• Title/Summary/Keyword: Training and education

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Analysis of a Principal's Cognition on his Job Performance in Meister High Schools (마이스터고등학교 교장의 직무수행에 대한 교장의 인식분석)

  • Hyun, Su;Kim, Jinsoo
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to suggest a way to improve the professional abilities of the principals of meister high schools by analysing their perception of the standards of performance of their duties. To carry out this study, we have developed the standards of performance of the duties of the principals of meister high schools through the systematic research on the realm of the duties of the principals of meister high schools, and analysed the principals' perception of their duties using the developed standards of performance of their duties. The results of this study are as followed. First, In the stage of planning the school management, the school management plan, the ways to get budget, the plan for evaluation and feedback of the accomplishment of the performance of school management plan should be included. Second, The area of the school management is subdivided into securing school budget, reviewing and arranging the budgets demanded by teachers, executing school budgets, obtaining school equipments and facilities, maintaining school equipments and facilities, managing school feeding, organizing and operating school steering committee, reflecting the opinions of school steering committee. Third, The school curriculum should be developed by a job analysis and the teaching should reflect the analysis. Fourth, The area of the career path and the management of the career for young meisters includes the analysis of the demand of students, parents, and companies, the development of meister growth route and program for managing their career, and the analysis of meister growth route and reflection of the results of the analysis. Fifth, The field of guiding students includes supporting the students counseling service, and managing a variety of school events. 6th, In the realm of cooperation with communities are included designing programs for collaborating and training students with companies, building cooperation with companies, and obtaining supports from communities and related organizations. 7th, In the area of supporting teachers to improve their professional competence, it figured out that supporting teachers' voluntary learning and studying should take a top priority. In conclusion, it is necessary for meister high school principals to have capability to deal with meister growth route and career management, supporting collaboration with other organizations, building and managing laboratories, encouraging teachers' professional improvement, and operating school curriculum and teaching activities.

A Survey on Self-reported Health and Eating Habit of Elite Female Adolescent Athletes in Incheon by Sport Type (인천지역 대표 중고등학교 여자 선수의 운동경기 종목별 건강 및 식습관에 관한 조사)

  • Sung, Hyuni;Chang, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.366-373
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to investigate the self-reported health and eating habit of the elite female adolescent athletes in Incheon. The subjects were 102 elite female athletes of middle and high schools located in Inchon. A self-administered Questionnaire was used for this cross-sectional survey. Statistical analysis by two-way ANOVA was performed to discriminate between the main effects of age (as middle and high school athletes) and sports type, and their interaction. As use of nutritional supplements, 35.8% of the total subjects took vitamin and iron supplements and 62.5% of field and track athletes took vitamin and iron supplements. While mental stress related to exercise was much in fencing > shooting > field and track > swimming athletes, physical burden during training was higher in swimming > field and track > fencing > shooting athletes. More than half of the subjects showed irregular menstrual cycle. As the most severe problem of eating habit, they reported skipping meal > overeating > prejudiced meal > preference to salty and spicy foods. More than half of the subjects skipped meal over three times per week. Fencing and shooting athletes showed very significantly higher frequency of skipping meal and more irregular breakfast time compared to those of other sport types. As for snack, they ate cookies, carbonated drink, chocolate, candy > milk, yogurt, ice cream > cake, bread, rice cake > fried noodle > hamburger, pizza. Therefore, nutritional counseling and education by sport type are necessary for health and good eating habit of these elite female adolescent athletes.

Improvement Considerations for Strengthening Wetland Policies with Case Studies Related to Climate Change Response Strategy (기후변화 대응과 관련된 습지 활용사례 및 정책 개선방향)

  • Jeongcheol Lim;Paikho Rho
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.356-373
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    • 2024
  • The impacts of climate change are being observed globally, and wetlands are known as important ecosystems for climate change mitigation and adaptation with carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation. However, current wetland policies in Korea are poorly related to climate change response strategies and are not fully utilizing the potential of wetland capabilities. This study aims to suggest improvement considerations and major strategies for strengthening wetland policies with effective tools for climate change response. Case studies and literature reviews on the international efforts to respond to climate change and the use of wetlands in major developed countries are used to identify the key factors to establish wetland policies with consideration of current status and different wetland issues in Korea. Results of this study with systematic literature review and TACCC(Transparency, Accuracy, Consistency, Completeness, Comparability) principles show that integrated approach on wetland policies to climate change response are needed. Based on the results, we propose the following policy recommendations. Firstly, carbon sequestration and storage are integrated through climate change response strategies and wetland conservation policies for national greenhouse gas reduction goals of Nationally Determined Contributions(NDC). Secondly, data-based wetland management should be implemented with scientific research, and wetland conditions and changes are continuously monitored, in particular quantitative data such as carbon absorption of wetlands are systematically collected. Thirdly, cooperating with central and local governments in wetland policies, public participation on wetland conservation are encouraged with establishment of wetland conservation and restoration strategies suitable for local characteristics. Fourthly, expanding the role of wetlands in climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies with incorporation of the Nature-based Solutions(NbS). Fifthly, the implementation capabilities of wetland conservation policies is enhanced by financial supports and training of wetland education and professionals. These wetland policies strengthens the ability of wetlands to respond to climate change effectively, and contribute to sustainable wetland ecosystem management by participating international efforts on wetland conservation and climate change.

