• Title/Summary/Keyword: The Sweet Home

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Analysis of Physicochemical Properties of Nurungji Added with Various Materials (다양한 소재가 첨가된 누룽지의 이화학 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Myong-Ki;Cho, Seok-Cheol
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2020
  • Increasing the rice consumption, seven kinds of Nurungji which served as a home meal replacer and snack were developed with some functional materials were added, and their physiochemical characteristics were analyzed. The water binding capacity was the highest in Nurungji with black sesame seed (264.13%), and the hardness was the lowest as 0.36 N in Nurungji with Tenebrio molitor. The reducing sugar content was the highest in Nurungji with sweet pumpkin (1.47%) when being soaked in water for 30 minutes. As a result of measuring 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl free radical scavenging activity of the tested Nurungji preparations, Nurungji with sweet pumpkin and beet showed the high scavenging activity against free radicals. As a result of sensory evaluation, overall acceptability was the highest in Nurungji with black sesame seeds (4.3). Physicochemical characterization and sensory evaluation of Nurongji added with various materials confirmed that they could be applied to various food products.

A Study on the Effect of Taste Preference on Harmony of Coffee Food (커피음식 조화도에 영향을 미치는 맛 선호도에 관한 연구)

  • Bok, Hye-Ja;Jin, Yang-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.58-77
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the correlation between harmony of coffee-food and taste preference was examined by conducting an investigative analysis in oilier to find out taste preference having effect on the harmony of coffee-food. As a result of study, foreign food was perceived as having average level or higher harmony in confectionery and bread in harmony of coffee-food, coffee beans were perceived as being more harmonious than a coffee mix. Korean food was perceived as average or lower harmony with coffee with s relatively high level in rice cake, traditional snacks and Hangwa, all of which are traditional desserts. In the correlation between taste preference and harmony of coffee-food, foreign food was shown well-matched with coffee as sweet and salty tastes were low; however, for sour, hitter, spicy and plain tastes, the more preference they had, the better-matched they were. As a result, taste preference had effect on harmony with coffee-food. For foreign food, it was shown that sweet and plain tastes influenced it while bitter and plain tastes did in Korean food in general.

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The Influence of Food Habits on Body Stature of Children (어린이의 식습관(食習慣)이 체위(體位)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Mi-Suk;Mo, Su-Mi
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 1976
  • The Purpose of this study was to determine every possible correlation between food habits and body statures of primary school children, aged ten years old. This study was conducted from July to October of 1975. In July, prepared questionaires concerning life style, anthropometry, food preference, and food behavior were distributed through school teachers to 425 children; 219 boys and 206 girls, in the 5th grade of three elementary schools in the city of Seoul. Then, in October, when subjects had been classified into underweight/obese by statistical analysis, mothers of obese or underweight children were interviewed by the authors to determine weaning history, daily food consumption of their children, and opinions of various snacks for children. Analysis of results in terms of correlation coefficient, chisquare test and percentage calculations, are as follows: 1. Physical growth and development Boys Girls Height (cm) $134.8{\pm}5.74\;134.4{\pm}5.97$ Weight (kg) $30.0{\pm}4.27\;29.5{\pm}5.16$ Chestgirth (cm) $64.1{\pm}3.59\;63.3{\pm}3.81$ Arm circumference (cm) $18.3{\pm}1.61\;18.2{\pm}1.70$ Triceps skinfold thickness (mm) $10.9{\pm}5.13\;12.7{\pm}4.86$ Various indices of nutrition such as relative weight, relative chestgirth, $R{\ddot{o}}hrer's$ index, Kaup index, Vervaeck index were determined. 2. Food habits 1) Food $preference{\cdots}{\cdots}A$ varying number of foods were selected from 60 items were accepted. It was found that the food which children liked best was fruit and snacks were popular one. Lowest ranking among LIKED foods were from strongly flavored vegetables and organ meat. In general, girls had more food dislikes than did boys. Selected as liked foods were fruits, rice noodle soup, biscuits, and peanuts. Disliked foods were liver, green onions, onions, green pepper, mushrooms, oysters, shellfish, and pork. Items which children never ate before were liver, mushrooms, fish cake, boiled rice mixed with sorghum, mayonnaise, and fresh water firsh. Reasons which children gave for dislike were undesirable flavor and odor. 2) Food $behavior{\cdots}{\cdots}It$ was found that boys liked sweet and salty flavors more than did the girls who more often liked sour flavor. The majority of children enjoyed evening meals more than lunch and breakfast. A number of children skipped breakfast because of lack of appetite or lack of time before going to school. Snacks were the most popular food, especially among girls. Their snacking habits were formed by the encouragement of the mother, and the relieve boredom. Educational backgrounds of mothers and family economical levels of children were remarkable correlated with mothers' attitudes toward feeding of children. There were several interesting findings relating body stature to some other responses; such as that the obese child has a small number of brothers, higher birth order, higher educated mothers and higher family cultural background. It was also discovered that food perference, except for fat and oil group foods was not related to body stature. Sweet taste was liked best and pepperly taste was mostly disliked. Sour taste was popular in the group of underweight. Underweight children were more finicky, disliked snacking, and didn't get much attention from their mothers. 3) Correlation between body stature and nutrition during their infancy. The majority of children, both from obese and underweight, were breast fed as infant. Twenty five per cent of obese children and 17.4 per cent of underwight children started weaning at $1{\sim}6$ months old. The most popular supplemental food of weaning was cereal gruel for the obese group, while boiled white rice and cereal gruel were most common for the underweight group. Highly significant relationships were found between stature of parents and their children. In the obese group 47.8 per cent of fathers and 45.9 per cent of mothers were overweight; however, none of the fathers and only one mother was found to be underweight. In daily food consumption patterns, meals consisting of bread or noodle were popular in the obese group but disliked by the underweight group. The study found clear contrast in that the obese group liked meat and fish while the underweight group liked fruits and vegetables, especially kimchee. The obese children desired to eat cereal foods, milk and milk products, and fat foods while the underweight group desired to eat fruits and vegetables. Frequency of snacks per day was much greater in the obese group. Foods which mothers believed to be good for the health were carrots, cucumbers, fruits, milk, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and breads, while sweet foods such as candies, drinks. chocolate were considered not good for the teeth. Watching television was not significantly related to statures of children. Most significant relationships were found beween frequencies of family guest meals/and eating-out, and children's statures. Nutritional problems which have been considered for the malnourished children in addition to those of children who have a tendency toward obesity, must be taken into consideration in the development of proper nutrition education through the channels of regular school teaching and teaching by parents in the homes. Korean standards of anthropometric measurements for children should be revised, current measurements show much higher figures than present Korean standards.

