• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terrain modeling

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Effects of Emission from Seoul Metropolitan Area on Air Quality of Surrounding Area Using MESOPUFF II Model (MESOPUFF II모델을 이용한 서울시 $SO_2$배출량이 주변지역 대기질에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • 조창래;이종범
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.563-576
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    • 1998
  • To study the influences of the emission sources during lune 13∼15 1997 in Seoul, MESOPVFF II model has been used. The MESOPVFF II model includes terrain effects, chemical transformation and removal processes. Data of 20 surface meteorological stations and the upper air station on mid-west area in Korea were used as a DWM (Diagnostic Wind Model) input data. This model is likely to be applicable because the predicted SO2 concentration was well matched with measured 502 concentration in Seoul and Kyonggido. In generally air pollutants in Seoul have major influence on the other cities but the result of modeling appeared also air pollutants of the other cities influence on Seoul. Finally, in the case of calculating the air quality by diffusion model, the influences of air pollutants emitted in metropolitan area as well as the emission rate in modeling area should be considered.

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The Analysis of Regional Scale Topographic Effect Using MM5-A2C Coupling Modeling (국지규모 지형영향을 고려하기 위한 MM5-A2C 결합 모델링 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Kim, Hak-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.210-221
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    • 2015
  • The terrain features and surface characteristics are the most important elements not only in meteorological modeling but also in air quality modeling. The diurnal evolution of local climate over complex terrain may be significantly controlled by the ground irregularities. Such topographic features can affect a thermally driven flow, either directly by causing changes in the wind direction or indirectly, by inducing significant variations in the ground temperature. Over a complex terrain, these variations are due to the nonuniform distribution of solar radiation, which is highly determined by the ground geometrical characteristics, i.e. slope and orientation. Therefore, the accuracy of prediction of regional scale circulation is strong associated with the accuracy of land-use and topographic information in meso-scale circulation assessment. The objective of this work is a numerical simulation using MM5-A2C model with the detailed topography and land-use information as the surface boundary conditions of the air flow field in mountain regions. Meteorological conditions estimated by MM5-A2C command a great influence on the dispersion of mountain areas with the reasonable feature of topography where there is an important difference in orographic forcing.

Objected Based 3D Terrain Sinulation and Building Modeling (Object기반의 3차원 지형시뮬레이션과 건물모델링)

  • Han, Seung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.32-35
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    • 2010
  • 바람직한 도시의 건설계획을 위해 2차원 적인 도면의 활용은 한계가 있다. 지방자치단체의 도시계획심의와 민원의 처리에도 3차원 도시모델을 활용하는 추세에 있다. 현장에 가지 않고 사무실에서 업무를 처리하기 위해서는 정밀한 3차원 지형모델이 구축되어야 한다. 또한 건물의 3차원모델링도 신속하고 편리한 방법을 이용해야만 실무에 활용이 가능하다. 본 연구에서는 이를 위해 고해상 고정밀 3차원 지형모델링은 물론 스케치업을 이용한 효율적인 건물모델링방법 강구하여 실무에 적용가능성을 제시하였다.

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A Neural Network Approach to Modeling PCS Wave Propagation Loss Prediction Using 3D Digital Terrain Maps (지형데이터를 이용한 신경회로망 PCS 전파손실 예측모델)

  • 정성신;양서민;이혁준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10c
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    • pp.357-359
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    • 1998
  • 무선 통신 환경에서 기지국 안테나를 떠난 전파가 수신안테나에 도달하는 과정 중에 발생하는 전파 손실은 매우 복잡한 비선형 함수이다. 본 논문에서는 신경회로망을 사용한 전파 손실 모델을 제안하고, 3차원 지형 데이터를 이용하여 전파 환경을 반영할 수 있는 특징을 추출하여 이를 신경회로망에 적용함으로써 전파손실 예측모델을 생성하는 방법을 소개한다. 각 필드 측정 데이터에 대한 특징 값을 이용하여 신경회로망을 학습하여 예측모델을 완성한다. 또한, 서울 도심 지역의 실제 PCS 서비스 환경에 대한 실험결과를 통해 제안하는 모델의 우수성을 보인다.

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Attribute Data Management for Developing the Database of a 3D Earthwork BIM System (3D 토공 BIM 시스템 데이터베이스 구축을 위한 속성 데이터 관리)

  • Moon, Sungwoo;Seo, Jongwon
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2016
  • A Building Information Model (BIM) is an attempt to simulate the process of building structures in a three-dimensional (3D) digital space. While the technology is usually applied to structured buildings, bridges, and underground facilities, it is rarely applied to an unstructured environment of earthwork operations. If a BIM is used for earthworks, the 3D simulation can be used for construction equipment guidance and earthwork management. This paper presents a real-time, 3D earthwork BIM that provides a 3D graphical simulation of excavators in conjunction with geographic modeling. Developing a real-time, 3D earthwork BIM requires handling a variety of factors, such as geographical information and vehicular movement. This paper mainly focuses on the management of these attributes and provides a database design for storing and retrieving data. In an example application, a prototype of the 3D earthwork BIM is presented to understand what it would provide when used during earthwork operations at a construction site.

SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) 3-Dimensional Scatterers Point Cloud Target Model and Experiments on Bridge Area (영상레이더(SAR)용 3차원 산란점 점구름 표적모델의 교량 지역에 대한 적용)

  • Jong Hoo Park;Sang Chul Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2023
  • Modeling of artificial targets in Synthetic Aperture radar (SAR) mainly simulates radar signals reflected from the faces and edges of the 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) model with a ray-tracing method, and modeling of the clutter on the Earth's surface uses a method of distinguishing types with similar distribution characteristics through statistical analysis of the SAR image itself. In this paper, man-made targets on the surface and background clutter on the terrain are integrated and made into a three-dimensional (3D) point cloud scatterer model, and SAR image were created through computational signal processing. The results of the SAR Stripmap image generation of the actual automobile based SAR radar system and the results analyzed using EM modeling or statistical distribution models are compared with this 3D point cloud scatterer model. The modeling target is selected as an bridge because it has the characteristic of having both water surface and ground terrain around the bridge and is also a target of great interest in both military and civilian use.

Evaluating Modified IKONOS RPC Using Pseudo GCP Data Set and Sequential Solution

  • Bang, Ki-In;Jeong, Soo;Kim, Kyung-Ok
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 2002
  • RFM is the sensor model of IKONOS imagery for end-users. IKONOS imagery vendors provide RPC (Rational Polynomial Coefficients), Ration Function Model coefficients for IKONOS, for end-users with imagery. So it is possible that end-users obtain geospatial information in their IKONOS imagery without additional any effort. But there are requirements still fur rigorous 3D positions on RPC user. Provided RPC can not satisfy user and company to generate precision 3D terrain model. In IKONOS imagery, physical sensor modeling is difficult because IKONOS vendors do not provide satellite ephemeris data and abstract sensor modeling requires many GCP well distributed in the whole image as well as other satellite imagery. Therefore RPC modification is better choice. If a few GCP are available, RPC can be modified by method which is introduced in this paper. Study on evaluation modified RPC in IKONOS reports reasonable result. Pseudo GCP generated with vendor's RPC and additional GCP make it possible through sequential solution.

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Locomotive Characteristic Analysis of Terrestrial Vertebrates for the Modeling of Four-Legged Walking Machine

  • Park, S.H.;Jeong, G.J.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.743-747
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    • 2000
  • The coordinated mechanism of terrestrial vertebrates enables them to maneuver over all of the terrain conditions since they have a distinct ability to adapt to varying conditions. Their locomotions remain infinitely more advanced and elegant than that of present-day existing mechanical walking robots. However, the principles of existing walking robots are based more on technical rather than on biological concepts, yielding unstable locomotion with low speed. In order to apply these advanced biological phenomena to the mechanical design of 4-legged walking robot, modeling methods are introduced and mathematical equations are also introduced.

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A Modeling Process of Equivalent Terrains for Reduced Simulation Complexity in Radar Scene Matching Applications

  • Byun, Gangil;Hwang, Kyu-Young;Park, Hyeon-Gyu;Kim, Sunwoo;Choo, Hosung
    • Journal of electromagnetic engineering and science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2017
  • This study proposes a modeling process of equivalent terrains to reduce the computational load and time of a full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation. To verify the suitability of the proposed process, an original terrain model with a size of $3m{\times}3m$ is equivalently quantized based on the minimum range resolution of a radar, and the radar image of the quantized model is compared with that of the original model. The results confirm that the simulation time can be reduced from 407 hours to 162 hours without a significant distortion of the radar images, and an average estimation error of the quantized model (20.4 mm) is similar to that of the original model (20.3 mm).

Fusion of LIDAR Data and Aerial Images for Building Reconstruction

  • Chen, Liang-Chien;Lai, Yen-Chung;Rau, Jiann-Yeou
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.773-775
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    • 2003
  • From the view point of data fusion, we integrate LIDAR data and digital aerial images to perform 3D building modeling in this study. The proposed scheme comprises two major parts: (1) building block extraction and (2) building model reconstruction. In the first step, height differences are analyzed to detect the above ground areas. Color analysis is then performed for the exclusion of tree areas. Potential building blocks are selected first followed by the refinement of building areas. In the second step, through edge detection and extracting the height information from LIDAR data, accurate 3D edges in object space is calculated. The accurate 3D edges are combined with the already developed SMS method for building modeling. LIDAR data acquired by Leica ALS 40 in Hsin-Chu Science-based Industrial Park of north Taiwan will be used in the test.

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