• Title/Summary/Keyword: The Whale

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Effects of Reduced Glutathione on Non-Protein Sulfhydryl, Non-Protein Disulfide and Oxygen Consumption Rate of Mouse Duodenum Following Whole Body X-Irradiation (Reduced Glutathione 이 X-선전신조사(線全身照射)를 입은 마우스 십이지장(十二指腸)의 NP-SH, NP-SS 및 산소소비량(酸素消費量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Joong-Kil;Choo, Young-Eun
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 1971
  • In an attempt to better understand the effects of whole body X-irradiation on the levels of non-protein sulfhydryl (NP-SH), non-protein disulfide (NP-SS) and oxygen consumption rate $(QO_2)$ of the mouse duodenum, and to clarify the possible radioprotective action of reduced glutathione (GSH), a whole body X-irradiation of 1,000r was given to albino mouse either singularly or immediately after injecting GSH intraperitoneally to mouse 1 mg per gm of body weight. NP-SH was measured by Ellman's method, NP-SS was measured by the electrolytic reduction method described by Dohan and Woodward, and $(QO_2)$ by the Warburg's standard manometric method. The experiment was performed at 1, 6, 12 and 24 hours post-irradiation, and the comparison was made with the control. The results thus obtained are summarized as follows: 1) Comparing with the intrinsic NP-SH level of $3.31{\pm}0.27{\mu}\;mol/gm$ wet weight in the duodenum of the normal mouse, either whale body X-irradiation or injection of GSH alone produced no significant change in NP-SH from the normal. However, when GSH was injected prior to X-irradiation, markedly elevated NP-SH levels were observed throughout the entire experiment with the highest value of $4.70{\pm}0.10$ at 6 experimental hours. 2) The normal value of NP-SS in the mouse duodenum was $1.57{\pm}0.17{\mu}\;mol/gm$ wet weight, while in the group where injection of GSH and X-irradiation were combined, NP-SS increased to $2.36{\pm}0.33$ at 12 hours and $2.15{\pm}0.53$ at 24 hours, showing the intermediate value between the GSH injection group and X·irradiation group. 3) The normal value of $(QO_2)$ was $4.16{\pm}0.73{\mu}l\;O_2/hr./gm$ D.W., and no noticeable change was observed comparing with the GSH injection group. However, in the group where X·irradiation alone was given, $(QO_2)$ of the duodenum increased significantly throughout the entire experiment with the highest value of $6.35{\pm}1.07$ at 6 experimental hours. When GSH was injected before X-irradiation was given, the levels of $(QO_2)$ were in the middle of the GSH injection group and X-irradiation group. 4) The above results suggest that GSH may be effective as a radioprotector in terms of NP-SH, NP-SS and $(QO_2)$ of the mouse duodenum.

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Studies on the Elasticity, Young Modulus, and Breaking Tension of the Tympanic Membrane in Dog (고막(鼓膜)의 탄성도(彈性度)와 파열장력(破裂張力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Young-Shik
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 1968
  • Recently, in this department, pressure-displacement curve and breaking tension of dog and human tympanic membrane were studied using intact, fresh or dried tympanic membrane attached to external auditory meatus. However, physical property, proper elasticity-Young Modulus, of the tympanic membrane has not been clarified yet. Present study is attempted to further clarify proper Young Modulus of tympanic membrane, and to distinguish possible difference between layer of stratum radiatum and layer of stratum circulare of tympanic membrane in breaking tension and in Young Modulus. Tympanic membrane was excised from sacrificed dog, and preparation was made into the size of approximately 1 mm in width and 3 mm in length. In fresh or dried tympanic membrane, which was dried at $80^{\circ}C$ for 24 hrs., some preparations were made along the long axis parallel to the fibers of radial direction, and others were made along the long axis perpendicular to the radial fibers-circular direction. Breaking tension and displacement according to loading, were measured and Young Modulus was calculated in tympanic membrane preparations under the different experimental conditions. Results obtained are summarized as follows : 1. Young Modulus of fresh tympanic membrane in radial direction was $6.57{\times}10^8\;dyne/cm^2$, and that of fresh preparation in circular direction was $1.68{\times}10^8\;dyne/cm^2$. The Young Modulus of fresh tympanic membrane in radial direction resembles to that of silk and whale moustache. In dried tympanic membrane, Young Modulus of preparation of radial direction was $30.2{\times}10^8\;dyne/cm^2$ and that of preparation in circular direction was $25.0{\times}10^8\;dyne/cm^2$. 2. Breaking tension of fresh tympanic membrane was 44.9 gm/mm in radial preparation, and 7.9 gm/mm in circular preparation. In dried tympanic membrane, breaking tension was 46.7 gm/mm in preparation of radial direction, and 17.2 gm/mm in preparation of circular direction. 3. Much smaller breaking tension of the circular preparation-one fifth to the radial preparation-seemed to be responsible for the higher incidence of circular fiber breaking in tympanic membrane performation caused by trauma or sudden change in atmospheric pressure. 4. The correlation seemed to be very close between breaking tension and Young Modulus in tympanic membrane.

