• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terrain data

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Design of Lateral Force Estimation Model for Rough Terrain Mobile Robot and Improving Estimation Reliability on Friction Coefficient (야지 주행 로봇을 위한 횡 방향 힘 추정 모델의 설계 및 마찰계수 추정 신뢰도의 향상)

  • Kim, Jiyong;Lee, Jihong;Joo, Sang Hyun
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.174-181
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    • 2018
  • For a mobile robot that travels along a terrain consisting of various geology, information on tire force and friction coefficient between ground and wheel is an important factor. In order to estimate the lateral force between ground and wheel, a lot of information about the model and the surrounding environment of the vehicle is required in conventional method. Therefore, in this paper, we are going to estimate lateral force through simple model (Minimal Argument Lateral Slip Curve, MALSC) using only minimum data with high estimation accuracy and to improve estimation reliability of the friction coefficient by using the estimated lateral force data. Simulation is carried out to analyze the correlation between the longitudinal and transverse friction coefficients and slip angles to design the simplified lateral force estimation model by analysing simulation data and to apply it to the actual field environment. In order to verify the validity of the equation, estimation results are compared with the conventional method through simulation. Also, the results of the lateral force and friction coefficient estimation are compared from both the conventional method and the proposed model through the actual robot running experiments.


  • Kim, Seung-Yub;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.417-420
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    • 2006
  • In these days, mobile application dealing with information contents on mobile or handheld devices such as mobile communicator, PDA or WAP device face the most important industrial needs. The motivation of this study is the design and implementation of mobile application using high resolution satellite imagery, large-sized image data set. Although major advantages of mobile devices are portability and mobility to users, limited system resources such as small-sized memory, slow CPU, low power and small screen size are the main obstacles to developers who should handle a large volume of geo-based 3D model. Related to this, the previous works have been concentrated on GIS-based location awareness services on mobile; however, the mobile 3D terrain model, which aims at this study, with the source data of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) and high resolution satellite imagery is not considered yet, in the other mobile systems. The main functions of 3D graphic processing or pixel pipeline in this prototype are implemented with OpenGL|ES (Embedded System) standard API (Application Programming Interface) released by Khronos group. In the developing stage, experiments to investigate optimal operation environment and good performance are carried out: TIN-based vertex generation with regular elevation data, image tiling, and image-vertex texturing, text processing of Unicode type and ASCII type.

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Analysis on Wind Profile Characteristics in a Sublayer of Atmospheric Boundary Layer over a Semi-Complex Terrain - LIDAR Remote Sensing Campaign at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (준복잡지형 대기경계층 저층 풍속분포 특성분석 - 포항가속기 라이다 원격탐사 캠페인을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2012
  • The mean wind speed and turbulence intensity profiles in the atmospheric boundary layer were extracted from a LIDAR remote sensing campaign in order to apply for CFD validation. After considering the semi-steady state field data requirements to be used for CFD validation, a neutral atmosphere campaign period, in which the main wind direction and the power-law exponent of the wind profile were constantly maintained, was chosen. The campaign site at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, surrounded by 40~50m high hills, with an apartment district spread beyond the hills, is to be classified as a semi-complex terrain. Nevertheless, wind speed profiles measured up to 100m above the ground fitted well into a theoretical-experimental logarithmic-law equation. The LIDAR remote-sensing data of the sub-layer of the atmospheric boundary layer has been proven to be superior to the data obtained by conventional extrapolation of the wind profile with 2 or 3 anemometer measurements.

Analysis of Database Referenced Navigation by the Combination of Heterogeneous Geophysical Data and Algorithms

  • Lee, Jisun;Kwon, Jay Hyoun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.373-382
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    • 2016
  • In this study, an EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) based database reference navigation using both gravity gradient and terrain data was performed to complement the weakness of using only one type of geophysical DB (Database). Furthermore, a new algorithm which combines the EKF and profile matching was developed to improve the stability and accuracy of the positioning. On the basis of simulations, it was found that the overall navigation performance was improved by the combination of geophysical DBs except the two trajectories in which the divergence of TRN (Terrain Referenced Navigation) occurred. To solve the divergence problem, the profile matching algorithm using the terrain data is combined with the EKF. The results show that all trajectories generate the stable performance with positioning error ranges between 14m to 23m although not all trajectories positioning accuracy is improved. The average positioning error from the combined algorithm for all nine trajectories is about 18 m. For further study, a development of a switching geophysical DB or algorithm between the EKF and the profile matching to improve the navigation performance is suggested.

