• Title/Summary/Keyword: Time-variability

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Projection of 21st Century Climate over Korean Peninsula: Temperature and Precipitation Simulated by WRFV3.4 Based on RCP4.5 and 8.5 Scenarios (21세기 한반도 기후변화 전망: WRF를 이용한 RCP 4.5와 8.5 시나리오 기온과 강수)

  • Ahn, Joong-Bae;Choi, Yeon-Woo;Jo, Sera;Hong, Ja-Young
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.541-554
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    • 2014
  • Historical, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios from HadGEM2-AO are dynamically downscaled over the northeast East Asia with WRFV3.4. The horizontal resolution of the produced data is 12.5 km and the periods of integration are 1979~2010 for historical and 2019~2100 for both RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. We analyze the time series, climatology, EOF and extreme climate in terms of 2 m-temperature and precipitation during 30-year for the Historical (1981~2010) and RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (2071~2100) scenarios. According to the result, the temperature of the northeast Asia centered at the Korean Peninsula increase 2.9 and $4.6^{\circ}C$ in the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively, by the end of the 21st century. The temperature increases with latitude and the increase is larger in winter rather than in summer. The annual mean precipitation is expected to increase by about $0.3mm\;day^{-1}$ in RCP4.5 scenario and $0.5mm\;day^{-1}$ in RCP8.5 scenario. The EOF analysis is also performed for both temperature and precipitation. For temperature, the EOF $1^{st}$ modes of all scenarios in summer and winter show that temperature increase with latitude. The $2^{nd}$ mode of EOF of each scenario shows the natural variability, exclusive of the global warming. The summer precipitation over the Korean Peninsula projected increases in EOF $1^{st}$ modes of all scenarios. For extreme climate, the increment of the number of days with daily maximum temperature above $30^{\circ}C$ per year ($DAY_{TX30}$) is 25.3 and 49.7 days in RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively over the Korean Peninsula. The number of days with daily precipitation above $20mm\;day^{-1}$ per year ($DAY_{PR20}$) also increases 3.1 and 3.5 days in RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 respectively.

Optimization of Reference Genes for Normalization of the Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction in Tissue Samples of Gastric Cancer

  • Zhao, Lian-Mei;Zheng, Zhao-Xu;Zhao, Xiwa;Shi, Juan;Bi, Jian-Jun;Pei, Wei;Feng, Qiang
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.14
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    • pp.5815-5818
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    • 2014
  • For an exact comparison of mRNA transcription in different samples or tissues with real time quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), it is crucial to select a suitable internal reference gene. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and beta-actin (ACTB) have been frequently considered as house-keeping genes to normalize for changes in specific gene expression. However, it has been reported that these genes are unsuitable references in some cases, because their transcription is significantly variable under particular experimental conditions and among tissues. The present study was aimed to investigate which reference genes are most suitable for the study of gastric cancer tissues using qRT-PCR. 50 pairs of gastric cancer and corresponding peritumoral tissues were obtained from patients with gastric cancer. Absolute qRT-PCR was employed to detect the expression of GAPDH, ACTB, RPII and 18sRNA in the gastric cancer samples. Comparing gastric cancer with corresponding peritumoral tissues, GAPDH, ACTB and RPII were obviously upregulated 6.49, 5.0 and 3.68 fold, respectively. Yet 18sRNA had no obvious expression change in gastric cancer tissues and the corresponding peritumoral tissues. The expression of GAPDH, ${\beta}$-actin, RPII and 18sRNA showed no obvious changes in normal gastric epithelial cells compared with gastric cancer cell lines. The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), a widely used clinical tumor marker, was used as a validation gene. Only when 18sRNA was used as the normalizing gene was CEA obviously elevated in gastric cancer tissues compared with peritumoral tissues. Our data show that 18sRNA is stably expressed in gastric cancer samples and corresponding peritumoral tissues. These observations confirm that there is no universal reference gene and underline the importance of specific optimization of potential reference genes for any experimental condition.

