• Title/Summary/Keyword: Telescope System

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  • Yang Hyung-Suk;Kim Dong-Lak;Lee Byoung-Seob;Kim Geon-Hee;Lee Dae-Hee;Pak Soo-Jong;Nam Uk-Won
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2006
  • A Protomodel Space Infrared Cryogenic System (PSICS) cooled by a stirling cry-ocooler has been designed. The PSICS has an IR sensor inside the cold box which is cooled by a stirling cryocooler with refrigeration capacity of 500mW at 80K in a vacuum vessel. It is important to minimize the heat load so that the background thermal noise can be reduced. In order to design the cryogenic system with low heat load and to reduce the remained heat load, we have performed numerical analyses. In this paper, we present the design factors and the results obtained by the thermal analysis of the PSICS.


  • Lim, Beomdu;Sung, Hwan-Kyung;Bessell, M.S.;Karimov, R.;Ibrahimov, M.
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.161-174
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    • 2009
  • Observation of standard stars is of crucial importance in stellar photometry. We have studied the standard transformation relations of the UBV RI CCD photometric system at the Maidanak Astronomical Observatory in Uzbekistan. All observations were made with the AZT-22 1.5m telescope, SITe 2k CCD or Fairchild 486 CCD, and standard Bessell UBV RI filters from 2003 August to 2007 September. We observed many standard stars around the celestial equator observed by SAAO astronomers. The atmospheric extinction coefficients, photometric zero points, and time variation of photometric zero points of each night were determined. Secondary extinction coefficients and photometric zero points were very stable, while primary extinction coefficients showed a distinct seasonal variation. We also determined the transformation coefficients for each filter. For B, V, R, and I filters, the transformation to the SAAO standard system could be achieved with a straight line or a combination of two straight lines. However, in the case of the U filter and Fairchild 486 CCD combination, a significant non-linear correction term - related to the size of Balmer jump or the strength of the Balmer lines - of up to 0:08 mags was required. We found that our data matched well the SAAO photometry in V, B - V, V - I, and R - I. But in U - B, the difference in zero point was about 3.6 mmag and the scatter was about 0.02 mag. We attribute the relatively large scatter in U -B to the larger error in U of the SAAO photometry. We confirm the mostly small differences between the SAAO standard UBV RI system and the Landolt standard system. We also attempted to interpret the seasonal variation of the atmospheric extinction coefficients in the context of scattering sources in the earth's atmosphere.


  • Lim, Beom-Du;Sung, Hwan-Kyung;Karimov, R.;Ibrahimov, M.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Understanding of the basic characteristics of an astronomical instrument is a prerequisite to obtaining reliable data from the instrument. We have analyzed more than 1,000 calibration images from the Fairchild 486 CCD (hereafter the Maidanak 4k CCD system) attached to the AZT-22 1.5m telescope at Maidanak Astronomical Observatory in Uzbekistan. The Maidanak 4k CCD system supports three readout modes through 1, 2, or 4 amplifiers. In most cases observers use 4-amplifier readout mode to save time. We have tested the stability and seasonal variation of zero levels and confirm that two quadrants of the images (Amp 1 & 2) show no appreciable seasonal variation. but the other two quadrants (Amp 3 & Amp 4) show an evident seasonal variation in the bias level. The Cryo Tiger, the cooling system used at the Maidanak 4k CCD system, maintains the CCD temperature at -108'E, and effectively suppresses the dark electrons. The mean value versus the variance plot of the flat images does not show the expected relation for an ideal Poisson noise distribution and this is attributed to the large variation in quantum efficiency between different pixels. In addition, we confirm that there is no appreciable difference in gain between readout amplifiers, but there is a large variation in quantum efficiency across CCD chip especially in U. Due to the finite length of shutter opening and closing time, the effective exposure time varies across the science images. We introduce two parameters to quantify the effect of this uneven illumination and present a method to remove these effects. We also present a method to remove the interference patterns appearing in the images obtained with longer wavelength filters and investigate the spatial variation of the point spread function.

Current Status of KMTNet/DEEP-South Collaboration Research for Comets and Asteroids Research between SNU and KASI

  • BACH, Yoonsoo P.;YANG, Hongu;KWON, Yuna G.;LEE, Subin;KIM, Myung-Jin;CHOI, Young-Jun;Park, Jintae;ISHIGURO, Masateru;Moon, Hong-Kyu
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.82.2-82.2
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    • 2017
  • Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) is one of powerful tools for investigating primordial objects in the inner solar system in that it covers a large area of the sky ($2{\times}2$ degree2) with a high observational cadence. The Deep Ecliptic Patrol of the Southern sky (DEEP-South) survey has been scanning the southern sky using KMTNet for non-bulge time (45 full nights per year) [1] since 2015 for examining color, albedo, rotation, and shape of the solar system bodies. Since 2017 January, we have launched a new collaborative group between Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and Seoul National University (SNU) with support from KASI to reinforce mutual collaboration among these institutes and further to enhance human resources development by utilizing the KMTNet/DEEP-South data. In particular, we focus on the detection of comets and asteroids spontaneously scanned in the DEEP-South for (1) investigating the secular changes in comet's activities and (2) analyzing precovery and recovery images of objects in the NASA's NEOWISE survey region. In this presentation, we will describe our scientific objectives and current status on using KMTNet data, which includes updating the accuracy of the world coordinate system (WCS) information, finding algorithm of solar system bodies in the image, and doing non-sidereal photometry.