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Analyses of Middle School Students' Thoughts Causing Common Mistakes on Animal Classification (중학생의 동물 분류에서 오류 원인이 되는 사고 내용 분석)

  • Gim, Wn Hwa;Hwang, Ui Wook;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the frequent mistakes and the causes of the alternative conceptions in the animal classification by using the questionnaire and interview with the middle school students (N=300). As results, some students have difficulties classifying suggested animals into vertebrates or invertebrates : snakes (31.7%), shrimps (28.3%), turtles (25.6%), frogs (24.7%), and starfish (10.7%) in order of precedence. These errors seemed to be caused by intuitive thinking over characteristics of physical motions and appearance of suggested animals, wrong inference from comparing to features of familiar animals and the lack of observation experience of the vertebrate backbone. Furthermore, the results showed that relatively many students made a mistake classifying subgroup members of vertebrates such as classifying salamanders into the class Reptilia (45.3%) and turtles into Amphibia (40.3%). It is likely that those errors are affected by ambiguousness of classification terminology (e.g. the term of Amphibia) and weak ability in relating the physiological and ecological feature to standard of classification feature. In addition, sociocultural factors could influence animal classification as 'bat in birds', 'whale in fish, and 'penguin in mammals'. The present study implied that teaching and learning animal classification may require an appropriate guide focused on activities to explore major characteristics used for the animal classification standard through providing more chances of animal observation rather than the cramming method of learning induced by technical memorizing.

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Effects of Induced Microcurrent Shoes on Fatigue and Pain in Painful Foot to Patients with Plantar Fascitis (족저근막염 환자의 미세전류발생 신발 착용이 족부 근피로 및 통증 완화에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Rae-Joon;Choi, Sang-Joon;Cheng, Goh Ah;Cho, Jeong-Sun;Lee, Yoon-Mi;Cho, Yong-Ho;Park, So-Hyun;Cho, Mi-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study was to investigate how induced microcurrent shoes affect relief of feet pain, which often occurs to persons who are more than fifty years old and how they prevent fatigue of feet generated during everyday life. The subjects of this study were comprised af five males and five females, who agreed with this research and ate more than fifty years old. And they all have plantar faciitis and pain in their feet. Methods: Subjects ware the induced microcurrent shoes far more than 4 hours everyday during the test. When they wore those shoes, they also wore the specially produced shacks made of silver-mixed thread and they were asked to avoid serious exercise. Prior to starting test and after the test, assessments were carried out two times. In the examination before the test, general shoes were used and in examination after the test, induced microcurrent shoes used. Muscle fatigue was measured by electromyography(MP150, Biopac, USA). When the walking rate of subjects on a treadmill was increased from 2.Km/h to 3Km/h for 10 minutes, muscle activities of a lower leg were measured during the whale walking process by MP150 remote monitoring system(TEL 100C). And pain was measured by VAS. Results: The results are as follows. 1. Comparisons of VAS before and after experimentation showed that degree of pain was significantly decreased(p < .05). 2. Degree of fatigue of Tibialis anterior was significantly decreased after 6 weeks of treatment(p < .05). 3. Degree of fatigue of Soleus was slightly decreased after 6 weeks of treatment, but did not show significant difference (p > .05). Conclusion: The above results suggest that induced microcurrent shoes is helpful decreasing fatigue of feet and relief of feet pain.

