• Title/Summary/Keyword: The place museum

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Tracking the History of the Three-story Stone Pagoda from the Goseonsa Temple Site in Gyeongju throughan Analysis of Component (부재 해석을 통한 경주 고선사지 삼층석탑의 연혁 추적)

  • Jeon, Hyo Soo
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.21
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2019
  • The findings of a 2017 safety inspection of the Three-story Pagoda from the Goseonsa Temple site in Gyeongju suggested the possibility that the stone for the second story of the pagoda may have been rotated after the pagoda was disassembled for removal from its original site in 1975. The materials from the pagoda were investigated using photographs and other relevant data from both the Japanese colonial period and from around 1975. The analysis found that the materials of the pagoda were not changed after analleged reconstruction in 1943, but that during the process of relocating the pagoda in 1975 the body of the second story was indeed rotated counter clockwise by 90 degrees and one of the four stone elements making up the first-story roof was exchanged with a part from the second-story roof. In order to discover whether the materials had been incorrectly placed, each part of the pagoda was precisely measured and the elements of the roofs were virtually reconstructed using 3D scanning data. The investigation did not find any singularities with in the components of each roof; the four part sof the first-story roof were 75 to 76 centimeters thick and those for the second-story roof were 78 to 79 centimeters thick. The connections between each part of the roofs also appeared natural. This seems to indicate that there was indeed an undocumented repair of the pagoda at some point between its creation and 1943 and an error that took place during this repair was corrected in 1975. In addition, the study suggested a possibility that the body of the second story was rotated counter clockwised to a change in the locations of parts of the two roofs.

Invisible Condition Diagnosis and Character Decipherment of Traditional Ancient Maps Using Multispectral Imaging: Map of the Eight Provinces of the Eastern State (Dongguk Paldojido) (다중분광이미징 기술을 활용한 전통 고지도의 비가시 상태 진단 및 글자 판독: 동국팔도지도)

  • Song Hyeongrok;Jung Yuju;Jo Younghoon;Shin Youngsoon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.32
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2024
  • This study explores the possible application of multispectral imaging-which requires invisible condition diagnosis and production technique interpretation-to the "Map of the Eight Provinces of the Eastern State" (Dongguk Paldojido), and it suggests ways to utilize and enhance cultural heritages. The discolored range and the degree were evident in the ultraviolet band of 380nm, compared to RGB photographs. This paper was able to quantify using image binarization the range discolored to be invisible and the degree. In the visible light spectrum, observable features, such as terrain and geographic area markers, are expressed differently depending on the absorption and reflectivity of colors by wavelength. Characters (之 and 幢) that were not identified in RGB photographs were decipherable in the infrared band, and this paper was able to filter and identify the place name hidden by the red road as 靑石洞 at wavelengths over 600nm. Multispectral imaging enables the acquisition of absorption/reflection spectra across multiple wavelength bands, from ultraviolet to infrared, and allows for multi-perspective reanalyses using high-resolution images. Therefore, this paper expects this imaging technique to be widely used not only for paper cultural heritages but also for condition diagnoses and production technique interpretations of murals, dancheong (decorative multi-colored paintings for buildings), and oil paintings.

Scientific Conservation and Analysis of Octagonal Green Glass Bottle Excavated from Tomb Hwayu princess (화유옹주묘 출토 녹유리장경각병-보존과 분석)

