• 제목/요약/키워드: Taeyangin.Taeumin

검색결과 79건 처리시간 0.023초

아토피 피부염 환자의 체질분석 (Analysis of Atopic Dermatitis Patients according to the Sasang Constitution)

  • 김혜정
    • 한방안이비인후피부과학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.200-209
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between atopic dermatitis and the Sasang constitution. Methods : I examined 64 patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis for a long time who visited Department of Dermatology in Kangnam Korean Hospital, Kyunghee University and classified them into 4 types according to Sasang constitution under consulting a Sasang specialist. 1. The Sasang specialist classified the patients using the Questionnaire for the Sasang Constitution Classification Ⅱ(QSCCⅡ), body components examination, facial morphology measurement and Meridian function examination. 2. I analyzed the distribution of sex and age, first onset age, history period, digestion condition, existences of past history and family history, basal material volume, immunoglobulin E and eosinophil. Results and Conclusions : 1. As the distribution of sex and age, 28 patients(pts) were male and 36 pts were female. 20's female group was the most common. 2. As the distribution of Sasang constitution types, Soeumin were 28(43.7$\%$) pts, Taeumin were 24(37.5$\%$) pts, Soyangin were 11(17.2$\%$) pts, and Taeyangin was 1(1.6$\%$) pI. 3. As the mean age at first visit, Soeumin's was 20yrs, Taeumin's and Soyangin's were 27yrs, and Taeyangin's was 15yrs. 4. As the mean onset age, Soeumin's was 7yrs the lowest, Taeumin's was 15.7yrs, Soyangin's was 10.54yrs and Taeyangin's was 15yrs. 5. As the history period. Soeumin's was 13.8yrs. Taeumin's was 11.8yrs. Soyangin's was 16.5yrs. Tae yangin's was 13yrs. 6. As the existence of past history of atopic diseases, Soeumin were 12(43$\%$) pts, Taeumin were 7(29$\%$) pts and Soyangin were 5(45$\%$) pts. 7. As immunoglobulin E, 21(75$\%$) pts of Soeumin were normal, 7(25$\%$) pts were abnormal.. 22(92$\%$) pts of Taeumin were normal, 2(8$\%$) pts were abnormal. 8(73$\%$) pts of Soyangin were normal, 3(27$\%$) pts were abnormal. As the defecation condition, 19(68$\%$) pts of Soeumin were normal, 9(32$\%$) pts were abnormal. 14(58$\%$) pts of Taeumin were normal, 10(42$\%$) pts were abnormal, 8(73$\%$) pts of Soyangin were normal, 3(27$\%$) pts were abnormal. 8. The mean value of immunoglobulin E of Soeumin was 1236, Taeeumin was 442, Soyangin was 2010, the mean value of eosinophil of Soeumin was 3.5, Taeeumin was 2.47, Soyangin was 4.28.

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사상인(四象人)의 안면, 음성, 피부 및 맥진 특성에 관한 설문조사 연구 (Survey Study about Sasangin's Characteristics of Face, Voice, Skin and Pulse Diagnosis)

  • 이준희;김윤희;황민우;김종열;이의주;송병일;고병희
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.126-143
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    • 2007
  • 1. Objectives The purpose of this study is to find out the grade of practical use, the important element and the significant characteristics of Sasangin' s face, voice, skin and pulse diagnostic impression, in Sasang constitutional clinical diagnosis. 2. Methods We analysed the survey data about Sasangin' s face, voice, skin and pulse diagnostic impression, drawn up by specialist in Sasang constitutional medicine. 3. Results and Conclusions (1) In the application degree of face feature, the case which it was applied with 20-40% and 40-60% were 16 people(43.2%) respectively. In voice, the case applied with 0-20% was 19 people(51.4%), in skin, 0-20% and 20-40% were 14 people(37.8%) respectively and in pulse diagnosis, 0-20% were 25 people(73.0%). (2) In constitutional diagnosis, the important element of face were 'frontal whole shape', 'whole impression' and 'size and shape of eye, ear, mose and mouth', the important element of voice 'speed of speech', 'purity and impurity' and 'pitch', the important element of skin 'thickness', 'feel of touch' and 'size of skin pores' and the important element of pulse diagnosis 'speed of pulse', 'sinking and floating' and 'weakness and firmness'. (3) The important face characteristics of Taeyangin were 'bright eye', 'broad forehead' and 'strong impression', Soyangin 'protruding forehead', 'thin and small lips', 'narrowing and sharp chin', Taeumin 'thick lips', 'flat face', 'large eye, nose, ear and mouth' and Soeumin 'long and slender face', 'downward slanting eyes' and 'small eye, nose, ear and mouth', The important voice characteristics of Taeyangin were 'loud' and 'clear', Soyangin 'rapid' and 'high-pitched tone', Taeumin 'chick', 'slow' and 'low-pitched tone' and Soeumin 'small and feeble' and 'slow'. The important skin characteristics of Taeyangin were 'thin' and 'white', Soyangin 'thin', 'smooth' and 'elastic', Taeumin 'thick', 'large skin-pore', 'coarse' and Soeumin 'soft', 'thin' and 'subtle skin-pore'. The important pulse characteristics of Taeyangin were 'rapid' and 'large', Soyangin 'rapid' and 'floating', Taeumin 'tense', 'long' and 'solid' and Soeumin 'fine', 'weak' and 'slow'.

