• Title/Summary/Keyword: Total payment

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Water Allocation through Compensation between the Upper and Lower Basins (상·하류간의 자발적 보상을 통한 수자원의 합리적 이용방안)

  • Kim, Chong Won
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.367-385
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    • 2004
  • This study offers the possibility of water allocation between upstream and downstream regions by side payment. In the case of river water, water use of an upstream region affect a downstream region's water use but not vise versa. In this case, the downstream region wants to secure stable water by suggesting side payment to the upper region. We examine the maximum compensation of the downstream region for acquiring additional water. Also we compare each region's total benefits between the cases with and without cooperation. The result of empirical study show that there was a Pareto improvement when two region cooperate in the water use. Also the amount of side payment depend on the degree of shortage of water and both regions are satisfied with the water allocation result by voluntary negotiation.

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Research on the Continuous Use Intention of Mobile Bus Payment App from the Perspective of user Quality Perception

  • Li, Shuo;Sun, Cong-Ying
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2022
  • Based on the success model and Expectation Confirmation model of information system, the concept model of mobile bus payment App users' willingness to continue using is constructed by introducing function quality and interface design quality. A total of 264 valid questionnaires are obtained by issuing online questionnaires, and the model is tested by SmartPLS3.0 software The results show that users' perceptions of information quality, system quality and interface design quality will affect users' perceived usefulness and satisfaction through the scene, and then affect users' willingness to continue to use; Perceived functional quality has a significant impact on perceived usefulness, but has no significant impact on satisfaction. Perceived usefulness has a significant impact on user satisfaction.

A Study on Residents' Satisfaction Degree of Differentiated Elements in Outdoor Space of Apartment Housing (아파트 옥외공간 차별화 요소에 대한 주민 만족도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • 서주환;김도경;최성숙;김대환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.98-108
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this research is to help outdoor space planning reflected real needs of apartment residents in the differentiation elements of outdoor space, by using USC trade-off game in three apartment complexes in Seoul. This game method was used to evaluate their preference, reliability of preference degree, satisfaction degree, requirement elements such as improvement, sacrifice, maintenance of present condition, and payment possibility for improving and maintaining present condition, in addition to their preference and payment possibility of differentiation of outdoor space in the apartment complex in the future. From the statical analysis, we found the following results: 1. Reliability of preference degree was valid, inasmuch as the first elements they preferred were the almost same as the last things. 2. Elements of preference were pedestrian ways, pedestrian security facilities, various athletic facilities, and variety and high-class facilities in a play ground. 3. Satisfaction degree of differentiation elements of outdoor space was low not only in total complexes but also in each complex. As a result of analysis, these elements were not satisfied with residents. 4. Most of the differentiation elements of outdoor space in three apartment complexes, except planting traditional trees, were required to improve and maintain present condition. The cost to improve and maintain these elements able to pay by them was about 2.18 million won. Through this result, these elements were not options but prerequisites for planning outdoor space in apartment complexes. 5. In the future preference elements of differentiation of outdoor space in apartment complexes were pedestrian and jogging ways, places with water, various athletic places and facilities, multi-function resting places, green spaces in experiences, pedestrian security facilities, various athletic facilities, variety and high-class facilities in a play ground, and payment possibility for these elements was about 3.20 million won.

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The U.S. Experience of the DRG Payment System and Suggestions to Korea (DRG 지불제도에 대한 미국의 경험과 우리 나라에의 시사점)

  • Park, Eun-Cheol;Lee, Sun-Hee;Lee, Sang-Gyu
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.105-120
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    • 2002
  • In the United States, the prospective payment system(PPS), under which diagnosis related groups (DRGs) are used to reimburse hospitals for the care of Medicare patients since 1983, Study results showed that the PPS is having a major impact on the quantity of services especially of hospital length of stay. The PPS has increased the likelihood that a patient will be discharged home in an unstable condition and the use of nursing homes or long term care facilities increased. Still, it is insufficient to conclude that the PPS has decreased the Medicare total expenditure, but relatively sufficient to conclude that the quality of care hasn't changed. The maintenance of the quality resulted from the systemic "check-and-balance" composed of three factors; (1) The doctors are reimbursed based on the fee-for-service system, (2) hospitals contact with doctors under the attending system, and (3) there are some public hospitals. In Korea, the reimbursement for hospitals and doctors are not divided, the hospitals have doctors as employees, and 90% of hospitals are private. These differences may weaken the "check-and-balance" existing in the U.S. system. And there are few long term care facilities and the diagnostic coding system using in pilot test are not suitable for Korean situation. In conclusion, for successful implementation of the DRG payment system in Korea, the government should establish the "check-and-balance" system in the health sector to make sure the quality of care before the implementation.

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Economic Valuation and Valuating Properties on the Architectural Aesthetic through the Contingent Valuation Method (가상가치법을 통한 건축미의 경제적 가치추정 및 가치부여 특성)

  • Lee, Dong-Joo;Ko, Eun-Hyung
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic value of architectural aesthetic using the contingent valuation method and to analyze the value-giving characteristics. The site survey was conducted based on the scenario of Dong-daemun Design Plaza, which is recognized as a work of outstanding architectural aesthetic. Based on 307 opinions collected, the main results are as follows: First, it could be confirmed that the higher the level of architectural aesthetic, the higher the payment amount was. The result of estimating the value of the architectural aesthetic on the basis of the fixed amount levy showed that the average payment amount was 8,859 won per person. The average payment amount was 13,014 won per person when the rejector of payment was excluded. The value of architectural aesthetic was about 13.72% of total construction cost. Second, free riding, which occurs mainly in the measurement of the value of public goods or environmental goods, appeared. This tendency is stronger in the elderly than in the younger, and in the differential amount levy than in the fixed amount levy. Third, the extreme subjectivity of architectural aesthetic value could be confirmed. While there are a lot of extreme denials of payments such as 0 won, the high-income was willing to pay a substantial amount. Fourth, it was confirmed that income factors was partly involved in the measured value.


