• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tangible assets

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The Landscape Value of Asan Oeam-ri's Folk Village as Cultural Heritage (아산 외암마을 토속경관의 문화유산적 가치)

  • Shin, Sang Sup
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.30-51
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    • 2011
  • During the process of modernization, many rural villages in Korea have experienced degeneration and breakdown, losing sustainability. However, Oeam village in Asan City, South Chungcheong Province (State-designated cultural heritage, Important Folk Material No. 236) has established itself as a unique folk village, which evolves with sustainability, pursuing the revival of Neo-traditionalism. Oeam village is a tribal village of the Yis from the Yean region and has maintained environmental, economic, and social sustainability and soundness for over five centuries. Thus, the village has sustained itself well enough to be a cultural asset with 'Outstanding Universal Value', in terms of its value as world cultural heritage. The village maintains its own identity, filled with a variety of traditional and scenic cultural assets that symbolize a gentry village. Those assets include Confucian sceneries (head family houses, ancestral shrines, tombs, gravestones, commemorative monuments, and pavilions), various assets of folk religion (totem poles, protective trees at the entrance of a village, shrines for mountain spirits, village forests), tangible and intangible cultural assets related to daily lives (vigorous family activities, rigorous ancestral rituals, family rituals, collective agriculture and protection of ecosystem), which have all been well preserved and inherited. In particular, this village is an example of a well-being community with a well-preserved folksy atmosphere, which is based on environmentally sound settlements (nature + economy + environment + community) in a village established according to geomancy, East Asia's unique principle of environmental design. In addition, the village has kept the sustainability and authenticity for more than 500 years, combining restraint towards the environment and the view of the environment which respects the natural order and cultural values (capacity + healthy + sustainability). Therefore, the Oeam folk village can be a representative example of a folksy and scenic Korean community which falls into the category of IV (to exemplify an outstanding type of building, architectural or technological ensemble, or landscape which illustrates significant stages in human history) and V (to exemplify an outstanding traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of cultures, or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change) of Unesco's World Cultural Heritage.

Determinants of Mobile Application Use: A Study Focused on the Correlation between Application Categories (모바일 앱 사용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 앱 카테고리 간 상관관계를 중심으로)

  • Park, Sangkyu;Lee, Dongwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.157-176
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    • 2016
  • For a long time, mobile phone had a sole function of communication. Recently however, abrupt innovations in technology allowed extension of the sphere in mobile phone activities. Development of technology enabled realization of almost computer-like environment even on a very small device. Such advancement yielded several forms of new high-tech devices such as smartphone and tablet PC, which quickly proliferated. Simultaneously with the diffusion of the mobile devices, mobile applications for those devices also prospered and soon became deeply penetrated in consumers' daily lives. Numerous mobile applications have been released in app stores yielding trillions of cumulative downloads. However, a big majority of the applications are disregarded from consumers. Even after the applications are purchased, they do not survive long in consumers' mobile devices and are soon abandoned. Nevertheless, it is imperative for both app developers and app-store operators to understand consumer behaviors and to develop marketing strategies aiming to make sustainable business by first increasing sales of mobile applications and by also designing surviving strategy for applications. Therefore, this research analyzes consumers' mobile application usage behavior in a frame of substitution/supplementary of application categories and several explanatory variables. Considering that consumers of mobile devices use multiple apps simultaneously, this research adopts multivariate probit models to explain mobile application usage behavior and to derive correlation between categories of applications for observing substitution/supplementary of application use. The research adopts several explanatory variables including sociodemographic data, user experiences of purchased applications that reflect future purchasing behavior of paid applications as well as consumer attitudes toward marketing efforts, variables representing consumer attitudes toward rating of the app and those representing consumer attitudes toward app-store promotion efforts (i.e., top developer badge and editor's choice badge). Results of this study can be explained in hedonic and utilitarian framework. Consumers who use hedonic applications, such as those of game and entertainment-related, are of young age with low education level. However, consumers who are old and have received higher education level prefer utilitarian application category such as life, information etc. There are disputable arguments over whether the users of SNS are hedonic or utilitarian. In our results, consumers who are younger and those with higher education level prefer using SNS category applications, which is in a middle of utilitarian and hedonic results. Also, applications that are directly related to tangible assets, such as banking, stock and mobile shopping, are only negatively related to experience of purchasing of paid app, meaning that consumers who put weights on tangible assets do not prefer buying paid application. Regarding categories, most correlations among categories are significantly positive. This is because someone who spend more time on mobile devices tends to use more applications. Game and entertainment category shows significant and positive correlation; however, there exists significantly negative correlation between game and information, as well as game and e-commerce categories of applications. Meanwhile, categories of game and SNS as well as game and finance have shown no significant correlations. This result clearly shows that mobile application usage behavior is quite clearly distinguishable - that the purpose of using mobile devices are polarized into utilitarian and hedonic purpose. This research proves several arguments that can only be explained by second-hand real data, not by survey data, and offers behavioral explanations of mobile application usage in consumers' perspectives. This research also shows substitution/supplementary patterns of consumer application usage, which then explain consumers' mobile application usage behaviors. However, this research has limitations in some points. Classification of categories itself is disputable, for classification is diverged among several studies. Therefore, there is a possibility of change in results depending on the classification. Lastly, although the data are collected in an individual application level, we reduce its observation into an individual level. Further research will be done to resolve these limitations.