Evaluation of the Use of Inertial Navigation Systems to Improve the Accuracy of Object Navigation

  • Iasechko, Maksym;Shelukhin, Oleksandr;Maranov, Alexandr;Lukianenko, Serhii;Basarab, Oleksandr;Hutchenko, Oleh
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.71-75
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    • 2021
  • The article discusses the dead reckoning of the traveled path based on the analysis of the video data stream coming from the optoelectronic surveillance devices; the use of relief data makes it possible to partially compensate for the shortcomings of the first method. Using the overlap of the photo-video data stream, the terrain is restored. Comparison with a digital terrain model allows the location of the aircraft to be determined; the use of digital images of the terrain also allows you to determine the coordinates of the location and orientation by comparing the current view information. This method provides high accuracy in determining the absolute coordinates even in the absence of relief. It also allows you to find the absolute position of the camera, even when its approximate coordinates are not known at all.

Comparative Performance Analysis of Feature Detection and Matching Methods for Lunar Terrain Images (달 지형 영상에서 특징점 검출 및 정합 기법의 성능 비교 분석)

  • Hong, Sungchul;Shin, Hyu-Soung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2020
  • A lunar rover's optical camera is used to provide navigation and terrain information in an exploration zone. However, due to the scant presence of atmosphere, the Moon has homogeneous terrain with dark soil. Also, in extreme environments, the rover has limited data storage with low computation capability. Thus, for successful exploration, it is required to examine feature detection and matching methods which are robust to lunar terrain and environmental characteristics. In this research, SIFT, SURF, BRISK, ORB, and AKAZE are comparatively analyzed with lunar terrain images from a lunar rover. Experimental results show that SIFT and AKAZE are most robust for lunar terrain characteristics. AKAZE detects less quantity of feature points than SIFT, but feature points are detected and matched with high precision and the least computational cost. AKAZE is adequate for fast and accurate navigation information. Although SIFT has the highest computational cost, the largest quantity of feature points are stably detected and matched. The rover periodically sends terrain images to Earth. Thus, SIFT is suitable for global 3D terrain map construction in that a large amount of terrain images can be processed on Earth. Study results are expected to provide a guideline to utilize feature detection and matching methods for future lunar exploration rovers.

Application of the EIASS for Assessing Changes in Terrain Features in Development Initiatives: A Case Study in South Korea (환경영향평가정보지원시스템(EIASS)을 활용한 국내 주요 개발사업의 지형변화 검토)

  • Sujung Heo;Dong Kun Lee;Eunsub Kim
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2023
  • This study conducted an analysis of terrain change indicators in major development projects in Korea, examining the correlation between terrain change indicators to derive foundational terrain change metrics based on different land use and slope types. The aim is to contribute to sustainable development by enhancing the efficiency of land utilization and landscaping, while minimizing environmental impacts in future development endeavors. Additionally, to apply the research findings in practical contexts, domestic regulations related to terrain were surveyed, and the compatibility and usability between these regulations and research analysis results were discussed. Based on this, the study seeks to explore strategies for more accurate and useful utilization of terrain change indicators in future research. As a result, in the tourism development, terrain changes predominantly occur in the order of flat land, hillly land, and mountain land, with the analysis indicating higher terrain changes in undulating hilly and mountainous lands compared to flat land. Furthermore, in industrial complex development, very steep (20°-30°) and extreme (30°-40°) slopes; in urban development projects, steep slope (15°-20°); in athletic service facility and tourist development, steep (15°-20°) and very steep (20°-30°) exhibit higher average terrain change indicators compared to other slope categories. The findings of our study can contribute to the formulation of strategies aimed at minimizing terrain disturbance in future domestic development projects and serve as foundational data for environmental impact assessments.

