea tree 에센셜 오일, Eucaliptus 에센셜 오일, lemongrass 에센셜 오일의 MAC는 0.5 % 로 나타났다. 에센셜오일의 농도를 달리하여 Streptpccous mutans와 혼합한 배양액을 항온조에서 배양한 후 용액의 pH를 측정하여 최소부착 저지농도 이하에서 산의 생성으로 pH가 낮아진 것을 확인할 수 있었고, 이 결과는 에센셜 오일이 Streptpccous mutans 에 의한 산의 생성을 억제하는 효과가 있다는 것이다. 이러한 결과들로부터 천연에센셜오일 중 특히 Tea tree, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass는 치석생성을 억제하는 천연소재로 구강관리 제품개발에 활용할 수 있는 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다.

都市林學(Urban Forestry)의 學問的 體系와 都市綠地空間에 對한 適用 硏究 (Urban Forestry's Scientic System and it's Application to Urban Openspace)

  • 조영환
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제18권3호통권39호
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    • pp.171-190
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    • 1990
  • It is the purpose of this study to address how to manage the urban vegitation using the concept of Urban Forestry which is relatively new to Korea. When we consider the Urban Forestry as a science, We should understand it interdisciplinary subject which includes Forestry, Horticulture, Urban Planning, Landscape Design, Landuse Planning, Business and Humanities. It may say that people and tree are the fundermental components of Urban Forestry. So there are two ways of Urban Forestry Applications-How people care for trees and How trees care for People-. For the application, this study places the focus on the monetary valuation, tree inventory system and traditional forestry application to urban forest management. Pubic Relation, Communication, Ordinances and Budget are also mentioned as a part of Urban Forestry Policy. Monetary valuation of trees and forests is very important for the proper cognition of their real value. So that, they may be equated and weighed against conflicting uses which would cause to be removed or severely mutilated. A tree inventory system which is the essential part of urban tree management can provide the pertinent information about the present condition of urban tree resource. It may aid in reducing the subjectivity of tree management decisions and stimulate them to be made rapidly and can help reduce potential municipal liability by identifying serious problems in time for corrective maintenance practices to be applied for the maximize community benefits and minimimize public nuisances or hazards. Managers can derive the information from the inventory and use it for the various management plan. When we see the structure of tree inventory system as one of the data base management system, Computer is the best equipment for the efficient management plan. Public relation and communication is also important factors to care the people for urban vegetation management. Volunteer management system is a good example for the public relation and communication. Those skills are need to develop for using the priceless, valuable human resources. Budget holds the key to the execution of Urban Forestry. Good inventory can provide for efficient budgeting stratiges through it's scientific analysis for the way of maximum benefits and minimum costs. Forest can be play a vital role for the aesthetic improvement and recreation in the city. This study suggests that the traditional sivicultural application not only improve the quality of scenic beauty and recreation but also the products of timber. So it is more needed to study for strong and scientific application to urban forest management.

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나무의사 자격시험의 실태분석과 제도개선 방안 - 제1차 시험을 중심으로 - (Analysis of the Actual Condition of the Tree Doctor Qualification Test and Improvement of the System - Focus on the First Test -)

  • 정용조;김학철
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.11-24
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to provide preliminary data for the improvement of the tree doctor qualification test (first written test), which was newly created by enforcing the Forest Protection Act on June 28, 2018., The high demand for system improvement accelerated this study. The results were analyzeds through literature and questionnaire surveys. Writing test questions and the license of the tree doctor qualification exam are currently managed by the Korea Forestry Research Institute, and it is deemed that the test should be entrusted to Human Resources Development Service of Korea for fair and transparent management. Additionally, the plan for the improvement of the subject-wise scope of examination questions writing, difficulty of test questions, and acceptance rate of the first test should be prepared after public hearings or seminars related to the examination questions.

유료노인장기요양보호서비스 이용의사 결정요인 (Determining Factors of Intention to Actual Use of Charged Long-term Care Services for the Aged)

  • 유진영;전진호
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제38권1호
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : To help develop strategies to cope with the changes arising from the rapid aging process by predicting the determining factors of intention to actual use of the charged long-term care services for elderly as perceived by the middle aged who play the major role of supports. Methods : Subjects were the parents (men 177, women 507) in their 40s of the students selected from a university of Busan city. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 4 weeks in October 2003 about the knowledge for long-term care service, the intention of actual use, and the preferences about the type of service suppliers. Data analysis was performed with frequency, chi-square test, and t-test using SPSS program (ver 10.0K), along with data mining using decision tree of Enterprise Miner V8.2 by SAS. Results : About half of the subjects (53.7%) had the actual experiences of elderly supports. Intentions to use the charged services were relatively high in home visiting nursing care service (40.1%) and long-term care facilities service (40.4%), and were influenced by previous knowledge about the services. The intentions were stronger in women, those with higher education, and those with greater income levels. Actual elderly supports were mostly (80%) done by women, and the perceived burdens for the supports were bigger in women and those of lower socioeconomic level. Desired charges were about 10,000 won for the bath service, 20,000 won for the rests services per day, and about 500,000 won for the long-term care facilities service per month. From the result of decision tree analysis, the job professionalism was the most important determining factor of intention to actual use of the services with validation as $63{\sim}71%$. Health and welfare mixed type facilities were preferred, and the most important consideration was the level of professionalism. Conclusions : Intention to actual use of the charged services was largely determined by the aspects of time and cost. Polices to increase the number of service suppliers and to decrease the burdens perceived by actual supporters were strongly recommended.