The Effects of Consumer Value Cognition on Benefits and Attributes of Culture-Art Products (문화예술상품 소비자의 가치인식이 추구혜택과 상품속성에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Eun Joo;Rhee, Young Sun
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.177-207
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    • 2012
  • Today's consumers perceive consumption as a representation of themselves. It is not simply an act that fulfills a consumer's physical and practical needs. Even in terms of life quality, consumers increasingly want to achieve an emotional and sensible experience through consumption. Consumers now make decisions based on their need to express their position in relation to other people, pursue emotional satisfaction, and try to improve the quality of life. Culture-art products that meet such internal and external demands of consumers have made significant improvements in both quantity and quality, because of the social interest and policy support. The recognition of personal and social values of culture and arts has brought about interest in and need for culture-art products. Businesses have agilely embraced such change and actively implemented various marketing strategies utilizing culture and arts. For example, businesses began to sponsor artists who produce culture-art products while building facilities for cultural and art performances or exhibitions. Businesses have also provided performances and exhibitions free-of-charge or at affordable prices. As a result, the supply in the market has started to exceed its demand as is often the case in many of other markets. However, such imbalance has occurred not because of over-supply but because of a lack of demand. Given these circumstances, the government and culture and art related organizations, which had mainly concentrated on the supply side, started to recognize the importance of creating personal and social values in culture and arts. As a result, the government and various organizations are now creating various strategies that include policy measures to achieve their new found goal. Unfortunately however, such efforts are not meeting the expectations. Focusing on above-mentioned circumstances and problems, this study aims to find measures to create demand for culture-art products in the internal conditions of those who consume culture-art products. In other words, given that the demand for culture-art products has not increased despite all external conditions to encourage consumption, this study aims to find the reasons in consumers' value judgment on culture-art products. Though there were recent studies on culture-art products that applied consumer behavior on marketing theories, most of them focused on peripheral aspects such as people's motivation for or satisfaction from watching culture-art events. Hence, there is a need to understand what kind of value consumers perceive from culture-art products and how such value cognition leads to consumption in a comprehensive manner. This study acts as follow-up to a separate study entitled "Qualitative Study about Value Cognition and Benefits of Consumer on Culture-Art Products". The current study aims to extend practical implications that enhance the effectiveness of marketing strategies among the producing and policy agencies in the industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate dimensions of value cognition, benefits and attributes of culture-art products, and identify the effects of consumer value cognition on benefits and attributes. The questionnaire was developed based on the conceptual structure of qualitative research and previous researches. It was composed of value cognition, benefits, attributes of culture-art products and demographic variables. This survey was conducted on-line and off-line among a total of 662 persons ranging from their teens to their 50's who were living in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, various metropolitan cities, and small and medium-sized cities. The data collected was analyzed by factor analysis and path analysis using SPSS WIN 18.0 and AMOS 16.0. This empirical study found that the dimensions of value cognition of culture-art products were categorized into personal goods, aesthetic goods and public property. This shows that the consumers perceive culture-art products as products that are worthy enough to pay the costs not just for personal benefits but also for their social values. Also the formation of value cognition for culture-art products requires special conditions unlike that for physical consumer goods and services, which simply require marketing stimuli. The dimensions of benefits pursued by consuming culture-art products were found to be composed of four types - pursuit of aesthetic benefits, pursuit of actual benefits, pursuit of emotional benefits, and pursuit of conspicuous character. This result implies that people consume culture-art products not just to pursue pleasure from emotional and intelligent satisfaction as well as social relations, but also to seek the needs and benefits embodied at a social level. The dimensions of attributes of culture-art products had seven different factors, - environmental, price, evaluation, people, artwork, composition, and personal relations - which is plentiful. This is because the attributes of culture-art products are very complicated compared to other consumer goods or services. Since culture-art products include not just cultural or artistic works but also all physical, human, environmental, and systemic elements of the products in a comprehensive manner, consumers perceive everything they experience in the process of consuming culture-art products as part of the products. The dimensions of value cognition was found to affect attributes of the products, mostly using pursued benefits as a mediating factors. This result is consistent with the result of qualitative research, and proves that applying the means-end chain theory in the reverse direction is reasonable. The result can be interpreted that consumers' value cognitions for culture-art products turns into actual benefits leading to consumers' decisions. Furthermore, this result reveals that when consumers choose culture-art products, they take into account the attributes of culture-art products depending on the benefits they pursue. These results confirm that despite their conceptual and abstract attributes, culture-art products have values that contribute to actual benefits for individual consumers and society. Hence, value cognition generates benefits to be pursued and this in turn affects the consumers' choices of attributes on products. Based on the conceptual structure of consumers' value cognitions on culture-art products and its dimensions, it is possible to find detailed methods to provide opportunities for education and training to form and reinforce positive value cognition on culture-art products. And through those methods, it will be possible to develop attributes of culture-art products according to the dimensions of pursued benefits, and allow conceptual products become the subject to valuable consumption in real life. These results provide theoretical understanding of consumer behavior in culture marketing and useful information to culture-art producers, companies that use culture and art, and government agencies that use culture-art as a mean to improve the public perception of quality of life. As a follow up on this study, there should be experimental studies that can develop criteria visualizing the demands of consumers who purchase culture-art products and identify their detailed attributes. Studies that compare characteristics of different areas within the culture-art product category and in-depth studies on a specific area or genre will also be needed. In order to develop marketing strategies for culture-art products, studies on the formation and reinforcement of positive value cognition on culture-art products and education for the development of consumer demand as well as on the development and differentiation of attributes of culture-art products depending on types of consumer groups should also follow.

