• Title/Summary/Keyword: The High Land Use

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Agricultural Systems for Saline Soil: The Potential Role of Livestock

  • Masters, D.G.;Norman, H.C.;Barrett-Lennard, E.G.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.296-300
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    • 2005
  • Human-induced soil salinity is becoming a major threat to agriculture across the world. This salinisation occurs in both irrigated and rain-fed agricultural zones with the highest proportions in the arid and semi-arid environments. Livestock can play an important role in the management and rehabilitation of this land. There are a range of plants that grow in saline soils and these have been used as animal feed. In many situations, animal production has been poor as a result of low edible biomass production, low nutritive value, depressed appetite, or a reduction in efficiency of energy use. Feeding systems are proposed that maximise the feeding value of plants growing on saline land and integrate their use with other feed resources available within mixed livestock and crop farming systems. Salt-tolerant pastures, particularly the chenopod shrubs, have moderate digestible energy and high crude protein. For this reason they represent a good supplement for poor quality pastures and crop residues. The use of salt-tolerant pasture systems not only provides feed for livestock but also may act as a bio-drain to lower saline water tables and improve the soil for growth of alternative less salt tolerant plants. In the longer term there are opportunities to identify and select more appropriate plants and animals for saline agriculture.

Based on the Demand, A Scheduling Method for the Seoul-Busan High Speed Rail (수요기반의 경부고속철도 열차운행계획 수립기법에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Yong;Chang, Justin S.
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.380-388
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    • 2010
  • This paper explored an effective scheduling method for the Seoul-Busan High Speed Rail. It is important to decide train frequency influencing on scheduling method. Main factors to decide train frequency are location of station, social economic index, land use of station area and travel demand. In this paper, we focused on travel demand which is critical factor to decide train frequency. And we studied on standardized scheduling method. Simulation method is used to analyze the performance of explored method.

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A Study on the Directions of Effective Farmland Use Planning (효율적인 농지이용계획수립 방향에 관한 연구)

  • 임상봉
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.77-92
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    • 1995
  • The initiative to determine farmland use has been transferred to local side under the decentralized government system in Korea. New Land Act and Rural Development Act support it. Changes in external and internal environments of Korean agriculture require to diversify farmland use. Lpcal development plan may be implemented when specific farmland use plan is prepared. However, (armland use planning has not been prepared by the local governments yet. This study aims to identify problems encountered in current farmland use and suggest directions of effective and reasonable farmland use planning relevant to local conditions. Questionnaire method was used to prove topographical differences of community land demand, Statistical analyses show that farmers desire to utilize marginal farmland for income increase. Growing grass(42.0%) and cash crops(41.7%) was greatly demanded by them. They were generally eager for developing touristic farm (52.1 % ). By topographical characteristics, the eager was greatest in coastal areas, on the contrary, it was relatively low in mountainous areas. There were more farmers who want to expand their farmland in rice farming(48.4%) or rice-horticulture farming(46.9%) areas. Potential retirer among farmers were most in suburban areas, However, it was expected that there would be the highest retirement rate in rice farming areas because of the high rate of aged farmers. Farmland use planning should be incorporated into food production policies and community people's needs for income increase and life improvement. Agriculture promotion areas must be maintained for scale optimized farming and cash crop farming as much as possible. However, minimum portion for other uses in each village or farming community unit should be adopted. Less favored areas will have to be utilized for both agriculture and non-agriculture uses. Priority can be put into touristic resorts as a non-agriculture use. Furthermore, such areas can be used for sustainable agriculture as well as for residence, industry, animal breeding.

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Land cover classification based on the phonology of Korea using NOAA-AVHRR

  • Kim, Won-Joo;Nam, Ki-Deock;Park, Chong-Hwa
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.439-442
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    • 1999
  • It is important to analyze the seasonal change profiles of land cover type in large scale for establishing preservation strategy and environmental monitoring. Because the NOAA-AVHRR data sets provide global data with high temporal resolution, it is suitable for the land cover classification of the large area. The objectives of this study were to classify land cover of Korea, to investigate the phenological profiles of land cover. The NOAA-AVHRR data from Jan. 1998 to Dec. 1998 were received by Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute(KORDI) and were used for this study. The NDVI data were produced from this data. And monthly maximum value composite data were made for reducing cloud effect and temporal classification. And the data were classified using the method of supervised classification. To label the land cover classes, they were classified again using generalized vegetation map and Landsat-TM classified image. And the profiles of each class was analyzed according to each month. Results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, it was verified that the use of vegetation map and TM classified map was available to obtain the temporal class labeling with NOAA-AVHRR. Second, phenological characteristics of plant communities of Korea using NOAA-AVHRR was identified. Third, NDVI of North Korea is lower on Summer than that of South Korea. And finally, Forest cover is higher than another cover types. Broadleaf forest is highest on may. Outline of covertype profiles was investigated.

