• Title/Summary/Keyword: TLD measurement

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Evaluation after Applicated a Mold to a Paraneoplastic Autoimmune Multiorgan Syndrome Patient with Hypervascular Ulcer in the Oral Cavity during Treatment with Mold Brachytherapy (Paraneoplastic Autoimmune Multiorgan Syndrome으로 인하여 구강 내 국소적으로 발생한 과다혈관성 궤양의 방사선 근접치료 시 자체 제작한 Mold의 유용성 평가)

  • Park, Ju-Kyeong;Lee, Sun-Young;Lim, Seok-Geon;Kwak, Geun-Tak;Lee, Seung-Hun;Kim, Yang-Su;Hwang, Ho-In;Cha, Seok-Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Evaluate the mold we have made to improve the reproducibility of the patient position and make homogeneous dose distribution to the treatment volume effectively when treating the patient who has hypervascular ulcer on her tongue caused by paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome by mold brachytherapy. Materials and Methods: The mold is consisted of upper and lower parts. We inserted 2 mm of lead sheet on the gums toward the oral cavity to protect them from unnecessary irradiation during the treatment. We had planned on orthogonal images obtained the patient. 200 cGy was delivered in every fraction with a total dose of 3000 cGy. To evaluate the effect of the lead sheet, we made a measurement with a phantom that has gums and tongue made of tissue with an equivalent material (bolus). Five of TLDs were placed on the interesting points of gums to measure the dose during irradiation with lead sheet and without lead sheet for three times respectively. Results: The result of the measurement without lead sheet are A: 33.9 cGy, B: 30.1 cGy, C: 31.8 cGy, D: 23.3 cGy, E: 24.1 cGy. The results of measurement with lead sheet are A: 20.6 cGy, B: 18.8 cGy, C: 19.6 cGy, D: 14.7 cGy, E: 15.1 cGy. Conclusion: Since we are using the mold made in our department during the treatment of the patient with hypervascular ulcer on tongue, we could deliver a proper dose to the treatment volume. In addition, the mold provided highly accurate and reproducible treatment and reduced the dose to the gums and teeth. Therefore, the possibility of side effects could be decreased significantly.

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Shielding for Critical Organs and Radiation Exposure Dose Distribution in Patients with High Energy Radiotherapy (고 에너지 방사선치료에서 환자의 피폭선량 분포와 생식선의 차폐)

  • Chu, Sung-Sil;Suh, Chang-Ok;Kim, Gwi-Eon
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2002
  • High energy photon beams from medical linear accelerators produce large scattered radiation by various components of the treatment head, collimator and walls or objects in the treatment room including the patient. These scattered radiation do not provide therapeutic dose and are considered a hazard from the radiation safety perspective. Scattered dose of therapeutic high energy radiation beams are contributed significant unwanted dose to the patient. ICRP take the position that a dose of 500mGy may cause abortion at any stage of pregnancy and that radiation detriment to the fetus includes risk of mental retardation with a possible threshold in the dose response relationship around 100 mGy for the gestational period. The ICRP principle of as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) was recommended for protection of occupation upon the linear no-threshold dose response hypothesis for cancer induction. We suggest this ALARA principle be applied to the fetus and testicle in therapeutic treatment. Radiation dose outside a photon treatment filed is mostly due to scattered photons. This scattered dose is a function of the distance from the beam edge, treatment geometry, primary photon energy, and depth in the patient. The need for effective shielding of the fetus and testicle is reinforced when young patients ate treated with external beam radiation therapy and then shielding designed to reduce the scattered photon dose to normal organs have to considered. Irradiation was performed in phantom using high energy photon beams produced by a Varian 2100C/D medical linear accelerator (Varian Oncology Systems, Palo Alto, CA) located at the Yonsei Cancer Center. The composite phantom used was comprised of a commercially available anthropomorphic Rando phantom (Phantom Laboratory Inc., Salem, YN) and a rectangular solid polystyrene phantom of dimensions $30cm{\times}30cm{\times}20cm$. the anthropomorphic Rando phantom represents an average man made from tissue equivalent materials that is transected into transverse 36 slices of 2.5cm thickness. Photon dose was measured using a Capintec PR-06C ionization chamber with Capintec 192 electrometer (Capintec Inc., Ramsey, NJ), TLD( VICTOREEN 5000. LiF) and film dosimetry V-Omat, Kodak). In case of fetus, the dosimeter was placed at a depth of loom in this phantom at 100cm source to axis distance and located centrally 15cm from the inferior edge of the $30cm{\times}30cm^2$ x-ray beam irradiating the Rando phantom chest wall. A acryl bridge of size $40cm{\times}40cm^2$ and a clear space of about 20 cm was fabricated and placed on top of the rectangular polystyrene phantom representing the abdomen of the patient. The leaf pot for testicle shielding was made as various shape, sizes, thickness and supporting stand. The scattered photon with and without shielding were measured at the representative position of the fetus and testicle. Measurement of radiation scattered dose outside fields and critical organs, like fetus position and testicle region, from chest or pelvic irradiation by large fie]d of high energy radiation beam was performed using an ionization chamber and film dosimetry. The scattered doses outside field were measured 5 - 10% of maximum doses in fields and exponentially decrease from field margins. The scattered photon dose received the fetus and testicle from thorax field irradiation was measured about 1 mGy/Gy of photon treatment dose. Shielding construction to reduce this scattered dose was investigated using lead sheet and blocks. Lead pot shield for testicle reduced the scatter dose under 10 mGy when photon beam of 60 Gy was irradiated in abdomen region. The scattered photon dose is reduced when the lead shield was used while the no significant reduction of scattered photon dose was observed and 2-3 mm lead sheets refuted the skin dose under 80% and almost electron contamination. The results indicate that it was possible to improve shielding to reduce scattered photon for fetus and testicle when a young patients were treated with a high energy photon beam.