  • Gang, Hyeong-Tae;Yang, Pil-Seung;Heo, U-Yeong;Jo, Nam-Cheol
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    • no.70
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    • pp.5-15
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    • 2007
  • Octagonal green glass bottle with long neck(녹유리장경각병) was found in the tomb of the princess Hwayu who was King Youngjo's daughter by a concubine while the tomb was exhumed and buried in another place around Bucheon City, Gyeonggi-do. This octagonal glass bottle is dark green. It was made in AD 1736-A1795 because it was cngraved an inscription of "건륭년제" the bottom. This glass bottle was taken an X-ray radiography and tested adhesives and restoration materials for the conservation. Loctite 401 was suitable as considering the translucency of the glass bottle, good adhesive property and reversibility of the adhesive so it was chosen. A minute piece of the glass was analyzed the composition and lead isotope ratio. Major chemical composition of the glass bottle consisted of SiO2, K2O, and PbO system and the ratio was 68: 18.5:5.7. Green color of glass bottle was due to Fe2O3 and CuO. When the glass bottle was made, quartz as raw material of silica and K2O as natural saltpeter(KNO3) were utilized. As a result of lead isotope ratio analysis, it was suggested that the galena as raw material of lead for glass making came from the southern part of China. These results are expected to become useful data in background of glass culture and circulation study of old glass.

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The Study for the Improvement of the Informal Science Education Program of the Gwachon National Science Museum Based on the Participant Satisfaction (교육프로그램 참가자 만족도 조사로 본 국립과천과학관의 비형식 과학교육프로그램 운영 방향 연구)

  • Kim, Yi-sul;Lee, Sun Hee;Sohn, Jungjoo;Kim, Jung Bok;Kweon, Hyosun
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2010
  • This study is to investigate the direction for management of informal science education center by survey of participants' satisfaction and implication. The place to study was Gwacheon National Science Museum in Kyung-gi province. $4,322m^2$ for the education space can make education done effectively. And attendees of their own education program are over 10,000 per year. 87 students who attend education program and 78 of their parents joined the survey of participants' satisfaction. The results of this study show that most of the participants want informal science education center to be able to make up for school education in part of promoting scientific literacy, heuristic method and scientific attitude. Things to be improved were feedback about student activity, segmentation of the education program for each grade, public relations exercise of program and advanced method of teaching based on each subject of classes. As ideas for improvement, it seemed that making long term program for continuous participant, limiting participant appropriately, developing guide manual of teaching, improving publicity of program were required.

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A Study on the Symbolic Regional Themes and its Expression Methods for Place Marketing - Focused on the Theme Museums of Japan - (장소 마케팅을 위한 지역 상징적 테마와 이미지 표현 기법에 관한 연구 - 일본 테마전시관 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • 박혜경;김정재
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.267-276
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    • 2003
  • In these days, each local administrative organizations and residents have made constant efforts to achieve unique regional identity and its publicity as a strategy for 'Place Marketing'. Developing a proper symbolic regional theme for the area can bring the economic and cultural vitality to the local areas. The purpose of this study is to investigate and to analyze the contents of theme and expression methods of local theme museums of Japan for last 20years. The types of regional themes appeared as 'Physical' part like topography/ecology, relics and manmade facilities, and 'Social & Cultural' part like industry, culture, people or historic events. The cases of expression methods such as Representation, Metaphor, Symbol and Metonymy could be also found. There was an increasing tendency applying and expressing the symbolic regional theme more impressively as the time passed.

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The Tectonic Characteristics in the Works of Santiago Calatrava and the Role of Light (산티아고 칼라트라바 건축의 텍토닉 특성과 빛의 역할에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chang-Sung
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The concept of the tectonic has researched to find out the identify of modern architecture. The meaning of traditional tectonic knowledge to emphasize structural joints and attention to detail in creativity has developed in various ways in contemporary architecture. The purpose of this study is to analyze the tectonic characteristics and architectural expressions of the light appeared in the works of Santiago Calatrava. Major features in his works could be found is to maximize structural beauties through deducing the architectural images from the nature and expressing the material properties and the kinetic structures, and thus, to ultimately create the functional space and form by connecting the light to the tectonic structure. Method: Accordingly, I tried to analyze the three works of Santiago Calatrava (the Milwaukee Art Museum, the Bodegas Ysios Winery and the City and Arts and Sciences) as following categories - the structural aesthetics, the expression of material properties, the relationship between he kinetic structures and the light. Result: According to the results of the study, Santiago Calatrava tried to create his own architectural aesthetic by combining structural tectonic with nature, material, regional place and culture. He also sought to express the tense and dynamic tectonic rather than the stable one in his works.

