• Title/Summary/Keyword: Texture information

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Texture Segmentation Using Statistical Characteristics of SOM and Multiscale Bayesian Image Segmentation Technique (SOM의 통계적 특성과 다중 스케일 Bayesian 영상 분할 기법을 이용한 텍스쳐 분할)

  • Kim Tae-Hyung;Eom Il-Kyu;Kim Yoo-Shin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a novel texture segmentation method using Bayesian image segmentation method and SOM(Self Organization feature Map). Multi-scale wavelet coefficients are used as the input of SOM, and likelihood and a posterior probability for observations are obtained from trained SOMs. Texture segmentation is performed by a posterior probability from trained SOMs and MAP(Maximum A Posterior) classification. And the result of texture segmentation is improved by context information. This proposed segmentation method shows better performance than segmentation method by HMT(Hidden Markov Tree) model. The texture segmentation results by SOM and multi-sclae Bayesian image segmentation technique called HMTseg also show better performance than by HMT and HMTseg.

A Study on the Facial Image Synthesis Using Texture Mapping and Shading Effect (명암효과와 질감매핑을 이용한 얼굴영상 합성에 관한 연구)

  • 김상현;정성환;김신환;김남철
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.913-921
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    • 1993
  • Texture mapping is mostly used as an image synthesis method in the model-based coding system. An image synthesis using this method uses only the texture information of a front face-view. Therefore, when the model is rotated, texture mapping may produce an awkward image in point of shading. In this paper. a new texture mapping method considering shading effect is studied, and also the ear's wireframe and changes of hair are suplemented for the relation. The experimental results show that the proposed method yields the synthesized images with reasonably natural quality.

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PDE-based Image Interpolators

  • Cha, Young-Joon;Kim, Seong-Jai
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.12C
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    • pp.1010-1019
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    • 2010
  • This article presents a PDE-based interpolation algorithm to effectively reproduce high resolution imagery. Conventional PDE-based interpolation methods can produce sharp edges without checkerboard effects; however, they are not interpolators but approximators and tend to weaken fine structures. In order to overcome the drawback, a texture enhancement method is suggested as a post-process of PDE-based interpolation methods. The new method rectifies the image by simply incorporating the bilinear interpolation of the weakened texture components and therefore makes the resulting algorithm an interpolator. It has been numerically verified that the new algorithm, called the PDE-based image interpolator (PII), restores sharp edges and enhances texture components satisfactorily. PII outperforms the PDE-based skeleton-texture decomposition (STD) approach. Various numerical examples are shown to verify the claim.


  • Su, Ya-Lin;Chang, Chin-Chen;Shih, Zen-Chung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.28-31
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a new approach for solid texture synthesis from input volume data is presented. In the pre-process, feature vectors and a similarity set were constructed for input volume data. The feature vectors were used to construct neighboring vectors for more accurate neighborhood matching. The similarity set which recorded 3 candidates for each voxel helped more effective neighborhood matching. In the synthesis process, the pyramid synthesis method was used to synthesize solid textures from coarse to fine level. The results of the proposed approach were satisfactory.

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Intra-picture Block-matching Method for Codebook-based Texture Compression

  • Cui, Li;Jang, Euee S.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.5063-5073
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, an efficient texture compression method is proposed for fast rendering, which exploits the spatial correlation among blocks through intra-picture block matching. Texture mapping is widely used to enhance the visual quality of results in real-time rendering applications. For fast texture mapping, it is necessary to identify an effective trade-off between compression efficiency and computational complexity. The conventional compression methods utilized for image processing (e.g., JPEG) provide high compression efficiency while resulting in high complexity. Thus, low complexity methods, such as ETC1, are often used in real-time rendering applications. Although these methods can achieve low complexity, the compression efficiency is still lower than that of JPEG. To solve this problem, we propose a texture compression method by reducing the spatial redundancy between blocks in order to achieve the better compression performance than ETC1 while maintaining complexity that is lower than that of JPEG. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better compression efficiency than ETC1, and the decoding time is significantly reduced compared to JPEG while similar to ETC1.

Region Division for Large-scale Image Retrieval

  • Rao, Yunbo;Liu, Wei
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.5197-5218
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    • 2019
  • Large-scale retrieval algorithm is problem for visual analyses applications, along its research track. In this paper, we propose a high-efficiency region division-based image retrieve approaches, which fuse low-level local color histogram feature and texture feature. A novel image region division is proposed to roughly mimic the location distribution of image color and deal with the color histogram failing to describe spatial information. Furthermore, for optimizing our region division retrieval method, an image descriptor combining local color histogram and Gabor texture features with reduced feature dimensions are developed. Moreover, we propose an extended Canberra distance method for images similarity measure to increase the fault-tolerant ability of the whole large-scale image retrieval. Extensive experimental results on several benchmark image retrieval databases validate the superiority of the proposed approaches over many recently proposed color-histogram-based and texture-feature-based algorithms.

