• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terrain Surface

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The Study on Assessment of Roughness Coefficient for Designing Wind Farm in Jeju Island (제주도 풍력발전단지 설계를 위한 조도계수 산정에 대한 연구)

  • Ko, Jung-Woo;Quan, He Chun;Lee, Byung-Gul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2012
  • The variation in the wind speed with height above ground is called the wind shear profile. In the field of wind resource assessment, analysts typically use one of two mathematical relations to characterize the measured wind shear profile: the logarithmic profile (log law) and the power law profile (power law). The logarithmic law uses the surface roughness as a parameter, and the power law uses the power law exponent as a parameter. The shape of the wind shear profile typically depends on several factors, most notably the roughness of the surrounding terrain and the stability of the atmosphere. Since the atmospheric stability changes with season, time of day, and meteorological conditions, the surface roughness and the power law exponent also tends to change in time. For this study, Using the observed data from Met-mast, located in Pyeongdae, Handong in Jeju. we used the matlab and windograper to calculate roughness length and the law exponents. These calculations are similar to reference the data, but they have different ranges. In the ocean case, each reference data and calculated data was the same, but the crop area is higher than the earlier studies. In addition, the agricultural village is lower than the earlier studies.

Change for Engineering Properties of Top Soils in the Wildfire Area (산불발생지역에서 상부토층의 공학적 특성 변화)

  • Song, Young-Suk;Chae, Byung-Gon;Kim, Kyoung-Su
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.17 no.2 s.52
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    • pp.225-233
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    • 2007
  • The engineering properties of surface soils in natural terrain are changed due to wildfire. This change of engineering properties induced by wildfire is related to landslides occurrence. To investigate the change of soil properties caused by wildfire, the various soil tests are performed. The soil samples are obtained from the recently burned slopes of Yangyang area, Kangwon Province. The soil samples obtained from the burned slopes are classified into three types depending on the burning grade: the perfect burning grade, the intermediate burning grade, the non-burning grade. As the result of tests, the specific gravity and the dry unit weight of soils obtained from perfect and alternative burning grades are less than those of soils obtained from non-burning grade. It judges that an electronic force, ionic components and of soils are changed and organic matters in soils are burned by wildfire. The permeability of soil obtained from alternative burning grade is the lowest and that of soil obtained from perfect burning grade is the highest. The water-repellent layer is formed on soil surface by wildfire. The water-repellent layer is existed at the area of alternative turning grade, while the layer is not existed at the area of perfect burning grade. The water-repellent layer is collapsed in high temperature more than about $400^{\circ}C$.

Geochemical Modeling of Groundwater in Granitic Terrain: the Yeongcheon Area (영천 화강암지역 지하수의 지화학적 모델링)

  • Koh, Yong-Kwon;Kim, Chun-Soo;Bae, Dae-Seok;Yun, Seong-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.192-202
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    • 1998
  • We investigated the geochemistry and environmental isotopes of granite-bedrock groundwater in the Yeongcheon diversion tunnel which is located about 300 m below the land surface. The hydrochemistry of groundwaters belongs to the Ca-HCO$_3$type, and is controlled by flow systems and water-rock interaction in the flow conduits (fractures). The deuterium and oxygen-18 data are clustered along the meteoric water line, indicating that the groundwater are commonly of meteoric water origin and are not affected by secondary isotope effects such as evaporation and isotope exchange. Tritium data show that the groundwaters were mostly recharged before pre-thermonuclear period and have been mixed with younger surface water flowing down rapidly into the tunnel along fractured zones. Based on the mass balance and reaction simulation approaches, using both the hydrochemistry of groundwater and the secondary mineralogy of fracture-filling materials, we have modeled the low-temperature hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in the area. The results of geochemical simulation show that the concentrations of Ca$\^$2+/, Na$\^$+/ and HCO$_3$and pH of waters increase progressively owing to the dissolution of reactive minerals in flow paths. The concentrations of Mg$\^$2+/ and K$\^$+/ frist increase with the dissolution, but later decrease when montmorillonite and illitic material are precipitated respectively. The continuous adding of reactive minerals, namely the progressively larger degrees of water/rock interaction, causes the formation of secondary minerals with the following sequence: first hematite, then gibbsite, then kaolinite, then montmorillonite, then illtic material, and finally microcline. During the simulation all the gibbsite is consumed, kaolinite precipitates and then the continuous reaction converts the kaolinite to montmorillonite and illitic material. The reaction simulation results agree well with the observed, water chemistry and secondary mineralogy, indicating the successful applicability of this simulation technique to delineate the complex hydrogeochemistry of bedrock groundwaters.

