• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographic characteristic

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Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Estuarine Wetlands Related to Watershed Characteristics in the Han River Estuary (유역특성에 따른 한강하구 습지의 공간분포 및 변화분석)

  • Rho, Paik-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.3 s.120
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    • pp.344-354
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    • 2007
  • Estuarine wetlands for 33 watersheds in the Han River estuary were delineated on topographic maps from the 1910s, 1970s, and 2000s. Then, these data were used to address the issue of spatial distribution and temporal variation. Watershed characteristics such as drainage density, location, watershed size, slope, and elevation were identified for each watershed to determine the relationship between watershed characteristics and spatial distribution of estuarine wetlands. The analysis of estuarine wetlands indicated that wetlands in the estuary had declined gradually between the 1910s and the 1970s, although most wetlands were lost since the 1970s mainly caused by the large development projects related to urban expansion in metropolitan Seoul. The sediment composition and formation processes of the wetlands differed with watershed location; mud flats dominate in the lower part of the estuary, and relatively more sandy and emergent-plant wetlands occur near the main channel and tributaries of the Han River. Relatively more estuary wetlands occur in large watersheds, which have high slopes and low elevations. Estuarine wetlands have been lost dramatically in the densely populated watershed regions (i.e., Han River Seoul, Han River Goyang, West Han River), while relatively more wetlands have remained in undeveloped regions, including the Lower Imjin River and Lower Han River. In particular, anthropogenic disturbance has played an important role in the loss of wetland through the conversion of wetland into agricultural and developed land.

Detection of Mass on Dense Mammogram (고밀도 유방영상에서 종양의 추출)

  • Yu, Seung-Hwa;No, Seung-Mu;Park, Jong-Won
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.721-734
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposed automated methods for the detection of breast mass. We analysed characteristic of the mass by using the features on mammograms. The homogeneity was used to distinguish mass and abnormal homogeneous tissue from the Cooper's ligament and multiple threshold method was used to deal with the high density candidates. By using the 8-connectivity, the first step candidates were selected. We generated the dualistic images of each candidate in which we regard the gray value as topographic height information. From these candidates, the second candidates were selected by comparing the circularity and the distribution rates. The final detection was done with the method in which we generated the template of each candidate and compared each other. From these methods, we grade the order from the candidate. We applied the algorithm to the 136 mammograms and compared to the radiologist's outlines of the leisions. The detection resulted that the sensitivity of the proposed methods was 93.38% and 97.63% FP(False positive) which we can segmented mass in the first grade in the 124 cases.

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Analysis of Heat Island Characteristics of Coast and Riverside Area Using GIS in Busan (GIS를 활용한 부산지역의 해안·강변지역 열섬특성 분석)

  • Song, Sang Cheol;Kang, In Joon;Son, Myung Chan;Han, Ki Bong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2013
  • Development of housing, industrial and public lands has been a cause to increase a temperature of a city higher than that of a rural area. Knowing that, the research analyzed temperature changes in a riverside district and a coastal area depending on the land usage and climate change in the areas. Add to this, the study examined a correlation between topographic characteristics and temperature changes. According to the results, the temperature was increased by $1.80^{\circ}C$ in 2007 comparing to 2003 while the wind velocity was reduced by 0.24m/s. In addition, a more number of areas were designated as build-up areas which, in return, decreased the forested land. The analysis on the correlation reported that the riverside district has more of grassland and bare land while the coastal area has more of wooded land and grassland. The study is expected to be used as fundamental data for research on heat island effect which would be different by each regional characteristic as it proposes measures to solve the heat island effect.

Development of Observational Environment Evaluation Model for Sunshine Duration at ASOSs Located in Urban Areas (도시지역 유인관측소 일조 관측환경 평가 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Do-Yong;Kim, Do-Hyoung;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the numerical model was developed to evaluate the observational environment of sunshine duration and, for evaluating the accuracy and utility of the model, it was verified against the observational data measured at Dae-gu Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS) located in an urban area. Three-dimensional topography and building configuration as the surface input data of the model were constructed using a Geographic Information System (GIS) data. First, the accuracy of the computing planetary positions suggested by Paul Schlyter was verified against the data provided by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and the results showed that the numerical model predicted the Sun's position (the solar azimuth and altitude angles) quite precisely. Then, this model was applied to reproduce the sunshine duration at the Dae-gu ASOS. The observed and calculated sunshine durations were similar to each other. However, the observed and calculated sunrise (sunset) times were delayed (curtailed), compared to those provided by KASI that considered just the ASOS's position information such as latitude, longitude, and elevation height but did not consider the building and topography information. Further investigation showed that this was caused by not only the topographic characteristic (higher in the east and lower in the west) but also the buildings located in the southeast near the sunrise and the southwest near the sunset. It was found that higher building resolution increased the accuracy of the model. It was concluded that, for the accurate evaluation of the sunshine duration, detailed building and topography information around the observing sites was required and the numerical model developed in this study was successful to predict and/or the sunshine duration of the ASOS located in an urban area.