Evaluation of Radiation Exposure to Nurse on Nuclear Medicine Examination by Use Radioisotope (방사성 동위원소를 이용한 핵의학과 검사에서 병동 간호사의 방사선 피폭선량 평가)

  • Jeong, Jae Hoon;Lee, Chung Wun;You, Yeon Wook;Seo, Yeong Deok;Choi, Ho Yong;Kim, Yun Cheol;Kim, Yong Geun;Won, Woo Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.44-49
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    • 2017
  • Purpose Radiation exposure management has been strictly regulated for the radiation workers, but there are only a few studies on potential risk of radiation exposure to non-radiation workers, especially nurses in a general ward. The present study aimed to estimate the exact total exposure of the nurse in a general ward by close contact with the patient undergoing nuclear medicine examinations. Materials and Methods Radiation exposure rate was determined by using thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) and optical simulated luminescence (OSL) in 14 nurses in a general ward from October 2015 to June 2016. External radiation rate was measured immediately after injection and examination at skin surface, and 50 cm and 1 m distance from 50 patients (PET/CT 20 pts; Bone scan 20 pts; Myocardial SPECT 10 pts). After measurement, effective half-life, and total radiation exposure expected in nurses were calculated. Then, expected total exposure was compared with total exposures actually measured in nurses by TLD and OSL. Results Mean and maximum amount of radiation exposure of 14 nurses in a general ward were 0.01 and 0.02 mSv, respectively in each measuring period. External radiation rate after injection at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients was as following; $376.0{\pm}25.2$, $88.1{\pm}8.2$ and $29.0{\pm}5.8{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in PET/CT; $206.7{\pm}56.6$, $23.1{\pm}4.4$ and $10.1{\pm}1.4{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in bone scan; $22.5{\pm}2.6$, $2.4{\pm}0.7$ and $0.9{\pm}0.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in myocardial SPECT. After examination, external radiation rate at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients was decreased as following; $165.3{\pm}22.1$, $38.7{\pm}5.9$ and $12.4{\pm}2.5{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in PET/CT; $32.1{\pm}8.7$, $6.2{\pm}1.1$, $2.8{\pm}0.6$, respectively in bone scan; $14.0{\pm}1.2$, $2.1{\pm}0.3$, $0.8{\pm}0.2{\mu}Sv/hr$, respectively in myocardial SPECT. Based upon the results, an effective half-life was calculated, and at 30 minutes after examination the time to reach normal dose limit in 'Nuclear Safety Act' was calculated conservatively without considering a half-life. In oder of distance (at skin surface, 0.5 m and 1 m distance from patients), it was 7.9, 34.1 and 106.8 hr, respectively in PET/CT; 40.4, 199.5 and 451.1 hr, respectively in bone scan, 62.5, 519.3 and 1313.6 hr, respectively in myocardial SPECT. Conclusion Radiation exposure rate may differ slightly depending on the work process and the environment in a general ward. Exposure rate was measured at step in the general examination procedure and it made our results more reliable. Our results clearly showed that total amount of radiation exposure caused by residual radioactive isotope in the patient body was neglectable, even comparing with the natural radiation exposure. In conclusion, nurses in a general ward were much less exposed than the normal dose limit, and the effects of exposure by contacting patients undergoing nuclear medicine examination was ignorable.

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Shielding Design Optimization of the HANARO Cold Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer and Radiation Dose Measurement (냉중성자 삼축분광장치의 차폐능 최적화 설계 및 선량 측정)

  • Ryu, Ji Myung;Hong, Kwang Pyo;Park, J.M. Sungil;Choi, Young Hyeon;Lee, Kye Hong
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2014
  • A new cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer (Cold-TAS) was recently constructed at the 30 MWth research reactor, HANARO. The spectrometer, which is composed of neutron optical components and radiation shield, required a redesign of the segmented monochromator shield due to the lack of adequate support of its weight. To shed some weight, lowering the height of the segmented shield was suggested while adding more radiation shield to the top cover of the monochromator chamber. To investigate the radiological effect of such change, we performed MCNPX simulations of a few different configurations of the Cold-TAS monochromator shield and obtained neutron and photon intensities at 5 reference points just outside the shield. Reducing the 35% of the height of the segmented shield and locating lead 10 cm from the bottom of the top cover made of polyethylene was shown to perform just as well as the original configuration as radiation shield excepting gamma flux at two points. Using gamma map by MCNPX, it was checked that is distribution of gamma. Increased flux had direction to the top and it had longer distance from top of segmented shield. However, because of reducing the 35% of the height, height of dissipated gamma was lower than original geometry. Reducing the 35% of the height of the segmented shield and locating lead 10cm from the bottom of the top cover was selected. After changing geometry, radiation dose was measured by TLD for confirming tester's safety at any condition. Neutron(0.21 ${\mu}Svhr^{-1}$) and gamma(3.69 ${\mu}Svhr^{-1}$) radiation dose were satisfied standard(6.25 ${\mu}Svhr^{-1}$).