• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographic Analysis

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Statistical Approach to Groundwater Recharge Rate Estimation for Non-Measured Areas of Water Levels (미계측 지역 지하수 함양량 추정을 위한 통계적 접근)

  • Kim, Gyoobum;Kim, Kiyoung
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2008
  • 320 national groundwater monitoring stations have been constructed since 1995 and groundwater levels are measured automatically 4 times a day at each well. It has a difficulty to estimate an average recharge rate of watershed using the recharge rate of the monitoring site because of the lack of its representative on converting a point recharge rate into a spatial one. In this study, the relations between site characteristics (topography, hydraulics, geology, facilities, etc.) and recharge rates of 223 monitoring sites, which were selected using cluster analysis, were analyzed using statistical methods, and finally, regression models were constructed for a recharge rate estimation of non-measured areas. The independent variables for these simple regression models, 1) width of adjacent stream, 2) distance to the nearest stream, 3) topographic slope, and 4) rock type, are proposed using analysis of variance. These models have lots of advantages such as an easy data collection from topographic and geologic maps, a few input variables, and also simplicity in use. Suitability analysis from the comparison between estimation values and original ones at monitoring sites shows that these models are useful for a groundwater recharge estimation.

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Assessment of Surface Topographic Effect in Earthquake Ground Motion on the Upper Slope via Two-Dimensional Geotechnical Finite Element Modeling (이차원 지반 유한요소 모델링을 통한 사면상부 지진지반운동의 지표면 지형효과 분석)

  • Sun, Chang-Guk;Bang, Kiho;Cho, Wanjei
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.201-213
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    • 2015
  • Site effects resulting in the amplification of earthquake ground motion are strongly influenced not only by the subsurface soil conditions and structure, but also by the surface topography. Yet, over the last several decades, most studies of site-specific seismic responses in Korea have focused primarily on the seismic amplification associated with geologic and soil conditions. For example, the effects of local geology are now well established and have been incorporated into current Korean seismic design codes, whereas topographic effects have not been considered. To help address this shortcoming, two-dimensional (2D) seismic site response analyses, using finite element (FE) ground modeling with three different slope angles, were performed in order to assess the site effects of surface topography. We then compared our results, specifically peak ground acceleration (PGA) and acceleration response spectrum, to those of one-dimensional (1D) FE model analyses conducted alongside our study. Throughout much of the upper slope region, PGAs and spectral accelerations are larger in the 2D analyses than in the 1D analyses as a result of the topographic effect.

A Prediction of Forest Wetlands Distribution using Topographic Position Index (Topographic Position Index를 활용한 산지습지 분포예측)

  • Park, Kyung-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Gwak, Haeng-Goo;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.194-204
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper was to propose a Topographic Position Index(TPI) method for predicting forest wetlands, and also to test the suitability of the predicted forest wetlands by comparing with the existing wetlands in Ulaju-gun and Gyengsangnam-do. A prediction of the spatial distribution of forest wetlands was accomplished by TPI grids from Digital Elevation Model(DEM), and the classification results of slope position and landform categories in study area using the TPI values. According to the results of predicting forest wetlands distribution by TPI method, the predicted area in case of less than $5^{\circ}$ flat slope criteria occupied 0.1%($1.38km^2$) of the total area, and 3.5%($37.1km^2$) of total area in below $10^{\circ}$ slope criteria. According to the results of the suitability analysis by comparing the predicted area with the existing forest wetlands, the suitability value (0.066) of the predicted area with less than $10^{\circ}$ flat slope criteria was the highest, but the predicted area in case of less than $20^{\circ}$ had the lowest value(0.019).