A High-resolution Numerical Simulation and Evaluation of Oak Pollen Dispersion Using the CMAQ-pollen Model (CMAQ-pollen 모델을 이용한 참나무 꽃가루 확산 고해상도 수치모의 및 검증)

  • Oh, Inbo;Kim, Kyu Rang;Bang, Jin-Hee;Lim, Yun-Kyu;Cho, Changbum;Oh, Jae-Won;Kim, Yangho;Hwang, Mi-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy and variability of the oak pollen concentrations over the Seoul metropolitan region (SMR) simulated by the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ)-based pollen dispersion model, which is the CMAQ-pollen model integrated with the improved oak pollen emission model(PEM-oak). The PEM-oak model developed is based on hourly emission flux parameterization that includes the effects of plant-specific release, meteorological adjustment, and diurnal variations of oak pollen concentrations. A 33 day-run for oak pollen simulation was conducted by the CMAQ-pollen model with a 3 km spatial resolution for the SMR during the 2014 spring pollen season. Modeled concentrations were evaluated against the hourly measurements at three Burkard sampling sites. Temporal variations of oak concentrations were largely well represented by the model, but the quantitative difference between simulations and measurements was found to be significant in some periods. The model results also showed that large variations in oak pollen concentrations existed in time and space and high concentrations in the SMR were closely associated with the regional transport under strong wind condition. This study showed the effective application of the CMAQ-pollen modeling system to simulate oak pollen concentration in the SMR. Our results could be helpful in providing information on allergenic pollen exposure. Further efforts are needed to further understand the oak pollen release characteristics such as interannual variation of the oak pollen productivity and its spatio-temporal flowering timing.

The First Photometric Study of NSVS 1461538: A New W-subtype Contact Binary with a Low Mass Ratio and Moderate Fill-out Factor

  • Kim, Hyoun-Woo;Kim, Chun-Hwey;Song, Mi-Hwa;Jeong, Min-Ji;Kim, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 2016
  • New multiband BVRI light curves of NSVS 1461538 were obtained as a byproduct during the photometric observations of our program star PV Cas for three years from 2011 to 2013. The light curves indicate characteristics of a typical W-subtype W UMa eclipsing system, displaying a flat bottom at primary eclipse and the O'Connell effect, rather than those of an Algol/b Lyrae eclipsing variable classified by the northern sky variability survey (NSVS). A total of 35 times of minimum lights were determined from our observations (20 timings) and the SuperWASP measurements (15 ones). A period study with all the timings shows that the orbital period may vary in a sinusoidal manner with a period of about 5.6 yr and a small semi-amplitude of about 0.008 day. The cyclical period variation can be interpreted as a light-time effect due to a tertiary body with a minimum mass of 0.71 M. Simultaneous analysis of the multiband light curves using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney binary model shows that NSVS 1461538 is a genuine W-subtype W UMa contact binary with the hotter primary component being less massive and the system shows a low mass ratio of q(mc/mh)=3.51, a high orbital inclination of 88.7°, a moderate fill-out factor of 30 %, and a temperature difference of ΔT=412 K. The O'Connell effect can be similarly explained by cool spots on either the hotter primary star or the cool secondary star. A small third-light corresponding to about 5 % and 2 % of the total systemic light in the B and V bandpasses, respectively, supports the third-body hypothesis proposed by the period study. Preliminary absolute dimensions of the system were derived and used to look into its evolutionary status with other W UMa binaries in the mass-radius and mass-luminosity diagrams. A possible evolution scenario of the system was also discussed in the context of the mass vs mass ratio diagram.

Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia: Methods of Measurement and Interpretations of Tonic and Dynamic Vagal Cardiac Drive Index in Psychophysiology of Emotions