의사결정나무기법을 활용한 장기요양 복지용구 권고모형 개발 (A recommendation system for assisting devices in long-term care insurance)

  • 한은정;박상희;이정석;김동건
    • 응용통계연구
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.693-706
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    • 2018
  • 노인의 신체기능에 부합하는 복지용구를 제공하는 것은 노인이 가능한 한 오랫동안 자신의 집과 지역사회에서 자립하여 생활할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 수급자의 신체 및 인지 기능 상태를 고려하여 개개인에게 적합한 복지용구 품목을 권고할 수 있는 과학적인 복지용구 표준급여모형 알고리즘을 개발하고자 수행되었다. 모형개발에는 데이터마이닝기법인 의사결정나무를 활용하였다. 수급자 8,084명의 장기요양인정조사자료와 파워어세서가 작성한 표준급여계획, 수급자 특성 자료를 이용하여 데이터를 구축하였고, 15개 복지용구 품목별로 표준급여모형을 개발하였다. 본 연구는 노인장기요양보험의 복지용구 급여계획의 객관성 및 과학성을 확보하고 수급자의 자립생활과 안전을 향상시키는 데에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

Comparing Two Mycobacterium tuberculosis Genomes from Chinese Immigrants with Native Genomes Using Mauve Alignments

  • Ryoo, Sungweon;Lee, Jeongsoo;Oh, Jee Youn;Kim, Byeong Ki;Kim, Young;Kim, Je Hyeong;Shin, Chol;Lee, Seung Heon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제81권3호
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    • pp.216-221
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    • 2018
  • Background: The number of immigrants with tuberculosis (TB) increases each year in South Korea. Determining the transmission dynamics based on whole genome sequencing (WGS) to cluster the strains has been challenging. Methods: WGS, annotation refinement, and orthology assignment for the GenBank accession number acquisition were performed on two clinical isolates from Chinese immigrants. In addition, the genomes of the two isolates were compared with the genomes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates, from two native Korean and five native Chinese individuals using a phylogenetic topology tree based on the Multiple Alignment of Conserved Genomic Sequence with Rearrangements (Mauve) package. Results: The newly assigned accession numbers for two clinical isolates were CP020381.2 (a Korean-Chinese from Yanbian Province) and CP022014.1 (a Chinese from Shandong Province), respectively. Mauve alignment classified all nine TB isolates into a discriminative collinear set with matched regions. The phylogenetic analysis revealed a rooted phylogenetic tree grouping the nine strains into two lineages: strains from Chinese individuals and strains from Korean individuals. Conclusion: Phylogenetic trees based on the Mauve alignments were supposed to be useful in revealing the dynamics of TB transmission from immigrants in South Korea, which can provide valuable information for scaling up the TB screening policy for immigrants.

의사결정나무기법을 활용한 노인장기요양보험 표준급여모형 개발 (A Decision-support System for Care Plan in Long-term Care Insurance)

  • 한은정;이정석;김동건;권진희
    • 응용통계연구
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.667-679
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    • 2014
  • 우리나라 노인장기요양보험에서는 수급자가 월 한도액 범위 내에서 필요한 서비스를 비용-효율적으로 이용할 수 있도록 지원하고자 표준장기요양이용계획서를 작성하여 제공하고 있다. 본 연구는 표준장기요양이용계획서의 객관성 확보와 업무 효율성 제고를 위하여 의사결정나무기법을 이용해 수급자의 건강 및 기능 상태에 맞는 최적의 급여계획을 도출하는 표준급여모형을 개발하였다. 타당도 높은 모형 개발을 위하여 국민건강보험공단의 전국 220개 장기요양운영센터로부터 장기요양인정조사와 표준장기요양이용계획서 작성 경험이 풍부한 직원(본 연구에서는 '훈련된 조사자'라고 함)을 추천받아 자료수집의 내용과 방법에 대해 교육을 실시하였고, 이들이 수급자의 건강 및 기능 상태를 평가하고 작성한 수급자 개인별 맞춤형 급여계획을 자료 분석에 활용하였다. 표준급여모형은 1단계로 시설 또는 재가 급여 권고 여부를 결정하는 모형을, 2단계로 재가급여를 권고했을 경우의 재가급여 세부 종류별 권고 여부를 결정하는 모형을 개발하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 표준급여모형은 전산프로그램화 되어 국민건강보험공단 직원이 수급자에게 제공할 표준장기요양이용계획을 수립하는 과정에 실제로 활용되고 있어 표준장기요양이용계획서의 객관성 확보와 업무 효율화가 기대된다.

