• Title/Summary/Keyword: The synthesis of the moving picture

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The embodiment of the advanced EPS with the synthesis system of moving picture (동영상합성시스템을 이용한 개선된 외국인고용관리시스템(EPS) 구현)

  • Kim, Rog-Hwan;Jung, Byeong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2009
  • This paper is aimed at embodying the optimal system for foreign workforce supply of nation in order to introduce qualified foreign workers at the age of eleven thousand foreigners. It is difficult to employ foreign workers qualified and it makes job rosters' confidence fall down which is the supplementary resources when selecting due to the insufficient job seekers' detailed information. Therefore, the moving control system should be added in current system to deal with these problems. For this, in this paper, we propose that the moving picture embedded system applies to the current EPS utilizing multimedia, network and database technologies as regards adding the function of the moving picture synthesis to recent system. It also suggests the advanced foreign employment control system related to the advanced system which makes employers to hire foreign workers satisfying their requirements and demand.

Synthesis Method for Stereoscopic Still Pictures and Moving Pictures (실사 양안식 정지영상 및 동영상 콘텐츠 지원을 위한 합성 방법 연구)

  • Lee Injae;Jeong Seyoon;Kim Kyuheon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.153-156
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    • 2003
  • As there is a growing tendency to represent the 3D content instead of the 2D content, researches for the stereoscopic image and video are under way in a variety of fields such as acquisition compression, transmission, authoring and display. The authoring technique for stereoscopic contents has given emphasis to virtual stereoscopic contents. Thus the authoring technique for stereoscopic pictures is insufficient. When we compose a stereo scene with stereoscopic pictures, stereoscopic contents may not match the stereo scene because each stereoscopic picture may have different camera condition. To solve this problem, stereoscopic pictures have been modified manually. It is a laborious work and will be spent much time. Also it is difficult for a user who does not have an elementary knowledge of stereopsis. In this paper, we propose the synthesis method to compose a natural stereo scene with stereoscopic still pictures and moving pictures. Experimental results show that the proposed method in this paper allows a user to synthesize stereoscopic contents easily and compose a stereo scene conveniently.

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View synthesis with sparse light field for 6DoF immersive video

  • Kwak, Sangwoon;Yun, Joungil;Jeong, Jun-Young;Kim, Youngwook;Ihm, Insung;Cheong, Won-Sik;Seo, Jeongil
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.24-37
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    • 2022
  • Virtual view synthesis, which generates novel views similar to the characteristics of actually acquired images, is an essential technical component for delivering an immersive video with realistic binocular disparity and smooth motion parallax. This is typically achieved in sequence by warping the given images to the designated viewing position, blending warped images, and filling the remaining holes. When considering 6DoF use cases with huge motion, the warping method in patch unit is more preferable than other conventional methods running in pixel unit. Regarding the prior case, the quality of synthesized image is highly relevant to the means of blending. Based on such aspect, we proposed a novel blending architecture that exploits the similarity of the directions of rays and the distribution of depth values. By further employing the proposed method, results showed that more enhanced view was synthesized compared with the well-designed synthesizers used within moving picture expert group (MPEG-I). Moreover, we explained the GPU-based implementation synthesizing and rendering views in the level of real time by considering the applicability for immersive video service.

A Study on the Trend Analysis St Environment of Motion Graphic. -Focused on Historical Backgrounds of Motion Graphic Appearance- (모션그래픽의 환경과 경향분석에 관한 연구 -모션그래픽 출현의 역사적 배경을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jae-Myoung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2005
  • Graphic Design is being developed as a unique genre and widely applied to movie, TV broadcasting, music video, computer an, web design, animation, and game. Some university added motion graphics in their curriculum recently. However Motion Graphic has not been defined clearly and pedagogy of motion graphics was not studied enough. Motion Graphic is not merely moving picture. Its typical purpose and concept are evolving because of the diversified application. Meta-synthesis between media and hybrid development based on diverse approach and composite presentational methods are also changing Motion Graphic. Various technology such as photograph, analytical engine, hypermedia, multimedia, digital composite picture, network and interface should be studied to understand Motion Graphic. This study reviews the historic background of Motion Graphic mainly related to its advent. A fundamental definition of Motion Graphic including the space and time is suggested and the international trend is introduced. Future Motion Graphic and possible development was also predicted.

