• Title/Summary/Keyword: Top-dressing

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Effects of Microbial feed Additive and vitamin-C as an Alternative to Antibiotic on Growth Performances and Carcass Characteristics of Meat Cows (항생제 대체제로서 미생물배양액 및 vitamin-C 급여가 육우의 증체 및 도체형질에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, In-Sik;Han, Chang-Su;Ahn, Jong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.523-534
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    • 2015
  • Twenty four Holstein steers (average body weight $714{\pm}13.60kg$) were used in this experiment to determine the effect of supplementing of microbial culture and coated vitamin-C on growth performances and carcass characteristics in finishing Holstein steers. Holstein steers were randomly assigned to feeding groups of control group (Con, 12 kg of basal diet/head/day), microbial culture group (MC, 12 kg of basal diet + 30 g of microbial culture/head/day) and coated vitamin-C group (CVC, 12 kg of basal diet + 10 g of coated vitamin-C/head/day). MC and CVC groups were higher in ADG compared to control (P<0.05). FCR was also lower in MC and CVC groups than control group (P<0.05). Back fat thickness, rib-eye area, marbling score, meat color and yield index were not changed by supplementing microbial culture and coated vitamin-C. MC group was higher for maturity compared to control and CVC group (P<0.05). CVC group was higher for fat color compared to control and MC group (P<0.05). Based on the results obtained from the current study, supplementation of microbial culture and coated vitamin-C as an alternative to antibiotic might increase growth performances and enhance carcass characteristics in finishing Holstein steers. However, more studies are needed to find out the optimum supplementing period of microbial culture or coated vitamin-C for high quality meat production from Holstein steers.

'Duo', White Gladiolus with Pink Core (백색의 분홍 화심 글라디올러스 '듀오' 육성)

  • Cho, Hae Ryong;Goo, Dae Heo;Rhee, Hye Kyung;Lim, Jin Hee
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.264-268
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    • 2011
  • 'Duo', a late-flowering white gladiolus with pink core, was released by the National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science (NIHHS) in 2000. The selection was derived from the cross between the progenies of the early flowering dark pink 'True Love' and bright pink domestic cultivars 'Madame Valdiek'. The breeding was conducted in 1996 and selected finally in 2000 after four years (1997 to 2000) of experimentation. 'Duo' is a cut flower with bright white color petals and Pink core which exhibited late flowering and vigor without stem bending. It can be cultivated in areas or regions with strong winds during summer. 'Duo' has a very firm growth form and sturdy branches which do not bend when planted in the open fields. Likewise, the plant showed high tolerance to flooding and resistance, hence, could grow vigorously in open areas. It is a fast- growing plant which exhibits high corm production rate. 'Duo' had a 12.2 cm wide flower and 150 cm plant height. During summer, the average number of days to flowering was recorded at 75 days of 'Duo'. Top dressing must be conducted once or twice during corm production to enhance corm quality and quantity.

Increased yielding effect of silica on rice grown on Akiochi soil (추낙답수도(秋落沓水稻)에 대(對)한 규산(珪酸)의 증수효과(增收效果))

  • Park, Young Dae;Kim, Yung Sup
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1971
  • 1. Rice plant grown with silica had more elect leaves and heading was one week earlier with silica than without silica grown in both water culture and Akiochi soil. 2. Silica content of rice plant was apparently increased by silica application and the increase insilica was more increased by bassal application of silica than top dressing. The content of other eements in plant decreased with silica application and the trend was most noticeable in iron. 3. Rice plant low in silica were more susceptible to reaf blast, Helminthosporium, mites and smaller brown plant hopper. 4. There was no significant effect of silica on increasing the dry matter production of rice plant grown on water culture, but silica remarkerbly increased the dry matter production of rice plant grown on Akiochi soil. The increasing effect of silica on rice grown on Akiochi fields was more noticeable than that of grown on Pots. 5. In rice plant grown on Akiochi soil, number of spikelets and percentage of ripened grains were increased by application of silica. The silica effects can be increased by application of well balanced nitrogen and potassium ratio. 6. From these results, it can be concluded that silica seems to have no direct effect on rice growth, but application of silica to Akiochi soil associated with low silica supply may be critical for healthy growth of rice plant, and silica directly related to rice agronomy.