Present Status and Prospect of Valuation for Tangible Fixed Asset in South Korea (유형고정자산 가치평가 현황: 우리나라 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jin-Hyung Cho;Hyun-Seung O;Sae-Jae Lee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.91-104
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    • 2023
  • The records system is believed to have started in Italy in the 14th century in line with trade developments in Europe. In 1491, Luca Pacioli, a mathematician, and an Italian Franciscan monk wrote the first book that described double-entry accounting processes. In many countries, including Korea, the government accounting standards used single-entry bookkeeping rather than double-entry bookkeeping that can be aggregated by account subject. The cash-based and single-entry bookkeeping used by the government in the past had limitations in providing clear information on financial status and establishing a performance-oriented financial management system. Accordingly, the National Accounting Act (promulgated in October 2007) stipulated the introduction of double-entry bookkeeping and accrual accounting systems in the government sector from January 1, 2009. Furthermore, the Korean government has also introduced International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and the System of National Accounts (SNA). Since 2014, Korea owned five national accounts. In Korea, valuation began with the 1968 National Wealth Statistics Survey. The academic origins of the valuation of national wealth statistics which had been investigated by due diligence every 10 years since 1968 are based on the 'Engineering Valuation' of professor Marston in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Iowa State University in the 1930s. This field has spread to economics, etc. In economics, it became the basis of capital stock estimation for positive economics such as econometrics. The valuation by the National Wealth Statistics Survey contributed greatly to converting the book value of accounting data into vintage data. And in 2000 National Statistical Office collected actual disposal data for the 1-digit asset class and obtained the ASL(average service life) by Iowa curve. Then, with the data on fixed capital formation centered on the National B/S Team of the Bank of Korea, the national wealth statistics were prepared by the Permanent Inventory Method(PIM). The asset classification was also classified into 59 types, including 2 types of residential buildings, 4 types of non-residential buildings, 14 types of structures, 9 types of transportation equipment, 28 types of machinery, and 2 types of intangible fixed assets. Tables of useful lives of tangible fixed assets published by the Korea Appraisal Board in 1999 and 2013 were made by the Iowa curve method. In Korea, the Iowa curve method has been adopted as a method of ASL estimation. There are three types of the Iowa curve method. The retirement rate method of the three types is the best because it is based on the collection and compilation of the data of all properties in service during a period of recent years, both properties retired and that are still in service. We hope the retirement rate method instead of the individual unit method is used in the estimation of ASL. Recently Korean government's accounting system has been developed. When revenue expenditure and capital expenditure were mixed in the past single-entry bookkeeping we would like to suggest that BOK and National Statistical Office have accumulated knowledge of a rational difference between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure. In particular, it is important when it is estimated capital stock by PIM. Korea also needs an empirical study on economic depreciation like Hulten & Wykoff Catalog A of the US BEA.

