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The Study of Physiographic province in Korea  

Park, No-Sik
Publication Information
Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea / v., no.68, 2005 , pp. 75-98 More about this Journal
Korea physiographic province is divided into two provinces which is northern Chugaryung graben zone and southern Chugraryung graben zone. Northern Chugraryung is also divided in to Gema block and Kohan block, and southern Chugraryung dividedinto Han block, Yongnam basin and Honam plain. The above mentioned macro geomorophic units is divided, mainly on the geotectonics. The meso geomorphic units is divided, based upon the regional distribution of topographic characteristic that is plateaus, mountains, mountain range, basins and great plain etc. Micro geomorphic units id into a mountain, a hill, a plain, and a lowland, and then it is formed by selfreliant topographic unit. And micro topographic (fan, peneplain, delta, etc) dealt with a characteristics unit. In this article has a disregarded amallest scale that is included flood plait natural levee, back marsh and oxbow lake etc. Accordingly, it shows macro units are meso units are 5, meso units are 53, micro units are 299. A study method of physiographic provincs prefered to aufsteigende and abstergands methoy. How to organically combine topographic factors can be seen in regional distribution of the peculiar topographic characteristics, for charage teristic of topographic makes a study on the topographic of micro unit such understanding as aufsteigende method. At the same time, since it can be studied systematically from marco unit to micro unit like the absteigende methods, I used both methods. And this establishment of physiographic province based on the scientific method depend on the base map of climate classification. Geology, Soil, Biology. I feel confident that it will be used the basic map for land use map, land classification map, study of geomorphology of Korea. And will be used for study of a topographic standard data.
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  • Reference
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