• Title/Summary/Keyword: The annals of Joseon Dynasty

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A Case Study on the Willow Tree Fence(樹柵) in Gasan(假山) of Cheonggyecheon, Hanyang in the Joseon Dynasty Period (조선시대 한양 청계천 가산(假山)의 버드나무 수책(樹柵)에 관한 연구)

  • SHIM Sunhui;KIM Choongsik
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.118-141
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates and analyzes ancient literature records and iconographic materials to examine the Willow Tree Fence(樹柵) built on Gasan(假山) Cheonggyecheon(淸溪川) within the Hanyangdoseong, which was deliberately created to prevent flood damage during the Joseon Dynasty. Although there have been research cases related to the willow tree, it is difficult to find research conducted with the purpose of identifying its archetypal value by investigating and analyzing specific use cases of the willow tree and its historical background. Accordingly, this study aims to identify examples of the Willow Tree Fence(樹柵) created in Cheonggyecheon(淸溪川) during the Joseon Dynasty and reinterpret their value by illuminating the background of construction and regional characteristics. The main contents of this study are as follows. It is presumed that floods during the Joseon Dynasty were a great hazard. Between the 16th and 18th centuries, Joseon suffered severe damage from floods. By the time of King Yeongjo, all Four Mountains(四山) of the capital had become bare mountains, which was the cause of frequent floods. In the year of Gyeongjin(庚辰, the 26th year of King Yeongjo's reign, 1760), King Yeongjo dredged the channel bottom of Cheonggyecheon(淸溪川), which overflowed every rainy season, with the Juncheon Project(Channel-Dredging, 濬川事業) and planted willow trees on the mountain on both sides of the Ogan Water Gate(五間水門), as measures to prevent flood damage and soil loss. was implemented. In the <Doseongdo(都城圖)> in 《 Gwangyeodo(廣輿圖)》 produced in the mid-18th century during the reign of King Yeongjo, Gasan(假山), built in front of the Ogan Water Gate(五間水門) is visible, and in the record 『Sinjeung Donggukyeoji Seungnam(新增東國輿地勝)』 In the record, it appears that willows were planted on both sides of the mountain in the year of Gyeongjin(1760). With <Hanyangdoseong Map(漢陽都城圖)> produced in the 46th year of King Yeongjo's reign(1770), it is confirmed that willow trees formed a thick forest on Gasan Mountain near the Ogan Water Gate(五間水門) in the late 18th century. In addition, the Juncheon Project(Channel-Dredging, 濬川事業) and the creation of the Willow Tree Fence(樹柵) continued from the 15th century, the early Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮前期), to the end of the 19th century, the late Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮後期), through the records of ancient literature such as 『Annals of the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄)』, 『Seungjeongwon Diary(承政院日記)』, and 『Records of Daily Reflections(日省錄)』. This study is meaningful in informing that the willow tree was a unique cultural heritage and traditional landscape resource by investigating the composition and use of the Willow Tree Fence in the Joseon Dynasty, which was a great basis for preventing floods and flood damage, as well as forming a beautiful landscape.

A Study of Red Tide(HABs) in the Annals of the Joseon Daynasty (조선왕조실록의 적조(HABs) 고찰)

  • Min, Seung-Hwan;Suh, Young-Sang;Park, Jong-Woo;Hwang, Jae-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.120-140
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    • 2013
  • We investigated the occurrence of red tide, harmful algal blooms(HABs), at the end of 14th century until the beginning of 19th century recorded in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, which are the authentic and encyclopedic annual records of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea. In total, 81 cases of HABs are recorded in the annals for which authors draw a table and maps. The number of HABs occurrence at each sea is as follows: 68 times at the South Sea; 50 times at the East Sea; and 23 times at the Yellow Sea. A region hit by red tide most frequently was Gyeongsang-do Province (over 80 times), which borders on both the South Sea and the East Sea. HABs written in the annals follow two distinctive occurrence patterns. The first pattern shows red tide started at Gangwon-do Province in March, spread north to Hamgyeongnam-do Province in April, and moved further north to Hamgyeongbuk-do Province in May and June. On the other hand, the second pattern shows red tide occurred in Gyeongsangnam-do Province in August and then expanded north to Gyeongsangbuk-do Province in September. HABs generally happened from March to September, culminating in August. Paralytic shellfish poisoning incidents involving human deaths were reported in Jinhae, Geoje and Tongyeong, occurring February to June. Fish mortality increased throughout Gyeongsang-do Province from July to September. HABs occurred on an extensive scale from 1394 to 1451 and again from 1654 to 1706. HABs also occurred on a lesser scale from 1493 to 1534 and again from 1588 to 1609. In general, vast HABs occurred in odd years (1399, 1403, 1413 and 1681).

