The second-order rate constants have been measured spectrophotometrically for the reactions of paraoxon 1 and parathion 2 with a series of alicyclic secondary amines, $OH^-$ and $HOO^-$ ions in $H_2O$ at $25.0{\pm}0.1^{\circ}C$. A linear Br${\o}$nsted-type plot with ${\beta}_{nuc}$ = 0.40 was obtained for the reactions of 1 with amines and $OH^-$. The reaction has been concluded to proceed through a concerted mechanism. $HOO^-$ deviates positively from the linear Br${\o}$nsted-type plot, implying that the ${\alpha}$-effect is operative. The magnitude of the ${\alpha}$-effect ($k_{HOO^-}/k_{OH^-}$) was found to be ca. 55 for the reaction of 1 and 290 for that of parathion 2, indicating that $HOO^-$ is highly effective in decomposition of the toxic phosphorus compounds although it is over 4 $pK_a$ units less basic than $OH^-$. Among the theories suggested as origins of the ${\alpha}$-effect (e.g., TS stabilization through an intramolecular Hbonding interaction, solvent effect, and polarizability effect), polarizability effect appears to be the most important factor for the ${\alpha}$-effect in this study, since the polarizable $HOO^-$ exhibits a larger ${\alpha}$-effect for the reaction of the more polarizable substrate 2.
The effect of hepatoprotective agents and bile acids on tumor necrosis factor-alpha, (TNF-${\alpha}$) production in murine and human macrophage cell line (RAW264.7 and U937) was inve stigated. The hepatoprotective agents including silymarin and its major component, silybin, significantly inhibited TNF-alpha production in a concentration dependent manner ($IC_50$ of silybin=67.7${\mu}g$/ml (140.3${\mu}g$M)). In differentiated U937 cells, especially, silybin showed more effective inbitory activity ($IC_50$=35.1${\mu}g$g/ml (72.7${\mu}g$M)). These results suggest that silymarin and silybin may inhibit TNF-alpha production in the process of hepatic diseases in human. However, biphenyldimethyl dicarboxylate (DDB) was not effective. In the case of bile acids, chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) showed a concentration dependent inhibitory effect on TNF-alpha production ($IC_50$ of CDCA= 71.5${\mu}g$g/ml (182.1${\mu}g$M)). In contrast, glycine or taurine conjugated form (G-CDCA or T-CDCA) restored to the control level or significantly increased TNF-${\alpha}$ production. And also ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and its conjugated forms (G-UDCA and T-UDCA) showed a variety of patterns on TNF-${\alpha}$ production by changes of functional groups and concentration. These results also indicate that bile acids may regulate TNF-${\alpha}$ production in normal hepatic function or disease conditions.
Dose-dependent increasesin blood glucose were produced by epinephrine and clonidine in fasted male mice. Isoproterenol was ineffective in increasing blood glucose at lower doses ($10^{-8}M$/kg-$10^{-7}M$/kg); with higher dose ($10^{-6}M$/kg) the glucose level was increased. The hyperglycemia induced by epinephrine was inhibited by yobimbine, prazosin and propranolol, indicating that the hyperglycemic effect of epinephrine is mediated by alpha-1, alpha-2 and beta adrenoceptor. When clonidine (10$^{-6}$ M/kg) was administered simultaneously with sioproterenol ($10^{-6}M$/kg), an enhenced hyperglycemic effect was observed. The increment produced by clonidine plus isoproterenol was higher than that by clonidine alone. These increment produced by clonidine plus isoproterenol was higher than that by clonidine alone. These results suggest that stimulation of alpha-2 adrenoceptor may be reponsible for the exertion of the hyperglycemic effect by beta agonists in fasted mice.
