• 제목/요약/키워드: Total payment

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보충교육서비스 요금의 신용카드 결제 실태 (The Rate of Credit Card Payment for Private Extracurricular Education in Korea)

  • 김혜선;김숙향
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the rate of credit card payment for private education. The results of study can be used to improve credit card handling problems of private educational institutes, leading toward improvements in income transparency, increase in tax burden equity and long-term economic welfare improvement for individual households. 424 households out of 586 household that were surveyed in September of 2002 had 1,700 cases private extracurricular education. 67 of the 1,700 cases that did not have expenditure records were removed from the analysis. Only 3.67% out of 1,633 cases were paid by a credit cards and the amount of credit card payment were only 5.65% of the total amount spent for private education. The average fee of private educational institutes that allow credit card payment was higher than the fees of private institutes which don't allow a credit card payment or those of private institutes where consumers don't know whether a credit card payment was allowed. The average fee of private education paid by credit cards was 34,465.46 won higher than that paid by cash. Credit card payments to private educational institutions is an important social issue with respect to fair tax collection and tax burden equity since most private educational services operate in fairly small sizes and are offered by the self-employed, and the expense of private education is a fairly large proportion of the household income. It is also important for consumers if credit card acceptance expands alternatives that consumers can choose in private education. Therefore, credit card payment should be encouraged in private extracurricular education. To do this, private education providers should be forced to join a credit card payment service by the National Tax Service. A regulation that prohibits the refusal of credit card payments should be required, and credit card service charges of private education providers should be incrementally decreased. Also, consumer education and public promotions for credit card use instead of cash in paying for private education fees are recommended.

The Type of Payment and Working Conditions

  • Rhee, Kyung Yong;Kim, Young Sun;Cho, Yoon Ho
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 2015
  • Background: The type of payment is one of the important factors that has an effect on the health of employees, as a basic working condition. In the conventional research field of occupational safety and health, only the physical, chemical, biological, and ergonomic factors are treated as the main hazardous factors. Managerial factors and basic working conditions such as working hours and the type of payment are neglected. This paper aimed to investigate the association of the type of payment and the exposure to the various hazardous factors as an heuristic study. Methods: The third Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS) by the Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute in 2011 was used for this study. Among the total sample of 50,032 economically active persons, 34,788 employees were considered for analysis. This study examined the relation between the three types of payment such as basic fixed salary and wage, piece rate, and extra payment for bad and dangerous working conditions and exposure to hazardous factors like vibration, noise, temperature, chemical contact, and working at very high speeds. Multivariate regression analysis was used to measure the effect of the type of payment on working hours exposed to hazards. Results: The result showed that the proportion of employees with a basic fixed salary was 94.5%, the proportion with piece rates was 38.6%, and the proportion who received extra payment for hazardous working conditions was 11.7%. Conclusion: The piece rate was associated with exposure to working with tight deadlines and stressful jobs. This study had some limitations because KWCS was a cross-sectional survey.

한방의료의 건강보험 적정 본인부담률 추계 (Reexamination of Patient's Cost-sharing System for Oriental Medical Services in the Korean National Health Insurance)

  • 김진현;유왕근;서동민
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2007
  • This study is designed to estimate an appropriate level of patient's cost-sharing for oriental medical services in the Korean National Health Insurance. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The current co-payment system for oriental medical services does not reflect its cost structure in clinical practice due to inconsistency of cost-sharing plan in the NHI. 2) Both oriental medical institutions and their patients, as a result, are at a relative disadvantage in financial burden, compared with other services. 3) The substantial proportion of patients' cost-sharing depends on the amount of co-payment and the range of medical cost that a flat rate is applied to. 4) The extension of the range doesn't make any substantial decrease in patient's cost-sharing. 5) The fixed amount of co-payment is more sensitive than a range to total variations of patient's cost-sharing. Based on the above, the budget impacts of a new co-payment system were estimated for each co-insurance rate, according to given scenarios. The results range from -59 billion Won (-8.5%) to 16 billion Won(2.3%).

건강보험 한방의료의 총액계약제 도입방안 (Designing a Global Budget Payment System for Oriental Medical Services in the National Health Insurance)

  • 김진현;김은혜;김윤희
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.77-96
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This paper recommends a global budget based payment system for reimbursing oriental medical services in the national health insurance. Methods : We analyzed previous research outcomes related to oriental medical services and payment system We reviewed the experiences of other countries' global budget system in terms of their strength and weakness. In addition, we developed a reimbursement method for oriental medical services based on global budget. Results : Our reviews focused on global budget system of Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada, France, and Taiwan. The estimation of global budget in the national health insurance was described in two scenarios. First scenario was to allocate oriental medical services in scale after signing a contract for global budget. In this case, 4.16% of the national health insurance expenditure was allocated for the oriental medical services. Second scenario was to estimate the global budget in a historical context. As a result, the first scenario in total budget was higher than the second, and we proposed a retrospective adjustment method for the gap between the budget and the actual expenditure Conclusions : The payment system for oriental medical services is recommended to shift from fee-for-service to global budget.

