• 제목/요약/키워드: The Mind

검색결과 3,322건 처리시간 0.036초

예비유아교사의 창의적 인성과 교사효능감의 관계 (Creative Personality and Teacher Efficacy of Pre-service Kindergarten Teachers)

  • 이유미
    • 한국보육지원학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구에서는 예비유아교사의 창의적 인성과 교사효능감의 상관관계에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 보육실습과 교육실습의 경험이 있는 경기지역에 소재한 S대학, Y대학 유아교육과 3학년 학생 165명이었다. 측정도구로는 하주현의 창의적 인성검사와 김순남에 의해 수정된 TEBI(Teaching Eefficacy Belief Instrument)교사효능감 검사를 사용하였다. 수집한 자료는 일원변량분석, schaffer 사후검증, 적률상관계수, 중다회귀분석을 이용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 예비유아교사의 배경변인(성적, 연령, 임원활동)에 따른 창의적 인성의 차이는 유의하지 않았다. 둘째, 예비유아교사의 배경변인에 따른 교사효능감의 차이에서 '연령'은 교사효능감과 정적인 상관관계를 보였으며 특히 개인 교사효능감에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 셋째, 창의적 인성 점수가 높은 예비유아교사들이 교사효능감도 대체로 높았으며 특히 개인 교사효능감에서 더욱 유의미한 상관관계를 나타냈다. 예비유아교사의 교사효능감을 예언해주는 창의적 인성 요인은 자기 확신, 상상, 개방성'인 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과를 토대로, 예비유아교사의 창의적 인성과 일반 교사효능감의 관계를 인식하고 이를 촉진하는 교육과정 운영방안에 대해 논의하였다.

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색이름 디지털 검색체계의 실용팔레트 연구 (Practical use palette research of color name digitl search system)

  • 문은배
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.161-174
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    • 2003
  • 산업디자이너에게 있어서 색채의 선정과 사용은 매우 중요한 분야이다. 현재 색채는 디자인 업무의 주변조건에서 핵심적인 분야로 도약하였다. 색채는 감성, 관리, 심리의 세 가지 분야 로 주로 사용된다. 그러나 사용상에 있어서는 세 가지 분야 모두를 포함하여 실질적인 디자인을 하게 된다. 국내 색채디자인의 현실로 볼 때 기초적인 연구를 기반으로 한 실용적인 연구분야는 낙후된 실정이다. 특히 색채 감성분야와 색채관리 분야는 대우 중요한 분야이며 이 중에서도 색 이름과 관계된 영역이 가장 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 색 이름은 감성과 관리 를 포함하기 때문이다. 본 연구는 기존에 발표되거나 공식적으로 기록된 국제적으로 호환되는 색 이름을 모두 조사, 분석하고 검색하여 정확한 데이터를 구축하는 것이다. 결과적으로 색 이름을 이용하여 아이디어의 창출과 디자인의 결과물 생산시 정확성을 기하기 위함이다. 연구에 사용된 국내 자료로는 한국산업규격, 관련문헌, 현장조사 등 근거 있는 색채를 중심으로 조사하고 국제적인 자료로는 미국의 ISCC-NBS를 기반으로 일본, 유럽 등의 각 나라의 공식적 자료를 모두 취합하는 기본 조사 연구를 실시하였다. 조사 결과 약 11,000개의 색 이름과 33,000개의 색 이름을 수집 분류하였다. 수집법과 분류법은 국제 기호에 따르고 사용자 중심으로 배열하였다. 또한 산업 디자인 실무에 도움이 될 수 있도록 사용빈도가 높은 색채 체계인 Munsell, RGB, CMYK, XYZ 등 모든 국제규격 색값을 표기하여 디자인의 각 분야에서 모두 적용 될 수 있도록 활용성을 높였다. 현재 한국산업디자인진흥원의 홈페이지에서 운용 중이며, 폐속 개선과 발전을 해나가며 더욱 가치 있는 연구가 될 것이다.