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Analysis on On-line Q&A Cases regarding Landscape Trees Management - Focused on Online Consultation Board at Tree Diagnostic Center - (조경수 관리에 관한 온라인 질의응답 사례 분석 - 수목진단센터 온라인 상담 사례를 대상으로 -)

  • Lim, Byoung-Eul;Lee, Sae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2013
  • The persons in charge of management request diagnosis and prescription to tree hospitals in order to get consultation about the problems like blight that occur in landscape tree management. This study aims to analyze what the main problems and questions raised by landscape gardeners are and those concerned in landscape tree management. This is done by investigating landscape tree-related questions and answers uploaded on the online consultation boards of the plant diagnostic centers approved in Korea including the Seoul National University Plant Clinic, the Chungbuk National University Plant Hospital, and the Kangwon Diagnostic Center. As a result, those concerned in landscape occupied the most as 81.4% among the questioners. However, only 11.5% did explain the plant management history or surrounding environment, which is essential for landscape tree diagnosis when asking questions. This shows that those concerned in landscape lack basic knowledge or interest about plant diagnosis. Among 263 questions about landscape trees, questions about physiological damage included 94 cases that were the most taking up 35.8%. Moreover, the next were damage by insects and damage by disease in order. It is thought that due to the characteristics of physiological problems that occur by various sorts of stress and with no signs, they tend to request diagnosis or prescription the most. The most frequent reasons for physiological damage are water stress and temperature stress. About damage by disease, there exist many types of diseases, and there are many complex damages accompanied by physiological causes. About damage by insects, the most common include damage by moths. In consideration of this result, universities or technician training centers should provide education for landscape tree management so that landscape technicians and students can acquire essential knowledge and information about landscape tree management and increase their interest in it. In particular, it is necessary to provide profound learning opportunities for plant physiology, and the technicians should make efforts themselves. In addition, it is needed to build organizations to which they can ask technical questions about landscape planting and management in order to understand landscape industry in general and the actual status of landscape planting technique and the actual field. Moreover, to elevate systemicity and expertise in the area of landscape tree management not yet equipped with the foundation, it is needed to cultivate the technicians intensively and conduct research by those concerned both in academic and industrial circles.