  • Estate M.Sokhadze;Lee, Jong-Mi;Park, Mi-Kyung;Sohn, Jin-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2000
  • Beat-to-beat changes in heart period (heart period variability, HPV) are mediated by fluctuations in autonomic activity. Spectral analysis is used to quantify such fluctuations in the range of 0.15-0.40 Hz (high frequency, HF), which are influenced primarily by parasympathetic factors. These fluctuations are often referred to as RSA (respiratory sinus arrhythmia), the physiological phenomenon extracted by spectral analysis and other methods including histograms of heart rate ( HR), deviations of HR etc. Respiratory sinus arrhythmia indexing with peak-to-valley method suggested by Grossman et at., (1981) yields a simple range statistic and is quantified on breath-by-breath basis, thus being quite sensitive and less dependent on recording time as compared to spectral analysis. It is strongly recommended to use at least 1 min epoch to asses HF component of HPV and at least 2 min fer low frequency (LF) of HPV and even 5 min far valid clinical assessment. Peak-to-valley statistic is limited to RSA index only, but has its pragmatic advantages. Most important is possibility of its application far relatively small epoch analysis. We used short periods (20,30, 40 sec only) and off-line analysis of RSA using ECG and respiration curve this method of assessment and proved that this method is more practically effective. The RSA index was not so far dependent on respiration pattern differences and reflected actual vagal control of HR and were accompanied by low HR under some high stress conditions and in an aversive affective visual stimulation experiments. Another factor that might modulate cardiac chronotropic response is the interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic inputs on sino-atrial (SA) node level, because responses to vagal influences are known to be proportional to ongoing sympathetic activity, that is so called accentuated antagonism. Since sympathetic outflow (increment of influences on SA) under negative emotions or stress was high in almost all physiological responses, vagal effects on HR could be therefore potentiated, leading to masking of output cardiac response seen in HPV, In the case of moderate sympathetic activation, on the other hand, autonomic interactions in cardiac control appear to be minimal. Thus RSA index appears to be an effective alternative method to assess and measure spectral HPV.

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Differences of central and autonomic responses between olfactory stimuli with Lavenar and Jasmin in human (Lavendar와 Jasmin으로 유발된 후각 강성에 대한 중추 및 자율신경계 반응)

  • 백은주;이윤영;하태환;임재중;이배환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.158-162
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    • 1998
  • 향에 의해 유발되는 감성에 대한 중추신경계 및 자율신경계의 반응의 변화를 측정하기 위해 안정시키는 향과 각성시키는 향을 사용하여 주관적 평가와 동시에 시행하였다. 안정시키는 향으로 1% Lavendar 향을 사용하였고, 각성시키는 향으로 0.8% Jasmin 향을 사용하였으며, 안정상태를 향자극 전후에 측정하여 대조군으로 사용하였다. 중추신경계의 지표로 뇌파측정을 하였고 뇌파의 전극은 international 10-20 system에서 4 채널을 사용하였으며, 자율신경계의 지표로는 심전도, heart rate, 피부저항, 피부온도를 기록하였다. 뇌파의 분석은 Fast Fourier Transform analysis의 power spectra로 하였고, 그 frequency bands는 theta(4-8Hz), alpha(8-l3Hz), beta(14-30Hz)로 하였다 또한 심전도를 이용하여 심전도 상의 연속적인 R-R peak간 시간간격을 시계열 데이터로 재구성한 Heart rate variability 분석도 하였다. HRV 분석을 보다 정확히 할 수 있도록 호흡이 심전도에 미치는 영향을 제거하기 위하여 호흡을 분당 20회로 일정하게 하였다 생체신호 측정과 동시에 실시한 주관적 검사에서 lavendar 향은 친숙하게, jasmin 향은 활기차고 상쾌하고 유쾌하게 평가되었다. 뇌파 분석에서 lavendar 향을 주었을 때 theta의 증가 양상을 보였으며, Jasmin 향을 주었을 때는 모든 채널에서 beta 파의 증가 양상을 보였다. 또한 HRV 분석 결과 부교삼신경의 활동성이 부각되는 HF/LF의 값이 lavendar에서는 대조 자극보다 높게 나타났으며, jasmin에서는 대조자극보다 낮은 값이 나타나는 경향을 보였다. 결론적으로 안정과 각성의 후각 자극으로 인한 감성의 변화를 뇌파와 자율신경계 등의 생체지표로 관찰할 수 있었다.정하는 감성요인의 차이를 알 수 있었으며 또한 essential oil에서는 성별 차이가 없는데 반해 페르몬 향의 경우 성별의 차이를 나타내었다.. 방법을 타액과 혈청내 testosterone 농도 측정에 응용하여 RIA의 결과와 비교하여 본 바 상관관계가 타액에서 r=0.969, 혈청에서 r=0.990으로 두 결과가 잘 일치하였다. 본 실험에서 측정된 한국인 여성의 타액내 testosterone농도는 107.7$\pm$12.0 pmol/l이었고, 남성의 타액내 농도는 274.2$\pm$22.1 pmol/l이었다. 이상의 결과로 보아 본 연구에서 정립된 EIA 방법은 RIA를 대신하여 소규모의 실험실에서도 활용할 수 있을 것으로 사려된다.또한 상실기 이후 배아에서 합성되며, 발생시기에 따라 그 영향이 다르고 팽창과 부화에 관여하는 것으로 사료된다. 더욱이, 조선의 ${\ulcorner}$구성교육${\lrcorner}$이 조선총독부의 관리하에서 실행되었다는 것을, 당시의 사범학교를 중심으로 한 교육조직을 기술한 문헌에 의해 규명시켰다.nd of letter design which represents -natural objects and was popular at the time of Yukjo Dynasty, and there are some documents of that period left both in Japan and Korea. "Hyojedo" in Korea is supposed to have been influenced by the letter design. Asite- is also considered to have been "Japanese Letter Jobcheso." Therefore, the purpose of this study is to loo