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민담 '주인집을 망하게 한 하인'의 분석심리학적 이해: 트릭스터 원형을 중심으로 (An Interpretation of the Folktale 'the Servant Who Ruined the Master's House' from the Perspective of Analytical Psychology: Centering on the Trickster Archetype)

  • 노명선
    • 심성연구
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.184-254
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    • 2022
  • 본 논문을 통해 한국 민담 '주인집을 망하게 한 하인'의 심리학적 의미를 고찰하였다. 민담 속 주인과 하인의 대립은 보편적인 인간 정신의 문제로, 경화된 기존의 집단적 의식과 이를 보상하고 갱신하려는 새로운 의식의 대립으로 볼 수 있다. 다른 각도에서 설명해보자면 인간의 정신적인 측면과 본능적인 측면 사이의 혹은 의식과 무의식 사이의 대립이며, 자아와 그림자 사이의 대립이라고도 할 수 있다. 민담 속 주인은 애먹이는 막내 하인을 없애버리려 여러 차례 시도하지만, 하인은 꾀와 속임수를 써서 주인으로부터 음식과 말(馬), 막내 누이, 전 재산, 마침내 목숨까지 빼앗아 버리고, 이야기는 막내 하인과 막내 누이의 혼인 생활로 끝을 맺는다. 주인이 죽고 하인이 새로운 주인이 되는 대극반전(enantiodromia)은 낡은 집단적 의식이 파괴되고 집단적 무의식으로부터 올라온 새로운 의식이 지배적 위치에 서게 되는 것으로, 개인의 심리적 상황에서는 기존의 자아의 태도가 해소되고 새로운 태도로 변환되는 것으로 이해해볼 수 있다. 이야기의 중간 과정에서 하인은 그를 죽이려고 주인이 써준 등편지를 순박한 사람들을 이용해 새롭게 바꿔 써서 막내 누이와 혼인한다. 이 모습은 집단적 의식의 도덕관념에서는 부정적으로 이해될 수 있으나, 아낙네, 꿀장수, 배고픈 중으로 상징되는 조선 시대 집단적 의식에서 무시되어오던 정신요소를 통합하는 과정으로 볼 수 있다. 하인으로 대변되는 새로운 의식성은 기존의 틀에 구속받지 않는 트릭스터적 특성을 갖기에 집단적 의식에서 무시되어온 정신적 내용을 통합하여 조선 후기 집단적 의식에 대한 보상과 대안으로서 제시하는 요소라고 할 수 있다. 주인은 다시 하인을 죽이려고 하인을 가죽 부대에 넣어 나무에 매다는데, 가죽 부대 속에 들어가 매달렸더니 눈을 떴다는 하인의 속임수에 넘어간 소경이 대신 매달려 죽고 하인은 달아나게 된다. 주인과 하인의 대극 문제가 마침내 나무로 상징되는 전체 정신(Self)에 맡겨지자 소경이 제거되는 것은 트릭스터에 포함되어있는 맹목성, 어리석음, 탐욕적 요소를 구분하고 정화하려는 자기(Self)의 의도로 이해해볼 수 있다. 이런 과정들을 거쳐 집단적 의식의 새로운 변화 혹은 새로운 자아의 태도를 상징하는 하인은 기존의 문제들을 해결하고 주인의 자리에 서게 된다. 그러나 꾀 많은 하인의 활약상을 들으며 청중들은 유쾌함과 해방감을 느끼는 한편, 소경이 대신 죽고 주인집 식구가 몰살되고 하인이 주인이 되는 부분에서는 하인의 위험성과 통제 불가능에 대한 우려와 두려움의 감정을 경험하기도 한다. 해외 유화들에 등장하는 트릭스터들 역시 철저히 이기적이고 오직 욕구를 채우고 위험에서 빠져나가기 위해 무고한 존재들을 속이거나 죽게 만드는데, 이들 트릭스터를 처단하거나 교화하려는 노력은 허사로 돌아가고 그들은 달아나버린다. 그러므로 본 민담 역시 이런 원형적 그림자가 매우 위험하다는 것, 그리고 의식이 통제하거나 의식에 동화될 수 없다는 것을 알게 해주고, 그것을 외경하고 관조하도록 하는 목적 의미도 있다고 볼 수 있다. 트릭스터는 기존의 구조와 질서가 경화되었을 때 보상작용으로서 무의식으로부터 올라오는 재생시키는(revivifying) 자연 에너지의 비합리적 발현 양상이다. 그 현상은 기존의 집단적 정신의 입장에서는 파괴적이고 비도덕적일 수 있으나, 도덕적으로 규정할 수 없는 보다 근원적 정신인 집단적 무의식의 기능이라고 보아야 한다. 트릭스터 원형상으로 볼 수 있는 하인은 변환을 가져오는 존재로 파괴성과 창조성이라는 양면성과 모순성을 지니고 있다. 본 민담의 유화들의 결말은 여러 갈래인데 이는 트릭스터의 양면성으로 인해 청중의 마음 반응이 그만큼 다양하다는 것을 반영하며, 트릭스터 문제에 대한 무의식의 다양한 반응을 제시하는 것이기도 하다. 또한 트릭스터란 그만큼 결론이 안 나고 논란을 일으키는 모순덩어리 존재로 의식적 합리적 태도로 통제할 수 없다는 것, 우리 안의 트릭스터 원형에 대해 진지하게 관조할 수 있을 뿐이라는 것을 보여준다.