History of Costume" in Education (북방계복식(北方系服飾)에의 관심(關心)과 복식사교육(服飾史敎育) - 체미(滯美) 1년(年)의 보고(報告)를 겸(兼)하여 -)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.5
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 1981
  • This is a report of author's stay in the U.S. as an exchange scholar. During her stay from Dec. 1979 to Dec. 1980, she participated in costume studies at Pratt Institute, New York City and looked into materials of North Asian historical costumes. The author notes that the curriculum of costume studies in the U.S. place weight upon costume history, e.g., the master's program in costume studies of New York University requires 18 points in history courses out of 54 points required for the degree. The author also notes the leading role of the Costume Institute, the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in performing research works for the studies. As to the study of North Asian costumes, the author's work in the U.S. has been somewhat disappointing. She points out difficulties for a Korean researcher to access to basic materials which are scarce outside of China and Russia. She asserts, however, the comprehension of the history of North Asian costumes as a whole is essential to understand the characteristics of ancient Korean costumes. The author insists the costume history courses in Korean colleges are not appropriate as a apart of costume studies. Noting the costume education in the U.S. clearly aims at the training of costume professions, the author proposes the objective of costume education in Korea be redefined, and the teaching of "History of Korean Costumes" be reconstituted as to be suitable for it.

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A Study on the Composition characteristics of Space of Contemporary Medium/Small Scale Museum in Korea (한국의 현대 중.소규모 미술관의 공간구성 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 오세두;정운화
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.19
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 1999
  • In 1990s, the necessity of the Korean contemporary medium/small scale gallery as a place of experience rather than that of simple viewing has increased to meet from the requirements of the pluralistic and popularized society. The gallery makes efforts to form a collective street to cope with the influential of the power large scale cultural space as well as finding a novel direction in order to derive the regional sympathy in connection with the culture space of the neighborgood. In this paper, we study the 1990s Korean medium/small scale gallery in two aspects: First, the architectural techniques and elements which are introduces the audience to both interior and exterior spaces constructed by the 1990s gallery architecture, are investigated. The conventional architecture shows the blocking of the neighborhood and the trend of severance when viewing from both the architectural and the civil points. Secondly, we present the design characteristics from the several points of view such as conceptual, spacial, visual angles. The various trends of works in exhibition of the fine arts can provide a means for producing a great deal of variation in recent gallery architecture when viewing from a stage standpoint of exhibition space.

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The Development of Information Science in Ibero-America

  • Araujo, Carlos Alberto Avila
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.6-19
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this article is to problematize the existence of a possible Ibero-American informational thinking. It was initially observed that a relative absence of Ibero-America in the international presentations and mappings of information science exists. Below, the reality of the 22 countries that compose Ibero-America is discussed, a region that can be understood from a sociocultural and geopolitical perspective. Then, a mapping of the information science research in these countries is made. The main research topics found are: epistemological studies, relationships with library science, information literacy, representation and organization, bibliometric studies, information management, user studies, technological dimensions, and relationships with archival science and museum studies. Finally, a general epistemological configuration of information science is presented at a global level, highlighting the great trends of study of information that marked the decades of the 1960s and 1970s (physical model), 1980s and 1990s (cognitive model), and the 21st century (sociocultural model), and which manifested themselves in the different subareas that make up the field. The most recent research in information science, in addition to addressing information transfer (physical dimension) and its relationship with data and knowledge (cognitive dimension), has also incorporated aspects related to the social effects of information, its role in the constitution of identities and culture, and the importance of its material conformations. Such expansion reflects attempts to address the complexity of informational phenomena. Therefore, it is concluded that it is important to place the specific contributions of Ibero-America in this context.