A Study on the Types and Changes of the King's Amusement Activities through 『Annals of The Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄)』 (『조선왕조실록(朝鮮王朝實錄)』을 통해 본 왕의 위락활동 유형과 변천)

  • Kang, Hyun-Min;Shin, Sang-Sup;Kim, Hyun-Wuk;Ma, Yi-Chu;Han, Rui-Ting
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2018
  • "Annals of The Joseon Dynasty" is a book recording the Joseon Dynasty's historical facts in an annalistic format. The King's amusement activities through "Annals of The Joseon Dynasty" which were established by the Ye-ak(禮樂) system were analyzed. The results are as follows. The king's amusement activities that were performed during the Joseon Dynasty period could be classified as state banquets, military banquets, and banquets for play. The analysis of the king's amusement activity was divided into five stages. The characteristic of [1 period : King Taejo~Sejo(Yejong)] was dominated the military banquets of the Goryeo Dynasty. Neo-Confucianism is the establishment of political and social turning of the ballast, considerations of military culture, culture, and Hoeryeyeon Jinpungjeong, a cloud of dust and elders banquets such as Giroyeon and Yangnoyeon on the nature of the party. A lasting ordinance was institutionalized[2 period : King Seongjong~Jungjong]. In the chopper and jeongyujaeran, Hong Kyung Rae led a royal amusement activities are stagnant, often produce isolated storage compute in the gloomy situation[3 period : King Injong~Hyeonjong]. Revival period is pride of the amusement activity through the culture of Joseon Dynasty royal culture [4 period : King Sukjong~Jeongjo]. The throne, crashed due to political power is an ebb of royal amusement activities, while also rapidly waning[5 period : King Seonjo~Seonjong]. During the early Joseon Dynasty, hunting took place around the forest area northeast of Hanyang and during King Seongjong's period, it took place closer to the capital city, while in Lord Yeonsan's period, it was expanded to a 39 kilometer radius area from the palace, and banquets such as various forms of entertainment of Cheoyongmu, and Flower-viewing. The Joseon kings who enjoyed hunting were King Sejong, Sejo, Seongjong, Yeonsan, and Jungjong. Most of hunting objects were tigers, bears, deer and roe deer, leopards, boars, their animals and falconry took, and the purpose of the hunting was to perform ancestral rites to the royal ancestry or the royal tombs. Lord Yeonsan's hunting activities had negative effects after King Jungjong the king's hunting activity decreased sharply. However, there were also positive aspects of Lord Yeonsan's Prohibition of cutting woods ect. In conclusion, the expansion of the King's garden(庭:courtyard${\rightarrow}$園:privacy garden${\rightarrow}$苑:king's garden${\rightarrow}$苑?:national hunting park) is evident which starts from formal and informal activities that took place in Oejo, Chijo, and Yeonjo, which went further to the separate and secret gardens, and then even further, thus setting the amusement activity area as a 39 kilometer radius range from Hanyang.

Study on the Oiled Paper in the Literature of the Joseon Dynasty (유지(油紙) 관련 고문헌 고찰 - 조선시대 문헌을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Hyo-young;Choi, Tae-ho;Jeong, Seon-hwa
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.194-210
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    • 2013
  • Oiled paper (Yuji, 油紙) is an oil impregnated paper which was one of the daily necessities in Korea. As there has not been any accurate research on this subject, this study examined the literature from the Joseon Dynasty to study its origin, nomenclature, usage and production process. Goryeodogyeong (高麗圖經) and Goryeosa (高麗史) allowed the estimation that the origin of oiled paper was the Goryeo Dynasty, but the records of oil and paper in Samguksagi (三國史記) and Nihon Shoki (日本書紀) indicate the possibility that the production of oiled paper can be traced back to the 7th Century. The nomenclature and the usage of oiled paper in the Joseon Dynasty were examined through the Annals of Joseon Dynast (朝鮮王朝實錄), Ilseongnok (日省錄) and Seungjeongwonilgi (承政院日記), while the Royal Protocols of the Joseon Dynasty (Uigwe, 儀軌) and Takjijunjeol (度支準折) together with other literature were examined for its market value, use and materials. The literature from the Joseon Dynasty indicate that oiled paper was used for various everyday commodities with its waterproof, damp-proof and transparent properties and called in various ways according to its use and production process. This study studied the literature on oiled paper from the Joseon Dynasty, but the studies on the restoration of traditional oiled paper are still needed. Therefore, it would be necessary to study the traditional oiled papers in combination with the study of oiled paper relics, the reproduction of traditional oiled paper samples, and the case study of the papermaking masters who have been producing the traditional oiled papers.