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Effects of TLB Microbial fertilizer application on Soil Chemical Properties, Microbial Flora and Growth of Chniese Cabbage (Brassica Compestris subsp. napus var. pekinensis MAKINO) (미생물제 비료시용이 배추의 생육과 토양 화학성 및 미생물상에 미치는 영향)

  • Yun, Sei-Young;Shin, Joung-Du
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 2001
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects on plant growth, soil chemical properties and microbial flora with microbial fertilizer to chinese cabbage cultivation. The plant growth was promoted and the yield increased by application of Tian Li Bao(TLB) microbial fertilizer as compared with the control. However, yield a littler decreased in case of the reduced amount of urea application as a top dressing and half of compost chicken manure as a basial fertilizer even if treated with TLB microbial fertilizer. Organic matter and total nitrogen contents decreased as compared to those in the control, and total nitrogen ranged in 0.76~1.44% in the treatments at harvesting time, and decreased with application of TLB microbial fertilizer compared to that of the control. The available phosphorus content in the field before experiment was 559ppm, but it was 755ppm and 653 in the control and treatments at harvesting time, respectively. Therefore, it was shown that phosphorus content in the treatment was lower than that of the control. On the other hand, total nitrogen, phosphorous and K ranged from 2.62 to 2.94%, from 1.48 to 1.55% and from 3.60 to 4.38% in plants after harvest, respectively. There were no significant differences among the treatments. For the soil microbial flora, the population of bacteria in the treatments decreased with application of microbial fertilizer as compared with the control over all cultivation periods. It was shown that the population of pseudomonas spp. was over 3 times higher than that of the control after harvesting. The population of actinomycetes didn't show difference among the treatments, but high density of fungi after harvesting were observed in the treatments.

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Determination of the Optimum Application Rate of Pig Slurry for Red Pepper Cultivation (고추에 대한 돈분액비 시용기준 설정)

  • Kang, Bo-Goo;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Gyeong-Ja;Park, Seong-Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.388-395
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to determine the application rate of pig slurry for red pepper. Field experiment was designed with non-fertilizer, chemical fertilizer recommended by soil testing (CFRST) and pig slurry treatments. In pig slurry (PS) plots, pig slurry was applied as basal fertilizer with different equivalents to nitrogen of chemical fertilizer plot (60%: PS60, 80%: PS80, 100%: PS100, 120%: PS120) and chemical fertilizer was top-dressed additionally. Soil organic matter contents after 50 day of planting and after experiment in the plots treated with PS were higher than that of CFRST plot, whereas content of $NO_3-N$ of CFRST plot was higher than that of PS plot. Growth of red pepper were lowest in the non-fertilizer plot. Plant lengths of red pepper at 50 day after planting were similar among the different treatments, plant lengths of red pepper of PS100, PS120 and CFRST at 100 day after planting were higher than those of the PS60 and PS80 plots. But Main stem and stem diameter of red pepper were not different among the treatments. Uptake rate of N, P and K by red pepper plant were 27-44, 9-16 and 41-68% for total N, $P_2O_5$ and $K_2O$, respectively. Utilization of applied fertilizer ingredient by red pepper plant were in the order of PS80> PS60> FRST> PS100> PS120. Yield of red pepper tends to increase by 3% in the PS100 compared with the CFRST, but there was not significant difference between PS120 and CFRST. Chemical component of run-off collected from the furrow of the red pepper field was not different among the treatments. Greenhouse gases ($CH_4$ and $N_2O$) emission of non-fertilizer, PS100 and CFRST during the whole red pepper growth period were 4.0, 4.8 and $5.9kg\;CH_4\;ha^{-1}$, and 0.74, 6.68 and $8.38kg\;N_2O\;ha^{-1}$. Emission of $CH_4$ and $N_2O$ in PS100 was higher than those of CFRST by 23% and 26%, respectively. In this connection, to be used the pig slurry for red pepper, it is required that pig slurry must be decomposed for six months or more. Consequently, pig slurry equivalent to nitrogen of basal fertilizer of CFRST with additional top dressing of chemical fertilizer is recommend as an optimum application rate of pig slurry for red pepper.