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Measurement of Primary-mirror Vertex Coordinates for a Space Camera by Using a Computer-generated Hologram and a Theodolite (컴퓨터 제작 홀로그램과 데오도라이트를 이용한 인공위성 카메라 주 반사경의 정점 좌표 측정)

  • Kang, Hye-Eun;Song, Jae-Bong;Yang, Ho-soon;Kihm, Hagyong
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 2017
  • Alignment of the mirrors composing a space telescope is an important process for obtaining high optical resolution and performance of the camera system. The alignment of mirrors using cube mirrors requires a relative coordinate mapping between the mirror and the cube mirror before optical-system integration. Therefore, to align the spacecraft camera mirrors, the relative coordinates of the vertex of each mirror and the corresponding cube mirror must be accurately measured. This paper proposes a new method for finding the vertex position of a primary mirror, by using an optical fiber and alignment segments of a computer-generated hologram (CGH). The measurement system is composed of an optical testing interferometer and a multimode optical fiber. We used two theodolites to measure the relative coordinates of the optical fiber located at the mirror vertex with respect to the cube mirror, and achieved a measurement precision of better than $25{\mu}m$.

The first photometric analysis of the close binary system NSVS 1461538

  • Kim, Hyoun-Woo;Kim, Chun-Hwey
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.41.2-41.2
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    • 2016
  • The follow-up BVRI photometric observations of NSVS 1461538, which was discovered as an $Algol/{\beta}$ Lyr eclipsing variable by Hoffman, Harrison & McNamara (2009), were performed for three years from 2011 to 2013 by using the 61-cm telescope and CCD cameras of Sobaeksan Optical Astronomy Observatory (SOAO). New light curves have deep depths both of the primary and secondary eclipses, rounded shapes outside eclipses and a strong O'Connell effect, indicating that NSVS 1461538 is a typical W UMa close binary system rather than an $Algol/{\beta}$ Lyr type binary star. A period study with all the timings shows that the orbital period may vary in a sinusoidal way with a period of about 5.6 yr and a small semi-amplitude of about 0.008 d. The cyclical period variation was interpreted as a light-time effect due to a tertiary body with a minimum mass of $0.66M{\odot}$. The first photometric solution with the Wilson-Devinney binary model shows that the system is a W-subtype contact binary with the mass ratio ($q=m_c/m_h$) of 3.46, orbit inclination of 85.6 deg and fill-out factor of 30%. From the existing empirical relationship between parameters, the absolute dimension was estimated. The masses and radii of the component stars are $0.28M{\odot}$ and $0.71R{\odot}$ for the less massive but hotter primary star, respectively, and $0.96M{\odot}$ and $1.21R{\odot}$ for the more massive secondary, respectively. Possible evolution of the system is discussed in the mass-radius and the mass-luminosity planes.

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A Wide Dynamic Range NUC Algorithm for IRCS Systems

  • Cai, Li-Hua;He, Feng-Yun;Chang, Song-Tao;Li, Zhou
    • Journal of the Korean Physical Society
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    • v.73 no.12
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    • pp.1821-1826
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    • 2018
  • Uniformity is a key feature of state-of-the-art infrared focal planed array (IRFPA) and infrared imaging system. Unlike traditional infrared telescope facility, a ground-based infrared radiant characteristics measurement system with an IRFPA not only provides a series of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) infrared image but also ensures the validity of radiant measurement data. Normally, a long integration time tends to produce a high SNR infrared image for infrared radiant characteristics radiometry system. In view of the variability of and uncertainty in the measured target's energy, the operation of switching the integration time and attenuators usually guarantees the guality of the infrared radiation measurement data obtainted during the infrared radiant characteristics radiometry process. Non-uniformity correction (NUC) coefficients in a given integration time are often applied to a specified integration time. If the integration time is switched, the SNR for the infrared imaging will degenerate rapidly. Considering the effect of the SNR for the infrared image and the infrared radiant characteristics radiometry above, we propose a-wide-dynamic-range NUC algorithm. In addition, this essasy derives and establishes the mathematical modal of the algorithm in detail. Then, we conduct verification experiments by using a ground-based MWIR(Mid-wave Infared) radiant characteristics radiometry system with an Ø400 mm aperture. The experimental results obtained using the proposed algorithm and the traditional algorithm for different integration time are compared. The statistical data shows that the average non-uniformity for the proposed algorithm decreased from 0.77% to 0.21% at 2.5 ms and from 1.33% to 0.26% at 5.5 ms. The testing results demonstrate that the usage of suggested algorithm can improve infrared imaging quality and radiation measurement accuracy.