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SF Movie Star Trek Series and the Motif of Time Travel (SF영화 <스타트랙> 시리즈와 시간여행의 모티프)

  • Noh, Shi-Hun
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.165-191
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this article is to elucidate why the motif of time travel is repeated in the science fiction narrative by examining the functions of this motif in the SF movie series of Star Trek in its narrative and non-narrative aspects. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) aims to attract the audience's interest in the story through the use of plausible time travel in the form of the slingshot effect which causes the spacecraft to fly at very fast speeds around an astronomical object. The movie also touches upon the predestination paradox that arises from a change of history in which it describes a formula of transparent aluminum that did not exist at the time. The film also serves as an evocation of the ideology of ecology by including humpback whales in the central narrative and responding to the real issue of the whale protection movement of the times. Star Track VIII: First Contact (1996) intends to interest the audience in the narrative with the warp drive, a virtual device that enables travel at speeds faster than that of light and a signature visual of Star Trek, at the time of its birth through time travel. The film emphasizes the continuation of peaceful efforts by warning the destruction of humanity that nuclear war can bring. It tackles with the view of pacifism and idealism by stressing the importance of cooperation between countries in the real world by making the audience anticipate the creation of the United Federation of Planets through encounters with the extraterrestrial. Star Trek: The Beginning (2009) improves interest through the idea of time travel to the past, this time using a black hole and the parallel universe created thereby. The parallel universe functions as a reboot, allowing a new story to be created on an alternate timeline while maintaining the original storyline. In addition, this film repeats the themes pacifism and idealism shown in the 1996 film through the confrontation between Spock (and the Starfleet) and Nero, the destruction of the Vulcan and the Romulus, and the cooperation of humans and Vulcans. Eventually, time travel in three Star Trek films has the function of maximizing the audience's interest in the story and allowing it to develop freely as a narrative tool. It also functions as an ideal solution for commenting on current problems in the non-narrative aspect. The significance of this paper is to stress the possibility that the motif of time travel in SF narrative will evolve as it continues to repeat in different forms as mentioned above.

Stimulation of Flowering in Chamaecyparis obtusa Grafts by Gibberellin Treatments (Gibberellin 처리(處理)에 의(依)한 편백나무의 개화촉진(開花促進))

  • Kim, Won Woo;Kim, Zin Suh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.4
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    • pp.549-556
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    • 1998
  • To develop the effective methods of flowering stimulation, Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Sieh. et Zuec.) grafts growing in a seed orchard and in a clone bank in Southern Breeding Station of Cheju were applied with gibberellin treatments, and predicted the seed production potential. In the seed orchard, $GA_{4/7}$ 1.5cc was injected into the stem of drafts and sprayed whale tree crown with $GA_3$ 300ppm and $GA_{4/7}$ 300ppm. Un the other hand, in the clonal archives, drafts were given intrusion of $GA_{4/7}$ 1.5cc into the excised and open inner part of bark wind $GA_3$ 20mg and sprayed with $GA_3$ 300ppm. Additionally, grafts growing in the seed orchard were treated with gibberellins at 3 different periods of time and 3 different treatments during the growing season. The results obtained here are summarized as follows : 1. All of the applications of Gilbberellin promoted female flower formation. Among these, the treatment of intrusion of $GA_{4/7}$ 1.5cc into the excised and open inner part of bark was racist effective, followed by the spraying of $GA_3$ 300ppm. Similarly, the applications of gibberellin promoted male flower formation. 2. Regarding the time of applications, treatment on August 15 was more effective than those of August 31 and September 11 in the stimulation of female flowers. On the contrary, there was no significant difference in the number of male flowers among 3 different time treatments. 3. It was supposed that the application of the intrusion of $GA_{4/7}$ 1.5cc into the excised and open inner part of bark on August 15 showing the best effect in female flower formation can produce 22.12kg seeds per ha. 4. Considerable significant difference existed among clones for both female and male flower formations. 5. Flower formation, especially female flower formation, seemed to be partially associated with the genetic potential of individual trees.

