• 제목/요약/키워드: Topographic

검색결과 1,535건 처리시간 0.023초

풍동실험을 이용한 3차원 산악지형의 풍속할증평가 (Estimation of Topographic Effects over 3-Dimensional Hills through Wind Tunnel Tests)

  • 조강표;정승환;조기성
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 2007년도 정기 학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.745-750
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents investigation of topographic effects over isolated 3-dimensional hills through wind tunnel experiments in a boundary layer wind tunnel. Topographic models having five different slopes of $5.71^{\circ},\;11.31^{\circ},\;16.70^{\circ},\;21.80^{\circ}$, and $26.57^{\circ}$, which were based on KBC(2005), were taken into account in the study. The maximum topographic factor and the range of topographic effect from the experiment were compared with those from worldwide major codes and standards, such as ASCE-7-02, AS/NZS-1170.2:2002, ISO4354(1997), and KBC(2005). From the comparison of major codes and standards, in the vertical region of topographic effect, the gentler the slope was. the more different the topographic factors and ranges of topographic effect were, but the steeper the slope was, the more similar they were. It was found from the experimental study that the region of topographic effect in the slope in the across wind direction was greater than the regions of major codes and standard. Also, the gentler the slope was. the larger the topographic factor from the experiment was than the factors of major codes and standards.

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The Pilot Production of Topographic-Cadastral Maps and Its Applications in Korea

  • Park, Yun-Soo;Park, Byung-Uk
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2001
  • The Government confirmed the action planning of digital mapping project for major thematic maps based on ‘Revised Plan for The Development of the National Geographic Information System’(NGIS). Mapping for major thematic maps was begun in 1998 when digital mapping project for topographic maps finished due to the delay of the action planning, and will selectively have produced the essential digital thematic maps according to the frequency of usage. The models of topographic-cadastral maps and administrative boundary maps around Suwon were produced in accordance with the presented draft. We presented specification for production of the most appropriate topographic-cadastral maps and administrative boundary maps through the analysis of the process of production, discussion and error check, and correction of the produced topographic-cadastral maps and administrative boundary maps. And we could make it easier to develop digital mapping project of topographic-cadastral maps and administrative boundary maps effectively by presenting the strategy for data input and maintenance, the cost model for carrying out the digital thematic map production, digital topographic maps, and the supplement of data model and data format. Topographic-cadastral maps has a wide range of usage but a lot of difficulties in the process of production and map update under use. So it seems that the study on users, university, private sector and municipal self-government must follow for promoting the use of topographic-cadastral maps.

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효율적인 홍수지도 구축을 위한 NGIS 수치지형도 활용에 관한 연구 (A Study on Effective Flood Map Generation using NGIS Digital Topographic Maps)

  • 송용철;권오준;김계현
    • 한국측량학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국측량학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회논문집
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    • pp.449-454
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    • 2004
  • Nowadays, flood hazard maps have been generated to minimize the loss of human lives due to flooding domestically. To generate the flood hazard maps, LiDAR data have mainly been used to provide topographic data. The LiDAR data requires, however, relatively higher cost and processing time. Therefore, the needs of validating possible use of topographic maps as an alternative source of LiDAR, which have been already existed from the NGIS project over the nation, has been raised. In this background, this study has generated a DEM over City of Kuri as a pilot study using conventional 1:1,000 and 1:5,000 topographic maps emphasizing the linkage of river profile with breakline processing algorithm to build the essential topographic data as accurate as possible. The results showed that the RMSE from topographic maps and LiDAR were 3.49 and 2.282 meter, respectively. Further study needs to be made to decide possible use of topographic maps instead of LiDAR including more easier updating of topographic maps to support flood map generation. In addition, 1:1,000 topographic mapping, which is limited to the urban areas so far, needs to be extended to the river areas.