The method of securing water supply resources of existing dam by using Blue dam (Blue dam을 활용한 기존 댐 시설물 상수도 원수 추가 확보 방안)

  • Choo, Tai-Ho;Yoon, Hyeon-Cheol;Yun, Gwan-Seon;Kwon, Yong-Been;Shim, Su-Yong;Chae, Soo-Kwon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.243-249
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    • 2015
  • To improve stability of the water resources that were seriously affected by climate change and various environmental effects and to supply the clean water always, continuous efforts are essential. Provision of measures with respect of hardware is basically essential to improve the water resources stability due to the topographic characteristic in Korea. However, building a new dam becomes gradually very difficult because of a hardship in selecting right places, opposition forces such as environment and local residents, negative publicity for large civil engineering projects, and so on. The present study, therefore, proposes the Blue dam as an alternative for securing the water resources of a new concept considering domestic conditions. To evaluate the effect of the Blue dam, the Hec-ResSim model is used and the probabilistic discharge flow rate is applied. As a result, when Dam Yeongcheon is applied as a study area, securing water resources of 14 million tons are predicted be secured and the flood control of 15.4 million tons is expected, in comparison with operation of the existing dam only. Consequently, Blue dams are supposed to carry out the function of securing water resources, controling flood, maintaining eco-environmental instream flow, generating hydroelectric power, and providing spaces for recreational activities.

Study on the Accuracy Improvement for Survey of Estuary Riverbed (하구하상 측량 정밀도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • 박운용;김천영;김용보
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2003
  • Currently, the availability of 3-D topographical survey by combination of GPS and Echo Sounder has been increased in the various field like as the construction of structure, the dredging and the reclamation in the ocean and river, and observation of topographic change in seabed or riverbed. In this case, the error of depth sounding can divide in form that is happened by combination of GPS and Echo Sounder, and form that is happened in Echo Sounder itself, In this study, in the case happen by Echo Sounder itself, analyzed error by specially about geological features of the seabed and riverbed that is specular surface of sound wave and wished to present solution way. The sounding error about the echo sounder and characteristic of estuary riverbed was found by understanding the relation of average diameter and residual error and we defined correction formula, Y=-0.00474$^{*}$In(X) -0.0045 by the regression analysis. and then we verified applicability of correction formula. As the result, if measure Preliminary investigation or pre-survey the geological features for the survey area at topographical survey of estuary riverbed, we presented the error correction formula that estimate and can correct of error by Echo Sounderer.

Near Future Projection of Extreme Temperature over CORDEX-East Asia Phase 2 Region Using the WRF Model Based on RCP Scenarios (RCP 시나리오 기반 WRF를 이용한 CORDEX-동아시아 2단계 지역의 가까운 미래 극한기온 변화 전망)

  • Seo, Ga-Yeong;Choi, Yeon-Woo;Ahn, Joong-Bae
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.585-597
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    • 2019
  • This study evaluates the performance of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model in simulating temperature over the COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment-East Asia (CORDEX-EA) Phase 2 domain for the reference period (1981~2005), and assesses the changes in temperature and its extremes in the mid-21st century (2026~2050) under global warming based on Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios. MPI-ESM-LR forced by two RCP scenarios (RCP2.6 and RCP8.5) is used as initial and lateral boundary conditions. Overall, WRF can capture the observed features of temperature distribution reflecting local topographic characteristic, despite some disagreement between the observed and simulated patterns. Basically, WRF shows a systematic cold bias in daily mean, minimum and maximum temperature over the entire domain. According to the future projections, summer and winter mean temperatures over East Asia will significantly increase in the mid-21st century. The mean temperature rise is expected to be greater in winter than in summer. In accordance with these results, summer (winter) is projected to begin earlier (later) in the future compared to the historical period. Furthermore, a rise in extreme temperatures shows a tendency to be greater in the future. The averages of daily minimum and maximum temperatures above 90 percentiles are likely to be intensified in the high-latitude, while hot days and hot nights tend to be more frequent in the low-latitude in the mid-21st century. Especially, East Asia would be suffered from strong increases in nocturnal temperature under future global warming.

