• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terrain Surface

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Document Image Binarization Using a Water Flow Model (Water Flow Model을 이용한 문서 영상의 이진화)

  • Kim, In-Gwon;Jeong, Dong-Uk;Song, Jeong-Hui;Park, Rae-Hong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposes a local adaptive thresholding method based on a water flow model, in which an image surface is considered as a 3-dimensional (3-D) terrain. To extract characters from backgrounds, we pour water onto the terrain surface. Water flows down to the lower regions of the terrain and fills valleys. Then, the amount of filled water is thresholded, in which the proposed thresholding method is applied to gray level document images consisting of characters and backgrounds. The proposed method based on a water flow model shows the property of locally adaptive thresholding. Computer simulation with synthetic and real document images shows that the proposed method yields effective adaptive thresholding results for binarization of document images.

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Development of an Effective Walking System for a Hexapod Robot on Uneven Terrain (오프로드 환경에서 효율적인 6족 로봇 보행 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jun Woo;Lee, Gi Won;Lee, Suk Gyu
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.1152-1159
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    • 2013
  • This paper proposes an effective walking system for a hexapod robot on uneven terrain. To overcome the deficiencies of two-pair walking systems, which are effective on even terrain, the use of only three legs changes the steps required for movement. The proposed system receives feedback data from switches attached to the bottom of the legs and gyro sensor to carry out stable walking using the Bezier curve algorithm. From the coordinates of the Bezier curve, which guarantees the circular motion of legs, the motor's angle value can be obtained using inverse kinematics. The angle values are sent to each motor though RS-485 communication. If a switch is pushed by the surface during navigation in the Bezier curve pattern, the robot is designed to change its circular course. Through the changed course, each leg can be located on an optimal surface and the wobble phenomenon is reduced by using a normal vector algorithm. The simulation and experiment results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

Spatial Prediction of Soil Carbon Using Terrain Analysis in a Steep Mountainous Area and the Associated Uncertainties (지형분석을 이용한 산지토양 탄소의 분포 예측과 불확실성)

  • Jeong, Gwanyong
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2016
  • Soil carbon(C) is an essential property for characterizing soil quality. Understanding spatial patterns of soil C is particularly limited for mountain areas. This study aims to predict the spatial pattern of soil C using terrain analysis in a steep mountainous area. Specifically, model performances and prediction uncertainties were investigated based on the number of resampling repetitions. Further, important predictors for soil C were also identified. Finally, the spatial distribution of uncertainty was analyzed. A total of 91 soil samples were collected via conditioned latin hypercube sampling and a digital soil C map was developed using support vector regression which is one of the powerful machine learning methods. Results showed that there were no distinct differences of model performances depending on the number of repetitions except for 10-fold cross validation. For soil C, elevation and surface curvature were selected as important predictors by recursive feature elimination. Soil C showed higher values in higher elevation and concave slopes. The spatial pattern of soil C might possibly reflect lateral movement of water and materials along the surface configuration of the study area. The higher values of uncertainty in higher elevation and concave slopes might be related to geomorphological characteristics of the research area and the sampling design. This study is believed to provide a better understanding of the relationship between geomorphology and soil C in the mountainous ecosystem.

Efficient Triangulation Algorithm for Irregularly-Spaced Laser Scanned Data (라이다 측정자료의 효율적인 삼각망 알고리즘)

  • Shon, Ho-Woong;Park, Eun-Ho;Kang, Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.163-167
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    • 2009
  • A discussion of a method that has been used with success in terrain modelling to estimate the height at any point on the land surface from irregularly distributed samples. The special requirements of terrain modelling are discussed as well as a detailed description of the algorithm and an example of its application.

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Estimation of Local Surface Temperature from EBM with the Use of GRID/GIS and Remote Sensed data (GRID/GIS 및 RS 자료를 이용한 에너지 평형 모형으로부터의 국지적 지표 온도 산출)

  • 신선희;하경자;김재환;오현미;조명희
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 2004
  • The mesoscale atmospheric models to produce surface temperature can not generally consider the effect of the sloped terrain for direct solar radiation. These have not showed the regional difference of solar radiation and as a result, have made the big error in the local surface temperature. Therefore, we wished to represent the exact locality of surface temperature by considering the geometric properties of surface as well as the vegetated properties of surface. The purpose of the study is to produce local surface ground temperature in sloped terrain diagnostically using surface Energy Balance Model (EBM) with the use of GRID model in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). In this study, surface inhomogeneity over southeastern part of Korean peninsula are considered in estimation of the absorbed surface solar radiation in terms of the illumination angle, depending on topographical aspect and slope in GRID. Also, the properties of vegetated surface which the major components for the variability of surface temperature are considered in terms of NDVI. The results of our study show the locally changes in the surface ground temperature due to local ground aspect and slope effect and local properties of vegetated surface. The more detailed distribution of local surface temperature may drive the local circulation at lower atmospheric and it may explain better the real local circulation.