Effects of Aluminum Sulfate Addition on Six-Week-Old Broiler Performance and Nitrogen Contents in Litter at the Sixth Week (Aluminum Sulfate 처리가 6주령 육계생산 능력 및 깔짚 내의 질소 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • 최인학;남기홍
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.265-270
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    • 2002
  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of aluminum sulfate[Al$_2$(S0$_4$)$_3$$.$14H$_2$O], commonly referred to as ALUM, addition to broiler litter on 3 and 6 week old broiler performance and the nitrogen content of the litter at 6 weeks of age. The two treatment groups were 134 identical diets with the same protein levels, but one group(T$_1$) had ALUM added as a top dressing to the litter at a rate of 200 g ALUM / kg of rice bran, while T$_2$ did not have ALUM added to the litter. Feed consumption for T$_1$ was higher in the 22 to 42 day-old and 0 to 42 day-old periods (P<0.05). Body weight in T$_1$ was also higher in the 0 to 42 day -old period (P<0.0l). There was no difference, however, in the feed : gain ratio between T$_1$ and T$_2$ During the first 5 weeks, T$_1$ had significantly less(P<0.05 or 0.01) ammonia emission from the litter than T$_2$ but at 6 weeks there was no difference in ammonia concentration between the two groups. At 6 weeks, T$_1$ had a lower litter pH than Ta (P<0.05) and total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN) was higher far T$_1$ than T$_2$ (P<0.05). However,71 did not show any difference from T$_2$ in the content of NH4-N and NO3-N. In summary, the addition of ALUM to broiler litter improved broiler performance at 6 weeks, while increasing nitrogen content from the litter used as the nitrogen fertilizer although ammonia emission was increased in T$_1$ at 6 weeks.

Current Regional Cultural Situation and Evaluation of Grain Characteristics of Korean Wheat. I. Survey of Production Practices in Korean Wheat Cultivar Growers by Region (지역별 국산밀 재배 현황 및 원맥 특성 평가. I. 국산밀 재배 농가의 지역별 재배 현황 조사)

  • Kang, Chon-Sik;Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Seo, Yong-Won;Woo, Sun-Hee;Heo, Moo-Ryong;Choo, Byung-Kil;Hyun, Jong-Nae;Kim, Kee-Jong;Park, Chul Soo
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2014
  • The cultivation situation of Korean wheat of 175 farmers in nationwide for two years, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012, was analyzed to obtain basic data for extension cultivated area and enhancing the self-sufficiency ratio of Korean wheat. Compared to the mean temperature and precipitation in the normal year, the mean temperature was lower before the heading stage and higher amount of precipitation after the heading stage in 2010/2011 and higher the mean temperature and lower amount of precipitation after the heading stage in 2011/2012. Average cultivation career and area were 7.7years and 2.4~3.3ha, Keumkang cv. was mainly cultivated for two years and Jokyung and Baekjoong cvs. were increased cultivation areas in southern part of Korea, Gyeongsangnam-do, Jeolllanambuk-do and Kwangju metropolitan city, including in 2011/2012. Most farmers (144) sown wheat seeds from late October to the beginning November with broadcasting method and the other famers were sown using the drill method. Average amount for basal fertilizer was 29.7 kg/10a with complex fertilizer mixed for wheat and barley cultivation, which was higher amount compared to recommended rate of fertilizer amount by rural development administration. Top dressing using nitrogen fertilizer was applied from in the late February to the beginning March. Heading date was the beginning May in 2011 and the late April in 2012, which the mean temperature from regeneration stage to tillering stage in 2011 was higher than that of 2012. Most farmers harvested wheat in mid-June and Pre-harvest sprouting and Fusarium head blight were occurred in 2011 due to the high amount precipitation during grain filling period.

Studies on split top dressing of total quantity of potassium to rice (수도(水稻)에 대(對)한 가리(加里)의 전량추비분시(全量追肥分施)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Ryu, In Soo;Lee, Seung Tack;Oh, Wang Keun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 1975
  • A pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of two methods of applying potassium fertilizer to rice. One basic application was compared with the split of same total quantity into four applications as follows: 15 days after transplanting (40%), Ear formation stage (30%), 13 days before heading (20%) and 7 days after heading (10%) Each of these two treatments was carried out on both untreated soil and soil to which wollastonite and lime material had been added. The number of ripened grains or the 1,000 grain weight was increased by application of potassium to untreated soil. However, on soil treated with lime and wollastonite only the number of total grains was increased by potassium application. In both cases, split application of the potassium was more affective than a single basic application. No significant increase in yield was obtained from a single basic application of potassium. However, split application of the same total quantity of potassium did give a significant increase in yield. A negative correlation was found between the content of $K_2O$ and that of other nutrients in the rice plant at two stages of growth. Significant negative correlation was obtained between the content of $K_2O$ and magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen at ear formation stage, and between the content of $K_2O$ and calcium and silicate including magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen at heading stage. This result also indicated that the depression of uptake of phosphorus and magnesium at ear formation stage and that of calcium and silicate at heading stage were decreased by potassium split application. However, the degression of uptake of nitrogen at ear formation stage and that of magnesium at heading stage were increased by potassium split application.