The purpose of this study was to develop a breeding technique to increase Hanwoo of superior characteristics. In the present study, reproductive status of Hanwoo such as size of farm, breeding system and gestationi length was investigated. In addition, effect of low dose administration of prostaglandin F2$\alpha$(PGF2$\alpha$) on luteolysis was examined. The size of farm was classified by the total number of cows and the number of breeding stocks, respectively. The distribution of herd size of < 5, 6~10, 11~30, 31~50 and > heads was 31%, 15%, 39%, 4% and 11%, respectively. Furthermore, the distribution of breeding stock size of <5, 6~10, 11~30, 31~50 and > 50 heads was 36%, 28%, 31%, 3% and 3%, respectively. Average parity was 2.1 in breeding stock. In breeding pattern, artificial in semination(A.I), estrus synchronization-A.I and natural mating was 92.7%, 2.4% and 4.9% respectively. Gestational length of Hanwoo was ranged 253~316 days (average length : 285 days) after estrus( estrus=0). To induce luteolysis, PGF2$\alpha$ was injected into ovarian parenchyma by a modified ovarian injector. The effect of administration of 6mg PGF2$\alpha$ on luteolysis and estrus induction was betweer (P<0.01) when PGF2$\alpha$ was administered into ovarian parechyma than when administered intramuscluarly (71 vs. 91%). When PGF2$\alpha$ was injected into ovarian parenchyma, a decreased concentration to 3 mg did not significantly decreaed its luteolytic effect(92%). When AI was performed following PGF2$\alpha$ treatment, the intraovarian injection group yielded a higher pregnancy rate(69 vs. 88%) than the IM injection groups, regardless of the dosage. In conclusion these results suggest that increasing herd size and regular reproductive management are needed to improve reproductive efficiency in Hanwoo industry. Furthermore, intraovarian administration of PGF2$\alpha$ is effective way to induce luteolysis compared with intramuscular injection.
This study was carried out in order to clarify whether the cardiovascular effect of prostaglandin(PG) $F_{2{\alpha}}$ might be centrally mediated. In unrestrained conscious rat, $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ was administered into the lateral ventricle. The mechanism of action was also studied by observing the interaction with several adrenergic antagonists injected subcutaneously, Indomethacin was administered into lateral ventricle to investigate the role of endogenous $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ on the central regulation of cardiovascular system. The results were as follows: 1) The intraventricular injection of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ produced an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. 2) The pretreatment with phenoxybenzamine (2 mg/g, s.c.) inhited pressor, but not heart rate responses to the intraventricular injection of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$$(2{\mu}g/kg)$. 3) The pretreatment with propranolol (1 mg/kg, s.c.) inhibited tachycardia, but not pressor responses to the intraventricular injection of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}(2{\mu}g/kg)$. 4) The intraventricular injection of indomethacin $(40{\mu}g/kg)$ could not induce significant changes in blood preesure and heart rate. 5) The result indicates that intraventricular injection of $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ produces pressor and tachycardia responses in the unanesthetized rat, and it is mediated primarily by centrally increased sympathetic outflow. But the endogenous $PGF_{2{\alpha}}$ synthetized in the brain seems to play minor role in the direct regulation of cardiovascular system.
Cytokines are polypeptides which possess various biological properties affecting. host defense function and response to disease. Inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis $factor-{\alpha}$(TNF-${\alpha}$), interleukin(IL)-1 and IL-6 induce inflammation, fever, hypotension and pain when injected into animals or human subject. When glial cell cultures were prepared from neonatal mice or rats, astrocytes were reported to produce these inflammatory cytokines to viral infection, lipopolysaccharide(LPS), or cytokines. The purpose of this study was to investigate the regulatory effect of these cytokines secretion from primary cultures of rat astrocytes. Substance P(SP) can stimulate secretion of TNF-${\alpha}$ from astrocytes stimulated with LPS. Sesim-Tang significantly inhibited the TNF-${\alpha}$ secretion by astrocytes stimulated with SP and LPS. IL-1 has been shown to elevate TNF-${\alpha}$ secretion from LPS-stimulated astrocytes while having no effect on astrocytes in the absence of LPS. We therefore also investigated whether IL-1 mediated inhibition of TNF-${\alpha}$ secretion from primary astrocytes by Sesim-Tang. Treatment of Sesim-Tang to astrocytes stimulated with both LPS and SP decreased IL-1 secretion significantly. The secretion of TNF-${\alpha}$ by LPS and SP in astrocytes was progressively inhibited with increasing amount of IL-1 neutralizing antibody. Furthermore Sesim-Tang inhibited the IL-6 secretion by astrocytes stimulated with SP and LPS. The inhibitory effect of inflammatory cytokines by Sesim-Tang, observed in this study, might reflect an antiinflammatory activity and a reduction of various-type pains, fever etc. in the central nervous system.