Numerical Study on the Wind Flow Over Hilly Terrain (언덕지형을 지나는 유동의 수치해석적 연구)

  • 김현구;이정묵;경남호
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 1997
  • A theoretical and numerical investigation on the boundary-layer flow over a two- or three-dimensional hill is presented. The numerical model is based on the finite volume method with boundary-fitted coordinates. The k-$\varepsilon$ turbulence model with modified wall function and the low-Reynolds-number model are employed. The hypothesis of Reynolds number independency for the atmospheric boundary-layer flow over aerodynamically rough terrain is confirmed by the numerical simulation. Comparisons of the mean velocity profiles and surface pressure distributions between the numerical predictions and the wind-tunnel experiments on the flow over a hill show good agreement. The linear theory provides generally good prediction of speed-up characteristics for the gentle-sloped hills. The flow separation occurs in the hill slope of 0.5 and the measured reattachment points are compared with the numerical prediction. It is found that the k- $\varepsilon$ turbulence model is reasonably accurate in predicting the attached flow, while the low- Reynolds-number model is more suitable to simulate the separated flows.ows.

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Enhancement of Vertical Atmospheric Dispersion Due to Roughness (조도에 기인한 연직방향 대기확산의 증대)

  • 박목현
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.643-650
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    • 1998
  • Many atmospheric dispersion models have been based on the Gaussian distribution concept of plume spread. In application of Gaussian plume dispersion models, vertical dispersion coefficient 3 has been known as a sensitive variable. Vertical diffusivity K2 (=Oz2/2t) tends to increase with surface roughness, and the value of K3 in urban area is larger than that in rural area due to heat emission as well as increased roughness. Though Pasquill proposed a modification scheme for qz vs x system of Pasquill-Gifford under consideration of roughness effect in 1976, there appears not to be realistic reexamination on the modification scheme. In this study literature review on the effect of terrain or roughness on venical plume dispersion has been carried out in order to improve the prediction results of atmospheric pollution concentration. Again a few research objectives on vertical atmospheric dispersion in complex terrain were Proposed.

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An Assessment of WAsP Prediction in a Complex Terrain (복잡지형에서의 WAsP 예측성 평가)

  • Kyong, N.H.;Yoon, J.E.;Huh, J.C.;Jang, D.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2003
  • In order to test the predictability of the wind resource assessment computer code in our country a field experiment and prediction by WAsP has been compared. A field experiment has been performed in Songdang province, Jeju island, composed of sea, inland flat terrain, a high and a low slope craters. For this experiment, four meteorological towers have been installed at seashores, inland flat and on a crater. Wind resource at one site is predicted by WAsF with the meteorological data at the other three sites. The comparisons show that the WAsP preditions give better agreement with experimental data by adjusting the roughness descriptions.

Development of Mobile 3D Terrain Viewer with Texture Mapping of Satellite Images

  • Kim, Seung-Yub;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2006
  • Based on current practical needs for geo-spatial information on mobile platform, the main theme of this study is a design and implementation of dynamic 3D terrain rendering system using spaceborne imagery, as a kind of texture image for photo-realistic 3D scene generation on mobile environment. Image processing and 3D graphic techniques and algorithms, such as TIN-based vertex generation with regular spacing elevation data for generating 3D terrain surface, image tiling and image-vertex texturing in order to resolve limited resource of mobile devices, were applied and implemented by using graphic pipeline of OpenGL|ES (Embedded System) API. Through this implementation and its tested results with actual data sets of DEM and satellite imagery, we demonstrated the realizable possibility and adaptation of complex typed and large sized 3D geo-spatial information in mobile devices. This prototype system can be used to mobile 3D applications with DEM and satellite imagery in near future.

Design and development of an automated all-terrain wheeled robot

  • Pradhan, Debesh;Sen, Jishnu;Hui, Nirmal Baran
    • Advances in robotics research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2014
  • Due to the rapid progress in the field of robotics, it is a high time to concentrate on the development of a robot that can manoeuvre in all type of landscapes, ascend and descend stairs and sloping surfaces autonomously. This paper presents details of a prototype robot which can navigate in very rough terrain, ascend and descend staircase as well as sloping surface and cross ditches. The robot is made up of six differentially steered wheels and some passive mechanism, making it suitable to cross long ditches and landscape undulation. Static stability of the developed robot have been carried out analytically and navigation capability of the robot is observed through simulation in different environment, separately. Description of embedded system of the robot has also been presented and experimental validation has been made along with some details on obstacle avoidance. Finally the limitations of the robot have been explored with their possible reasons.