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Dynamics of $NO_3^{-}$-N in Barley Rhizosphere and Optimum Rate of Nitrogen Top- Dressing Based on $N_{min}$ Soil Test (실초태 실소 의 보리 근권토양내 동적 변화와 $N_{min}$ 토양진단법에 의한 과정 실소추식량 결정)

  • 손상목;큐케마틴;한인아
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 1995
  • The prevention of excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer get an attention in Korea not only for minimizing $NO_3^-$ contamination of groundwater but also for establishment of environmental friendly sustainable agriculture. In order to find out the dynamics of $NO_3^-$ in barley rhizosphere and its suitability for nitrogen fertilization strategies and for environmental control, the accumulation of $NO_3^-$ in 3 layer, 0~30cm, 30~60cm, 60~90cm of soil profile has been detected in winter barley pro-duction system. It showed the recommended N fertilization rate for winter barley cause the $NO_3^-$ contamination of groundwater through $NO_3^-$ leaching during winter. The $NO_3^-$ content of 0~90cm soil depth have directly reflected the amount of basal N fertilization in the early spring, but not 0~30cm and 0~60cm soil depth. The contents of $NO_3^-$ measured to 0~30cm, 0~60cm soil depth were not significanly correlated with yield but the contents of $NO_3^-$ measured to 90cm soil depth was highly correlated with yield. Nitrogen fertilizer requirement could be estimated accurately by soil test and it provides field specific N rate recommendation for spring N application to winter barley. It was concluded that $N_{min}$ method could be applied to korean climatic and soil condition for optimal fertilizer application rate.

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Response of Grain Protein Content to Nitrogen Topdress Rate at Panicle Initiation Stage under Different Growth and Plant Nitrogen Status of Rice (벼 유수분화기 생육 및 질소영양 상태에 따른 쌀 단백질함량의 수비 질소 반응)

  • Kim, Min-Ho;Lee, Kyu-Jong;Lee, Byun-Woo
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 2007
  • As protein content of milled rice, generally used as a benchmark for rice eating quality, is greatly affected by N fertilization and nutrition status of rice plant, understanding its response to nitrogen rate and plant nitrogen status at different growth stage is important for recommending N fertilizer management for high quality rice production. The responses of milled-rice protein content were compared and quantified under various combinations of basal+tillering and panicle N application levels in 2001 and 2002. Protein content of milled rice was ranged from 6 to 9%, increasing significantly with increasing basal+tillering and panicle N rates. However, milled rice protein content was raised much greater by panicle N than by basal+tillering N fertilization. Even though basal+tillering N increased up to 20 kg/ha, protein content of milled rice was observed less than 7% in case that panicle N was applied below 1.8 kg/10a. Regression analysis revealed that nitrogen accumulated until harvest was partitioned with almost constant rates of 58.3% and 46.5% to panicle and milled rice, respectively. The partitioning rates was slightly but not significantly different between experimental years. Protein content of milled rice showed linear and quadratic responses to the shoot N accumulation until panicle initiation stage (PIS) ant shoot nitrogen accumulation from PIS to harvest, respectively. The increment of milled-rice protein content per unit N increase was much greater in shoot N accumulation from PIS to harvest than in that until PIS. Regardless of shoot N accumulation until PIS upto 8 kg/10a, protein content of milled rice was lower than 7% and ranged from 6.5 to 7.5% in case that shoot N accumulation from PIS to harvest was below 3.0 kg/10a and below 6.0 kg/10a respectively. It would be concluded that even under the same N accumulation until harvest milled rice protein content could be different according to the N fertilizer management and weather condition especially during ripening, providing rooms for controlling protein content by N fertilizer management without damage to grain yield.