Efficiency Analysis of the Securities Firms using a Combined BSC and DEA Model (BSC와 DEA 결합모델을 이용한 증권사 효율성 분석)

  • Kim, Youngjin;Jung, Goosang;Hwang, Jae-Joon;Lee, Hyun-Soo;Kim, Sun Ah;Kim, Tae-Sung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2013
  • This study analyze the business efficiency of securities company based on the 2011 performance of 29 securities firms which engage in domestic investment brokerage by applying a combination model of BSC and DEA. And we evaluate business state focused on efficiency which is based on logical system of BSC as business innovation method. The analysis of result is that companies with high customer efficiency index appeared that business efficiency composite index tended to be higher and we identified that customer perspective have an important factor to calculate business efficiency composite index of korea security company. In addition, based on the results of the efficiency analysis we analyze correlation analysis between traditional financial ratio and business efficiency composite index. We confirmed that company of high business efficiency level in terms of BSC have a good record in terms of profitability. BSC-DEA combination model expect to be utilized in security industry sector as well as other industrial sectors as good business indicator to determine the business efficiency and to be used a model can be evaluated the integrated firm valuation of tangible and intangible assets.

The Effects of Economic Conditions on Capital Structure : Evidence from Korean Shipping Firms (경기변화를 고려한 해운기업의 자본구조에 관한 실증연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Yhun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.451-458
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    • 2016
  • Since Modigliani and Miller developed their theory of capital structure in 1958, it has become one of the most debated issues in corporate management. This is because the capital structure decision necessarily affects financial risk and the firm's value. Throughout the research, one of the most concerning problems is determining what factors influence the firm's capital structure. Since Korean shipping firms have been suffering from a long term economic recession, an optimal capital structure has become increasingly critical to survive in the shipping industry. This paper studies panel data on 46 Korean shipping companies since 2000 to find the factors that affect capital structure. The results suggest that a negative relationship arises between firm size, tangible assets, profitability and non-debt tax shields against leverage. Otherwise, it proved that growth opportunity has a positive relationship with the firm's leverage. In the research model during a booming shipping economy, growth opportunity and non-debt tax shield are not associated with firm's capital structure.

A Study on the Index Development for Intellectual Capital of Korea Distribution Comanpy (국내 유통업체의 지적자본의 측정지표 개발방향)

  • Kim, Suh-wan
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.5-26
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    • 2006
  • As the capital of knowledge becomes more important than traditional capital like land or labor in the 21st century, the most competitive resource for corporations is knowledge. Furthermore, corporations may evaluate and improve latent knowledge of 'intellectual capital(IC)' within organizations, which will enhance their performance in the future. However, most Korea Distribution Companies have evaluated only tangible assets, ignoring latent capital. Since enterpreneurs have recognized that they cannot explain the difference between maret value and book value, the major advanced states lead to more sophisticated techniques to evaluate IC value. Although it is extremely important and urgent to evaluate IC value, the indexes of evaluating IC have never been examined and have been adopted by many corporations. Therfore, this study intends to develop a index for IC valuation. This study hopes to give some insights into the practical use of intellectual capital for the Korea Distribution Companies and help them develop a strategic perspective to enhance their competitiveness.

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The Analysis of the Effects of the Previous Corporate Internal Reservation on the Current Investments and Dividends : The Verification of Significance through Dummy Variables under Industrial Classification (법인의 전기 유보금이 당기 투자 및 배당에 미치는 효과 분석 : 업종별 더미변수를 통한 유의성 검증)

  • Yoo, Joon-soo
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.131-151
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    • 2019
  • This paper is conducted to find out if the previous corporate internal reservation has a significant effect on current investment and dividend payments by using the dummy variables of each classified industry. The results of the research show that previous corporate internal reservation had a significant effect on current material investments in following fields - manufacturing industries, technical services, wholesale and retail industries, information services, construction and transportation industries - over two years. Especially, investments in tangible assets were more effective than those in development expenses. In human resource investment, previous corporate internal reservation had a significant effect on current human investments in fields of manufacturing, technical services, information services and transportation industries. Among them, investments in education training expense and welfare benefit expense were more effective than those in wages. In the dividend section, previous corporate internal reservation had a significant effect on current dividends in the fields of manufacturing, wholesale and retail, information services, transportation industries, and in other businesses. Among them, Expenditure on dividend amounts was found to be more effective than that on dividend ratio. This paper contributed to the field in a way of empirically demonstrating the effects of previous corporate internal reservation on current investments and dividends by using the method of industrial classification. On the other hand, it also has a limitation since collecting precise taxation data was practically difficult. Therefore, a further developed study is required to find out the standard which shows exactly how much the measured results of the regression analysis reflect the effects of the government policies. Moreover, it is considered necessary for the government to devise policies on vagueness and uncertainties in the domestic and overseas economic and business environments so that companies can conduct investment with confidence.