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조간대 지형변화측량의 방법과 문제 (Surveying for Monitoring Topographic Changes of Tidal Zone)

  • 이창경;진준호
    • 한국측량학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국측량학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회논문집
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    • pp.553-558
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    • 2004
  • Periodic profiling by level is a conventional method for monitoring topographic changes in a specific part of tidal zone. Periodic aerial photographs are used for monitoring topographic change of broad tidal zone area. In this study, spot heights at interval of 50m on 5 profiling lines were leveled periodically for precise monitoring topographic change of tidal zone. For monitoring broad topographic change of tidal zone, aerial photographs were also taken by film camera loaded on pilotless helicopter periodically Periodic profiling shows the change of heights on the lines well. On the other hand, aerial photographs taken by film camera loaded on pilotless helicopter have some problems to detect topographic change of tidal zone precise. Because the scale and incline of the photographs were not same, it is hard to compare them. Therefore, for more precise monitoring of topographic changes in tidal zone, it is need to take aerial pictures with same scale and same incline.

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Investigation of the Collapsed Lands Under the Sea Based on Cadastral and Topographic Survey

  • Lee, Chang-Kyung;Han, Sang-Deuk
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2002
  • Lands along the coast may be submerged in high water because of erosion by sea water, collapsing by itself, excavation by animals, and by tidal movement. From a cadastral point of view, some mistakes in registering a parcel located along the coast may cause the parcel to seem to be collapsed. Therefore, geological, physical oceanographic, and cadastral and topographic investigation are necessary to verify that the submerged land in high water collapsed after it was registered. This paper presents a cadastral and topographic investigation for proving a parcel has collapsed under the sea after registered. In this study, cadastral records and the boundary on cadastral maps were examined carefully to find any errors in them. If the topographic maps were drawn when the parcel was registered, it is good proof of topography of the land at that time. Topographic maps drawn recently were compared to those in the 1900s and in 1970s. In conclusion, cadastral records and maps as well as topographic maps play an important role in proving whether lands along the coast were collapsed or not.

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지형자료 해상도에 따른 대기 유동장 변화에 관한 수치 연구 (Numerical Study on Atmospheric Flow Variation Associated With the Resolution of Topography)

  • 이순환;김선희;류찬수
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제15권12호
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    • pp.1141-1154
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    • 2006
  • Orographic effect is one of the important factors to induce Local circulations and to make atmospheric turbulence, so it is necessary to use the exact topographic data for prediction of local circulations. In order to clarify the sensitivity of the spatial resolution of topography data, numerical simulations using several topography data with different spatial resolution are carried out under stable and unstable synoptic conditions. The results are as follows: 1) Influence of topographic data resolution on local circulation tends to be stronger at simulation with fine grid than that with coarse grid. 2) The hight of mountains in numerical model become mote reasonable with high resolution topographic data, so the orographic effect is also emphasized and clarified when the topographic data resolution is higher. 2) The higher the topographic resolution is, the stronger the mountain effect is. When used topographic data resolution become fine, topography in numerical model becomes closer to real topography. 3) The topographic effect tends to be stronger when atmospheric stability is strong stable. 4) Although spatial resolution of topographic data is not fundamental factor for dramatic improvement of weather prediction accuracy, some influence on small scale circulation can be recognized, especially in fluid dynamic simulation.

한국지형구(韓國地形區) (The Study of Physiographic province in Korea)

  • 박노식
    • 동굴
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    • 제68호
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    • pp.75-98
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    • 2005
  • Korea physiographic province is divided into two provinces which is northern Chugaryung graben zone and southern Chugraryung graben zone. Northern Chugraryung is also divided in to Gema block and Kohan block, and southern Chugraryung dividedinto Han block, Yongnam basin and Honam plain. The above mentioned macro geomorophic units is divided, mainly on the geotectonics. The meso geomorphic units is divided, based upon the regional distribution of topographic characteristic that is plateaus, mountains, mountain range, basins and great plain etc. Micro geomorphic units id into a mountain, a hill, a plain, and a lowland, and then it is formed by selfreliant topographic unit. And micro topographic (fan, peneplain, delta, etc) dealt with a characteristics unit. In this article has a disregarded amallest scale that is included flood plait natural levee, back marsh and oxbow lake etc. Accordingly, it shows macro units are meso units are 5, meso units are 53, micro units are 299. A study method of physiographic provincs prefered to aufsteigende and abstergands methoy. How to organically combine topographic factors can be seen in regional distribution of the peculiar topographic characteristics, for charage teristic of topographic makes a study on the topographic of micro unit such understanding as aufsteigende method. At the same time, since it can be studied systematically from marco unit to micro unit like the absteigende methods, I used both methods. And this establishment of physiographic province based on the scientific method depend on the base map of climate classification. Geology, Soil, Biology. I feel confident that it will be used the basic map for land use map, land classification map, study of geomorphology of Korea. And will be used for study of a topographic standard data.