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Intertidal DEM Generation Using Waterline Extracted from Remotely Sensed Data (원격탐사 자료로부터 해안선 추출에 의한 조간대 DEM 생성)

  • 류주형;조원진;원중선;이인태;전승수
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2000
  • An intertidal topography is continuously changed due to morphodynamics processes. Detection and measurement of topographic change for a tidal flat is important to make an integrated coastal area management plan as well as to carry out sedimentologic study. The objective of this study is to generate intertidal DEM using leveling data and waterlines extracted from optical and microwave remotely sensed data in a relatively short period. Waterline is defined as the border line between exposed tidal flat and water body. The contour of the terrain height in tidal flat is equivalent to the waterline. One can utilize satellite images to generate intertidal DEM over large areas. Extraction of the waterline in a SAR image is a difficult task to perform partly because of the presence of speckle and partly because of similarity between the signal returned from the sea surface and that from the exposed tidal flat surface or land. Waterlines in SAR intensity and coherence map can effectively be extracted with MSP-RoA edge detector. From multiple images obtained over a range of tide elevation, it is possible to build up a set of heighted waterline within intertidal zone, and then a gridded DEM can be interpolated. We have tested the proposed method over the Gomso Bay, and succeeded in generating intertidal DEM with relatively high accuracy.

Extraction of Individual Trees and Tree Heights for Pinus rigida Forests Using UAV Images (드론 영상을 이용한 리기다소나무림의 개체목 및 수고 추출)

  • Song, Chan;Kim, Sung Yong;Lee, Sun Joo;Jang, Yong Hwan;Lee, Young Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.6_1
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    • pp.1731-1738
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    • 2021
  • The objective of this study was to extract individual trees and tree heights using UAV drone images. The study site was Gongju national university experiment forest, located in Yesan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do. The thinning intensity study sites consisted of 40% thinning, 20% thinning, 10% thinning and control. The image was filmed by using the "Mavic Pro 2" model of DJI company, and the altitude of the photo shoot was set at 80% of the overlay between 180m pictures. In order to prevent image distortion, a ground reference point was installed and the end lap and side lap were set to 80%. Tree heights were extracted using Digital Surface Model (DSM) and Digital Terrain Model (DTM), and individual trees were split and extracted using object-based analysis. As a result of individual tree extraction, thinning 40% stands showed the highest extraction rate of 109.1%, while thinning 20% showed 87.1%, thinning 10% showed 63.5%, and control sites showed 56.0% of accuracy. As a result of tree height extraction, thinning 40% showed 1.43m error compared with field survey data, while thinning 20% showed 1.73 m, thinning 10% showed 1.88 m, and control sites showed the largest error of 2.22 m.

A Study on the Development Site of an Open-pit Mine Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (무인항공기를 이용한 노천광산 개발지 조사에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Bo;Kim, Doo-Pyo;Back, Ki-Suk
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.136-142
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    • 2021
  • Open-pit mine development requires continuous management because of topographical changes and there is a risk of accidents if the current status survey is performed directly in the process of calculating the earthwork. In this study, the application of UAV photogrammetry, which can acquire spatial information without direct human access, was applied to open-pit mines development area and analyzed the accuracy, earthwork, and mountain restoration plan to determine its applicability. As a result of accuracy analysis at checkpoint using ortho image and Digital Surface Model(DSM) by UAV photogrammetry, Root Mean Square Error(RMSE) is 0.120 m in horizontal and 0.150 m in vertical coordinates. This satisfied the tolerance range of 1:1,000 digital map. As a result of the comparison of the earthwork, UAV photogrammetry yielded 11.7% more earthwork than the conventional survey method. It is because UAV photogrammetry shows more detailed topography. And result of monitoring mountain restoration showed possible to determine existence of rockfall prevention nets and vegetation. If the terrain changes are monitored by acquiring images periodically, the utility of UAV photogrammetry will be further useful to open-pit mine development.

Comparative analysis of ground settlement and tunnel displacement due to tunnel excavation considering topographic information based on GIS (GIS 기반 지형 정보를 고려한 터널 굴착에 따른 지반침하와 터널 변위 비교 분석)

  • Jae-Eun, Cho;Ye-Rim, Jung;Seong-Min, Song;Ji-Seok, Yun;Sang-Gui, Ha;Han-Kyu, Yoo
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2023
  • Recently, as the development of underground spaces has become active due to rapid urbanization and population density, interest in the ground behavior according to the construction of underground spaces is increasing. In large cities with high population density and many buildings, ground subsidence has a great impact on structures and there may be a risk of collapse, so the analysis of ground behavior due to underground construction is essential. Previous studies have been conducted on the subsidence pattern of the surface and the deformation of the tunnel when constructing the tunnel, but analysis has rarely been conducted by using actual topographic information. Therefore, this study analyzed the difference in ground behavior between the actual topography and the flat topography. As a result, it was confirmed that ground settlement occurs at higher elevations, such as in mountainous topography, and when the numerical analysis is performed considering topographical information, the crown settlement of the tunnel is up to about approx. It showed a difference of 10 mm, and it was found that the sensitivity was less in the case of displacement of tunnel wall compared to the crown settlement and ground settlement. The numerical analysis considering the actual GIS-based topographic information presented in this study can be used to obtain more accurate surface subsidence data to understand the behavior of the upper structure due to tunnel excavation.