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사상체질별 음향특성(音響特性)과 신체질량지수(BMI)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the sound characteristic and B.M.I by Sasang Constitution)

  • 김달래
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2004
  • Purpose This study is to find the characteristics of voice quality based on the classifying the sound characteristics and B.M.I. by Sasang Constitution. Methods To make the notion of the consensus of Sasang Constitution's Voice, classification into 4 categories was made: clear/hoarse, high/low, powerful/powerless, fast/slow. Result The voice quality of Soyangin group was classified as powerful and fast, and that of Taeumin group was classified as powerful and hoarse and low, and that of Soeumin group was classified as powerless and clear. The mean B.M.I. of Soeumin group was classified as 21.4, and that of Taeumin group was classified as 26.3. Conclusion 1. Taeumin was significantly high compared with Soeumin in B.M.I. 2. It can be classified as Taeumin when B.M.I. is high(26.3). 3. It can be classified as Soeumin when B.M.I. is low(21.4). 4. The voice quality of Soyangin group was classified as clear and fast, or strong and clear, and that of Taeumin group as powerful and hoarse, and that of Soeumin group as powerless and low.

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음향특성에 따른 태음인 체질병증(體質病證) 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Sasang Constitutional Symptom of Taeumin by Voice Characteristics)

  • 김달래
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2007
  • 1. Objectives and Methods This study was done to investigate the relationships of Sound parameters between Liver Heat Symptom and Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin using PSSC(Phonetic System of Sasang Constitution) in a sentence. Experimental Participants were 20 Korean adult males including, each 10 Liver Heat Symptom and Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. 2. Results In Pitch segment, APQ segment and Shimmer segment, there were no significant differences between Liver Heat Symptom and Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. In Octave segment, there were significant differences in Octave 1, Octave 3, Octave 4, Octave 6 of Liver Heat Symptom of Taeumin were significantly high compared with Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. In Energy segment, FreQ Domain Total Sum / cnt(0), 0k-2k Total Sum,0k-2k sum dev., 2k-4k Total Sum, 2k-4k sum dev., A# Tot E, B__TOT_E, C__TOT_E, C# Tot E, D__TOT_E, A sum dev., A# sum dev., B sum dev., C sum dev., C# sum dev., Dsum dev., D# sum dev., E sum dev., F sum dev., F# sum dev., G sum dev., G# sum dev. of Liver Heat Symptom of Taeumin were significantly high compared with Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. In Voice Recording time segment, Total Voice Recording Time, Voice Recording Time, Divide By Time3, Divide By Energy10, Total Unit, Max Unit Position, U_0 TO 3 of Liver Heat Symptom of Taeumin were significantly high compared with Esophagus Symptom of Taeumin. 3. Conclusion From above result, there is the postbility of efficiency quide constitutional sx. of Taeumin by Voice characteristics. More Soeumin, Soyangin and Taeyangin Symptoms are needed to determine Sasang Constitution using PSSC and to make PSSC effective.

