• Title/Summary/Keyword: Time Perspective

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The Effect of Wives' Household Income Contributions on Dual-Earner Couples' Housework Time: Focus on Investigating Period Interaction Effects (아내 소득기여도가 맞벌이 부부의 가사노동시간에 미치는 효과: 조사시기와의 상호작용효과를 중심으로)

  • Joo, Ik Hyun
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2022
  • The first purpose of this paper was to investigate whether wives' income contributions affect the time spent on housework by dual-earner couples. The second purpose was to investigate period interaction effects on the effect of wives' income contributions. For this, Korean Time Use Survey data 2004-2019 was analyzed. The analysis target was dual-earner couple aged 20-59 years. The dependent variable was time spent on housework, and the analysis method was tobit regression. According to the results, there were three findings: First, there was a U-shaped relation between wives' income contributions and wives' housework time. Second, this relationship became stronger as time progressed. Third, although wives' income contributions positively affected husband housework time, husband housework time was actually zero before 2019. These results demonstrated that not economic perspective, but gender perspective, is more useful for understanding dual-earner couples' division of housework.

An Effect Analysis for Improvement of Information Lead Time on Supply Chains : A Case Study of Manufacturing Industry (제조업 공급체인에서 정보리드타임 개선의 효과 사례분석)

  • Kim, Chul-Soo;Kim, Garp-Choong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.10D no.1
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2003
  • Information lead time is defined as the time spent by processing orders from some buyers, whereas order lead time is defined as producing and supplying the products. The information lead time significantly serve to magnify the increase in variability due to demand forecasting. This paper models a decentralized supply chain composed of cascade type which has four type phases (or divisions) such as retailer, wholesaler, distributor, and factory. Each phases is managed by different centers individually with their own local inventory information. We investigate whether each phase's Information lead time affects companies networked a value chain. In particular, on several experiments performed with a programmed simulation (like a MIT beer game), we study the following question ; Can information lead times do better than material lead times in cost-benefit perspective\ulcorner Can more much Information lead times in downstream reasonably do worser than in upstream when playing the simulation\ulcorner In the conclusion, we show the importance of information lead time on a SC and, besides, guarantee that improvement of information lead time in upstream do more effective than one in downstream in cost-benefit perspective.

A Study on the Effects of SNS Tourism Value and Social Capital on SNS Tourism Satisfaction and Reuse Intention : Focusing on Moderating Effect of Future-Oriented Time Perspective (SNS 관광 가치와 사회적 자본이 만족도와 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 연구: 미래지향적 시간관의 조절효과)

  • Kim, Dae Seok;Ko, Yeong Kong;Seo, Young Wook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.258-273
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    • 2022
  • This study examines the effect of SNS tourism value (economic, social) and social capital (bonding, bridging) on SNS tourism satisfaction using SNS and the effect of SNS tourism satisfaction on reuse intention. In addition, in the relationship between SNS tourism satisfaction and reuse intention, a future-oriented time perspective variable was applied to investigate the moderating effect. We verified 326 people who had accommodation tourism experience using SNS. SPSS 25.0 and Smart PLS 3.0 were used to analyze reliability and validity. The study results are as follows. First, economic and social values had a positive effect on satisfaction. Second, it was found that bridging social capital had a positive effect on satisfaction, but bonding social capital had no effect. Third, satisfaction was confirmed to have a positive effect on reuse intention. Fourth, in the relationship between satisfaction and reuse intention, the future-oriented time perspective was found to have a significant moderating effect. The overall implications are presented through the research results, and it is expected that these will be used as basic data for the development plan of the tourism industry.

