• Title/Summary/Keyword: Training and education

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The Use of Electronic Educational Resources in Training Future Specialists in Higher Education Institutions

  • Olha Karaman;Olha Duke;Volodymyr Shkavro;Olena Polinok;Nataliia Didenko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2024
  • The main purpose of the study is to determine the key aspects of the use of electronic educational resources in the training of future specialists in higher education institutions. The importance of using electronic educational resources in the preparation of university students is proven. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the high rise of globalization in the process of training future specialists in higher education institutions. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is the fundamental and modern provisions of the theory, the work of scientists and specialists in the management of electronic educational resources in the field of education. Based on the results of the analysis, the main characterizing aspects of the use of electronic educational resources in the training of future specialists in higher education institutions were identified. Further research needs to analyze new, experimental electronic means in the system of student training.

An Analysis of LMS Functions for Improving the Quality of Distance Education Training (원격교원연수 질 제고를 위한 학습관리시스템 기능 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Yong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2014
  • As of December 2013, 63 distance education training centers has been operating in the form of private, university affiliated and national/public centers. LMS is related to distance training quality as the system because distance education training centers are managing training by using LMS. In this paper, LMS functions of distance education training centers were analyzed to enhance the quality of distance training. In results of the analysis, it is showed 70.07%, 72.09% and 70.41% that implementation ratio of necessary LMS functions for trainee, manager and tutor. Functions of the lowest implementation ratio were "training support" of trainee mode, "statistics management" of manager mode and "communication" of tutor mode. The results of this paper will be helped to improve LMS for effective distance training of distance education training centers.

Impact of Education and Training of Travel Industry's Employees upon Internal Environmental Factor and Job Satisfaction (여행업 종업원 교육훈련이 내부환경요인과 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Myoung-Ran;Lee, Jae-Man
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.255-263
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this treatise is to evaluate impact of education and training of travel industry's employees upon their job satisfaction and to seek for improving efficiency of such education and training and measures for personnel management. It is also to evaluate impact of education and training of travel industry's employees upon their job performance. Moreover it is attempted to make suggestions for emphasizing importance of developing potentiality of travel industry's employees and suggestions for enhancing job satisfaction of employees. Review on outcome of education and training of travel industry's employees revealed that improvement of their job satisfaction depends on contents of education and training and motivation for it, desire and ability for achievement. Also it depends on support from their superiors or colleagues and existence of environmental atmosphere. In future it is necessary to develop diverse education and training programs for the employees and not only travel industry but also competent government agencies should make long-term investment and support for fostering excellent employees in future.

ICT-oriented Training of Future HEI Teachers: a Forecast of Educational Trends 2022-2024

  • Olena, Politova;Dariia, Pustovoichenko;Hrechanyk, Nataliia;Kateryna, Yaroshchuk;Serhii, Nenko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.387-393
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    • 2022
  • The article reflects short-term perspectives on the use of information and communication technologies in the training of teachers for higher education. Education is characterized by conservatism, so aspects of systematic development of the industry are relevant to this cluster of social activity. Therefore, forecasting the introduction of innovative elements of ICT training is in demand for the educational environment. Forecasting educational trends are most relevant exactly in the issues of training future teachers of higher education because these specialists are actually the first to implement the acquired professional skills in pedagogical activities. The article aims to consider the existing potential of ICT-based learning, its implementation in the coming years, and promising innovative educational elements that may become relevant for the educational space in the future. The tasks of scientific exploration are to show the optimal formats of synergy between traditional and innovative models of learning. Based on already existing experience, extrapolation of conditions of educational process organization with modeling realities of using information and communication technologies in various learning dimensions should be carried out. Educational trends for the next 3 years are a rather tentative forecast because, as demonstrated by the events associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the socio-cultural space is very changeable. Consequently, the dynamism of the educational environment dictates the need for a value-based awareness of the information society and the practical use of technological advances. Thus, information and communication technologies are a manifestation of innovative educational strategies of today and become an important component along with traditional aspects of educational process organization. Future higher education teachers should develop a training strategy taking into account the expediency of the ICT component.