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소양인(少陽人) 수면 습관에 관한 연구 (A Clinical Study on the Ordinary Sleeping Patterns of Soyangin)

  • 김정주;이영섭;박성식
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study is for discovering the clinical Features of the sleep in ordinary symptoms based on the Sasang Constitution. The result of this study could be helpful to understand and to identify the patients as Soyangin in contrast with the other constitutions -Soeumin, Taeumin and Taeyangin. Methods : There were 1,229 patients(700 female), who answered the questionnaire about their ordinary sleeping patterns. They had been diagnosed, including their clinical Sasang Constitution, by the Sasang Constitution specialist at Bundang Oriental Hospital of Dongguk University. By applying the binary logistic regression analysis, we can measure the characteristics and the influence of ordinary sleeping patterns to the dependent variable(Sasang Constitution). Results : As a result of the binary logistic analysis on the observed questionnaire, we found the characteristics of the ordinary sleeping patterns on Soyangin in contrast with the other constitutions. Firstly, Soyangin has a tendency that he wouldn't dreams more, when he sleeps in contrast with the others. Secondly, Soyangin has a tendency that he wouldn't sleep longer than 6-7hours. Thirthly, Soyangin has a tendency that he will sleep well in contrast with the others. Conclusion : This study will be used to identify patients as Soyangin in contrast with the others-Soemin, Taeumin and Taeyangin.

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소화에 관한 체질별 상관성 연구 (A Correlation Research of Digestion According to Sasang Constitution)

  • 백태호;최정락;박성식
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.112-119
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    • 2004
  • Objectives This paper was designed for studying the features of digestion according to Sasang Constitution and to be helpful to make a diagnosis Sasang Constitution. Using the result of this study, it will be helpful to diagnose a Sasang constitution. Methods There were 588 patients(248 men, 340 women) who answered questionnaire and were diagnosed by the Sasang Constitution Specialist at Constitutional Clinic of Dongguk Bundang Oriental Hospital. Using the response of questionnaire and several statistical techniques such as homogeneity test and multiple comparison, we tried to find the characteristics of each constitution depending on its dining behavior. Results As a result of the analysis of questionnaire, Taeumin and Soyangin answered to 'Because digestion is well, I overeat frequently' many more than Soeumin(p<0.01). Soeumin answered to 'When I eat cold food or greasy food, it hardly digests' many more than Taeumin(p<0.05). Soeumin and Taeyangin answered to 'Because I have indigestion, I have suffered from infancy' many more than Taeumin(p<0.01). Soeumin answered to 'I have easily a digestive upset' many more than Taeumin(p<0.01). Soeumin answered to 'indigestion in case of paying attention' many more than Taeumin and Soyangin(p<0.01).

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사상체질에 따른 뇌혈관질환 위험인자의 분포에 대한 비교연구 (Study on the Risk Factors of Cerebrovascular Disease between Sasang Constitutions)

  • 김도형;윤성우;고창남;김승은
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.379-382
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    • 2001
  • Objectives: Many studies have been reported about Sasang constitutional distribution of cerebrovascular disease(CVD) patients. But there has been little study about the risk factors of normal persons between Sasang constitutions. So we studied to evaluate the risk of CVD between Sasang constitutions. Methods: We retrospectively studied subjects without previous stroke($age{\geq}40$) who visited east-west medical examination center in Kang Nam Korean Hosipital, Kyung Hee University for last 2 years(1998.8.1.${\sim}$2000.7.31.). Sasang constitutional differentiation was performed by Questionnaire for the Constitution Classification(QSCC) II and subjects who couldn't be classifiea by QSCC II were excluded. Results : Total 363 subjects participated in this study(Taeyangin 0, Taeumin 103, Soyangin 113, Soumin 92, obscure 55). Diabetes mellitus(p<0.05), hyperlipidemia(p<0.01), obesity(p=0.000) were significantly prevalent in Taeumin. Hypertension and heart disease had no significant difference between Sasang constitutions. Conclusions: This study showed that the risk factors of CVD were more prevalent in Taeumin. Therefore we guess that Taeumin has high risk of CVD.

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사상체질분류검사지(QSCC II)의 Upgrade 연구 (II) - 사상체질분류검사지(QSCC II)의 재타당화 연구 - (The Study on the Upgrade of QSCC II (II) - The study on the re-validity of QSCC II-)