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In vitro Digestibility and Sensory Properties of different Bap(Cooked Rice) (밥의 종류에 따른 in vitro 분해율 및 관능적 특성)

  • Kim, Yoon-Sun;Lee, Gui-Chu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.820-826
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    • 2007
  • Different types of bap(cooked rice) was cooked using barley or/and SoRiTae with rice as the base. Total(TS), rapidly digestible(RDS), slowly digestible(SDS) and resistant(RS) starch fractions were determined. Other physicochemical properties such as moisture, protein, amylose contents, protein digestion in vitro and color values as well as sensory properties of different bap were also investigated. Cooked rice with SoRiTae(RiSo) showed the highest moisture content of 63.9%, whereas other bap showed simillar content ranging from 62.3-63.0%. Crude protein content of RiSo was the highest, while that of cooked rice(Ri) was the lowest(p<0.05). Amylose content of RiBa was the highest, while that of RiSo was the lowest(p<0.05). In in vitro protein digestibility(IVPD), cooked rice with barley and SoRiTae(RiBaSo) was the highest, while Ri was the lowest, showing no significant difference at p<0.05. In starch fractions, as barley or/and SoRiTae were added to rice, a decrease in RDS content and increases in SDS and RS contents were observed. In addition, starch digestion index(SDI), which derived as an indicator of their in vitro starch digestibility and rapidly available glucose(RAG) value, which determined as a predictor of potential glycemic response decreased. A decrease in L value from RiSo and RiBaSo, which comprised of SoRiTae and increases in a and b values in RiSo and RiBa were observed, respectively. All sensory parameters involving color, glossiness, sweet taste, wetness, roughness, hardness and stickiness were shown to be a significant difference except sweet taste among different bap(p<0.05). L value of instrumental characteristic was negatively correlated with color of sensory characteristic and a value was positively correlated. Significant negative correlation was found between RS content and glossiness, however, positive correlation with roughness and hardness, respectively. These results suggested that cooked rice mixed with barley and SoRiTae contain significant RS and SDS contents and may improve diabetes and hyperlipidemia, due to the lowering RDS and RAG, respectively.