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Analysis of River Channel Morphology and Riparian Land Use Changes using Multi-temporal Aerial Photographs and Topographic Maps of the Early 20th Century in Gyeongan-cheon Watershed (시계열 항공사진과 20세기 초 지형도를 이용한 경안천유역의 하천형태 및 하천부지 변화추세 분석)

  • Park, Geun-Ae;Lee, Mi-Seon;Kim, Hyeon-Jun;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.38 no.5 s.154
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    • pp.379-390
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    • 2005
  • This study is to trace the change of stream shape using the past series of aortal photographs and topographic maps, and to compare the land use changes of inland along the stream. For the Gyeongan first & second class of local stream, aerial photographs of 1966, 1981 and 2000 were selected and ortho photographs were made with interior orientation and exterior orientation, respectively. In addition, topographic maps of 1914 - 1915 were used to compare with stream of 1966, 1981 and 2000. As apparent changes of the stream, the consolidated reaches of stream with levee construction were straightened and their stream width widened. Especially the stream width of inlet part of Paldang lake was widened almost twice because of the rise of water level by dam construction in 1974. The land use maps (1966, 1981, 2000) of riparian areas were also made, respectively and classified into 6 categories (water, forest, agricultural land, urban area, road, sandbar) by digitizing, The main changes of land use were agricultural land, urban area, road and sandbar.

Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using TPI-Slope Combination (TPI와 경사도 조합을 이용한 산사태 위험도 평가)

  • Lee, Han Na;Kim, Gihong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2018
  • TSI (TPI-Slope Index) which is the combination of TPI (Topographic Position Index) and slope was newly proposed for landslide and applied to a landslide susceptibility model. To do this, we first compared the TPIs with various scale factors and found that TPI350 was the best fit for the study area. TPI350 was combined with slope to create TSI. TSI was evaluated using logistic regression. The evaluation showed that TSI can be used as a landslide factor. Then a logistic regression model was developed to assess the landslide susceptibility by adding other topographic factors, geological factors, and forestial factors. For this, landslide-related factors that can be extracted from DEM (Digital Elevation Model), soil map, and forest type map were collected. We checked these factors and excluded those that were highly correlated with other factors or not significant. After these processes, 8 factors of TSI, elevation, slope length, slope aspect, effective soil depth, tree age, tree density, and tree type were selected to be entered into the regression analysis as independent variables. Three models through three variable selection methods of forward selection, backward elimination, and enter method were built and evaluated. Selected variables in the three models were slightly different, but in common, effective soil depth, tree density, and TSI was most significant.

The Battle Maps in the Journal of Armed Forces of Japanese Army Suppressing the Honam's Patriotic Soldiers (일본군 호남 의병토벌대의 진중일지(陣中日誌)에 이용된 전투약도 연구)

  • Nam, Young-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.407-425
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    • 2012
  • This study investigates the battle map in 'the journal of armed forces (陣中日誌)' that is written by Japanese 14th infantry battalion to defeat Korean resistance. The analysis of the battle archives shows that the use of topographic maps led to an overwhelming victory to the Japanese military. In addition, the map used by Japanese military was proven to be a hand copy of 1:50,000 scale field surveyed topographic map, called as the secret military map. The Japanese military generally used 1: 50,000 scale maps. However, the Japanese military sometimes used magnified 1:20,000 scale maps for more accurate military operations.

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A Qualitative Analysis of WRF Simulation Results of Typhoon 'Rusa' Case (태풍 루사와 관련된 WRF의 수치모의 결과 분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Won;Lee, Jae Gyoo
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2007
  • Simulation results of WRF for the case of typhoon 'Rusa' were analyzed, comparing with observed data especially forjavascript:confirm_mark('abe', '1'); the Gangneung area around to examine its ability in numerical simulation. From the hourly precipitation time series, two peaks were found at Gangneung and Daegwallyeong, while only one peak was found from those of inland regions else. Especially, for the Yeongdong region, the first peak was directly related to spiral bands generated in front of the typhoon. Convective cells that were developed within the spiral bands moved to the eastern coastal area from the sea so that local heavy rainfall occurred in the Yeongdong region. The second peak was mainly related to the accompanying rain band of typhoon itself, topographic effect and the convergence near Gangneung area. Precipitation in Gangneung was simulated as much as about 30% of observed one. The main reason of this result came from a poor representation of wind directions in Gangneung area of WRF model. Observed wind direction was northwesterly but simulated one was nearly easterly in the area. This might shift a local heavy rainfall area downstream to the mountain area rather than the coastal area.

