• Title/Summary/Keyword: Transmutation reactor

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  • Choo, Kee Nam;Cho, Man Soon;Yang, Sung Woo;Park, Sang Jun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.501-512
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    • 2014
  • HANARO is a multipurpose research reactor located at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). Since the commencement of its operation in 1995, various neutron irradiation facilities, such as rabbit irradiation facilities, fuel test loop (FTL) facilities, capsule irradiation facilities, and neutron transmutation doping (NTD) facilities, have been developed and actively utilized for various nuclear material irradiation tests requested by users from research institutes, universities, and industries. Most irradiation tests have been related to national R&D relevant to present nuclear power reactors such as the ageing management and safety evaluation of the components. Based on the accumulated experience as well as the sophisticated requirements of users, HANARO has recently supported national R&D projects relevant to new nuclear systems including the System-integrated Modular Advanced Reactor (SMART), research reactors, and future nuclear systems. This paper documents the current state and utilization of irradiation facilities in HANARO, and summarizes ongoing research efforts to deploy advanced irradiation technology.

Conceptual Design Based on Scale Laws and Algorithms Sub-critical Transmutation Reactors

  • Lee, Kwang-Gu;Chang, Soon-Heung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Nuclear Society Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.475-480
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    • 1997
  • In order to conduct the effective integration of computer-aided conceptual design for integrated nuclear power reactor, not only is a smooth information flow required, but also decision making fur both conceptual design and construction process design must be synthesized. In addition to the aboves, the relations between the one step and another step and the methodologies to optimize the decision variables are verified, in this paper especially, that is, scaling laws and scaling criteria. In the respect with the running of the system, the integrated optimization process is proposed in which decisions concerning both conceptual design are simultaneously made. According to the proposed reactor types and power levels, an integrated optimization problems are formulated. This optimization is expressed as a multi-objective optimization problem. The algorithm for solving the problem is also presented. The proposed method is applied to designing a integrated sub-critical reactors.

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  • Martin, Ph.;Anzieu, P.;Rouault, J.;Serpantie, J.P.;Verwaerde, D.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.237-248
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    • 2007
  • Sodium-cooled fast reactor is considered in France as a potential candidate for a prototype of 4th generation system to be built by 2020. A detailed working program has been launched recently to identify by 2012 the potential improvement tracks for later industrial development of these reactors. The goals for innovation are first identified: Progress of the safety with a special attention to severe accidents risk minimization and mitigation (defense in depth approach); Economic competitiveness of the system mainly by reducing the capital cost, the investment risks by enhancing in service inspection and repair capacities, and raising the availability; Sustainability with fissile material management while reducing the proliferation risk; capacity for long-lived waste transmutation.

Dynamic Responses of the TRU-loaded HYPER System

  • Kim, T.K.;Oh, Se-Kee;Kim, Y.H.;Park, W.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Energy Engineering kosee Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2000
  • Accelerator Driven System (ADS) named HYPER(Hybrid Power Extraction Reactor) is being developed for the transmutation of nuclear waste in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI). The concept of the HYPER is using 1GeV proton to drive a subcritical core. HYPER system is believed to have much more stable dynamics than the critical system in terms of neutronics. However, the HYPER system is supposed to have some drawbacks for the cooling system accidents. Loss of Flow(LOF) and Loss of Heat Sink (LOHS) cause a strong damage. As results, those accidents would stop the power production in the critical system. On the other hand, the negative reactivity feedback could not stop the HYPER system because the HYPER is driven by an accelerator rather than reactivity.(omitted)

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Preliminary Corrosion Model in Isothermal Pb and LBE Flow Loops

  • Lee, Sung Ho;Cho, Choon Ho;Song, Tae Yung
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.201-205
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    • 2006
  • HYPER(Hybrid Power Extraction Reactor) is the accelerator driven subcritical transmutation system developed by KAERI(Korea Atomic Research Institute). HYPER is designed to transmute long-lived transuranic actinides and fission products such as Tc-99 and I-129. Liquid lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE). Has been a primary candidate for coolant and spallation neutron target due to its appropriate thermal-physical and chemical properties, However, it is very corrosive to the common steels used in nuclear installations at high temperature. This corrosion problem is one of the main factors considered to set the upper limits of temperature and velocity of HYPER system. In this study, a parametric study for a corrosion model was performed. And a preliminary corrosion model was also developed to predict the corrosion rate in isothermal Pb and LBE flow loops.