  • Rhim, Ho-Sun
    • Management Science and Financial Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents an incentive system to reduce response time from a supplier. The incentive system is expressed as a contract between an assembler and a supplier who have a long-term relationship. We produce the optimal payment scheme and expected total cost, when the assembler is farsighted. We show that the farsighted assembler obtains higher effort level from the supplier than the myopic assembler. We also show that the expected total cost of the farsighted assembler is smaller in the long run, although it is initially higher than that of the myopic assembler.

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Development of the DRG Adjust Index for Nursing Care Quality Assurance (간호의 질 보장을 위한 DRG 보정지수 개발)

  • Kim, Sea-Wha;Kim, Yun-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2004
  • Korean health insurance has adopted preliminary DRG payment system through 8 DRGs from 1997. But present DRG payment system gives economic incentives for hospitals to hire less nurse. This study was attempted to develope DRG adjust index to differentiate DRG price by nurse staffing level for nursing care quality. Method: We analyzed inpatient care cost by medical institute and developed DRG adjust index to differentiate DRG price by nurse staffing level. Results: Among same medical institute, inpatient care cost are very different according to hospital's nurse staffing level. In the case of casarean section, inpatient care cost of the 1st grade general hospital are more expensive 85,732won than the 6th grade hospital. The cost difference are 8.24% of total casarean section DRG price and 16.48% of DTG variable price. We developed DRG adjust index-a to apply DRG variable price and index-b to apply DRG total price for compensation cost difference of hospitals. Conclusions: DRG price adjust index will give economic incentive for hospitals to hire more nurse and improve nursing care quality.

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A Study on the Institutional Improvement for the Guarantee of Fisher Wage Claims (어선원 임금채권의 보장을 위한 제도적 개선방안)

  • Yim, Jong-Sun
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.49-71
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    • 2020
  • A fisher means any person employed to provide his/her labor in a fishing vessel in exchange for a wage. There is no concept of a fisher in Seafarers Act. This act shall not apply to seafarers who are in service on board a fishing vessel the gross tonnage of which is less than 20 tons. However, of the total 63,112 fishing vessels, only 2,829 fishing vessels have a total tonnage of more than 20 tons. Fishermen engaged in fishing vessels with a gross tonnage of which is less than 20 tons are not guaranteed to be paid arrears through the Wage Claim Guarantee Fund for Seafarer (Article 56). In addition, fishermen working on a fishing vessel are excluded from the Wage claim Guarantee Act. The Labor Standards Act shall apply to fishermen engaged in fishing vessels with a gross tonnage of which is less than 20 tons. Fishermen and seafarers are at a higher risk of living security than regular workers. Guaranteeing the payment of wages is essential for fishermen to improve the life and employment stability. In order to guarantee fisher wage claims, the concept of a fisher in the Seafarers Act must be realized by sources such as the Wage Claim Guarantee Fund of Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, step by step expansion of members in the wage claim guarantee fund for seafarers and interest for delayed payment of wages, etc.

An Analysis of Economic Value of the Old-age Preparation Service (노후준비서비스의 경제적 가치 분석)

  • Ahn, Kyung Ae;Rhee, Hae Chun
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2018
  • Background: The purpose of this study is to emphasize the importance and necessity of the government's old-age preparation service by measuring the economic value of the old-age service and the policy direction and policy implications of the government's old-age preparation service project. Methods: Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) was used as an analytical method. CV methodology was used to calculate the Willingness to pay (WTP) for old-age preparation service and its value was estimated and the economic benefit of the project was estimated. Results: As a result of the analysis, the average monthly payment amount for the old service was calculated as 5,100 won, and the annual average payment amount was estimated to be 61,197.1 won. Conclusion: The present value of the benefit for 10 years with the discount rate of 5.5% is 484,651 won. Based on the value of peruser benefit, the total benefit value calculation result of the old-age preparation service considering the Willingness to pay for the next 10 years shows that the total benefit value of the old service, which occurs during the period from 2016 to 2025(10 years) was estimated at 415.1 billion won. As a result of calculating the benefit for each scenario, the present value of basic service is higher in all scenarios than the linked service.

Determinants Affecting Profitability of Firms: A Study of Oil and Gas Industry in Vietnam

  • BUI, Men Thi;NGUYEN, Hieu Minh
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.599-608
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    • 2021
  • The oil and gas industry is widely known as a vital engine of Vietnam development, stimulating researchers to examine the association of various factors with this industry. The aim of this study is to identify the relationship between different variables affecting profitability of the firms in the oil and gas sector in Vietnam. The total of 203 samples were collected from 29 companies listed on Vietnam Stock Market during a 6-year period from 2012 to 2018. Informed by prior research, this investigation employs financial leverage (FL), government ownership (GOV), dividend payout (DIV), fixed assets to total assets (FA) and exchange rate (EXR) as independent variables, while the profit is described by return-on-assets (ROA). The study results show that there are four factors that have an impact on ROA, namely, leverage, government ownership, dividend, and exchange rate. Whereas leverage and exchange rate have negative influence on ROA, government ownership and dividend payment have a positive effect. The findings of this study suggest that high debt ratio in capital structure and the negative effect of exchange rate on their companies' efficiency can adversely affect the profit of enterprises. Also, plausible extent of government ownership and dividend payment could also be considered to optimize corporate performance.