Art Therapy and Hospice & Palliative Care in Korea (한국의 예술치료와 호스피스 완화의료)

  • Kim, Chang Gon
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, modern art therapy was developed in the 1960s and 1970s in the form of supplementary activities for patients in psychiatry. Along with the foundation of the Korean Association for Clinical Art in 1982 by psychiatric doctors, the therapy involved more various arts forms such as music, art, dance, poetry therapy, and psychodrama. More organizations with specific expertise opened such as the Korean Art Therapy Association, Korean Art Therapy Association, etc. in the 1990s and the Korea Arts Therapy Institute in 2001. As of April 2015, the members of the Korean Art Therapy Association total 15,000, including 6,200 regular members. The arts in integrative arts therapy (IAT) is an individual's creative activity which is related to his inner world, and the forms of IAT include music, drawing, dance and poetry therapy. From the aspect of phenomenology, IAT is psychophysical therapy involving the arts that helps patients recognize and perceive their experiences with an aim of at a recovery of the body and creativity from the phenomenological aspect. It is also a therapeutic activity that targets growth and development of the body and mind. Meta-analysis of the effects of art therapy with a focus on that involving music, drawing, dance movement and IAT in recent years in Korea, significant effects were observed in all factors but physical function. The biggest effect was mentality adaptation followed by activity adaptation and physiology. In the run up to the implementation of the daily flat-rate system for the health insurance reimbursement for palliative care in July 2015, the Ministry of Health and Welfare is reviewing the coverage of music therapy, drawing therapy and flower therapy, which are currently practiced by 56 hospice institutes in Korea. This is a meaningful step because the coverage of hospice and palliative care came after that of art therapy for psychiatric patients was approved in 1977. Still, there is a need clarify the therapeutic mechanism by exploring causality among the treatment media, mediation type and treatment effects. To address the issue of indiscriminately issued licenses, more efforts are needed to ensure expertise and identity of the licensed therapists through education, training and supervision.

Impact of Youth Entrepreneurial Competency on the Success and Satisfaction of Start-ups through Entrepreneurial Self-Efficiency (청년창업가역량이 창업자기효능감을 매개로 창업성공과 창업만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Su Heyong;Kang, Hee kyung;Lee, Dae Shik
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.245-259
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    • 2020
  • The development of technology and the advent of a non-face-to-face society are expected to have a direct impact on job problems. In line with this phenomenon, the government and education and training institutions are coping with job problems through the start-up support policy while at the same time inducing the creation of innovative companies. In particular, youth start-up support can be expected not only to compensate for market failures, but also to promote high-growth start-ups. Based on this background of research, this study examined the competency of young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses, their entrepreneurial self-efficacy, and their impact on success and satisfaction of start-ups. Based on the theoretical research, the research theory and research model were derived by setting entrepreneurial self-efficacy as a mediating variable after reviewing the relation between the main elements of start-up competency of young start-up entrepreneurs and start-up performance. The Youth Entrepreneurship Competency was divided into four categories: Entrepreneurial Competencies, Technical Competencies, Management Competencies, and Creative Competencies, and the hypothesis was that each had a significant impact on the start-up performance through the mediating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy. A survey was conducted on young entrepreneurs in their 20s and 30s in Korea for empirical research, and the analysis results were as follows. First of all, the competency of young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses affects the success of start-ups and the satisfaction of start-ups. There are differences in the competencies, and both technical and management competencies can be seen through the entrepreneurial self-efficacy to enhance the success of start-ups and the satisfaction of start-ups. Entrepreneurial competency was fully mediated to start-up success and partially mediated to start-up satisfaction. In the case of creative competency, there were only direct effects on successful start-ups, and the satisfaction of start-ups showed partial mediating effects. Thus, seven of the eight detailed hypotheses were supported and one was rejected. Based on the above findings, the implications were presented.

A Study on the Influence of Office Workers' Job Performance Ability, Retirement Readiness, and Future Anxiety on Entrepreneurship Will: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Another Success Expectation on Life after Retirement (직장인의 직무수행능력, 노후준비도, 미래불안감이 창업의지에 미치는 영향연구: 퇴직후 삶에 대한 또 다른 성공기대감의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, Gug Gun;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.167-187
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    • 2020
  • Currently, Korea is changing into an ultra-aging society, and office workers retire at the age of 49.5 on average from their main jobs, and the national pension is delayed from 62 years old to 65 years old by 2034, so research is needed to prepare for the aging of office workers after retirement. The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affecting the intention to start a business after retirement and the mediating effect of another sense of success expectation on life after retirement, targeting office workers nationwide. Changes in individual attitudes and systematic institutional support are needed to prepare for a sustainable job until the age of 100 after retirement, that is, a start-up utilizing wisdom and experience in work life. As a result of the study, the ability to perform the goal as job performance, economic preparation for retirement preparation, preparation for external relations, and future anxiety have a positive effect on the entrepreneurial will, and the ability to use new technologies as job performance, and physical preparation for retirement. Preparation and preparation for internal relations were found to have no effect. In the influencing relationship between preparation for external relations and the will of start-up, and future anxiety and will of start-up, another sense of success was confirmed to have a partial mediation effect. In the relationship between economic preparation and willingness to start a business, the effect of complete mediation was confirmed. In order to increase the will to start a business after retirement, it was confirmed that another sense of expectation for success was an important variable. Introducing a government-sponsored education system in the company to reduce the government's financial burden due to super-aging and achieve corporate growth through employee training while potential founders, office workers, are employed, and entrepreneurship and goals for the three life goals of office workers By introducing a performance improvement program, we were able to get implications that would be a solution to the growth of individuals and businesses and reducing the government's financial burden.