데이터마이닝을 이용한 유치치아우식증 관련요인 분석 (Effect of Mothers' Oral Health Knowledge and Behaviour on Dental Caries in Their Preschool Children)

  • 김진수;김효진;전홍석
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2005
  • In order to investigate correlation between mother's dental ca re for her children and their dental caries, this study was conducted wi th the dental examination record of 365 children who showed the same number of questionnaires with those examined for dental conditions and questionnaires written by mothers among children between three and six years of age and their mothers in Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi province in June 2004 to estimate frequency and percentage of general properties of subjects and mother's oral health care behaviors for her children by research items, to carry out cross-tabulation analysis and correlation analysis following Chi-square distribution for the presence of dental caries in deciduous teeth and oral health care behaviors, and to use decision tree analysis among data mining techniques for those factors associated with the presence of dental caries in deciduous teeth, and drew the following conclusions. 1. For mother's oral health care behaviors and attitudes for her children, 225 mothers(61.6%) confirmed their children's teeth-brushing; 278(76.2%) used no fluorine; and 286(78.6%) observed their children's teeth, 322 mothers(88.2%) instructed their children in teeth-brushing while 268 (73.4%) provided dental care, 232 mothers(63.7%) treated their children's cavity; 290(79.4%) believed that their children had good dental conditions; and 294(80.5%) answered that they began to provide their children with dental care in deciduous teeth. 2. As for the presence of dental caries in deciduous teeth and dental health care behaviors, there were statistically significant differences in employment, confirmation after teeth-brushing, teeth observation, instruction in time for teeth-brushing, use of fluorine, cavity treatment, time for dental care, and perception of dental conditions(p<0.05). 3. As for correlation between dental caries in deciduous teeth and oral health care behaviors, mothers who worked, who believed that their children didn't have good dental condition, and who thought that it was necessary to begin to provide dental care in permanent teeth were found to get their children to suffer from dental caries in deciduous teeth. Besides, those who failed to confirm teeth-brushing, who used no fluorine, and who failed to observe teeth and gave no instruction in time for teeth-brushing were shown to get their children to suffer from dental caries in deciduous teeth. 4. Variables to determine the presence of dental caries in deciduous teeth were classified by cavity treatment, mother's employment, time for dental care, and observation of children's teeth. The first node to determine the presence of dental caries in deciduous teeth was found to be cavity treatment; the next criteria for classification after cavity treatment were shown to be mother's employment and time for dental care. In case of children with no cavity, they were found to be mother's employment and teeth observation.

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Prediction of Length of ICU Stay Using Data-mining Techniques: an Example of Old Critically Ill Postoperative Gastric Cancer Patients

  • Zhang, Xiao-Chun;Zhang, Zhi-Dan;Huang, De-Sheng
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.97-101
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    • 2012
  • Objective: With the background of aging population in China and advances in clinical medicine, the amount of operations on old patients increases correspondingly, which imposes increasing challenges to critical care medicine and geriatrics. The study was designed to describe information on the length of ICU stay from a single institution experience of old critically ill gastric cancer patients after surgery and the framework of incorporating data-mining techniques into the prediction. Methods: A retrospective design was adopted to collect the consecutive data about patients aged 60 or over with a gastric cancer diagnosis after surgery in an adult intensive care unit in a medical university hospital in Shenyang, China, from January 2010 to March 2011. Characteristics of patients and the length their ICU stay were gathered for analysis by univariate and multivariate Cox regression to examine the relationship with potential candidate factors. A regression tree was constructed to predict the length of ICU stay and explore the important indicators. Results: Multivariate Cox analysis found that shock and nutrition support need were statistically significant risk factors for prolonged length of ICU stay. Altogether, eight variables entered the regression model, including age, APACHE II score, SOFA score, shock, respiratory system dysfunction, circulation system dysfunction, diabetes and nutrition support need. The regression tree indicated comorbidity of two or more kinds of shock as the most important factor for prolonged length of ICU stay in the studied sample. Conclusions: Comorbidity of two or more kinds of shock is the most important factor of length of ICU stay in the studied sample. Since there are differences of ICU patient characteristics between wards and hospitals, consideration of the data-mining technique should be given by the intensivists as a length of ICU stay prediction tool.