• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographic characteristics

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Development of Monthly Hydrological Cycle Assessment System Using Dynamic Water Balance Model Based on Budyko Framework (Budyko 프레임워크 기반 동적 물수지 모형을 활용한 월 단위 물순환 평가체계 개발)

  • Kim, Kyeung;Hwang, Soonho;Jun, Sang-Min;Lee, Hyunji;Kim, Sinae;Kang, Moon Seong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 2022
  • In this study, an indicator and assessment system for evaluating the monthly hydrological cycle was prepared using simple factors such as the landuse status of the watershed and topographic characteristics to the dynamic water balance model (DWBM) based on the Budyko framework. The parameters a1 of DWBM are introduced as hydrologic cycle indicators. An indicator estimation regression model was developed using watershed characteristics data for the introduced indicator, and an assessment system was prepared through K-means cluster analysis. The hydrological cycle assessment system developed in this study can assess the hydrological cycle with simple data such as land use, CN, and watershed slope, so it can quickly assess changes in hydrological cycle factors in the past and present. Because of this advantage is expected that the developed assessment system can predict changes in the hydrological cycle and use an auxiliary tool for policymaking.

Types and Geomorphic Development of Large Landslides in the Kokomeren River Basin, Kyrgyzstan (키르기스스탄 코코메렌강 유역의 대규모 산사태 유형과 지형 발달)

  • Oh, Jeong-Sik
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2019
  • Large landslide is a type of mass movement that causes drastic landform changesin a short period, and it causes huge human and property damage over a large area. The purpose of this study is to categorize the types and characteristics of large landslides around the Kokomeren River basin, Kyrgyzstan and to discuss the geomorphic development after the large landslides. The topographic analysis about a total of 20 landslides documented collapsed volumes of 0.01 to 1.10 km3, height drops of 180 to 1,770 m, and runout distances of 1,200 to 5,400 m. Rock avalanche and rockslide are identified as major types of large-scale landslides in the study area. Rock avalanches can be divided into P-type, J-type, and S-type based on the features of slope failure and kinematic characteristics of rock debris. Landslide synchronistic landforms such as trimlines, transverse ridges, longitudinal ridges, levees, and hummocks are well developed in the rock avalanche. The pieces of evidence of landslide dam, landslide-dammed lake, and remnant outburst flood deposits are observed in the upstream and downstream where the rockslides occurred. The Ak-Kiol landslide dam is the best example of a geomorphic development due to lake spillover and the large landslides were likely to be triggered by huge paleo-seismic events.

Analysis of large-scale flood inundation area using optimal topographic factors (지형학적 인자를 이용한 광역 홍수범람 위험지역 분석)

  • Lee, Kyoungsang;Lee, Daeeop;Jung, Sungho;Lee, Giha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.481-490
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the spatiotemporal patterns of flood disasters have become more complex and unpredictable due to climate change. Flood hazard map including information on flood risk level has been widely used as an unstructured measure against flooding damages. In order to product a high-precision flood hazard map by combination of hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, huge digital information such as topography, geology, climate, landuse and various database related to social economic are required. However, in some areas, especially in developing countries, flood hazard mapping is difficult or impossible and its accuracy is insufficient because such data is lacking or inaccessible. Therefore, this study suggests a method to delineate large scale flood-prone area based on topographic factors produced by linear binary classifier and ROC (Receiver Operation Characteristics) using globally-available geographic data such as ASTER or SRTM. We applied the proposed methodology to five different countries: North Korea Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand and Myanmar. The results show that model performances on flood area detection ranges from 38% (Bangladesh) to 78% (Thailand). The flood-prone area detection based on the topographical factors has a great advantage in order to easily distinguish the large-scale inundation-potent area using only digital elevation model (DEM) for ungauged watersheds.