곡성 함허정(涵虛亭)의 경관짜임과 의미경관 (The Landscape Configuration and Semantic Landscape of Hamheo-pavilion in Gokseong)

  • 이현우;심우경;노재현;신상섭
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.52-64
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 곡성 함허정(전남유형문화재 제160호)을 중심으로 '현장조사 문헌조사 인터뷰' 등의 연구방법을 토대로 연구대상 일원의 풍수형국과 경관짜임 및 조영의도 그리고 의미경관의 특성을 추적한 것이다. 함허정 일원의 입지 및 조망적 조영특성의 분석과 해석의 일환으로, 함허정 일원의 경관상에 드러난 호혜적 자연관과 경관짜임이 어떠한 형태 및 방식으로 표출되었는가를 구체적으로 밝힌 연구결과는 다음과 같이 축약된다. 첫째, 함허정은 심광형(沈光亨, 1510~1550)이 중종30년(1535)에 군촌(현(現). 전남 곡성군 입면 제월리)에 처소 및 강학을 위한 군지촌정사를 창건한 이후, 지근거리에 1543년 학문연구와 유식(遊息)을 위해 지은 누정이다. 함허정과 군지촌정사가 자리한 군촌마을은 순자강(섬진강)을 마주한 전형적인 배산임수 국면인데, 진산인 동악산은 소가 강가에 누워 한가로이 되새김질 하는 와우형(臥牛形)으로 해석되며, 함허정 일원은 목동(牧童)이 강가에서 피리를 부는 형국으로 와우(臥牛)가 적초(積草案, 풀더미)를 구비하여 평안과 풍요를 누릴 수 있는 길처로 회자된다. 특히, 함허정 뒷동산은 거북이 용궁으로 입수하는 혈맥으로 거북(또는 자라)의 등 위에 앉은 건물[구형(龜形)]이 함허정이며, 절벽 아래 남측의 하중암도(河中巖島)인 구암조대(龜巖釣臺)와 용암(龍巖)은 거북이 지향한 해중 신선경(海中 神仙景)으로 해석된다. 둘째, 함허정은 곡성8경의 제3경 순강청풍과 제9경 설산낙조(雪山落照)의 풍광시점장이면서, 곡성 입면8경의 제2경 함허순자와 제3경 천마귀암(天馬歸岩)의 풍광시점이기도 하다. 한편 음양접합과 같은 '산태극(山太極) 수태극(水太極)'으로 배열된 순자강5곡의 제4곡 경물로서 도학 및 성리학적 토포스로 본 초월적 풍경이자 감각적 투시를 통한 굽음의 미학으로 재생산되고 있다. 특히 비변사인방안지도(18C 중엽)와 옥과현지(1788년) 등에 순자강5곡 중 제2곡 합강정과 제4곡 호연정(함허정), 그리고 제3곡 무진정이 묘사되었음을 볼 때 순자강5곡 경물은 피안(彼岸)과 차안(此岸)의 세계를 넘나들며 선경세계로 귀의하는 장소정체성은 물론 조선후기 명소적 연계경관으로서의 지명도를 엿볼 수 있다. 셋째, 비워둠의 미학이 절묘하게 드러난 함허정은 상수리나무 굴참나무 소나무 등 노거수 수림경관, 구암조대와 용암, 첩석(疊石) 등 바위경관, 군촌마을 문화경관 등이 지근경(至近景)으로 펼쳐지고, 중경요소로 순자강 평호(平湖)와 마산봉, 고리봉 등이 산악경관으로 조망되며, 동쪽에서 서쪽으로 고리봉 마산봉 무등산 설산 등이 개방성 강한 $180^{\circ}$ 조망범위로 펼쳐진다. 특히 군지촌정사의 사랑채인 망서재(望瑞齋)의 당호는 "서석산(瑞石山)을 전망하는 집"이라는 뜻을 갖는데, 조산인 무등산과 설산을 앙경(仰景)하는 등 다채로운 차경(읍경(揖景), 환경(環景), 원근(遠近), 앙부경관(仰俯景觀))에 대한 조망지향적 의도가 중층적(中層的) 경관짜임을 통해 구현되고 있다. 넷째, 실존[주거(住居) 강학처(講學處)]과 이상향[누정(樓亭) 재실(齋室)]이 접합된 군지촌 정주환경의 살림집[제월당], 강학처[군지촌정사], 누정[함허정], 재실[구암사, 청송심씨 4현 배향] 및 묘역 등은 '생성-풍요-초월-회귀'로 이어지는 사대부들의 생애주기와 관련한 의미론적 연계경관으로 인식된다. 특히 함허정 관련 시문은 순자강 일대의 가경 예찬과 유유자적한 삶에 대한 호혜적 자연관 묘사가 주를 이루고 있음을 주지할 때, 함허정은 자연귀의와 안분지족의 요체이자 거점처이며, 수심양성(修心養性)하는 은일지소로서의 현학성이 형이상학적 의미경관으로 표출된다.