Interactive 3D Visualization of Ceilometer Data (운고계 관측자료의 대화형 3차원 시각화)

  • Lee, Junhyeok;Ha, Wan Soo;Kim, Yong-Hyuk;Lee, Kang Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2018
  • We present interactive methods for visualizing the cloud height data and the backscatter data collected from ceilometers in the three-dimensional virtual space. Because ceilometer data is high-dimensional, large-size data associated with both spatial and temporal information, it is highly improbable to exhibit the whole aspects of ceilometer data simply with static, two-dimensional images. Based on the three-dimensional rendering technology, our visualization methods allow the user to observe both the global variations and the local features of the three-dimensional representations of ceilometer data from various angles by interactively manipulating the timing and the view as desired. The cloud height data, coupled with the terrain data, is visualized as a realistic cloud animation in which many clouds are formed and dissipated over the terrain. The backscatter data is visualized as a three-dimensional terrain which effectively represents how the amount of backscatter changes according to the time and the altitude. Our system facilitates the multivariate analysis of ceilometer data by enabling the user to select the date to be examined, the level-of-detail of the terrain, and the additional data such as the planetary boundary layer height. We demonstrate the usefulness of our methods through various experiments with real ceilometer data collected from 93 sites scattered over the country.

The Application of SQL in Terrain Information Analysis for Route Design (도로 설계를 위한 지형정보 해석에 있어서 SQL의 응용)

  • Kang, Joon-Mook;Yoon, Hee-Cheon;Lee, Hyung-Seok;Lee, Sung-Soong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 1995
  • Route design in topographical plane map brings many problems in efficiency and requires much time and labor by hand Recently, the active studies of efficient route design method using 3-D terrain information are being developed according to increasing concentration on GSIS. In order to analyze terrain information for route design efficiently, this study presents objective and overall datum by applying SQL in construction and analysis of database and the possibility of three-dimensional terrain information analysis, This study generates 3-D base map on topographical map of scale 1:5,000 and acquires terrain information that have various thematic map data; contour, land use, roadway, and drange. This is a study on the application of SQL in route design and construction of the terrain information that linked by graphic datum of completed topographical map and attributed datum of database. As the result of this study, we can produce promptly and efficiently design datum of profile annotation, cross section, and volume computations to the preliminary route for route design and apply this efficient method to route design by understanding visual DTM which is composed of the roadway and the natural scene after design.

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Evaluation and Improvement of the KMAPP Surface Wind Speed Prediction over Complex Terrain Areas (복잡 지형 지역에서의 KMAPP 지상 풍속 예측 성능 평가와 개선)

  • Keum, Wang-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Doo-Il;Lee, Sang-Sam;Kim, Yeon-Hee
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2021
  • The necessity of accurate high-resolution meteorological forecasts becomes increasing in socio-economical applications and disaster risk management. The Korea Meteorological Administration Post-Processing (KMAPP) system has been operated to provide high-resolution meteorological forecasts of 100 m over the South Korea region. This study evaluates and improves the KMAPP performance in simulating wind speeds over complex terrain areas using the ICE-POP 2018 field campaign measurements. The mountainous measurements give a unique opportunity to evaluate the operational wind speed forecasts over the complex terrain area. The one-month wintertime forecasts revealed that the operational Local Data Assimilation and Prediction System (LDAPS) has systematic errors over the complex mountainous area, especially in deep valley areas, due to the orographic smoothing effect. The KMAPP reproduced the orographic height variation over the complex terrain area but failed to reduce the wind speed forecast errors of the LDAPS model. It even showed unreasonable values (~0.1 m s-1) for deep valley sites due to topographic overcorrection. The model's static parameters have been revised and applied to the KMAPP-Wind system, developed newly in this study, to represent the local topographic characteristics better over the region. Besides, sensitivity tests were conducted to investigate the effects of the model's physical correction methods. The KMAPP-Wind system showed better performance in predicting near-surface wind speed during the ICE-POP period than the original KMAPP version, reducing the forecast error by 21.2%. It suggests that a realistic representation of the topographic parameters is a prerequisite for the physical downscaling of near-ground wind speed over complex terrain areas.