A Study on the Realities and the Subject of Environmental Management for Small and Medium-Sized Companies in Gangwon Area (강원지역 중소기업의 환경경영 실태와 과제)

  • Jeon, Yeong-Seung;Park, Eun-Jeong
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.17
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    • pp.53-81
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the realities and the subject of environmental management for small and medium-sized companies in Gwangwon area, through surveying the present status as to acquiring the certification of ISO14001, and to seek for a plan to facilitate environmental management. Given summarizing key results, those are as follows. First, while the number of companies in our country which acquired the certification of ISO14001, amounts to 1,215 businesses as of April of 2003, the number of small and medium-sized companies in Gwangwon area which obtained the certification of ISO14001 reached only 26 businesses, the lowest level among metropolitan municipalities. Second, for the reason that companies who didn't acquire the certification, strive not to receive the certification, it did present the point that' costs to be needed in acquiring and maintaining the certification are larger than practical benefit. Third, the biggest reason for either companies which did not acquire the certification of ISO14001 or companies which did (try to) acquire the certification of ISO1400, was, enhancement of a corporate image,' and the effect after a company who obtained the certification introduced the environmental management system, was also shown to be 'the improvement of a corporate image.' Fourth, many companies who acquired the certification of ISO1400 pointed out the response related to 'burden on document creation and costs' and 'lack of manpower' as problems when introducing the environmental management system. On the basis of major results of a study as the above, given presenting the subject and a plan for activating the environmental management of small and medium-sized companies in Gwangwon area, those are as follows. First, because most of companies who did not obtain the certification of ISO1400 have low recognition of ISO14001, it needs continuous and positive publicity, education and a training system. Second, it requires to carry out an educational program to nurture professional manpower due to lack of manpower relevant to environmental management, to expand payment of subsidies, to open exclusive-charge department and consulting contact, to have the relevant information be database and to develop software. Third, in order to make the certification obtained through inexpensive costs and simple procedures, it needs to positively consider the creation of public approval system for a small and medium-sized company, group approval system, industrial-complex approval system, and others.

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Development Plan of Guard Service According to the LBS Introduction (경호경비 발전전략에 따른 위치기반서비스(LBS) 도입)

  • Kim, Chang-Ho;Chang, Ye-Chin
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.13
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    • pp.145-168
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    • 2007
  • Like to change to the information-oriented society, the guard service needs to be changed. The communication and hardware technology develop rapidly and according to the internet environment change from cable to wireless, modern person can approach every kinds of information service using wireless communication machinery which can be moved such as laptop, computer, PDA, mobile phone and so on, LBS field which presents the needing information and service at anytime, anywhere, and which kinds of device expands it's territory all the more together with the appearance of ubiquitous concept. LBS use the chip in the mobile phone and make to confirm the position of the joining member anytime within several tens centimeters to hundreds meters. LBS can be divided by the service method which use mobile communication base station and apply satellite. Also each service type can be divided by location chase service, public safe service, location based information service and so on, and it is the part which will plan with guard service development. It will be prospected 8.460 hundred million in 2005 years and 16.561 hundred million in 2007 years scale of market. Like this situation, it can be guessed that the guard service has to change rapidly according to the LBS application. Study method chooses documentary review basically, and at first theory method mainly uses the second documentary examination which depends on learned journal and independent volume which published in the inside and the outside of the country, internet searching, other kinds of all study report, statute book, thesis which published at public order research institute of the Regional Police Headquarter, police operation data, data which related with statute, documents and statistical data which depend on private guard company and so on. So the purpose of the study gropes in accordance with the LBS application, and present the problems and improvement method to analyze indirect of manager side of operate guard adaptation service of LBS, government side which has to activate LBS, systematical, operation management, manpower management and education training which related with guard course side which has to study and educate in accordance with application of the new guard service, as well as intents to excellent quality service of guard.

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