Development of Extreme Flood Database through Historical Records (역사 문헌을 통한 극한홍수 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Cho, Han-Bum;Kim, Hyeon-Jun;Noh, Seong-Jin;Jang, Chul-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.741-745
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    • 2007
  • The magnitude of natural disaster is much bigger than the past. Only short time return period can be estimated due to limited number of measured data. Therefore, back-data extension studies are undergoing in various area through historical records. In this study, data gathering and analysis of historical flood records such as Joseon wangjo sillok(Annals of Joseon Dynasty) and Jeungbo munheon bigo (enlarged encyclopedic literature) was achieved for the usage of extreme flood study in various ways. Analysis of 479 flood events from Joseon wangjo sillok and 143 flood events from Jeungbo munheon bigo during Joseon Dynasty was conducted in statistical way.

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A Study on the Use of Buyonghyang During the Joseon Royal Wedding Ceremony - Focused on Sunjo Sunwonwanghoo Garyedogam Uigwe - (조선 왕실 가례의 부용향(芙蓉香) 연구 - 『순조순원왕후가례도감의궤』를 중심으로 -)

  • Ha, Sumin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.222-239
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    • 2019
  • This paper studied Joseon royal incense, Buyonghyang, focusing on the case of Sunjo Sunwonwanghoo Garyedogam Uigwe. Incense was introduced to Korea in the period of the Three States with Buddhist cultures. Buyonghyang is an incense that represented the royal family and was used in various rituals. Civilians also burned this incense in front of a bride's palanquin at a wedding ceremony. Buyonghyang had various uses-ceremonial uses, as a fragrance, to mothproof, and medical uses. Buyonghyang is a combined incense with ten different ingredients. This study tracked the supply and demand of the incense ingredients through Takjijunjeol, Sejong Shilok Jiriji, and The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. This paper identified properties of the ingredients and studied recipes using ancient medical books-Jejungshinpyeon, Donguibogam, etc. Then the cooperation and treatment of incense by craftsman were examined using the records of The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, and Seungjeongwon Ilgi. The significance of Buyonghyang during the Joseon dynasty was studied by examining its use at a royal wedding ceremony. This study considered Sunjo's wedding ceremony based on Sunjo Sunwonwanghoo Garyedogam Uigwe which is highly regarded as a well-organized system compared to other Uigwe. Buronghyang was burned during all of the ceremonies which took place in the palace. Conversely, it is considered that Buyonghyang was burned only during the Bisuchekui ceremony (investiture), which took place in the bride's place, according to the record of the mobilization of court ladies for various incense burners for the Bisuchekui ceremony. Since the incense was able to be used only after Bisuchekui, it is considered that only the royal family could use the incense, and it was a symbolic incense of the Joseon Royal Family.

Effect of Wet Cleaning on the Property of Aged Duplicated Beeswax-Treated Paper (열화된 밀랍지 시제품의 습식크리닝 처리효과 분석)

  • Choi, Kyoung-Hwa;Park, Ji-Hee
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2010
  • The beeswax-treated volumes of the Annals of Joseon Dynasty, designated as a UNESCO's Memories of the World, have been more seriously damaged than the untreated ones. As a continuous effort to develop the optimal conservation techniques for the damaged beeswax-treated volumes of the Annals, this study examines the effectiveness of wet cleaning on the conservation of the beeswax-treated paper. To do this, wet cleaning is performed on the duplicated beeswax-treated paper and the Hanji that are aged at $105^{\circ}C$ for 30 days using distilled water of $24^{\circ}C$ and $50^{\circ}C$. As results, it is observed that pH of the both the beeswax-treated paper and the Hanji increase, indicating the removal of the acid of the aged paper samples through wet cleaning. After the wet cleaning, however, the physical properties and viscosity of the Hanji decrease, while those of the beeswax-treated paper increase. It is also found that wet cleaning contributes to enhancement of most optical properties of the Hanji, but not for those of the beeswax-treated paper except for the $b^*$ value. Analyses of UV absorbance of cleaning water demonstrate that both the beeswax-treated paper and the Hanji have typical spectra of chromophore compounds of cellulose.

Historical Observation and the Characteristics of the Records and Archives Management in Korea (한국 기록관리의 사적 고찰과 그 특징)