현대패션디자인에 나타난 동양의 미의식 연구 (A Study about the Aesthetics of Oriental in Modern Fashion design)

  • 임영자
    • 복식
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    • 제30권
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    • pp.261-274
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    • 1996
  • In the present age dominate by both cer-taingty of 1% and uncertainty of 99% 'Fuzzy thinking' of Bart Kosko that is the way to solve the problems by the scientific way through a worldview of Buddhism or Taoism greatly prevails around the world over 'Lateral greatly prevails around the world over 'Lateral thinking' and the authenticity or the right and-wrong of the uncertainty which is the thinking way to find the answer of the problems of illogical way of Edward de Beno against the western vertical thinking were Concurrently fashion designers over the world also adopt the oriental elements. But there exist differences of thoughts between the orient and the occident. And they have dif-ferent thinking way of aestheticism and references of the value on the beauty. Not only beauty but the view through the mind as intuitional thought in which not only the rec-ognition of sense but also the rationalism and the naturalness play key role. The aesthetic sense in the orient contains both the truth and virtue. 2) The beauty of the mean It's from the thought of neutralization of Confucius. The mean or moderation state which in harmony with ethical virtue and aes-thetic beauty is the ideal and is the ultimate. Therefore the thought of Confucian is the creativity in which the balance and the har-mony is most important. Fashion design is also one of the representation of the mean because the spirit of the designer is harmonized for-mlessly with the object of the model of the fashion design. 2) The beauty of skillfulness It indicates the Taoism of Lao-tzu and Chuangtzu. It takes a super-artistic declar-ation that human can feel and recognize the color of colorlessness the sound of sound-lessness and the taste of tastelessness. The thought of arts affected by Taoism is 'ad-vanced age' called the beauty of skillfulness. The view of arts of lao-tzu takes the beauty of cosmos and the nature as a standard. Es-pecially the beauty of inactivity is recognized by the linkage between the beauty and the ugliness. And these things appear in fashion design as a design element such as humor or exaggeration. 3) The beauty of non-dualism It is thought of Buddhism that all evil passions of worry occur form the opposition in dualism. Finally this thought leads to that everything is consistent and truth is only one from the point of view that virtue and vice has on linkage that is 'no virtues no vices' and 'one with two, two, with one, one is not two' A big tendency like this became the root forma-tion of the thought of the oriental arts. 3. Characteristics of the oriental aesthetic sense on the present fashion design 1) The formation of the fashion design on the oriental elements In the picture-incantation which was a representation of an era when the thought of 'cosmic dual forces' dominated the basic polygons of 'a circle square triangle' means both 'one two three' and 'the negative positive mean' of cosmic elements. From this point of view the was of planner cutting in the Orient is dif-ferent from that of the Occidental which is in three-dimensional. The planner polygon type of the cut-pieces comes to have the meaning of the three-dimension when they consist of a suit that has the combination of each cut-piece. This shows the consistency with the principle of cosmos creation of Taoism that one is two two is three and three is every-thing. 2) The coloring and the symbolic represen-tation of the fashion design on the orien-tal elements The sense on the colors in the Orient from the thought of 'the cosmic dual forces and the five elements' is not the experi-enced from the knowledge but contains the consideration of philosophy Five-primary-color representing compass directions Blue(East) Red(South) Yellow(Center) White (West) and Black (North) is called ' the posi-tive' for this five-primary-color secondary-color which comes from the compound of the primary colors is called 'the negative' The thought of 'the cosmic dual forces and the five elements' is also an theory containing the natural order of the cos-mos and this shows the perceptional differ-ence that they are not conceptual but to be recognized and fell directly. A thought of Buddhism which is 'Colors are colorlessness and Clolorlessness are color's proves that. 3) The pattern and symbolic representation of the fashion design on the oriental elements The pattern as a visual style is a figure of symbolic representation which adopt the mental and physical world of human and are the compo-sition of artistic revelation of the human nature and the religous thought of incantation. Es-pecially the symbolic representation of the oriental thought of Confusion. Buddhism and Taoism There are patterns such as plants aminals the oriental four gods and geometry. From the above it's the time toward the 21'th century when the world is constructing one global area and one historical zone. And the exotic mood of the Orient represented in the fashion which doesn't make the common feeling in general does not cease to develop only to express the visual modeling but also adopts the thought religion and the art which are the root of the Orientail and contains inherent willing of modeling.