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Construction of Web-Based Database for Anisakis Research (고래회충 연구를 위한 웹기반 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Lee, Yong-Seok;Baek, Moon-Ki;Jo, Yong-Hun;Kang, Se-Won;Lee, Jae-Bong;Han, Yeon-Soo;Cha, Hee-Jae;Yu, Hak-Sun;Ock, Mee-Sun
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.411-415
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    • 2010
  • Anisakis simplex is one of the parasitic nematodes, and has a complex life cycle in crustaceans, fish, squid or whale. When people eat under-processed or raw fish, it causes anisakidosis and also plays a critical role in inducing serious allergic reactions in humans. However, no web-based database on A. simplex at the level of DNA or protein has been so far reported. In this context, we constructed a web-based database for Anisakis research. To build up the web-based database for Anisakis research, we proceeded with the following measures: First, sequences of order Ascaridida were downloaded and translated into the multifasta format which was stored as database for stand-alone BLAST. Second, all of the nucleotide and EST sequences were clustered and assembled. And EST sequences were translated into amino acid sequences for Nuclear Localization Signal prediction. In addition, we added the vector, E. coli, and repeat sequences into the database to confirm a potential contamination. The web-based database gave us several advantages. Only data that agrees with the nucleotide sequences directly related with the order Ascaridida can be found and retrieved when searching BLAST. It is also very convenient to confirm contamination when making the cDNA or genomic library from Anisakis. Furthermore, BLAST results on the Anisakis sequence information can be quickly accessed. Taken together, the Web-based database on A. simplex will be valuable in developing species specific PCR markers and in studying SNP in A. simplex-related researches in the future.

A Study on the Recognition and Intake Frequency of Pohang's Local Foods (포항 향토음식의 인지도 및 섭취빈도에 관한 조사연구)

  • Baek, Seo-yeong;Jang, Sun-Ok;Lee, Yeon-Jung
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.214-230
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    • 2016
  • This study was carried out to create a momentum for interest and understanding of local foods and provide base line data for the presentation of future effective development direction by investigating and researching cognitive characteristics, intake frequency, and preference about local foods targeting Pohang citizens. As a result of the investigation on intake frequency and preference of Pohang's local foods, in almost every item such as "gwamegi", "mul-hoe", "Guryongpo daege", "sashimi noodles", "mori noodles", "pidegi cuttle fish", "mulgomtang", "homchibap sikhae", "jesabap sikhae", "whale meat", "gaebokchi", "duchichijjim", "octopus sashimi", "roundnose flounder sashimi", "round flounder jorim", "fried round flounder", "gunsu sorasanjeok", "raw mustard muchim", "miyeongui dish", "sigeumjang", "chives dish", "rolled chives egg", "gokgang spinach", "pine dish", "yellow bean leaves muchim", "pickled green bean leaves", "green bean leaves watery kimchi", "Pohang sunrise bread", "black stone eel dish", "chili jjim", "red-pepper leaves namul muchim", "wild greens bibinbap", "acorn jello muchim", "oimiyeok changuk", "dongdongju", etc., significant differences were shown at the significance level of p<0.05~p<0.001. About understandings, views, development prospects, and development value and so forthof Pohang's local foods, more than 80% of respondents were positive, and in the questions asking concerns about local foods, more than half of the respondents gave a positive opinion, citing that they "have a little interest", and "tend to have an interest". Therefore, it can be seen that the future of local foods is bright. In the future, it is required that various cultural events related to local foods are held, a number of promotions are carried out, specialization of stores is distributed, and, at the same time, local foods are developed and generalized to suit modern sense, maintaining traditional taste in order to become global foods, as well as thedeformation of recipes.