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Modelling land degradation in the mountainous areas

  • Shrestha, D.P.;Zinck, J.A.;Ranst, E. Van
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.817-819
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    • 2003
  • Land degradation is a crucial issue in mountainous areas and is manifested in a variety of processes. For its assessment, application of existing models is not straightforward. In addition, data availability might be a problem. In this paper, a procedure for land degradation assessment is described, which follows a four-step approach: (1) detection, inventory and mapping of land degradation features, (2) assessing the magnitude of soil loss, (3) study of causal factors, and (4) hazard assessment by applying decision trees. This approach is applied to a case study in the Middle Mountain region of Nepal. The study shows that individual mass movement features such as debris slides and slumps can be easily mapped by photo interpretation techniques. Application of soil loss estimation models helps get insight on the magnitude of soil losses. In the study area soil losses are higher in rainfed crops on sloping terraces (highest soil loss is 32 tons/ha/yr) and minimal under dense forest and in irrigated rice fields (less than 1 ton/ha/yr). However there is high frequency of slope failures in the form of slumps in the rice fields. Debris slides are more common on south-facing slopes under rainfed agriculture or in degraded forest. Field evidences and analysis of causal factors for land degradation helps in building decision trees, the use of which for modelling land degradation has the advantage that attributes can be ranked and tested according to their importance. In addition, decision trees are simple to construct, easy to implement and very flexible in adaptations.

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Effects of Physical environmental factors on Radiation fluxes in Urban areas (도시지역의 물리적 환경요소가 복사에너지 흐름에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Bonggeun;Park, Kyunghun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.477-491
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to develop urban planning for mitigating thermal comfort by analyzing the relationship between various physical environmental factors and radiation fluxes focused on urban areas of Changwon city, Gyeongsangnam-do. Physical environmental factors were analyzed by sky view factor (SVF), land cover and land use types using GIS program. Radiation fluxes were measured upward and downward in solar and terrestrial radiation by mobile measurement during 3 days (2 daytime and 1 nighttime) in summer season. SVF is high in urban park less around buildings. High dense building sites were low. Downward solar radiation fluxes were the highest about $700W/m^2$ at daytime, and decreased in spatial type arranged dense buildings. Upward solar and terrestrial radiations was affected by land cover types that have thermal features such as reflectivity, emissivity, and heat capacity. Therefore, urban space needs appropriate planning with building arrangement, green walls and land cover replacement for mitigating thermal comfort in urban area.

Sensitivity Analysis for Railway Development Areas Using Land Cover Map (토지피복지도를 활용한 철도개발지의 민감도 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Kyeong;Kim, Dong-Yoeb
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the 'Ecological Network Restoration Project at Chupungnyeong' has been placed; this project is located at the center of the Baekdu mountain spine, the core of the ecological network of the Korean Peninsula. In the process of industrialization since the early 1900s, this area has been under railroad and road construction; as such, wildlife movements have been interrupted and many cases of road-kill have been found. The investment in railroads has increased because railroads are an environmentally sound means of transportation. Single track railways have been converted to double track electric railways and track reforming projects are underway in order to speed up the current railway system. This study suggests to take land use as a standard for assessing the ecological weaknesses of the domestic geo-spaces that are to be affected by rapid extension of railway lines. The land cover map issued by the Ministry of Environment was overlapped with the Korean Railway Line Map for analysis. The results showed that five items were high in sensitivity: paddy fields, fields, deciduous forests, bare land, and inland waters. It seems to be necessary to set weights for highly sensitive land use types; also, specific evaluation criteria need to be reestablished.