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MPEG-4TTS 현황 및 전망

  • 한민수
    • The Magazine of the IEIE
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 1997
  • Text-to-Speech(WS) technology has been attracting a lot of interest among speech engineers because of its own benefits. Namely, the possible application areas of talking computers, emergency alarming systems in speech, speech output devices for speech-impaired, and so on. Hence, many researchers have made significant progresses in the speech synthesis techniques in the sense of their own languages and as a result, the quality of current speech synthesizers are believed to be acceptable to normal users. These are partly why the MPEG group had decided to include the WS technology as one of its MPEG-4 functionalities. ETRI has made major contributions to the current MPEG-4 775 appearing in various MPEG-4 documents with relatively minor contributions from AT&T and NW. Main MPEG-4 functionalities presently available are; 1) use of original prosody for synthesized speech output, 2) trick mode functions for general users without breaking synthesized speech prosody, 3) interoperability with Facial Animation(FA) tools, and 4) dubbing a moving/anlmated picture with lip-shape pattern informations.

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MPEG-4 TTS (Text-to-Speech)

  • 한민수
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.699-707
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    • 1999
  • It cannot be argued that speech is the most natural interfacing tool between men and machines. In order to realize acceptable speech interfaces, highly advanced speech recognizers and synthesizers are inevitable. Text-to-Speech(TTS) technology has been attracting a lot of interest among speech engineers because of its own benefits. Namely, the possible application areas of talking computers, emergency alarming systems in speech, speech output devices fur speech-impaired, and so on. Hence, many researchers have made significant progresses in the speech synthesis techniques in the sense of their own languages and as a result, the quality of currently available speech synthesizers are believed to be acceptable to normal users. These are partly why the MPEG group had decided to include the TTS technology as one of its MPEG-4 functionalities. ETRI has made major contributions to the current MPEG-4 TTS among various MPEG-4 functionalities. They are; 1) use of original prosody for synthesized speech output, 2) trick mode functions fer general users without breaking synthesized speech prosody, 3) interoperability with Facial Animation(FA) tools, and 4) dubbing a moving/animated picture with lib-shape pattern information.

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The design of quantization and inverse quantization unit (Q_IQ unit) module with video encoder (비디오 인코더용 양자화 및 역양자화기(Q_IQ unit) 모듈의 설계)

  • 김은원;조원경
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics C
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    • v.34C no.11
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    • pp.20-28
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, quantization and inverse quantizatio unit, a sa component of MPEG-2 moving picture compression system, ar edesigned. In the processing of quantization, this design adopted newly designed arithmetic units in which quantization matrices and scale code was expressed with SD(signed-digit) code. In the arithmetic unit of inverse quantization, quantization scale code, which has 5-bits length, is splited into two pieces; 2-bits for control code, 3-bits for quantization data, and the method to devise quantization step size is proposed. The design was coded with VHDL and synthesis results in that it consumed about 6,110 gates, and operating speed is 52MHz.

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View Synthesis Error Removal for Comfortable 3D Video Systems (편안한 3차원 비디오 시스템을 위한 영상 합성 오류 제거)

  • Lee, Cheon;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the smart applications, such as smart phone and smart TV, become a hot issue in IT consumer markets. In particular, the smart TV provides 3D video services, hence efficient coding methods for 3D video data are required. Three-dimensional (3D) video involves stereoscopic or multi-view images to provide depth experience through 3D display systems. Binocular cues are perceived by rendering proper viewpoint images obtained at slightly different view angles. Since the number of viewpoints of the multi-view video is limited, 3D display devices should generate arbitrary viewpoint images using available adjacent view images. In this paper, after we explain a view synthesis method briefly, we propose a new algorithm to compensate view synthesis errors around object boundaries. We describe a 3D warping technique exploiting the depth map for viewpoint shifting and a hole filling method using multi-view images. Then, we propose an algorithm to remove boundary noises that are generated due to mismatches of object edges in the color and depth images. The proposed method reduces annoying boundary noises near object edges by replacing erroneous textures with alternative textures from the other reference image. Using the proposed method, we can generate perceptually inproved images for 3D video systems.

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