텍스트마이닝을 활용한 중고거래 안전결제 실태분석 (Analysis of the Safety Payment in Second-hand Transactions Using Text Mining)

  • 김은지;김범수
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2023
  • 한국의 중고거래 시장은 꾸준한 성장을 보이고 있지만, 중고거래 사기의 발생 건수와 피해 금액도 함께 늘어나고 있다. 2021년 기준 중고거래 시장 규모는 24조원이지만 동시에 사기 피해 금액은 3,606억 원에 달한다. 중고거래 플랫폼은 개인 간 거래 사기를 방지하기 위해 안전거래 결제 시스템을 마련했다. 그러나 안전결제 시스템을 악용한 신종 사기 수법이 생겨나고 있어 중고거래 안전결제도 사기로부터 안전하다고 볼 수 없다. 이에 본 연구는 텍스트마이닝을 활용하여 중고거래 안전결제 서비스의 사기 방지를 위해 생긴 안전결제 시스템의 실태를 파악하고, 이를 텍스트마이닝과 네트워크 분석으로 분석하여 안전결제 시스템의 개선 방안을 제안한다.

UHF RFID 접시를 사용한 자동회전초밥 자동결제시스템 (Auto Sushi Conveyer-Belt Payment System Using UHF RFID Dishes)

  • 남세현;임용호;정해룡;석주완;정유정
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제39C권12호
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    • pp.1225-1229
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    • 2014
  • 본 논문에서는 초밥용 접시 아랫면에 UHF RFID 태그를 설계하여 회전초밥용 자동합산 시스템을 구현하였다. 일식집에서 식사 후에 먹은 접시의 수를 세어서 계산하던 일반적인 방식과는 달리, UHF RFID 태그가 부착되어 있는 접시를 사용함으로써 전체금액을 자동 합산하여 정확성과 편리성을 증대시켰다. 각각의 접시 정보를 인식하기 위해 직접 UHF RFID 태그 안테나를 설계 하였고 자동합산시스템을 제작하였다. 접시 밑에 붙어 있는 태그는 리더기에 인식이 되어서 접시의 색상, 가격, 수량에 의하여 합산된 금액의 총합을 자동합산 시스템에서 보여준다. 개발한 UHF RFID 태그의 성능과 개발된 RFID 자동계산시스템의 성능을 측정 확인하였다.

선택진료 및 상급병실제도 개선정책이 건강보험 보장성에 미친 영향: 일개 상급종합병원 입원 진료비를 중심으로 (The Effect of Physician Surcharges and Private Room Charges Improvement Policy on National Health Insurance Coverage: Focusing on Analysis of a Upper Grade General Hospital's Inpatient Medical Costs)

  • 나비;은상준
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2018
  • Purposes : In February 2014, the government said that the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) will enforce plan for reducing the financial burden from two major non-covered services including physician surcharges and private room charges, the main causes to increase uninsured, by 2017. The purpose of this study is to analyze the policy effect that performed so far by comparing out-of-pocket payment rates of policy process Methodology: This study analyzed admission medical expenses that occurred from January 2013 to March 2016 at a upper grade general hospitals in Daejeon. Number of study subjects were 134,924 and the data were analyzed with SPSS 22.0 program by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA. The effect of two major non-payment improvement plan on out-of-pocket rates was ascertained via generalized estimating equation. Findings: Out-of-pocket payment rates was statistically significantly declined 2.7 percent than enforcement ago. Also, out-of-pocket payment, physician surcharge, the proportion of out-of-pocket payment of hospital room charge to out-of-pocket payment was statistically significantly declined. However, a further analysis of the cause of the decline in total medical costs is needed. Practical Implications: Physician surcharges and private room charges improvement policy had a positive effect on the decline of out-of-pocket payment rate. The policy of physician surcharges was very effective after the first policy enforcement but it was less effective to medical aids and near poor that was a more greater coverage than national health insurance. Since the policy has not been finalized, we have to continue a research for the successful implementation of the policy.