Integral nuclear data validation using experimental spent nuclear fuel compositions

  • Gauld, Ian C.;Williams, Mark L.;Michel-Sendis, Franco;Martinez, Jesus S.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.1226-1233
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    • 2017
  • Measurements of the isotopic contents of spent nuclear fuel provide experimental data that are a prerequisite for validating computer codes and nuclear data for many spent fuel applications. Under the auspices of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) and guidance of the Expert Group on Assay Data of Spent Nuclear Fuel of the NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety, a new database of expanded spent fuel isotopic compositions has been compiled. The database, Spent Fuel Compositions (SFCOMPO) 2.0, includes measured data for more than 750 fuel samples acquired from 44 different reactors and representing eight different reactor technologies. Measurements for more than 90 isotopes are included. This new database provides data essential for establishing the reliability of code systems for inventory predictions, but it also has broader potential application to nuclear data evaluation. The database, together with adjoint based sensitivity and uncertainty tools for transmutation systems developed to quantify the importance of nuclear data on nuclide concentrations, are described.

Numerical studies on the important fission products for estimating the source term during a severe accident

  • Lee, Yoonhee;Cho, Yong Jin;Lim, Kukhee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.7
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    • pp.2690-2701
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we select important fission products for the estimation of the source term during a severe accident of a PWR. The selection is based on the numerical results obtained from depletion calculations for the typical PWR fuel via the in-house code named DEGETION (Depletion, Generation, and Transmutation of Isotopes on Nuclear Application), release fractions of the fission products derived from NUREG-1465, and effective dose conversion coefficients from ICRP 119. Then, for the selected fission products, we obtain the adjoint solutions of the Bateman equations for radioactive decay in order to determine the importance of precursors producing the aforementioned fission products via radioactive decay, which would provide insights into the assumption used in MACCS 2 for a level 3 PSA analysis in which up to six precursors are considered in the calculations of radioactive decays for the fission product after release from the reactor.

A model for calculating the irradiation swelling of AgInCd absorber in nuclear control rods

  • Hongsheng Chen;Hongxing Xiao;Chongsheng Long;Xuesong Leng
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.552-557
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    • 2024
  • The actual swelling of AgInCd absorber might exceed the predicted swelling value after years of service in pressurized water reactors, and the chemical and microstructural changes of AgInCd absorber induced by transmutation reactions are the main reason for the swelling acceleration of AgInCd absorber. In the present study, a model for calculating the irradiation swelling of AgInCd absorber in nuclear control rods is developed according to chemical and microstructural changes of AgInCd absorber. In this model, the chemical compositions of AgInCd absorber as a function of the thermal neutron fluence are firstly calculated, and then the volume of AgInCd absorber after irradiation is obtained on the basis of the crystallographic parameters of phases in the AgInCd absorber, and the irradiation swelling of AgInCd absorber is finally calculated. The crystallographic parameters can be obtained by preparing the simulated AgInCd alloys and fitting the experimental data. The model calculating results of irradiation swelling are in good agreement with the actual swelling data in literature. More importantly, the present model can well explain the EPRI results of the acceleration in the diametral swelling rate above 6-8 × 1020 n/cm2 and the decrease in the diametral swelling rate above about 2 × 1021 n/cm2.

Validation of nuclide depletion capabilities in Monte Carlo code MCS

  • Ebiwonjumi, Bamidele;Lee, Hyunsuk;Kim, Wonkyeong;Lee, Deokjung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.9
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    • pp.1907-1916
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    • 2020
  • In this work, the depletion capability implemented in Monte Carlo code MCS is investigated to predict the isotopic compositions of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). By comparison of MCS calculation results to post irradiation examination (PIE) data obtained from one pressurized water reactor (PWR), the validation of this capability is conducted. The depletion analysis is performed with the ENDF/B-VII.1 library and a fuel assembly model. The transmutation equation is solved by the Chebyshev Rational Approximation Method (CRAM) with a depletion chain of 3820 isotopes. 18 actinides and 19 fission products are analyzed in 14 SNF samples. The effect of statistical uncertainties on the calculated number densities is discussed. On average, most of the actinides and fission products analyzed are predicted within ±6% of the experiment. MCS depletion results are also compared to other depletion codes based on publicly reported information in literature. The code-to-code analysis shows comparable accuracy. Overall, it is demonstrated that the depletion capability in MCS can be reliably applied in the prediction of SNF isotopic inventory.

A Study on the Separation of Long-lived Radionuclides and Rare Earth Elements by a Reductive Extraction Process (환원추출에 의한 장수명핵종과 희토류 원소의 분리 연구)

  • 권상운;안병길;김응호;유재형
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.421-425
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    • 2003
  • The reductive extraction process is an important step to refine the TRU product from the electrorefining process for the preparation of transmutation reactor fuel. In this study, it was studied on the reductive extraction between the eutectic salt and Bi metal phases. The solutes were zirconium and the rare earth elements, where zirconium was used as a surrogate for the transuranic(TRU) elements. All the experiments were performed in a glove box filled with a argon gas. Li-Bi alloy was used as a reducing agent to reduce the high chemical activity of Li. The reductive extraction characteristics were examined using ICP, XRD and EPMA analysis. The reduction reaction was equilibrated within 3 hours after the Li addition. Three eutectic salt systems were compared and Zr was successfully separated from the rare earth elements in all the three salt systems.

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