An Analysis of the Productivity Changes of Korean Pharmaceutical Industry Using Bootstrapped Malmquist Index (Bootstrapped Malmquist 지수를 이용한 국내 의약품산업의 생산성 변화 요인 분석에 관한 연구)

  • So, Soon-Hu
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2016
  • This study estimates the productivity change of pharmaceutical industry and decompose the change into technical efficiency change and technological change to explore ways to improve the productive efficiency. Unlike most previous studies, this study employs the non-radial and non-oriented slacks-based Malmquist productivity index which can deals directly with the input excesses and output shortfalls. In addition a smoothed bootstrap method is applied to estimate statistical confidence intervals for the Malmquist Index and its components. For the empirical analysis a balanced panel data set is constructed covering ten years over the period from 2005 to 2014. The input variables used in this study are number of workers, tangible assets and major production cost. The gross production is selected as a main output variable. The empirical results suggest that the productivity of pharmaceutical industry has decreased due mainly to decline in the technological progress rather than improvements in technical efficiency. An analysis result shows that the scale efficiency outweighs the pure efficiency in determining the technical efficiency of pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, in order to enhance the competitiveness of domestic pharmaceutical industry, it is important to continue supporting policies to promote the technology innovation capability through efficient R&D investment and industry reform strategy.

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The Development of the Method of Determining Remaining Cited-patent Life Time Using the Survival Curve Analysis (생존곡선을 활용한 잔존 인용특허 수명 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Seung-Pyo;Park, Hyun-Woo;Yoo, Jae Young
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.745-765
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    • 2012
  • When attempting to use the income approach for the purpose of technology valuation, it is essential to identify the economic life of the technology in question. From the mid-2000s up to the present, the methods proposed by major Korean institutions for estimating the economic life of technologies have been based on cited patent life (CLT), which is one of the types of technology life. The present study utilizes cited patent life (CLT) to estimate the economic life of technology for the purpose of technology valuation, and proposes a new method of analyzing cited patent life, a method that has been improved by taking into consideration the elapsed period and the time period of investment required for commercialization, two factors which have been hitherto overlooked. Survival curve analysis is a method that has already been widely utilized to estimate the economic life of tangible assets, and this study applies the same method to the calculation of the cited patent life index of technology to provide a more objective method for determining the lifetime of a technology. The remaining life expectancy of cited patent life based on the number of elapsed years was calculated and used to determine the life expectancy of a technology that has reached a specific number of elapsed years, which is referred to as the remaining cited-patent life time (r-CLT).

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The Impacts of Reporting Choice on Asymmetric Cost Behavior - Focused on Korean and Japanese Manufacturing Firms - (회계선택이 비대칭적 원가행태에 미치는 영향 - 한국, 일본 제조기업을 중심으로 -)

  • Noh, Gil-Kwan;Kim, Dong-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.452-458
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how managers' reporting choices affect asymmetric cost behaviors in manufacturing firms in Korea and Japan. In order to analyze the contents, SG&A, COGS, and operating expenses (OE), which were the targets of the previous studies, were analyzed using the operating costs paid in cash (OC) and the operating expenses before depreciation (OEBD) proposed by Shust and Weiss (2014). The differentiation of cost behavior was analyzed. The analysis revealed, first, that both Korea and Japan showed the difference between cost behavior of OE and OC. Specifically, the cost stickiness of OC was higher than that of OE. In particular, it showed that Korea firms have a higher intensity of tangible fixed assets that are weakening the cost stickiness compared to Japanese firms. Second, the occurrence of depreciation costs weakens the cost stickiness in both countries. Lastly, the higher the debt ratio, the more aggressively the cost reduction of Japanese companies. We hope that this study will help to improve the relationship between the two countries at the academic level when the Korea-Japan relationship cools down.