A study on automated soil moisture monitoring methods for the Korean peninsula based on Google Earth Engine (Google Earth Engine 기반의 한반도 토양수분 모니터링 자동화 기법 연구)

  • Jang, Wonjin;Chung, Jeehun;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Jinuk;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.9
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    • pp.615-626
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    • 2024
  • To accurately and efficiently monitor soil moisture (SM) across South Korea, this study developed a SM estimation model that integrates the cloud computing platform Google Earth Engine (GEE) and Automated Machine Learning (AutoML). Various spatial information was utilized based on Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and the global precipitation observation satellite GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) to test optimal input data combinations. The results indicated that GPM-based accumulated dry-days, 5-day antecedent average precipitation, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), the sum of LST (Land Surface Temperature) acquired during nighttime and daytime, soil properties (sand and clay content, bulk density), terrain data (elevation and slope), and seasonal classification had high feature importance. After setting the objective function (Determination of coefficient, R2 ; Root Mean Square Error, RMSE; Mean Absolute Percent Error, MAPE) using AutoML for the combination of the aforementioned data, a comparative evaluation of machine learning techniques was conducted. The results revealed that tree-based models exhibited high performance, with Random Forest demonstrating the best performance (R2 : 0.72, RMSE: 2.70 vol%, MAPE: 0.14).

Geochemical Studies of $CO_2$-rich Waters in Chojeong area II. Isotope Study (초정지역 탄산수의 지화학적 연구 II. 동위원소)

  • 고용권;김천수;배대석;최현수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 1999
  • The $CO_2$-rich waters in the Chojeong area are characterized by low pH (5.0~5.8), high $CO_2$pressure (about 1 atm) and high amounts of total dissolved iou (up to 989 mg/L) and chemically belong to Ca-HC $O_3$type. The oxygen. deuterium and tritium isotope data indicate that the mixing process occurred between $CO_2$-rich water and surface water and/or shallow groundwaters and also suggest that the $CO_2$-rich water has been derived from meteoric waters. According to $\delta$$^{13}$ C values (-8.6~-5.3$\textperthousand$). the $CO_2$ in the water is attributed from deep seated $CO_2$gas. The high dissolved carbon (-14.4~-6.8$\textperthousand$. $\delta$$^{13}$ C) in groundwater of the granitic terrain might be affected by $CO_2$-rich water, whereas the dissolved carbon (-17.9~-15.2$\textperthousand$. $\delta$$^{13}$ C) in groundwater of the metamorphic terrain is likely controlled by soil $CO_2$ and from the reaction with calcite in phyllite. Sulfur isotope data (+3.5~+11.3$\textperthousand$,$\delta$$^{34}$ $S_{SO4}$) also support the mixing process between $CO_2$-rich water and shallow groundwater. Strontium isotopic ratio ($^{87}$ Sr/$^{86}$ Sr) indicates that the $CO_2$-rich water (0.7138~0.7156) is not related to vein calcite (0.7184) of Buak mine or calcite (0.7281~0.7346) in phyllite. By nitrogen isotope ($\delta$$^{15}$ $N_{NO3}$) the sources of nitrogen (up to 55.0 mg/L, N $O_3$) in the $CO_2$-rich water are identified as fertilizer and animal manure. It also indicates the possibility of denitrification during the circulation of nitrogen in the Chojeong area. The possible evolution model of the $CO_2$-rich water based on the hydrochemical and environmental isotopic data was proposed in this study. The $CO_2$-rich waters from the Chojeong area were primarily derived from the reaction with granite by supply of deep seated $CO_2$. and then the $CO_2$-rich water was mixed and diluted with the local groundwater.ter.

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Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Structures for the Active Layer of Permafrost Terrain at the King Sejong Station: Correlation Interpretation with Vegetation and Meteorological Data (세종과학기지 주변 영구동토의 활동층에 대한 시간경과 전기비저항자료의 해석: 기상 및 식생 자료와의 연계해석)

  • Kim, Kwansoo;Lee, Joohan;Lee, Eungsang;Ju, Hyeontae;Hyun, Chang-Uk;Park, Sang-Jong;Kim, Ok-Sun;Lee, Sun-Joong;Kim, Ji-Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.413-423
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    • 2020
  • Over the wide area, King Sejong Station and the nearby land are uncovered with snow and ice conditions. Therefore, the active layer on the permafrost has been formed to be much thicker than the other Antarctica region. Electrical resistivity survey of Wenner and dipole-dipole arrays was undertaken at a series of time in the freezing season at the King Sejong Station to delineate subsurface structure and to monitor active layer in permafrost terrain. Time-lapse resistivity structures are well in terms of the vegetation distribution, ground surface temperature, and snow depth. Horizontal high resistivity belt(>1826 Ωm) at very shallow depth is thickening with the lapse of time, probably caused by the freezing of the water in the pore spaces with decrease of ground temperature. Subsurface structures for the area of low snow-cover and vegetated zone area are comprised of 0~0.5 m deep high-resistive gravel-rich soil, 0.5~3 m deep low-resistive active layer, and the underlying permafrost. In contrast, the unvegetated area and high snow-buildup is characterized with high resistivities larger than approximately 2000 Ωm due to freezing of the soil throughout the year. Data interpretation and correlation schemes explored in this paper can be applied to confirm the active layer, which is expected to get thinner in additional survey during the thawing season.