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우리 복식에 중국복식이 미친 영향 (Chinese Influences on Traditional Korean Costume)

  • 김문숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.123-133
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    • 1981
  • If we are to define that the traditional costume is a comprehensive expression of the culture, thoughts, and arts of a country, it is needless to say that the traditional costume would have always reflected the social and cultural aspects of the times. In order words, the cultural contemplation of a certain people at some point the history is only possible when we observe the distintive features of the costume worn by the people of respective times. Although the Korean people had the native costume of its own from the times of the Ancient Choson to the Three Kingdoms of Koguryo, Paekche, and Silla, the Chinese influence on Korean traditional costume became somewhat pronounced ever since the Silla strenghtened the political ties with the T'ang dynasty in China, and it came to a climax when the dual structure in Korean native costume, being compounded with the Chinese touch, continued to be prevailed from the era of the Unified Silla to the Koryo and throughout the succeeding Yi dynasty, thereby copying the typical aspects of Chinese pattern in clothing and dresses worn by the ruling classes, namely the goverment officials including the Kings. Therefore, it is our aim to study the pattern of Chinese influence on our traditional costume, as well as social and cultural aspects by way of contrasting and comparing our official outfit system, which had been developing in dualism since the era of the Unified Silla, with that of China, and to trace in part the Korean traditional costume. In comparing our traditional official outfit system with that of China, we have basically concentrated on the comparison of the official outfit systems during the periods of the Three Kingdoms, the Koryo, and The Yi dynasty with that of corresponding era of Chinese history, namely the dynasties of T'ang, Sung, and Ming, and followed the documentary records for the comparison. Koreans had fallen into the practice of worshipping the powerful in China and begun to adopt the culture and institutions of the T'ang dynasty since the founding of the Unified Silla. From this time forth, Korean people started to wear the clothes in Chinese style. The style of clothing during the period of the Koryo Kingdom was deeply influenced by that of the T'ang and Sung dynasties in China, and it was also under the influenced of the Yuan dynasty(dynasty established by the Mongols) at one time, because of the Koryo's subordinative position to the Yuan. At the close of the Koryo dynasty, the King Kongmin ordered the stoppage on the use of 'Ji-Joung', the name of an era for the Yuan dynasty, in May of the eighteenth year of his rule in order to have the royal authority recognized by a newly rising power dominating the Chinese continent, the Mind. Kind Kongmin presented a memorial, repaying a kindness to the Emperor T'aejo of the Ming dynasty in celebration of his enthronement and requested that the emperor choose an official outfit, thereby the Chinese influence being converted to that of the Ming. As a matter of course, the Chinese influence deepened all the more during the era of the Yi dynasty coupled with the forces of the toadyic ideology of worshipping the China, dominant current of the times, and the entire costume, from the imperial crown and robe to the official outfit system of government officials, such as official uniforms, ordinary clothes, sacrificial robes, and court dresses followed the Chinese style in their design. Koreans did not have the opportunity of developing the official outfit system on its own and they just wore the official outfit designated on separate occasions by the emperors of China, whenever the changes in dynasty occurred in the continent. Especially, the Chinese influence had greatly affected in leading our consciousness on the traditional costume to the consciousness of the class and authority. Judging from the results, Koreans had been attaching weight to the formulation of the traditional outfit system for the ruling classes in all respective times of the history and the formulation of the system was nothing more than the simple following of the Chinese system.