The Relationship between Balanced Time Perspective and Subjective Well-Being of The Early-aged Adult and Late Middle-aged Adult: the Mediation Effects of Happiness Enhancing Activities (성인초기와 중년후기의 균형적 시간관과 주관적 안녕감과의 관계: 행복증진활동의 매개효과)

  • Hyeon Seo Lee;Young Sook Chong
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.615-636
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate mediating the effect of Happiness Enhancing Activities(HEA) on the relationship between Balanced Time Perspective(BTP) and Subjective Well-Being(SWB). For this study, total subjects were 372 which is composed of the early-aged adults 192 and late middle aged adults 180 from Busan and Gyeongsangnam-do in South Korea. They completed the survey which is included Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory(ZTPI), Korean Version of the Happiness-Enhancing Activities Questionnaire(K-HAQ) and Satisfaction with Life Scale(SWLS), Positive and Negative Affect Scale(PANAS). As a result of bootstrapping, BTP has a positive effect on SWB with the mediating effect of HEA and it comes out in the both subjects, early-aged adults and late middle-aged adults. To be specific, mediating effect of goal-focused activities and activities with family and friends in the relationship on BTP and SWB was significant for the early-aged. However only mediating effect of activities with friends in the relationship on BTP and SWB was significant for the middle-aged. This study is meaningful, it has turned up the effect of BTP on HEA in both subjects, early-aged adults and late middle-aged adults as well as found out the differences between generations of HEA.

Art and Fashion Design Based on Charles Baudelaire's Aesthetic Perspective (보들레르의 미적 관점에 의한 예술과 패션디자인)

  • Kim, Yon-Son;Geum, Key-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2008
  • This study focuses on the analysis of Baudelaire's aesthetic perspective which has established a theoretical basis on research of the critical reviews' salon exhibitions as written by Baudelaire. Charles Pierre Baudelaire(1821-1867) having lived during the latter part of Neo-classicism and the era of Romanticism and Impressionism, Baudelaire displayed opposition to customary realities such as social ideology or religious authority that suppressed human nature. Also he pioneered a new genre known as art criticism and wrote much that provided important insights on the essential elements of artistic work, modernity and trend, as well as art definition and art categories. The aesthetic perspective and creative spirit were formed by Baudelaire, during his age were also reconfirmed in the successive ages of modernism and postmodernism. As such, this study sheds light on how Baudelaire's aesthetic perspective was not only temporarily assertion but it is consistently applied to modern art and fashion area. What is more important that, Baudelaire admired new artificial beauty that is created by the human soul liberated from natural instincts or desires. Especially, informed by strangeness and distinctiveness, Baudelaire's view of fashion ran along the same vein as his view of art, and these views form the basis of that creative spirit which situated western fashion on a center of the world. In conclusion, the research on Baudelaire's aesthetic perspective will reaffirm a firm awareness of the creative spirit essential to globally-oriented creative artists and designers who work within the circumstance of the 21st century, a time when the paving of new aesthetic paths is necessary. The research also offers a clear understanding of the aesthetic values demanded by this age.

A Study on the Works of Hussein Chalayan as a Representation of Idea from the Perspective of E. H. Gombrich (E. H. Gombrich 관점을 통해 관찰한 관념의 재현으로서의 Hussein Chalayan 작품 연구)

  • Yun, Ji-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1128-1139
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    • 2009
  • This study is on the works of Hussein Chalayan that is an expression of his idea and abstract concepts such as culture, history, time, space, nature, and humanity. The perspective of E. H. Gombrich is studied to understand the works of Chalayan who is the one of representative fashion designers in the present age. The 'schema and correction' process of E. H. Gombrich provides a suitable interpretation frame that considers the variety of works of art and the deconstruction of genre in the after 20th century. Hussein Chalayan attempts to combine clothes with other territories to show the spirit as materiality. He expresses the clothes that speaks the form of nature, symbolizes the combination of culture, visualizes time and space, and investigates the existence of human beings. Hussein Chalayan poses an endless question about the existence of human beings. He has put a question about the relationship of the human being and time, space, history, and nature. His trial to visualize the metaphysical conception of 'ego' and 'self' through his works makes him the representative designer of the 21st century.