Development of Digital Surface Model and Feature Extraction by Integrating Laser Scanner and CCD sensor

  • Nagai, Masahiko;Shibasaki, Ryosuke;Zhao, Huijing;Manandhar, Dinesh
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.859-861
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    • 2003
  • In order to present a space in details, it is indispensable to acquire 3D shape and texture simultaneously from the same platform. 3D shape is acquired by Laser Scanner as point cloud data, and texture is acquired by CCD sensor. Positioning data is acquired by IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit). All the sensors and equipments are assembled on a hand-trolley. In this research, a method of integrating the 3D shape and texture for automated construction of Digital Surface Model is developed. This Digital Surface Model is applied for efficient feature extraction. More detailed extraction is possible , because 3D Digital Surface Model has both 3D shape and texture information.

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Texture Comparison with an Orientation Matching Scheme

  • Nguyen, Cao Truong Hai;Kim, Do-Yeon;Park, Hyuk-Ro
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.389-398
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    • 2012
  • Texture is an important visual feature for image analysis. Many approaches have been proposed to model and analyze texture features. Although these approaches significantly contribute to various image-based applications, most of these methods are sensitive to the changes in the scale and orientation of the texture pattern. Because textures vary in scale and orientations frequently, this easily leads to pattern mismatching if the features are compared to each other without considering the scale and/or orientation of textures. This paper suggests an Orientation Matching Scheme (OMS) to ease the problem of mismatching rotated patterns. In OMS, a pair of texture features will be compared to each other at various orientations to identify the best matched direction for comparison. A database including rotated texture images was generated for experiments. A synthetic retrieving experiment was conducted on the generated database to examine the performance of the proposed scheme. We also applied OMS to the similarity computation in a K-means clustering algorithm. The purpose of using K-means is to examine the scheme exhaustively in unpromising conditions, where initialized seeds are randomly selected and algorithms work heuristically. Results from both types of experiments show that the proposed OMS can help improve the performance when dealing with rotated patterns.

Texture Descriptor for Texture-Based Image Retrieval and Its Application in Computer-Aided Diagnosis System (질감 기반 이미지 검색을 위한 질감 서술자 및 컴퓨터 조력 진단 시스템의 적용)

  • Saipullah, Khairul Muzzammil;Peng, Shao-Hu;Kim, Deok-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2010
  • Texture information plays an important role in object recognition and classification. To perform an accurate classification, the texture feature used in the classification must be highly discriminative. This paper presents a novel texture descriptor for texture-based image retrieval and its application in Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for Emphysema classification. The texture descriptor is based on the combination of local surrounding neighborhood difference and centralized neighborhood difference and is named as Combined Neighborhood Difference (CND). The local differences of surrounding neighborhood difference and centralized neighborhood difference between pixels are compared and converted into binary codewords. Then binomial factor is assigned to the codewords in order to convert them into high discriminative unique values. The distribution of these unique values is computed and used as the texture feature vectors. The texture classification accuracies using Outex and Brodatz dataset show that CND achieves an average of 92.5%, whereas LBP, LND and Gabor filter achieve 89.3%, 90.7% and 83.6%, respectively. The implementations of CND in the computer-aided diagnosis of Emphysema is also presented in this paper.

The Classification Accuracy Improvement of Satellite Imagery Using Wavelet Based Texture Fusion Image (웨이브릿 기반 텍스처 융합 영상을 이용한 위성영상 자료의 분류 정확도 향상 연구)

  • Hwang, Hwa-Jeong;Lee, Ki-Won;Kwon, Byung-Doo;Yoo, Hee-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2007
  • The spectral information based image analysis, visual interpretation and automatic classification have been widely carried out so far for remote sensing data processing. Yet recently, many researchers have tried to extract the spatial information which cannot be expressed directly in the image itself. Using the texture and wavelet scheme, we made a wavelet-based texture fusion image which includes the advantages of each scheme. Moreover, using these schemes, we carried out image classification for the urban spatial analysis and the geological structure analysis around the caldera area. These two case studies showed that image classification accuracy of texture image and wavelet-based texture fusion image is better than that of using only raw image. In case of the urban area using high resolution image, as both texture and wavelet based texture fusion image are added to the original image, the classification accuracy is the highest. Because detailed spatial information is applied to the urban area where detail pixel variation is very significant. In case of the geological structure analysis using middle and low resolution image, the images added by only texture image showed the highest classification accuracy. It is interpreted to be necessary to simplify the information such as elevation variation, thermal distribution, on the occasion of analyzing the relatively larger geological structure like a caldera. Therefore, in the image analysis using spatial information, each spatial information analysis method should be carefully selected by considering the characteristics of the satellite images and the purpose of study.