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대학종합병원 수간호사의 업무분석과 모형연구 (Analysis of the Work of the Head Nurse and a Work Model for the Head Nurse in University Hospitals in Korea)

  • 김인숙
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.212-222
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    • 1989
  • When the head nurse who is pivotal in the nursing service administration of the hospital performs efficiently as a first-line manager, the effectiveness of the nursing unit, which includes the quality of nursing care, the jab satisfaction of staff members, and the cohesiveness of staff members is increased. With this point of view in mind, the researcher carried out a study to determine the actual work (the content of the work, the work process, the role of the head nurse, the activity media, and the purpose of the work) of the head nurse in a university hospital in Korea. In addition, this study was also carried out for the purpose of preparing an ideal model for the work of the head nurse. The research subjects were 39 head nurses. This included all the head nurses in two university hospitals except those who were working in outpatient care, operating rooms, central supply, nursing administration, in-service education and emergency care. Data were collected from September 24th to October 21th, 1987 and April 4th to 12th, 1988. A work activity record on which the head nurse recorded directly in a chronological narrative form, was used as the research instrument. The 234 work activity records, 39 head nurse's continuous recording over 6 days(from Monday to Saturday) were collected and analysed. The results were as follows ; 1. With regard to the work content for the total daily work of the head nurse, 45.2% of the activities were managerial activities but 58.1% of the head nurse' s time was spent in direct patient care. 2. With regard to the work process of the head nurse, specifically the location, the size and membership of groups contacted, the results were as follows : 1) Of the total daily work activities 92.4% were carried out in the nursing unit and this occupied 84.5% of total daily work time. Direct patient care was generally performed on the nursing unit and managerial work was performed in other areas. 2) Of the total daily work activities, 73% was with one or more persons and 51.2% of total daily work time was spent in groups. 3) A total of 51 persons, working in different capacities were contacted. These included 21 persons giving patient care, 19 persons working in nursing unit management, and 7 persons working in human resource management. 3. With regard to the head nurse's role in work activity, 53.3% of total daily work activities involved the informational role, 26.9%, the interpersonal role and 19.9%, the decisional role. With regard to time, 57.7% was spent in the informational role, 23.9%, in the interpersonal role and 18.3%, in the decisional role. When the head nurse performed managerial work, she gave nearly equal emphasis to all three roles when she gave direct patient care the informational role was increased. 4. With regard to the activity media, the number of unscheduled activities accounted for 27.1% of the activities, scheduled activities, 24.3%, desk work activity, 22.1%, rounds, 12.5% and telephone calls, made or received, 14.0%. In daily total work time managerial work related to desk work and scheduled activities were high, ranging from 29.8% to 29.9% but for direct patient care time, scheduled activities and unscheduled activities were high, ranging from 23.6% to 35.3%. 5. With regard to the purpose of the work performed, 54.4% of the total daily work was concerned with the team and 41.4% was concerned with the agency. The managerial work was concerned mainly with the team and the direct patient care was concerned mainly with the patient. When the frequency of an activity and time were compared no significant difference was found between the days for which the work was recorded for any of the variables : the work content, the work process, the work role, the activity media and purpose of the work. On the basis of this study the following are proposed as an ideal model for head nurse work in Korea : The managerial work should be increased to 70%. The decisional role activities should be increased to 40%. Twenty percent of the work activity should be allocated to agency, community and profession. It is believed that this model for the head nurse's work can contribute to guidelines for job description development. Finally, educational programs, organizational and structural devices, and administrative support are needed for the proper function of the head nurse in this proposed model.