A Fast Volume Rendering Algorithm for Virtual Endoscopy

  • Ra Jong Beom;Kim Sang Hun;Kwon Sung Min
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 2005
  • 3D virtual endoscopy has been used as an alternative non-invasive procedure for visualization of hollow organs. However, due to computational complexity, this is a time-consuming procedure. In this paper, we propose a fast volume rendering algorithm based on perspective ray casting for virtual endoscopy. As a pre-processing step, the algorithm divides a volume into hierarchical blocks and classifies them into opaque or transparent blocks. Then, in the first step, we perform ray casting only for sub-sampled pixels on the image plane, and determine their pixel values and depth information. In the next step, by reducing the sub-sampling factor by half, we repeat ray casting for newly added pixels, and their pixel values and depth information are determined. Here, the previously obtained depth information is utilized to reduce the processing time. This step is recursively performed until a full-size rendering image is acquired. Experiments conducted on a PC show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the rendering time by 70- 80% for bronchus and colon endoscopy, compared with the brute-force ray casting scheme. Using the proposed algorithm, interactive volume rendering becomes more realizable in a PC environment without any specific hardware.

A Metaphor Analysis of University Students' Perception of Dating and Marriage (대학생의 연애와 결혼 인식에 대한 은유분석)

  • Eun Ju Park;Yun Hyun Pack;Yeo hye Jang;Ka Youn Chung;Jin Wook Kim
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.487-504
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    • 2024
  • This study examines how university students perceive dating and marriage through metaphorical analysis. The data were collected using a metaphor analysis questionnaire. The participants comprised 261 university students located across the country. They were asked, 'Dating is ___________ because it is ___________.', 'A marriage is ___________ because it is ___________.' Resultantly, the data have been categorized according to time as the beginning, process, and result of dating and marriage, respectively. According to the criteria of time, two perspectives on dating and marriage were categorized: the egocentric perspective and a relation-centered perspective. Additionally, similarities and differences were found in the categories. In the dating metaphors, 208 positive expressions (73.9%) were common which is significantly higher that the others. While positive expression (33.5%), neutral expression (42.8%), and negative expression (23.7%) were common in the marriage metaphors. However, the ratio between egocentric and relation-centered perspectives is different for each area because the meaning of dating and marriage in the relationship between oneself and another person changes over time. This exploration of university students' perspectives on dating and marriage is expected to provide implications for social institutions and policy support directions for positive perceptions of dating and marriage.

The effectiveness of the change in perspective of the nature of science depending on subjects of the history of science-role play -The atomic model transition and the Mendeleev's periodic table - (과학사 주제에 따른 과학사-역할놀이가 대학생의 과학의 본성의 변화에 미치는 효과 -원자모형의 변천과 멘델레프의 주기율표의 변천 주제를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Do Wook
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.15-27
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated whether there was a difference of the change in perspective of the nature of science depending on subjects of the history of science, after designing for two kinds of topics of role play programs based on the history of science to be transformed into a modern perspective. Before the history of science-role plays, the degree of the modern perspective was statistically no difference between group I(the atomic model transition-role play) and group II(the Mendeleev's periodic table-role play). However after treatment of the history of science-role plays for the each group, the degree of group I was higher than the degree of group II in the modern perspective. The results of this study indicate that the degree of changes into modern perspective of the nature of science by performing a history of science-role play may be depend on the subject of the history of science combined with the role play, and suggest the possibility that may be more effective to change the nature of science into the modern perspective, in case of performing of role play based on the history of science that includes the scientific knowledge established by a number of scientists with time series.

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Reflection and Future Directions: ISD from the Perspective of Intercultural Communication

  • SON, So-Young;HAN, Jae-Hoon;YOU, Young-Mahn
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.113-140
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    • 2007
  • This study purports to contribute in deepening our understanding of ISD (instructional systems design/development) from Edward Hall's concept of intercultural communication. Renowned anthropologist Edward Hall introduced three concepts of cultural differences: time, space, and context. This paper explores how theses cultural dimensions - time, space and context- are reflected in ISD and compares the cultural differences between the east and the west that emerge in the process of applying ISD.