Refinement of Low Resolution DEM Using Differential Interferometry

  • Kim Chang-Oh;Lee Dong-Cheon;Kim Jeong-Woo;Kim Sang-Wan;Won Joong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.522-525
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    • 2004
  • Interferometry SAR (InSAR) is a technique to generate topographic map from complex data pairs observed by antennas at different locations. However, to obtain topographic information using InSAR is difficult task because it requires series of complicated process including phase unwrapping and precise recovery of the SAR geometry. Especially, accuracy of the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) produced by repeat pass single SAR pair could be influenced by atmospheric effect. Recently, a new InSAR technique to improve accuracy of DEM has been introduced that utilizes low resolution DEM with a number of SAR image pairs. The coarse DEM plays an important role in reducing phase unwrapping error caused by layover and satellite orbit error. In this study, we implemented DInSAR (Differential InSAR) method which combines low resolution DEMs and ERS tandem pair images. GTOPO30 DEM with 1km resolution, SRTM-3 DEM with 100m resolution, and DEM with 10m resolution derived from 1:25,000 digital vector map were used to investigate feasibility of DInSAR. The accuracy of the DEMs generated both by InSAR and DInSAR was evaluated.

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Use of GIS to Develop a Multivariate Habitat Model for the Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in Mountainous Region of Korea

  • Rho, Paik-Ho
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2009
  • A habitat model was developed to delineate potential habitat of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in a mountainous region of Kangwon Province, Korea. Between 1997 and 2005, 224 leopard cat presence sites were recorded in the province in the Nationwide Survey on Natural Environments. Fifty percent of the sites were used to develop a habitat model, and the remaining sites were used to test the model. Fourteen environmental variables related to topographic features, water resources, vegetation and human disturbance were quantified for 112 of the leopard cat presence sites and an equal number of randomly selected sites. Statistical analyses (e.g., t-tests, and Pearson correlation analysis) showed that elevation, ridges, plains, % water cover, distance to water source, vegetated area, deciduous forest, coniferous forest, and distance to paved road differed significantly (P < 0.01) between presence and random sites. Stepwise logistic regression was used to develop a habitat model. Landform type (e.g., ridges vs. plains) is the major topographic factor affecting leopard cat presence. The species also appears to prefer deciduous forests and areas far from paved roads. The habitat map derived from the model correctly classified 93.75% of data from an independent sample of leopard cat presence sites, and the map at a regional scale showed that the cat's habitats are highly fragmented. Protection and restoration of connectivity of critical habitats should be implemented to preserve the leopard cat in mountainous regions of Korea.

The Fracjection: An analytical system for projected fractures onto rock excavation surface from boreholes and outcrops (시추 및 야외조사 자료의 절취면 투영 분석 시스템 Fracjection)

  • Hwang, Sang-Gi;Lim, Yu-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1882-1889
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    • 2007
  • Surveying rocks for engineering aims for prediction of geological feature of the construction site. Conventionally, survey information at outcrops and bore holes are projected to the construction sites, such as tunnel and slopes, and rock properties of the sites are predicted by interpretations of specialists. This system, the "Fracjection", aims to assist the specialist for visualization of the projected fractures from borehole and outcrop survey. The Fracjection accepts the BIPS and outcrop survey data to its database and allows plotting them in AutoCad map. The software also reads elevation data from contours of the topographic map and constructs DEM of the construction sites. With user's guide, it generates 3D excavation sites such as slopes and tunnels at the topographic map. The s/w projects borehole and outcrop surveyed fractures onto the modeled excavation surface and allows analysis of failure criteria, such as plane, wedge, and toppling failures by built-in stereonet function. Projected fractures can further be analyzed for structural homogeneities and rock mass quality. Moving window style correlation comparison of stereonet plots are used for formal analyses, and RQD type counts of the projected fractures are adopted for the latter analyses.

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