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한의학적(韓醫學的) 대상관(對象觀)의 특징과 성격 (The Characteristic and Implication of the View of Object in Oriental Medicine)

  • 이충열
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제16권1호통권29호
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    • pp.505-530
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    • 1995
  • Recently some people in learned circles of oriental medicine raised a Question about a terminological problem, i.e., 'oriental medical'. This question was thought as an attempt to find out the identity of oriental medicine which exists among the various current medical knowledge systems. In spite of same object, human body, there are diverse medical knowledge systems which has different concepts and theories. This come from the difference of a view of object which defines the experiences of that. The knowledge system of oriental medicine was established by the view of object in oriental medicine which depended on the way of thinking as Yin and Yang. The view of object in oriental medicine has come out in the special cultural soil, namely, the oriental world. Because of this the view of object in oriental medicine cannot be seperated from the oriental world view. What distintive feature does the oriental world view have? It can be summarized as the holistic, dynamical and organic ideas of the world. The term 'oriental medical' is being used to emphasize the characteristic and the peculiarity of the oriental medicine among the various medical knowledge systems. Can the current so called scientific method accept this peculiar and special method of oriental medicine? The efforts of philosophers who had been stimulated by the awful scientific achivements and had tried to find out the unified method penetrating through all the empirical science by mobilizing the logic and mathematics has became out of date for the raise of a question about the inductive method. On the contrary, the theses of theory-laden observation was accepted widely and the relativism was accepted as a new established theory. But the relativism has its own problem. The relativism was founded upon the concept, the incommensurability, which Khun and Feyerabend had proposed. This concept was criticized strongly by some of philosophers because of its own self-refuting. The view of object in oriental medicine has a relative characteristic in the aspect of its urge that in accordance with the perspective a different medical knowledge system can be possible. But our possible choice is the moderate conceptual relativism. Therefore if the view of object in oriental medicine includes the relative aspect, there is the 'conceptual relativity' between the knowledge system of oriental medicine and the western medicine. This preview an important aspect for the standardization and modernizing research of oriental medicine by lending the knowledge of the western medicine. And when we choose the moderate conceptual relativism, it means that we do not support the extreme relativism, that is, 'anything goes'. The concept of truth and rationality cannot be abandoned, and it plays the role of the norm on the knowledge system of oriental medicine and other knowledge systems of medicine in a limited meaning. And the view of object in oriental medicine has an organic view about the human body and the characteristic which wants to interpret the phenomena of human body by using the holistic method. But the availability of this method will be evaluated by the achievements of oriental medicine. Finally what relationship does the theory of oriental medicine have with the world the theory is applied to? It is recognized that the theory of oriental medicine has the instrumental characteristic. But it can be thought the instrumentalism is different from the oriental medical standpoint in the aspect that the instrumentalism seperates the theoretical existence from the observational existence sharply. Because in the oriental thinking way there is no seperation between the mind of observer and the object and no conflict between the idealism and the realism like the western world. For this problem there must be a further study.

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조선시대의 의생활규범에 관한 연구 -문헌을 중심으로- (A Study of the Standard of Costume life in the Chosen Dynasty Period -Focus on Literature-)

  • 현진숙;민길자
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 1985
  • According to the records that all the people in our country were taught the way of braiding the hair and hatting in the first year of 'Tangun' (the founding father of the Korean nation) and that the discipline between sovereign and subject, man and woman, and the standard of food, drink and dwelling were originated from that year, it seems that all the people in our country had lived with keeping a certain standard of food, clothing and shelter, and with maintaining the order in life from ancient times. So, our country have been called 'the Eastern Land of Courtesy' and also regarded as 'the country of the true gentle-man' which was characterized as the custom of a humane, and as the country that had the immortality since a benevolent person lived to a great age. Thus, all the people in our country have lived with keeping and maintaining a certain standard of all aspects in life, and the philosophy in life that we have today was established by the influences of our characteristic thought, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity, especially the life style in the Chosun Dynasty Period have strong influence on our today life. Thus, the contents concerned with the standard of custume life among those of all life in the Chosun Dynasty Period was studied, and clothes itself is unable to give expression to its ends but when the relationship that is, the inter-harmony among clothes, the body which will be dressed in, and the inherent psyche in that body is formed, then the ends, the complete beauty will be expressed. Though there were many studies dealt with clothes itself, no one was concerned with the all kinds of standard in activities that the dresser should keep, so the purpose of this article is that as above. The literature search is used as the research method. The eight books, 'Noneo' (the Analects of Confucius), 'Yeogi' (the Book of Courtesy), 'Sohak' (the book of Precepts for child-ren), 'Yeosaseo'(the Women's Four Books), 'Sasojeol'(Korean Scholars' Minor Principles) 'Eonhaenaehoon' (Private Moral Instructions for Women), 'Woo-am seonsaeng kyenyeoseo' (Master Woo-am's Cautions for Girls) and 'Kyoobangkasa' (the Lyric Lines of the Boudoir) that had influenced the whole field of life in the Chosun Dynasty Period are analyzed, selected and finally arranged for studyilng the foundation of culture of the clothing and for helping to that culture in modern and future life. The results are as follows: 1. The standard of the clothing life in the Chosun Dynasty Period had deeply rooted in the teaching of confucianism, but also had been influenced by the custom which rooted in our people. 2. There is the emphasis upon the trinity among mind, clothes and activities in the clothing life. 3. The clothing and hat have to be dressed symmetrically in full of all required elements, 4. There is the harmony between the clothing with hat and environments or surroundings. 5. The true elegance in the clothing life will be realized not by the exterior outfit but by the interior outfit with the attitude of chastiny. In conclusion, as the material of clothing life in the Chosun Dynasty Period has the characteristics of the simplicity, the cleanliness, the elegance and the refinement, our clothing life is to be mastered with the simplicity, the cleanliness and the elegance in that life and with the harmony between the inside and the outside.