복사전달과정에서 지형효과에 따른 기상수치모델의 민감도 분석 (Sensitivity Analysis of Numerical Weather Prediction Model with Topographic Effect in the Radiative Transfer Process)

  • 지준범;민재식;장민;김부요;조일성;이규태
    • 대기
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.385-398
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    • 2017
  • Numerical weather prediction experiments were carried out by applying topographic effects to reduce or enhance the solar radiation by terrain. In this study, x and ${\kappa}({\phi}_o,\;{\theta}_o)$ are precalculated for topographic effect on high resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) with 1 km spatial resolution, and meteorological variables are analyzed through the numerical experiments. For the numerical simulations, cases were selected in winter (CASE 1) and summer (CASE 2). In the CASE 2, topographic effect was observed on the southward surface to enhance the solar energy reaching the surface, and enhance surface temperature and temperature at 2 m. Especially, the surface temperature is changed sensitively due to the change of the solar energy on the surface, but the change of the precipitation is difficult to match of topographic effect. As a result of the verification using Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) Automated Weather System (AWS) data on Seoul metropolitan area, the topographic effect is very weak in the winter case. In the CASE 1, the improvement of accuracy was numerically confirmed by decreasing the bias and RMSE (Root mean square error) of temperature at 2 m, wind speed at 10 m and relative humidity. However, the accuracy of rainfall prediction (Threat score (TS), BIAS, equitable threat score (ETS)) with topographic effect is decreased compared to without topographic effect. It is analyzed that the topographic effect improves the solar radiation on surface and affect the enhancements of surface temperature, 2 meter temperature, wind speed, and PBL height.

1/5,000 지형도제작을 위한 수치지도 Ver.2.0 자료변환 시스템 개발 (Development of Digital map Ver.2.0 representation conversion system for 1/5,000 Topographic mapping)

  • 황창섭;이재기
    • 한국측량학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국측량학회 2004년도 춘계학술발표회논문집
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    • pp.321-328
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    • 2004
  • Since National Geographic Information System was started, topographic maps have been made with computer aided editing of digital map, instead of etching map-size negative film. topographic mapping system's necessity is growing more and more, because digital map has changed into Ver.2.0 which include attributes of feature. On the basis of the previous study for analyzing correlation between the digital map feature code and the 1/5,000 topographic map specifications and trying to develop fundamental modules which will play a core role in topographic mapping system, in this study, we apply some 1/5,000 digital maps Ver.2.0 to topographic mapping system have implemented and try to analyze the result.

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다중가시점 문제해결을 위한 접근방법: 지형요소를 이용한 비교 분석을 중심으로 (Solution Approaches to Multiple Viewpoint Problems: Comparative Analysis using Topographic Features)

  • 김영훈
    • 한국지리정보학회지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문은 가시권역의 최대화를 만족하는 가시권 분석에 있어 지형요소가 어떻게 이용될 수 있으며 이러한 최적 다중 가시점 탐색 문제에 있어 지형요소의 이용이 얼마나 효과적인지를 살펴보는 연구이다. 이를 위하여 다양한 지형상태를 반영하는 지역의 DEM 자료와 각 DEM자료에 대한 지형요소 (peak, pass, pit)의 특정을 반영한 여섯 종류의 탐색방법을 제시하고 전통적인 공간 휴리스틱 (spatial heuristic)과의 비교 분석 (계산 시간과 총 가시권역 크기)을 통해서 지형요소를 이용한 방법의 효율성과 적용 가능성을 살펴보았다. 연구결과로써, 가시구역의 중복을 최소화하기 위해 제시된 버퍼링을 이용한 방법의 경우, 비록 공간 휴리스틱 방법에 비해 적은 가시구역 면적을 제시하였지만, 컴퓨팅 시간적인 측면에서 많은 이점을 제공하고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 또한 연구지역의 DEM상의 각각의 개별 그리드 셀을 대상으로 전체 DEM에 대해 계산된 가시구역을 이용한 방법의 경우, 비록 부가적인 계산 시간이 소요됨에도 불구하고 단순한 지형요소를 이용한 방법보다 향상된 분석 결과를 제시하였음을 알 수 있다.

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