  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Kang, Yong-Woo;Lee, Kyung-Hoon
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we have presented the observational result for the photometric quality of main telescopes in Gimhae Astronomical Observatory. Also we performed the observation of searching new minor planets as competitive work in public observatories. The observation was carried out using 60cm telescope of Gimhae Astronomical Observatory on 2007 January 13. And, $Sch\ddot{u}ler$ BVI filters and 1K CCD camera (AP8p) were used. To define the quality of CCD photometry, we observed the region of well-known standard stars in the open cluster M67. From observed data, The transformation coefficients and airmass coefficients were obtained, and the accuracy of CCD photometry was investigated. From PSF photometry, we obtained the color-magnitude diagram of M67, and considered the useful magnitude limit and the physical properties of M67. This method can be successfully used to confirm the photometric quality of main telescope in public observatories. To investigate the detection possibility of unknown object as astroid, we observed the near area of the opposition in the ecliptic plane. And we discussed the result. Our result show that it can be possible to detect minor planets in solar system brighter than $V{\sim}18.3mag$. and it can carry out photometric study brighter than V 16mag. in Gimhae Astronomical Observatory. These results imply that the public observatories can make the research work.


  • Moon, B.K.;Jeong, W.S.;Cha, S.M.;Ree, C.H.;Park, S.J.;Lee, D.H.;Yuk, I.S.;Park, Y.S.;Park, J.H.;Nam, U.W.;Matsumoto, Toshio;Yoshida, Seiji;Yang, S.C.;Lee, S.H.;Rhee, S.W.;Han, W.
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2009
  • MIRIS is the main payload of the STSAT-3 (Science and Technology Satellite 3) and the first infrared space telescope for astronomical observation in Korea. MIRIS space observation camera (SOC) covers the observation wavelength from $0.9{\mu}m$ to $2.0{\mu}m$ with a wide field of view $3.67^{\circ}\times3.67^{\circ}$. The PICNIC HgCdTe detector in a cold box is cooled down below 100K by a micro Stirling cooler of which cooling capacity is 220mW at 77K. MIRIS SOC adopts passive cooling technique to chill the telescope below 200 K by pointing to the deep space (3K). The cooling mechanism employs a radiator, a Winston cone baffle, a thermal shield, MLI (Multi Layer Insulation) of 30 layers, and GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) pipe support in the system. Optomechanical analysis was made in order to estimate and compensate possible stresses from the thermal contraction of mounting parts at cryogenic temperatures. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of mechanical structure was also conducted to ensure safety and stability in launching environments and in orbit. MIRIS SOC will mainly perform Galactic plane survey with narrow band filters (Pa $\alpha$ and Pa $\alpha$ continuum) and CIB (Cosmic Infrared Background) observation with wide band filters (I and H) driven by a cryogenic stepping motor.

Progress Report on NISS onboard NEXTSat-1

  • Jeong, Woong-Seob;Park, Sung-Joon;Park, Kwijong;Moon, Bongkon;Lee, Dae-Hee;Pyo, Jeonghyun;Park, Youngsik;Kim, Il-Joong;Park, Won-Kee;Lee, Duk-Hang;Park, Chan;Ko, Kyeongyeon;Nam, Ukwon;Han, Wonyong;Im, Myungshin;Lee, Hyung Mok;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Shin, Goo-Hwan;Chae, Jangsoo;Matsumoto, Toshio
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.49.1-49.1
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    • 2014
  • The NISS (Near-infrared Imaging Spectrometer for Star formation history) onboard NEXTSat-1 is the near-infrared instrument onboard NEXTSat-1 which is being developed by KASI. The imaging low-resolution spectroscopic observation in the near-infrared range for nearby galaxies, low background regions, star-forming regions and so on will be performed on orbit. After the System Requirement Review, the optical design is changed from on-axis to the off-axis telescope which has a wide field of view (2 deg. ${\times}$ 2 deg.) as well as the wide wavelength range from 0.95 to $3.8{\mu}m$. The mechanical structure is considered to endure the launching condition as well as the space environment. The design of relay optics is optimized to maintain the uniform optical performance in the required wavelength range. The stray light analysis is being made to evade a light outside a field of view. The dewar is designed to operate the infrared detector at 80K stage. From the thermal analysis, we confirmed that the telescope can be cooled down to around 200K in order to reduce the large amount of thermal noise. Here, we report the current status of the NISS development.

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