정책 전문가의 인식을 통해 본 한국 보건의료정책 거버넌스: 신포괄수가제 사례에 관한 심층면접 결과 (Policy Elites' Perception of Health Policy Governance: Findings from In-depth Interviews of Korean New Diagnosis Related Group Payment)

  • 손창우;권순만;유명순
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.326-342
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    • 2013
  • Background: Engaging and Involving stakeholders who have different interests in changing health care policies are difficult task. As the literature on the governance in Korean health care field is rare, this study aims to provide empirical evidence of 'governing health policy'-the ways health care policy is made, implemented, and evaluated from a political perspective. Methods: The authors of this study conducted interviews with elites in policy and clinical areas, which was considered to be the most effective approach to gather in-depth information about the background of changing payment policy as well as the barriers or contributors for making the policy sustainable. A total of 14 experts (3 government officials, 2 representatives from medical profession, 3 professors form academic field, and 6 healthcare providers from New DRG pilot program hospitals) participated in 2 hour long interviews. Results: There was a perception gap of the feasibility and substantiality of new payment system among elites. The score was higher in government officers than those in scholars or clinical experts. Next, the interviewees indicated that Korean New DRG might not sustain without significant efforts to improving democratic aspects of the governance. It is also notable that all interviewees except healthcare providers provided negative expectation of the contribution of new payment system to increase administration efficiency. For clinical efficiency, every stakeholders perceived there was no increased efficiency after introduction of New DRG payment. Like general perception, there was a wide gap between the perception of stakeholders in quality change after implementing the new payment system. Finally, interview participants negatively assumed about the likelihood of New DRG to remain a case of successful reforms. Conclusion: This study implied the importance of social consensus and the governance of health policy.

한 종합병원의 포괄수가제 실시 전후 수정체수술환자의 의료서비스 및 진료비 비교분석 (The Change of Medical Care Pattern and Cost of Cataract Surgery by the DRG Payment System in a General Hospital)

  • 이미림;이용환;고광욱
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.48-70
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to make an analysis of the impact of the DRG payment system on medical care pattern and cost of cataract surgery in a general hospital. The subjects were 173 patients whose DRG severity grade was zero, selected from among the hospitalized who underwent cataract surgery before and after the joining to the demonstrational operation of the third year DRG payment system. Their medical records and the details of their medical bills were examined to find out the length of hospital stay, medical care pattern provided to them, the cost of medical care, and the quality of medical care. The length of stay and the amount of medical care supplied during being in hospital dropped significantly for both single-eye and double-eyes cataract surgery groups. The amount of antibiotic use went down during the hospitalization and upon discharge from the hospital, but decreased after discharge. The total medical bills and the rate of basic examination implementation increased in the OPD before hospitalization but after discharge dropped. For double-eyes cataract patients, the rate of double-eyes cataract surgery went down. The total medical bills of DRG payment system converted into the fee-for-service system was greater by 113.3% for the single-eye cataract surgery group and by 102.9% for the doble-eyes cataract surgery group, compared to that by the fee-for-service. The contribution shared by the insurance corporation increased for both single-eye and double-eyes cataract surgery groups, but the copayment by the insured went down. Regarding the treatment outcome, no difference was found in complication rate, resurgery rate and mortality rate before and after the joining to the DRG payment system was implemented. The use of special lens lessened significantly. The amount of medical care supplied during hospitalization decreased but the complication rate didn't increase. But the increased use of low-price artificial cataract and the avoidance of double-eyes cataract surgery was observed. The phenomenon decreased number of OPD visit and the decreased total medical bills of OPD care after discharge in this hospital required further evaluation.

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한국의 장기요양서비스에 대한 RUG-III의 적용가능성 (On the Feasibility of a RUG-III based Payment System for Long-Term Care Facilities in Korea)

  • 김은경;박하영;김창엽
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.278-289
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to classify the elderly in long-term care facilities using the Resource Utilization Group(RUG-III) and to examine the feasibility of a payment method based on the RUG-III classification system in Korea. Method: This study measured resident characteristics using a Resident Assessment Instrument-Minimum Data Set(RAI-MDS) and staff time. Data was collected from 530 elderly residents over sixty, residing in long-term care facilities. Resource use for individual patients was measured by a wage-weighted sum of staff time and the total time spent with the patient by nurses, aides, and physiotherapists. Result: The subjects were classified into 4 groups out of 7 major groups. The group of Clinically Complex was the largest (46.3%), and then Reduced Physical Function(27.2%), Behavior Problems (17.0%), and Impaired Cognition (9.4%) followed. Homogeneity of the RUG-III groups was examined by total coefficient of variation of resource use. The results showed homogeneity of resource use within RUG-III groups. Also, the difference in resource use among RUG major groups was statistically significant (p<0.001), and it also showed a hierarchy pattern as resource use increases in the same RUG group with an increase of severity levels(ADL). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the RUG-Ill classification system differentiates resources provided to elderly in long-term care facilities in Korea.