Topographic Characteristics, Formation and Classification of Soils Developed in Limestone I. Physico-chemical Characteristics of Limestone Soils Based on Topography (석회암(石灰巖) 토양(土壤)의 지형적(地形的) 특성(特性)과 생성(生成)·분류(分類) I. 지형(地形)에 따른 석회암(石灰巖) 토양(土壤)의 이화학적(理化學的) 특성(特性))

  • Jung, Sug-Jae;Kim, Tai-Soon;Moon, Joon;Um, Ki-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.265-270
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    • 1989
  • Soil properties for the limestone-derived soil were examined to relate soil formation to stratigraphy of parent materials and hillslope positions in Bangjeol Ri, Yeongweol Eup, Gangweon Do. Pyeongchang, Anmi, Yulgog and Mungyeong series were described for topographic positions such as shoulder position, footslope, terrace and local bottom associated with toposequence where the landscape consisted of gently rolling hillslopes and nearly level plains. 1. Pyeongchang, Anmi, Yulgog and Mungyeong series had the standard hue of the 2.5YR, 5YR, 10YR and 2.5Y, respectively. Thus, color sequence of soil could be related to hillslope positions on the landscape. 2. With ascending slope toward summit, the clay content increased while silt content decreased 3. Silt/Clay ratios ranged from 0.27 to 3.76 and it was increased with descending to bottom. It, also, appeared that maturity of soil was higher at summit position than at bottom. 4. Soils developed in limestone were neutral in soil reaction and very low in available $P_2O_5$. OM, available $SiO_2$, CEC, and active Fe in soils seemed to be increased with ascending to summit position.

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Propagation Characteristics of Potential Tsunamis in Okinawa Trough (오키나와 트러프 잠재 지진해일 전파특성)

  • Kim, Jong-Hak;Choi, Weon-Hack;Bae, Jae-Seok;Yoon, Sung-Bum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.268-276
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    • 2008
  • Potential tsunamis generated in Okinawa Trough were simulated for the investigation of the propagation characteristics in the southwestern sea of Korean Peninsula. Shallow waters in the continental shelf of East China Sea and deep waters in Okinawa Trough play an important role in the propagation characteristics of the tsunamis generated in this region. The propagation characteristics can be classified into two phases according to the stage of propagation. In the first phase, the tsunamis propagate both northeast and southwest along the deep water of the trough. In the second phase, the tsunamis enter the continental shelf of the East China Sea at right angles to topographic contour lines. Simulated results show that the tsunamis generated in the Okinawa Trough give a weak influence to the southern and western coasts of Korea due to the special topography of the southwestern sea of Korean Peninsula.

Spatial Information Data Construction and Data Mining Analysis for Topography Investigation of Land Characteristics (토지특성 고저조사를 위한 공간정보 데이터 구축과 데이터 마이닝 분석)

  • Choi, Jin Ho;Kim, Jun Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.507-516
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    • 2019
  • The investigation of land characteristics is an important task for the calculation of officially land prices and standard comparison table of land price. Therefore, it should be done objectively and consistently. However, the current investigation system is mainly done by researcher's subjective judgment. Therefore, the objectivity and consistency of this investigation is not guaranteed and questionable. In this study, we first defined the problem by analyzing the current land topography investigation method. In addition, in order to investigate the land topography, the geometry of the parcel is quantified by spatial information and applied to the decision tree based method(C4.5) to produce the final result. This study intended to extract the parcel characteristics data of the topographic by the use of spatial information and to apply the information to the C4.5, there by suggesting a method for addressing the problems. The findings showed approximately 93.5% between the results of topography classification estimated with rules learned by C4.5.

Wetlands Classifying Characteristics by Wetland Classifying Systems - Cases on the Tu-men River and Han River - (습지 유형 분류 체계별 습지 분류 특성 -두만강과 한강을 사례로-)

  • Zhu, Weihong;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.152-161
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    • 2006
  • This study is the primary study for analyzing the classifying characteristics of river wetlands in Korea and China. It is the first step for constructing the wetlands inventories and establishing the wetland conservation strategies in North-Eastern Asia. The case study sites are Han-river which is the representative river of Korea and Tu-men river which is flowing on the borderline of 3 nations, China, North Korea and Russia. The results are as follows : 1. The types of wetlands of Han-river in Korea and Tumen-river in China were classified by the methods of Koo(2002) which is focused on the topography and hydrology and Zhu(2002) which is emphasized the vegetation and habitats. 2. There are three features which are hydrology, topography and soil cover, and vegetation to classify the wetlands into each types. 3. According to the two wetland types by Koo and Zhu, classification system, wetlands in the case study area(Han river and Duman river) were classified by types. 4. In Koo's classifying system(2002), lots of Riverine, Lacustrins and Flat wetlands are found because the topographical and hydrological features are emphasized. On the contrary in Zhu's system(2002), there are lots of Palustrine wetlands because of emphasizing the vegetation. 5. By the topographic and geological characteristics of each sites, there are more wetland types in the lower Tumen river.