Feasibility Mapping of Groundwater Yield Characteristics using Weight of Evidence Technique based on GIS in the Pocheon Area (GIS 기반 Weight of Evidence 기법을 이용한 포천 지역의 지하수 산출특성 예측도 작성)

  • Heo Seon-Hee;Lee Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the weight of evidence(WofE) technique based on GIS was applied to spatially estimate the groundwater yield characteristics at the Pocheon area In Gyunggi-do. The groundwater preservation depends on many hydro-geologic factors that include hydrologic data, land-use data, topographic data, geological map and other natural materials collected at the site, even with man-made things. All these data can be digitally processed and managed by GIS database. In the applied technique of WofE, the prior probabilities were estimated as the factors that affect the yield on lineament, geology, drainage pattern or river system density, landuse and soil. We calculated the value of the weight values, W+ and W-, of each factor and estimated the contrast value of it. Results by the groundwater yield characteristic computation using this scheme were presented feasibility map in the form of the posterior probability to the consideration of in-situ samples. It is concluded that this technique is regarded as one of the effective techniques for the feasibility mapping related to the estimation of groundwater-bearing potential zones and its spatial pattern.

An analysis on gravel and sand ofsand-gravel bar in the Duchon stream of Hong-Cheon Region (홍천 두촌천 사력퇴의 역과 모래 분석)

  • Oh, Su Jeong;Cho, Heon;Hwang, Sung-Han;Kim, Man Kyu
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2014
  • This study is an analysis on gravel and sand of sand-gravel bar that stretches variously in the Duchon stream basin, which is one of Hong-Cheon River(a well-developed sand-gravel bar in upstream river)'s upper stream basin. The purpose of this study was to understand the characteristic of the stream's topographic development that variously occur in the small basin by comparing the differences between the aspects of development and the sediment of sand-gravel bar in each section and by examining the transition of sediments moving from upstream to downstream. Through the analysis on the roundness and flatness of gravel, we observed an irregular trend following the increase in supply of granite gravel and gneiss gravel as we traveled downstream. As for the aspect of change in sand's grain size, the overall ratio of medium-coarse sand was very high, but the results showed no big difference in the change following the inflow of stream from the main stream section to the gneiss and granite zone.

Effect of subsurface flow and soil depth on shallow landslide prediction

  • Kim, Minseok;Jung, Kwansue;Son, Minwoo;Jeong, Anchul
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.281-281
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    • 2015
  • Shallow landslide often occurs in areas of this topography where subsurface soil water flow paths give rise to excess pore-water pressures downslope. Recent hillslope hydrology studies have shown that subsurface topography has a strong impact in controlling the connectivity of saturated areas at the soil-bedrock interface. In this study, the physically based SHALSTAB model was used to evaluate the effects of three soil thicknesses (i.e. average soil layer, soil thickness to weathered soil and soil thickness to bedrock soil layer) and subsurface flow reflecting three soil thicknesses on shallow landslide prediction accuracy. Three digital elevation models (DEMs; i.e. ground surface, weathered surface and bedrock surface) and three soil thicknesses (average soil thickness, soil thickness to weathered rock and soil thickness to bedrock) at a small hillslope site in Jinbu, Kangwon Prefecture, eastern part of the Korean Peninsula, were considered. Each prediction result simulated with the SHALSTAB model was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for modelling accuracy. The results of the ROC analysis for shallow landslide prediction using the ground surface DEM (GSTO), the weathered surface DEM and the bedrock surface DEM (BSTO) indicated that the prediction accuracy was higher using flow accumulation by the BSTO and weathered soil thickness compared to results. These results imply that 1) the effect of subsurface flow by BSTO on shallow landslide prediction especially could be larger than the effects of topography by GSTO, and 2) the effect of weathered soil thickness could be larger than the effects of average soil thickness and bedrock soil thickness on shallow landslide prediction. Therefore, we suggest that using BSTO dem and weathered soil layer can improve the accuracy of shallow landslide prediction, which should contribute to more accurately predicting shallow landslides.

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