인삼 사포닌 분획이 $\alpha$-tocopherol의 항산화작용에 미치는 영향을 시헌관내 실험과 동물실험으로 관찰하였다. 흰쥐 (Wister, 수컷, 180~200g)의 간 미크로좀 분획을 $Fe^{3+}$, NADPH, ADP, $\alpha$-tocopherol($50{\mu}M}$), 인삼 사포닌 분획(최종농도 $10^{-4}$%, 대조군은 사포닌 분획 대신 같은 부피의 물)을 함유한 혼합물에서 반응을 진행시키고 생성된 malondialdehyde를 분석한 결과, 사포닌은 $\alpha$-tocopherol의 항산화작용을 상승적으로 증가시켰다. 인삼 saponin 분획이 함유된 $\alpha$-tocopherol의 alcohol용액을 쥐에게 경구투여한 후 적당 시간 후에 간에서의 과산화수소량을 분석하여 대조군과 비교한 결과, 인삼 saponin 은 $\alpha$-tocopherol의 흡수를 촉진하므로서 $\alpha$-tocopherol의 항산화활성이 더욱 효율적으로 일어나게 하는 것으로 해석된다.
${\alpha}$-Al2O3 powder was produced at 1000$^{\circ}C$ by the boehmite sol-gel process with seeding 2 wt% ${\alpha}$-Al2O3. The processes and mechanisms of fornation of ${\alpha}$-Al2O3 was investigated using DTA/TG, XRD, TR spectroscopy and thermodynamic analysis. The specific surface area of the obtained ${\alpha}$-Al2O3 was 16.3㎡/g.
본 논문에서는 혈관내피세포에서 저농도의 트롬빈이 TNF-$\alpha$가 NF-kB의 활성화를 통해 생성되는 IL-6의 생성량에 미치는 영향을 관찰하였다. TNF-$\alpha$는 혈관내피세포에서 NF-kB의 활성화를 통해 염증을 유발시킨다는 것은 잘 알려진 사실이다. 이 논문에서는 TNF-$\alpha$가 매개하는 염증작용에서 저농도의 트롬빈은 TNF-$\alpha$가 생성시키는 IL-6의 생성량을 감소시켰고, 여기에는 트롬빈의 수용체인 PAR-1이 작용하다는 것을 확인하였다. 뿐만 아니라, 세포내의 PI3-Kinase 역시 저농도 트롬빈이 관여한다는 것을 확인하였다. 이것은 저농도의 트롬빈이 수용체인 PAR-1을 활성화시키고, 활성화된 PAR-1 은 PI3-Kinase의 활성화을 통해 항염증작용을 보여준디는 것을 의미한다. 이 결과는 향후 중증 패혈증 및 각종 염증질환을 치료할 수 있는 신약개발에 있어 중요한 단서를 제공하고 혈관내피세포에서 아직 명확하게 밝혀지지 않은 트롬빈의 염증작용 및 항염증작용의 기전을 밝히는데 좋은 정보를 제공할 것이다.
Triamino ${\alpha}$-cyclodextrin (CD) was synthesized and the inclusion complex with Minoxidil (MXD) was prepared. ${\alpha}$-CD was azidated by modifying the 6-hydroxylmethyl CD rim with sodium azide. Then, mono-, di-, tri-, and tetra-azidocyclodextrins were separated by a flash column chromatography and reduced to the corresponding amines by hydrogenation with Pd/C. The substantivities of MXD included in either 2-hydroxypropyl ${\alpha}$-CD (HP ${\alpha}$-CD) or triamino ${\alpha}$-CD were evaluated in vitro using hairless mice skins. After applying the preparations onto the skin and rinsing it, the amount of the drug left on the skin was determined using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was the highest when the drug was included in triamino ${\alpha}$-CD. The electrostatic interaction between the protonated amino CD and the negatively charged skin would be responsible for the relatively high substantivity. The in vivo hair growth promotion effect of each preparation was investigated, where the sample application onto the clipped backs of female mice (C57BL6) and the subsequent rinsing of the backs were done once a day for 30 days. Only MXD in triamino ${\alpha}$-CD had hair growth promotion effect, possibly due to the significant substantivity.
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이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.