Phytosociological Classification and its Ecological Characteristics of Pinus sylvestris Plantations in Eifel, Germany (독일(獨逸) Eifel 지방(地方) 구주적송(九州赤松)(Pinus sylvestris) 조림지(造林地)의 식물사회학적(植物社會學的) 분류(分類)와 생태적(生態的) 특성(特性))

  • Lee, Young-Geun;Cho, Hyun Je
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.3
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    • pp.378-383
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    • 2000
  • Pinus sylvestris plantations in the Eifel mountains, Germany, were studied and classified phytosociologically. Ecological characteristics(soil, natural regeneration & succession) of the plant communities classified were analyzed and described with emphasis on the forest management. According to soil and topographic characteristics, this plantations were divided into four categories ; Vaccinium myrtillus-Pinus sylvestris community of the adequate moisture area, Pteridium aquilium-Pinus sylvestris community of the moisture area, Molinia caerulea-Pinus sylvestris community of the hardened soil layer B and Festuca tenuifolia-Pinus sylvestris of the dry area. Tree species growing below the shrub layer was analyzed. The results were considered as Vaccinium mytillus-Pinus sylvestris, Pteridium aquline-Pinus sylvestris and Molinia caerulea-Pinus sylvestris will be changed into Fagus sylvatica forest following Quercus forest, and Festuca tenuifilia-Pinus sylvestris will be changed into Pinus sylvestris-dominated climax forest.

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Characteristics of Wave Trasnformation in Gamcheon Harbor (감천항내의 파랑변형 특성)

  • 김재중;김기철;이정만
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.399-408
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    • 1999
  • Copeland’s(1985) hyperbolic mild-slope equation including diffraction refraction and reflection in the wave field is used as a governing equation in this study. The result of Maruyama & Kajima(1985) is used to calculate wave direction and that of Watanabe & Maruyama(1986) is used as a energy dissipation formula. Numerical solutions are obtained by the Leap-Frog scheme and compared with Watanabe & Maruyama’s (1984) hydraulic experimental results and numerical simulation results for the detached breakwater. This wave model is applied to a detached breakwater and compared with Watanabe and Maruyama’s (1984) hydraulic model results to check the characteristics of reflected wave field around a detached breakwater. The distribution of wave height and we phase in front of a detached breakwater is more accurate than the Watanabe and Maruyama’s numerical results. The results from our wave model show good agreements with the others and also show nonlinear effects around the detached breakwater. This model is applied to the Gamcheon harbor of pusan. the field observations were carried out at Pusan harbor wave station in 1986-1995 and the results were accepted as a design wave condition in this study. The wave height and wave period was measured by Dong-A university at one station in the Gamcheon harbor in 1996-1997 and used as a calibration criterion. The measured data were used as input data for the numerical simulation and also compared with simulated results. The numerical simulation shows a fairly good results which considering the effect of topographic characteristics and effect of narrow entrance due to two separated breakwaters in Gamcheon harbor. The wave distribution characteristics inside Gamcheon harbor is quite different with the offshore wave direction and wave period.

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Evaluation of GIS-based Soil Loss Amount in Considering Basin Characteristics (유역특성을 고려한 GIS 기반 토양침식량 평가)

  • Guak Dong-Wook;Cho Gi-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2006
  • Soil erosion has caused serious environmental problems which threaten the foundation of natural resources. In this paper, we chose RUSLE erosion model, which could be connected easily with GSIS and available generally in mid-scale watershed among soil erosion models, and extracted factors entered model by using GSIS spatial analysis method. First, this study used GIS database as soil map, DEM, land cover map and rainfall data of typhoon Memi (2003) to analyze soil loss amount of Dam basin. To analyze the changes of soil loss in considering basin characteristics as up-, mid- and downstream, this study calculated soil erodibility factor (K), topographic factors (LS), and cover management factor (C). As a result of analysis, K and LS factors of upstream showed much higher than those of downstream because of the high ratio of forest. But C factor of downstream showed much higher than that of upstream because of the high ratio of agricultural area. As a result of analysis of soil loss, unit soil loss of upstream is 4.3 times than soil loss of downstream. Therefore, the establishment of countermeasures for upstream is more efficient to reduce soil loss.