  • 곽창규;이의주;고병희;송일병;이상규
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.39-49
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    • 2003
  • 1. The purpose of study The problem lies in the Sasang-constitutional-medicine is a subjectiveness of diagnosis that can be varied by every donor. Questionnare for the Sasang Constitution Classification II(QSCCII) was invented to solve this problem. This study was conducted for two purpose. The one is re-value the QSCCII. The other is to make a basis to upgrade QSCCII. 2. The method of study QSCCII was administered to 537 patients at Kyung Hee Oriental Medicine Hospital. Data was collected during 19 months from september 2000 to march 2002. For the purpose of this study, the collected data was analyzed by crosstabs, variation analysis and discrimination analysis. The analyzing program was SPSS 8.0 for Windows. And using this program I made the judgmental equation to re-value the QSCCII. 3. The result of study 1) not applied intensifying value The diagnostic discrimination abilities of the QSCCII is 61.5% about Taeyangin, 57.7% about Soyangin, 67.2% about Taeumin, 68.8% about Soemin. And its average is 65.0%. 2) applied intensifying value The diagnostic discrimination abilities of the QSCCII is 76.9% about Taeyangin, 59.9% about Soyangin, 68.9% about Taeumin, 71.2% about Soemin. And its average is 67.3%. 3) I propose a new diagnostic possibility with a different discriminant analysis and increase 42.3% of diagnostic discrimination ability considering 25% of accident diagnostic discrimination ability. 4) Development and complement of Taeyangin and Soyangin questions is needed to increase the accuracy of diagnosis.

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사상인(四象人)에 대한 향기요법 적용을 위한 선호도 연구 (The study on the Preferences for cypress, rosemary, and lavender essential oil related to Sasang constitution)

  • 강재현;김근우;구병수
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : This study is designed to evaluate the preferences for cypress, rosemary, and lavender essential oil related to Sasang constitution Methods : 79 patients and 70 students were tested by QCSS II and their preferences for cypress, rosemary, and lavender essential oil were investigated . It is analyzed by relationship between Sasang constitution and preference for essential oil. Results: 1. The number of Taeyangin was 3, Taeumin was 20, Soyangin was 6, Soeumin was 50 in patients group and all Taeyangins prefered cypress essential oil, 50% of 20 Taeumins prefered cypress, 45.0% prefered rosemary, and the rest prefered lavender oil. Soyangins prefered cypress, rosemary, lavender oil with the same ratio. 34.0% of 50 Soeumins prefered cypress, 44.0% prefered rosemary, 22.0% prefered lavender oil. 2. The number of Taeyangin was 2, Taeumin was 13, Soyangin was 18, Soeumin was 37 in 70 students group and one of Taeyangin prefered rosemary, and the rest prefered lavender oil. 15.4% of 13 Taeumins prefered cypress, 38.5% prefered rosemary, 46.2% prefered lavender oil. 38.9% of 18 Soyangins prefered cypress, 33.3% prefered rosemary, 27.8% prefered lavender oil. 35.1% of 37 Soeumins prefered cypres, 35.1% prefered rosemary, 29.7% prefered lavender oil. Conclusion : We don't have any significant differences of the preference for essential oil between Sasang constitution.

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한의과대학생의 사상체질별 학업스트레스 연구 (Study of on Academic Stress Responses According to Sasang Constitutions of Oriental Medicine College Students)

  • 장준용;김경신;김병수
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : This study was founded to identify the differences of stress responses, according to Sasang Constitutions (the Taeyangin, Taeumin, Soyangin and Soumin) of highly stressed oriental medicine college students. Methods : The subjects were 76 students who majored in oriental medicine. We processed 'University students Stress Scale', and 'Medical Stress Scale'. We selected 30 students who stressed higher than average. We then processed 'QSCC II (Questionnare for the Sasang Constitution Classification II)' and 'Scale for the Stress Response'. Collected data was analyzed with the SPSS 19.0 for windows statistical program. Results : The university students stress score of oriental medicine students was 1.97 that was higher than the other college students. The medical stress score was 2.77, which was similar with other medical college students. The symptoms of stress score was 2.53, which was higher than the others. Particularly, the depressive syndrome and rage syndrome were highly ranked. The frequently appearing symptoms of each type of Sasang Constitutions (the Taeyangin, Taeumin, Soyangin and Soumin) showed as follows. The Soyangin's symptoms of stress showed in order of Anxiety, Depression, and Emotional irritability. The Soumin's symptoms of stress showed in order of Depression, Emotional irritability, and cognitive disorganization. The Taeumin's symptoms of stress showed in order of Anxiety, Depression, and Emotional irritability. However, there was were no significant differences among the results of each constitution. Conclusions : The results show that oriental medicine students have as much stress as other medical college students and there was tendency of showing different patterns of stress response, according to Sasang Constitution, but it's not significantly different.