Dietary Culture for Sacrificial Rituals and Foods in Andong Area(II) -Village Sacrificial Rituals and Foods- (안동지역의 제례에 따른 음식문화(II) -동제(洞祭)와 제물(祭物)-)

  • Yoon, Suk-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.699-710
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    • 1996
  • The sacrificial foods using at 88 villages in Andong area where the village sacrificial rituals are performed, were investigated in 1994. The finding are as follows; 1. Since the village sacrificial rituals keep ancientry, white Baeksulki without any ingredients is used as Ddock (a steamed rice cake) in 74 villages, and in 5 villages the Baeksulki was served just in Siru (a tool used to prepare Ddock). The type of meat serving in rituals has been changing from large animal to small animal and the type of light from bowl-light to candle. 2. Though the ritual observes Confucianism style, memorial address was offered in 34 villages and only in 8 villages, liquor was served 3 times and the address was offered. In 60 villages, liquor was served only once, and calling village god, bowing twice, and burning memorial address paper were performed in order. Burning paper has been meaningful in rituals. 3. Tang (a stew) was served in 21 villages, and in 18 villages even Gook (a soup) was not used. The numbers of village which do not use cooked rice and Ddock are 14, respectively. 4. Fruits are essential in rituals foods. In 63 villages, 3 kinds of fruits are served and this is contrasted with even number of fruits in Bul-Chun-Wi Rituals. 5. In 25 villages, fish and meat are not served. As meat, chicken in 19 village are served. Meat Sikhae (a fermented rice beverage) prepared with meats or fish are served in 5 villages. Slice of dried meat is served in 73 villages commonly. 6. In gender of god for village shrine, woman in 43 villages, couple in 17 villages, man in 9 villages, mountain god in 2 villages, villages tree, etc were enshrined. In 52 villages liquor is served in rituals (liquor is used in 58 villages including serving god), in 28 villages sweet liquor (Gamju) is served for god (sweet liquor is used in 46 villages), and liquor, water, or sweet liquor is just displayed on table but not served in 8 villages. Incensing is found to be not common in village ritual, only in two villages it is performed. The most appropriate rituals food is thought to be pig for mountain god. Home dishes can not be used in village ritual and spoon is not used and chopstick is prepared from wild plant. Meat and fish are used in the raw.

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Changes in Daily Lives and Housing Consciousness of Korean Women after Modernization

  • Hong, Hyung-Ock;Jun, Nam-Il;Yang, Se-Hwa;Sohn, Sei-Kwan;Eun, Nan-Soon
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the study is to microscopically re-clarify the reality of renovation and conflicts that females faced within their families since the modernization period. The research method is the literature review. Families have been considered based on the formation of individual spaces for housing by husband and wife. The study will analyze changes in daily lives and housing consciousness to understand how such housing areas are transforming. The results of the study are as follows. From the perspective of symbolic interaction, in a traditional society, Korean females have been experiencing alienation and isolation in private areas in their daily lives due to family centrism and male chauvinism. Since industrialization, the female's role as the major consumer has been emphasized. Also, in terms of housing space, the symbol of family interaction was influenced more by utility, rationality, and equality than spatial hierarchy. From the perspective of the dailiness of phenomenological traditions, the modern girl's housing consciousness, which appeared during modernization under colonial rule, is considered as revolutionary from traditional society. Soon after in industrialized society, females appeared as leaders of 'sweet home'. They also became the main body to create the space for living by giving meaning to the interior of housing. Considering dailiness from the Marxist perspective, under the colonial social system, females became the subject of colonization through education, socialization, and the labor market. The modern public system presents the female as 'a wise mom and good wife' or laborer causing the colonization of her life. After industrialization, the socialization of housing and prioritization of spending caused the daily lives of females to become colonized by the consumption market.

Ideal Image and Fashion of Korean Women in the 1970s (1970년대 한국의 이상적 여성상과 패션)

  • Lee, Hana;Lee, Yhe-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.641-655
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the ideal image and fashion of Korean women in the 1970s from a socio-cultural context. This study used information on the 1970s politics, economy, and culture provided by "Chosun Ilbo" and "Yosungjungang" as well as their presentation of the ideal image and fashion for Korean women in the 1970s. The ideal image and fashion of women were considered from the viewpoint of Hamilton's Meta-theory. The ideal image of women in the 1970s is divided into two aspects. The image from the traditional Confucian perspective was prevalent and restricted the lives of women to housekeeping chores. On the contrary, women have increasingly participated in society vis-$\grave{a}$-vis education and employment opportunities to present a progressive image of women. These aspects coexisted during the turmoil of social change. Progressive women had money to buy clothes because they were economically independent. These women embraced styles that included mini, midi, maxi, and bell-bottom pants. Further, pants were developed into different styles such as pant suits. T-shirts and blue jeans as casual wear were very popular among the youth. At the end of the 1970s, the tailored look and the big look (which copied men's clothing) were in fashion. Masculine styles such as wide shoulders with pads and neckties strengthened gender equality. Other fashions were dominated by feminine styles described as beautiful, sweet, and elegant that reflected Korean society's tendency to regard women as sex objects. Clothing that exposed the body highlights this sexual objectification aspect. Women wore miniskirts, hot pants, and bikinis because they wanted to enhance their sex appeal, propagating the view of women as sex objects. In conclusion, all aspects of society and culture were closely interrelated with a fashion style that reflected the values of those aspects.