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An Application Scheme of I-MR Control Charts for Monitoring Internet Communication Network Quality Characteristics (인터넷통신 네트워크 품질특성 모니터 링을 위한 I-MR 관리도 활용체계)

  • Park, Sung-Min;Park, Young-Joon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.10B
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    • pp.936-944
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    • 2006
  • In order to enhance their own customer satisfaction index that is one of the top level managerial performance indices, Internet communication service providers endeavor onto establishing a total quality management system. Specifically, it is under discussion that some critical Internet communication network quality characteristics closely related to customer satisfaction index should be controlled aiming to this managerial goal. This paper presents an application scheme of I-MR control charts for monitoring Internet communication network quality characteristics. This statistical quality control scheme generates a signal to practitioners when it detects the network quality characteristics out-of control. It is designed based on; 1) individual measurements; and 2) moving ranges between two consecutive individual measurements collected with a constant time interval. Empirical analyses are illustrated to estimate the expected quality improvement ratios that can be realized with the application scheme proposed in this paper. Assuming that the assignable causes can be revealed and eradicated, regarding two Internet communication services A, B, seven network quality characteristics for each service, eleven distinct measuring spots for each network quality characteristic, the expected quality improvement ratios are calculated with which the effect of the application scheme is evaluated. Results show the ranges of the expected quality improvement ratios; 1) Service A, (1) mean (0.31%-11.44%), (2) standard deviation (9.82%-71.10%): 2) Service B, (1) mean (0.29%-17.64%), (2) standard deviation (8.05%-60.59%). Hence, It is anticipated that the I-MR control charts based application scheme can be effective not only to improving the mean and dispersion of the network quality characteristics concerned but also to maintaining the network quality characteristics in-control consequently.

On the Chance of Mineral Content in Human Milk (수유기간의 경과에 따른 모유 중 무기질 함량 변화)