Accuracy Assessment of Land-Use Land-Cover Classification Using Semantic Segmentation-Based Deep Learning Model and RapidEye Imagery (RapidEye 위성영상과 Semantic Segmentation 기반 딥러닝 모델을 이용한 토지피복분류의 정확도 평가)

  • Woodam Sim;Jong Su Yim;Jung-Soo Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.269-282
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to construct land cover maps using a deep learning model and to select the optimal deep learning model for land cover classification by adjusting the dataset such as input image size and Stride application. Two types of deep learning models, the U-net model and the DeeplabV3+ model with an Encoder-Decoder network, were utilized. Also, the combination of the two deep learning models, which is an Ensemble model, was used in this study. The dataset utilized RapidEye satellite images as input images and the label images used Raster images based on the six categories of the land use of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as true value. This study focused on the problem of the quality improvement of the dataset to enhance the accuracy of deep learning model and constructed twelve land cover maps using the combination of three deep learning models (U-net, DeeplabV3+, and Ensemble), two input image sizes (64 × 64 pixel and 256 × 256 pixel), and two Stride application rates (50% and 100%). The evaluation of the accuracy of the label images and the deep learning-based land cover maps showed that the U-net and DeeplabV3+ models had high accuracy, with overall accuracy values of approximately 87.9% and 89.8%, and kappa coefficients of over 72%. In addition, applying the Ensemble and Stride to the deep learning models resulted in a maximum increase of approximately 3% in accuracy and an improvement in the issue of boundary inconsistency, which is a problem associated with Semantic Segmentation based deep learning models.

A Study on the Causes for Declining of Business Area in the Old Downtown of Jeju-si - Focused on a Physical Situation of Land Use and Buildings - (제주시 구도심 상권의 쇠퇴 원인에 관한 연구 -토지이용 및 건축물 등의 물리적 현황을 중심으로-)

  • Cha, Ho-Cheol;Park, Chul-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this thesis is to present why the business district of old downtown in Jejusi collapsed and what sort of problems caused by that as collecting objective data, which help us to comprehend how the commercial zone has been decaying, on the physical state of the specific area near 'Sinheungro' and 'Chilsungro', which are main commercial sites in the downtown, and analysing it. Firstly It was revealed that most land investigated was property in which structure was able to built or poor land within $60m^2$. This was caused by increasing in land value and high density in space use so that the area did not develop. Secondly, In addition to be low density, most of buildings in 'Sinheungro' and 'Chilsungro' were so old and inefficient - the old buildings were abandoned without improving due to expensive rent and complicated property rights. Thirdly, According to the survey accomplished, major commercial facilities in the area have struggled with the continuous recession in their business. It was the inevitable result of not having an effective alliance with surrounding retail shops and a lack of a strategic action for satisfying consumers desire or adapting to new shopping patterns. Fourthly, Infrastructure in the site was ruining the beauty of the urban landscape as well as bringing on bad access to the inner city as not having improved enough. Furthermore, many administration departments which were in charge of each infrastructure existed. This was resulted from not considering unification between each infrastructure and regional characteristics of the local community.

The Process and Method to Set a Mountainous Scenic Site's Designated Area

  • Han, Gab Soo;Kim, Soonki;Ham, Kwang Min
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2020
  • A "Scenic Site" is an official heritage category legally defined as a "scenic site of outstanding artistic value with excellent scenic views." However, the subjective interpretation of the term causes several problems. This study suggested a systematic, organized process of designating a listed area as a scenic site after careful and detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis. Indicators were identified for each of the two analyses, and then scored and weighted. Quantitative indicators were distributed within 5 points for each indicator. Water, which is a natural indicator, based on distance from river boundaries. Forest landscapes were assigned in consideration of forest physiognomy and age class. Land use was allocated in consideration of land cover type and, in case of development site, '-' score was assigned. Cultural heritage conservation area, which is historical and cultural indicator, was distributed by distance within a maximum of 500 meters. Visibility, an indicator of landscape value, was assigned according to the frequency of visibility. The weight of each indicator was calculated by considering the value of each item. The weight of distribution of cultural resources is relatively high, while other items were set the same. In case of land use, however, '-' score was given according to the grade. Qualitative indicators, on the other hand, were considered terrain, landscape zone, ownership, intellectual boundary, and land category. The applicability of the proposed process and method was examined by applying the existing methods and criteria used for designating scenic spots. Opinions of subject-matter experts were incorporated in the identification of the indicators and in the result review stage. In the future, it is necessary to apply this method while designating scenic sites so as to establish an objective, scientific designation process.