  • Lee, Young-Hak
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.34
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    • pp.221-250
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    • 2012
  • This paper introduces the characteristics of the records and archives management of Korea from Joseon dynasty to now. This paper also explains historical background of making the records and archives management in Joseon dynasty. This paper introduces the process of establishment of modern records management system by adopting records management system and public administration of USA after liberation in 1945. The Joseon bureaucrats established systematic methodologies for managing and arranging the records. Jeseon dynasty managed its records systematically since it was a bureaucratic regime. It is also noticeable that the famous Joseonwangjosilrok(Annals of Joseon dynasty) came out of the power struggles for the control of the national affairs between the king and the nobility during the time of establishment of the dynasty. Another noticeable feature of the records tradition in Joseon dynasty was that the nobility recorded their experience and allowed future generations use and refer their experiences and examples when they performed similar business. The records of Joseon period are the historical records which recorded contemporary incidents and the compilers expected the future historians evaluate the incidents they recorded. In 1894, the reformation policy of Gaboh governments changed society into modernity. The policy of Gaboh governments prescribed archive management process through 'Regulation(命令頒布式)'. They revised the form of official documents entirely. They changed a name of an era from Chinese to unique style of Korean, and changed original Chinese into Korean or Korean-Chinese together. Also, instead of a blank sheet of paper they used printed paper to print the name of each office. Korea was liberated from Japanese Imperialism in 1945 and the government of Republic of Korea was established in 1948. In 1950s Republic of Korea used the records management system of the Government-General of Joseon without any alteration. In the late of 1950's Republic of Korea constructed the new records management system by adopting records management system and public administration of USA. However, understanding of records management was scarce, so records and archives management was not accomplished. Consequently, many important records like presidential archives were deserted or destroyed. A period that made the biggest difference on National Records Management System was from 1999 when was enacted. Especially, it was the period of President Roh's five-year tenure called Participation Government (2003-2008). The first distinctive characteristic of Participation Government's records management is that it implemented governance actively. Another remarkable feature is a nomination of records management specialists at public institutions. The Participation Government also legislated (completely revised) . It led to a beginning of developing records management in Republic of Korea.

A Study on the Taepyeonggwan, Mohwagwan and the Architects Contrived these Architectures as Shown in The annals of the J oseon Dynasty of 15C (실록에 나타나는 15세기 태평관·모화관 건축과 관련 인물연구)

  • Kim, Bue-Dyel;Cho, Jeong-Sik
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2016
  • This study is based on the 15th century's architecture Mohwagwan and Taepyeonggwan and the architects behind it. The results were as follows: First, inline with Ming dynasty's protocol, the King of Joseon marched with honor guard in front of his people. Therefore, the Joseon dynasty needed to match space was implemented and result in Mohwagwan and Taepyeonggwan. Second, King Taejong founded Mohwaru to share the role with Taepyeonggwan. He appropriately utilized Mohwaru as a place in manners before people enter the Seoul city wall. And He organized this architecture on the level of the palace. Third, Pak Jacheong was overseer the whole constructive process, from the selection of site, landscaping, construction, maintenance to civil engineering of Mohwaru. There are many difficulties, but he completed through the construction work owing to the protection of King Taejong. Forth, Hong Li worked with Pak Jacheong to build Taepyeonggwan and Mohwagwan from Taejong to Sejong. Supervisors in King Sejong times were required not only private capability but also understanding the Confucianism ritual. Hong Li was faithfully performed the role. Fifth, Sejong was recognized only an excellent ruler but he was also a great coordinator with a professional knowledge about architecture. These Sejong's action fully can be seen as an architect.

Comparisons of Effectiveness of the Supercritical Fluid Extraction Dewaxing on the Beeswax-Treated Paper with Different Aging Degrees (열화율이 상이한 밀랍지의 초임계유체추출 탈랍처리효과 비교분석)

  • Jeong, Hye Young;Kang, Young Suk;Go, In Hee;Yang, Eun Jeong;Choi, Kyoung Hwa
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to investigate the applicability of supercritical fluid extraction as a dewaxing technique to restore the beeswax-treated volume of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty in various deterioration and damage conditions. Thus, this study analyzed the dewaxing efficiency and changes in physical and morphological properties before and after dewaxing, by applying the optimal supercritical fluid extraction dewaxing condition ($70^{\circ}C$, 40 MPa, $CO_2$, Co-solvent 20% DCM, 2 hour) to 3 kinds of beeswax-treated paper with different deterioration rates (dry artificial aging of 10, 20 and 30 days at $120^{\circ}C$). After dry artificial aging at $120^{\circ}C$ for 30 days, the average molecular weight of the beeswax-treated specimen was $1.856{\times}10^5g/mol$, showing deterioration about 80% of the beeswax-treated paper before dewaxing. It was a similar level to the molecular weight of the bees-waxed volume of the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty that has a higher degree of damage. As a result of analyzing the dewaxing efficiency through FT-IR analysis, this study discovered that it was possible to effectively dewax beeswax-treated paper in the range of deterioration 20 to 80% with this supercritical fluid extraction dewaxing technique applied. As a result of analyzing changes in the physical and morphological properties before and after dewaxing, the viscosity tended to decrease to a slight degree, and since no morphological deformation or damage of stencil fibers was found, it was concluded possible to conduct stable dewaxing through this supercritical fluid extraction technique.