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조선왕조실록 밀납본의 보존상태 조사 (Investigation of conservation state on the waxed volumes of annals of the Joseon Dynasty)

  • 정소영;이혜윤;정용재;홍정기;엄두성
    • 보존과학연구
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    • 통권25호
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2004
  • Annals of the Joseon Dynasty is the authentic record of the historical facts and events taken place throughout the entire period of 472 years(25 generations, 1392~1863)described in a chronological order. The tremendous volume of the records contains the factual events taken place in almost all the fields of the Joseon Dynasty ranging from politics, economy to history of the dynasty. Not only because of its affluent contents but also with the precision of its records, it was designated as the National Treasure No. 151 in1973 by the Korean government and also registered as the Memory of the World by UNESCO in October 1997.This study is to report a exhaustive investigation results on the conservation state of annals of the Joseon Dynasty, especially Mt. Jeongjoksan edition, under the storage of the Kyujanggak in order to obtain the current condition, and thereby to estimate the any deterioration of the waxed volumes in the future. According to results of the investigation, we are going to verify damage causes of annals of the Joseon Dynasty, and to consider scientific conservation methods for the permanent preservation of invaluable cultural heritage. The major problem with the preservation of annals has arisen particularly from the deterioration of the waxed volumes of the Mt. Jeongjoksan edition. In order to provide for the counter measures for this problem, we have conducted twice investigations(first :1998~1999, second : 2003) to the internal and external conditions of waxed volumes(Annals of King Taejo~Annals of King Myeongjong).The result of the investigation has indicated that the paper quality of the some of the waxed volumes (Annals of King Taejong~Annals of King Sejong) is cracked and folded and the pages are imbedded to each other due to the hardened or congealed wax on the paper. Some of the pages are even getting moldy. And in order to detect as to whether“ there has been any deterioration progressed to the waxed books in the modern storage facility of the Kyujanggak equipped with constant temperature and humidity condition, the first investigation(1998~1999) and the second investigation(2003) have recorded the values of acidity, whiteness and moisture rate of the waxed paper, reporting an observation that there has been no difference on the measuring items. This indicates that no virtual deterioration has been progressed so far to the waxed volumes preserved in the Kyujanggak. Also, except for the causes of deterioration to the paper by insects and microorganisms, the major cause for the paper damage seems to the change of moisture of the paper caused from the alteration of the temperature and humidity of the storage environment. With this understanding in mind, we have conducted an environmental investigation on the three selected points of the storage in the aspects of the temperature, humidity, air current, $CO_2$,HCHO, and $SO_2$.It has been observed that the temperature stood at $16.9^{\circ}C~20.2^{\circ}C$ and the humidity was stable between 53%~56% during the period of the investigation. The concentration of the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide of the storage were very similar to those in the air. These data lead to presume that there is no problem in the aspect of carbon oxidization. But the concentration of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and formaldehyde of the storage were detected a little higher than those of standard. Therefore, we consider that it is necessary to ventilate the internal air of the store room by means of operating air purification devices.

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