The Change of Basic and Postgraduate Medical Education after Intern Training System Dismantling (인턴수련제도 폐지에 따른 기본의학교육-졸업 후 의학교육의 변화)

  • Kim, Byung Soo
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed to review the expected changes in the medical educational environment and to evaluate approaches to coping with the abolition of the postgraduate intern training system. It is expected that after the intern training system is dismantled, postgraduate medical students will be deprived of the opportunity to practice opportunity for clinical practice and to inquire into their medical specialization. Therefore, major improvements in the clinical education curriculum must be made so that students can do so through the clinical education program. Offering students the opportunity to perform clinical practice through the clinical education program might require a revision in the laws and regulations on clinical education as well as the standardization of the clinical education curriculum in line with international practices. Reform measures to provide students the opportunity to inquire their specializations might be the introduction of a medical curriculum containing diverse fields and the establishment of a matching program to assign medical students to their residency programs after medical school. Finally, the fact that the basic concern of postgraduate medical education is the cultivation of primary care physicians must not be forgotten even after the dismantling of the postgraduate intern training system.

The Study of School/Corporate Authorities' Satisfaction and Perception by the Overseas Training of Apprenticeship School (산학일체형 도제학교 국외연수 참여에 대한 학교 및 기업관계자의 만족도 및 인식도)

  • Lee, Soo-jeong;Kim, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to analyze the changes in school/corporate authorities participation after overseas training in Germany and Switzerland. According to this study, the satisfaction with program contents and help for the operation of apprenticeship education was very high. Even though the satisfaction with each type of apprenticeship education institutes did not show differences in accordance with participants' age, there were statistically significant differences in the satisfaction in accordance with work area and position, so that it would be necessary to reflect the results of analysis on the selection of institutes to visit in the future. Regarding the changes in the perception of operation of apprenticeship school in accordance with school/corporate authorities' participation in overseas training, school authorities' perception of the whole areas was improved after training than before training like understanding, planning, practice, and evaluation of apprenticeship education while corporate authorities' perception was not. As corporate authorities also understood the necessity of overseas training for the operation of apprenticeship education, however, in order to increase the effects of overseas training in the future, it would be necessary to provide lots of information to help the understanding of apprenticeship education through preliminary training or regular council and council of each project group. Because of the huge differences in socio-cultural conditions in the practice of apprenticeship education between Korea and two countries such as Germany and Switzerland, it would be needed to operate overseas training that could draw the improvement measures within the system of Korea instead of simple comparative analysis.

Operation and Training Demand on Dietary Life Education of Nutrition Teachers in Jeonbuk Province (전북지역 영양교사의 식생활교육 실태와 연수 요구도 분석)

  • Park, Eunsook
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutrition teachers' operation and demand of dietary life education in Jeonbuk Province. The study was carried out using a self administered questionnaire and the subjects were 190 nutrition teachers. The questions were general characteristics of the subjects, operating status as frequency, place, the main use time, and training demand on dietary life education by elementary school and middle & high school, teaching career, and training hours. The results are as follows. Most of the subjects were female(98.9%), more than half were 40's(52.1%) in their age, school work career was 13.2 years. Frequency of the dietary life education operation was once per month(56.8%), 2~3 times per month(27.9%), and place of education were dinning room (49.7%), classroom(25.9%). Almost of the subjects(90.4%) recognized the facilities for education was lack, 89.3% of them did the education materials was lack, also. The desirable frequency of dietary life education was once per month(48.9%), and once per week(35.3%.) The half of the subjects recognized the objects of the dietary life education was not only students but also their parents and teachers. The proper education time was dietary life education tim (34.2%), discretion activity time(31.1%). Most of the subjects(95.7%) had willing to get training, the proper training program was 30 hours, and they prefer summer vacation(61.0%) than winter vacation(30.5%) and semester(8.6%). Proper experimental practice ratio of environment : health : thanks were 30% : 43% : 27%. It is concluded that the demand of nutrition teachers is necessary for their education program in elementary and middle & high school.