A Survey of Fast Food Ding out Behaviors (패스트푸드 식당이용자의 식사행동에 관한 실태조사연구)

  • 전미정
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 1990
  • A survey was conducted of 1,454 customers to investigate dining out behaviors at fast food restaurants of Youido department compound, Myung-dong and Gang-nam district in Seoul, in April, 1988. The results are summarized as follows; The majority, 85% of customers, were aged 14 to 30, consisting of junior and senior high school children, college students and company employees. The reasons given by customers for patronizing fast food restaurants were the following, from most to least frequent; "convenient to dining," "the adequate place for the companionship", "the surroundings and dining equipment are pleasant and hygienic", "to be able to stay as long as I want". The fast foods purchased by the customers were mostly for a between meal snack or ice cream or drink rather than a full meal. The majority of the customers ate the purchased foods at the fast food restaurnats. However, a limited number of female customers preferred to take the packed fast foods to their homes. Tast Preference was a major factor in food selection from available food items. Ice cream, juice, French fried potatoes, salad, fried chicken, rolled rice with laver, and coke were high on the list of liked foods; in constrast, lower preference was for porridge, fish burger, doughnut, chicken burger and rice cake. Preference by food nationality was highest for Korean food, then Western food, Chinese food, Italian food and Japanse food, in that order. Customers offered suggestions for better fast food service, such as lowering the price, greater variety in the menu, increasing the propotion of vegetables and fruits on the fast food menu adn developing fast foods from traditional Korean foods. The customers, in particular, emphasized a need for the development of Korean traditional beverage of malted drink and persimmon punch, as well as mungbean pan cakes and sweet-spicy rice noodles(docbokki), as fast foods.y rice noodles(docbokki), as fast foods.

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Socio economic Approach to the Chronic State of Famine and Exploitation of Famine Relief Food in the Later Half of Chosun Period (조선후기(朝鮮後期) 기근(飢饉) 만성화(慢性化)와 구황식품(救荒食品) 개발(開發)의 사회(社會).경제적(經濟的) 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Hee-Sun;Kim, Sook-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 1987
  • This treatise deals with chronic state of famine and exploitation of famine relief food in the later half of Chosun Period and especially in relation with socio-economic changes. There with the impact of socio-economic factors on the chronic state of famine and exploitation of famine relief food is studied mainly with a literary approach. The influential factors which lead to the chronic state of famine were not only climatic restrictions such as flood and drought but socio-economic factors such as foreign invasion (Japanease invasion and Ching's invasion), frequent breaking out of revolt and technological development of agriculture (rice transplantation). And disorder of land system and cultivation of cash crops by the richer peasantry, lowering the economic status of the poorer peasantry who were a major constituents of the population, aggravated the famine state. Because the poorer peasantry were under the shortage of food, they had to seek something edible in the fields and mountains. In this process various kinds of famine relief foods were exploited by the poorer peasantry. The majority of famine relief foods were wild vegetables. Consequently the Chronic state of famine was a cause to introduce various edible wild vegetables into Korean food, which influenced modern vegetarian food habits and firmed the Korean's favorite taste to be hot and salty. These wild vegetables couldn't have a marvelous effect on the relief of starved people. Potatoes and sweet potatoes, which were newly introduced foreign crops, were encouraged to be cultivated for famine relief. But these tubers, unable to be staple food, didn't contribute to an increase in population.

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Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study on Caring Experience of Spouses of Elderly People with Dementia at Home (재가 치매노인 배우자의 돌봄 체험에 관한 해석학적 현상학 연구)

  • Jang, Hye-Young;Yi, Myungsun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.367-379
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study aimed to understand and describe the caring experiences of spouses of elderly people with dementia. Methods: The hermeneutic phenomenological method was used and participants were 12 spouses aged 65 and over who were taking care of their husbands or wives with dementia at home. Data were collected from individual in-depth interviews on participants' actual caring experiences. Additionally, novels, movies, and memoirs on elderly couples with partner who had dementia were included as data for the analysis. The qualitative data analysis software program was used to manage and process the collected qualitative data. Data were analyzed using hermeneutic phenomenological analysis based on four fundamental existentials including lived body, lived space, lived time, and lived others. Results: Five essential themes emerged from the analysis: 1) body moving like an old machine, 2) swamp of despair filling with hope, 3) sweet time after bitterness, 4) disappointed elderly couple in the empty nest, and 5) unappreciation vs. empathetic feelings. These essential themes were comprehensively summarized as "the road leading to the maturation of life with dedication and hope while bearing the weight of caring based on the couple's relationship." Conclusion: The findings indicate that the nature of the caring experience of spouses of elderly individuals with dementia is filled with many dynamic and paradoxical dimensions. Thus, results of the study would help with developing interventions tailored specifically for elderly spouse caregivers to support their role adaptation and ultimately improving their quality of life.