  • 전예숙
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.84-89
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    • 1992
  • Concentrations of major minerals(Ca, p, Na, K, Mg) and trace elements (Fe, Zn) were measured in human milk samples collected from 19 selected, healthy lactating women at 2~5 days, and at 4, 8 and 12 weeks postpartum. Decreases in the contents of m) or minerals and trace elements were found with the increase of time postpartum. Mean Ca contents of 2~5 days, 4 week, 8 week and 12 week in human milk were 243.02$\pm$50.90ug/ml, 295.0$\pm$65.70ug/ml, 295.0$\pm$41.50ug/ml, 349.90$\pm$83.50ug/ml, respectively And mean P contents of 2~5 days, 4 week, 8 week and 12 week in human milk were 134.70$\pm$49.4ug/ml, 134.90$\pm$19.70ug/ml, 117.60$\pm$18.90ug/ml, 130.60$\pm$28.20ug/ml, respectively. Ca/P of them were 1.81, 2.19, 2.20, 2.68, respectively. Mean Mg contents of them were 22.30$\pm$5.60ug/ml, 25.70$\pm$3.70ug/ml, 25.10$\pm$3.60ug/ml, 32.10$\pm$4.50ug/ml, respectively. And mean Na contents of them were 171.20$\pm$90.50ug/ml, 158.70$\pm$47.00ug/ml, 104.50$\pm$24.70ug/ml, 115.90$\pm$12.50ug/ml, respectively. Mean K contents of them were 506.10$\pm$156.10ug/ml, 520.90$\pm$55.00ug/ml, 370.10$\pm$29.00ug/ml, 468.40$\pm$75.70ug/ml, respectively. Na/K of them were 0.34, 0.30, 0.28, 0.25, respectively. Mean Fe contents of them were 2.80$\pm$1.80ug/ml, 2.70$\pm$0.40ug/ml, 2.60$\pm$0.40ug/ml, 2.10$\pm$0.10ug/ml, respectively. And mean Zn contents of them were 3.70$\pm$1.60ug/ml, 2.78$\pm$9.70ug/ml, 2.70$\pm$0.70ug/ml, 2.30$\pm$0.20ug/ml, respectively, These determinations will provide the basic information on the variability of major minerals and trace elements as lactation proceeds and on the composition of components between term and preterm milk.

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Implementation of a Real-time Data Display System for a Catchment Scale Automated Weather Observation Network (집수역 규모 무인기상관측망을 위한 실황자료 표출시스템 구축)

  • Jung, Myung Ryong;Kim, Jin-Hee;Moon, Young Eel;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 2013
  • There have been increasing cases for farmers to install automated weather stations (AWS) at their farms and orchards in order to take countermeasures to more frequent weather disasters caused by climate variability and weather extremes. Although raw data are the same, the additive values as agrometeorological information may vary depending on data processing methods. User demands on appropriate information could also be different among crop species, cropping systems and even cultivars. We designed an internet based AWS data processing and display system to help diverse users (e.g., farmers), extension workers to access their weather data on specific demands. The system was implemented at a rural catchment with 52 $km^2$ land area where 14 automated weather stations are in operation. This note introduces the system and describes the major modules in detail. By linking regional AWS networks, a feasibility for this system as an early warning system is also discussed.

Measurement of Human Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Induction Based on Mesalazine and Mosapride Citrate Treatments Using a Luminescent Assay

  • Kim, Young-Hoon;Bae, Young-Ji;Kim, Hyung Soo;Cha, Hey-Jin;Yun, Jae-Suk;Shin, Ji-Soon;Seong, Won-Keun;Lee, Yong-Moon;Han, Kyoung-Moon
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.486-492
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    • 2015
  • Drug metabolism mostly occurs in the liver. Cytochrome P450 (CYP) is a drug-metabolizing enzyme that is responsible for many important drug metabolism reactions. Recently, the US FDA and EU EMA have suggested that CYP enzyme induction can be measured by both enzymatic activity and mRNA expression. However, these experiments are time-consuming and their interassay variability can lead to misinterpretations of the results. To resolve these problems and establish a more powerful method to measure CYP induction, we determined CYP induction by using luminescent assay. Luminescent CYP assays link CYP enzyme activity to firefly luciferase luminescence technology. In this study, we measured the induction of CYP isozymes (1A2, 2B6, 2C9, and 3A4) in cryopreserved human hepatocytes (HMC424, 478, and 493) using a luminometer. We then examined the potential induction abilities (unknown so far) of mesalazine, a drug for colitis, and mosapride citrate, which is used as an antispasmodic drug. The results showed that mesalazine promotes CYP2B6 and 3A4 activities, while mosapride citrate promotes CYP1A2, 2B6, and 3A4 activities. Luminescent CYP assays offer rapid and safe advantages over LC-MS/MS and qRT-PCR methods. Furthermore, luminescent CYP assays decrease the interference between the optical properties of the test compound and the CYP substrates. Therefore, luminescent CYP assays are less labor intensive, rapid, and can be used as robust tools for high-throughput CYP screening during early drug discovery.