A Survey on the Actual Administrating Condition and Teacher′s Recognition on the In-service Training of Home Economics Education in the Secondary School - Centering around Kangwon Province- (중등학교 가정교과 교사의 직무연수 운영 실태 및 인식 조사 - 강원도 지역을 중심으로-)

  • 최미선;윤인경
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research is intended to analyze the actual condition of in-service training for the teachers who teach Home Economics Education in the middle and high school and to survey their viewpoints on the actual condition of the in-service training. So I could find the effective ways on the in-service training by finding many kinds of needs and improvements on the basis of present problems in the Home Economics Education. The research results are as follows : 1. This research indicated that most teachers answered that the most proere significant per time of the in-service training was the school vacations(49.5%). 63.4% of the teachers answered that the present 60 hours on the question of how many hours are appropriate is proper. On the question of what the most proper cycle for the educational training is. 47.2% of the teachers answered that the present 3-year cycle is appropriate. 35% of them supported the selecting system for the trainee according to the experienced or non-experienced for the up-to-date in-service training. And 35% of them answered that the speakers for the training program must be the experienced teachers in education. In the contents of the training program. many teacher insisted that the percentage of the text for the major should be raised(49.6%). According to the survey about the teaching and learning methods and evaluation. teachers were satisfied with the levels of satisfaction on the teaching and learning methods in 65.1%. This survey indicated that teacher preferred the discussion and case study(35.9%). the practice-centered class(29.3%) and the on-the-spot study(20.9%) in order on the teaching methods. In terms of the educational environment. 56.9% of the teachers answered the number of trainee is too many and they suggested that the proper number of trainee is about 20∼30. 2. This research showed that the most important problem of this training system was the over-population of the trainee(33.5%) and the most severe problem of the educational environment was the lack of air-cooled and heated system(24.8%).

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Korean Public Organization ERP Education Training Strategies Using Success Factor Analysis (성공요인 분석을 통한 한국 공기업 ERP 시스템 교육 훈련 방안)

  • Kim, Yeong Real;Choi, Yeon Ho
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2014
  • This study presents another effective way of ERP training and education for the successful deployment of ERP in public and private sectors. In general, there have been many researches on ERP implementation success factors. However, training methods and research related to effective ERP education/training are difficult to find. Several studies on the ERP implementation success factors state that the Chief Executive Office Interest in the project, education and training are one of the most important factors. In order to successfully implement an ERP, ERP education and training must preferentially be continuous and done by long-term plan. In Chapter 2, we examined the previous researches to determine the status of effective education and training in private and public sectors. Feedbacks from public enterprises, private enterprises, ERP consultants and production professionals from the survey are analysed using the Delphi method. Using the SPSS statistical analysis, survey results derived another effective private and public enterprise ERP education/training strategies and management guidelines.

An Analysis of Structural Relationship among Satisfaction, Learning Transfer, Learning Persistence of Agricultural Education Program on Agricultural Students (농대생의 농업교육훈련 만족도, 학습전이, 학습지속의향에 관한 구조적 관계 분석)

  • Park, Hye Jin;Yu, Byeong Min
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2016
  • This study aimed to analyze educational satisfaction and the relationship between learning transfer and learning persistence shown after actual education targeting students who participated in the agricultural education and training. Conclusions based on the study results can be suggested as follows. First, of the factors related to learning persistence, satisfaction of educational contents turned out to be a statistically significant factor with a positive effect in the agricultural education and training. Students participating in the agricultural education and training have a conspicuous object to learn for improving ability which is necessary for and applicable to agriculture. Second, of the three factors related to learning transfer in the agricultural education and training, satisfaction of educational contents, educational facilities and satisfaction of environment turned out to have a positive effect. Third, results show that satisfaction of instructors does not affect both learning persistence and learning transfer. Lastly, in case of education and training for field practice, this study is suggesting the necessity of research by accessing in a concrete and detailed manner such as learning contents, instructors, educational facilities and satisfaction of environment from the comprehensive concept of educational satisfaction in the directivity of study related to satisfaction.