• Title/Summary/Keyword: TLD측정

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Assessment of Natural Radiation Exposure by Means of Gamma-Ray Spectrometry and Thermoluminescence Dosimetry (감마선분광분석(線分光分析) 및 열형광검출법(熱螢光檢出法)에 의한 자연방사선(自然放射線)의 선량측정연구(線量測定硏究))

  • Jun, Jae-Shik;Oh, Hi-Peel;Choi, Chul-Kyu;Oh, Heon-Jin;Ha, Chung-Woo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.96-108
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    • 1985
  • A study for the assessment of natural environmental radiation exposure at a flat and open field of about $10,000m^2$ in area in CNU Daeduk campus has been carried out by means of gamma-ray scintillation spectrometry and thermoluminescence dosimetry for one year period of time from October 1984. The detectors used were 3'${\phi}{\times}$3' NaI(T1) and two different types of LiF TLD, namely, chip sealed in plastic sheet which tightly pressed on two open holes of a metal plate and Teflon disk. Three 24-hour cycles of in-situ spectrometry, and two 3-month and one 1-month cycles of field TL dosimetry were performed. All the spectra measured were converted into exposure rate by means of G(E) opertaion, and therefrom exposure rate due to terrestrial component of environmental radiation was figured out. Exposure rate determined by the spectrometry was, on average, $(10.54{\pm}2.96){\mu}R/hr$, and the rates of $(12.0{\pm}3.4){\mu}R/hr$ and $(11.0{\pm}3.6){\mu}R/hr$ were obtained from chip and disk TLD, respectively. Fluctuations in diurnal variation of the exposure rate measured by the spectrometry were noticeable sometime even in a single cycle of 24 hours. It is concluded that appropriately combined use of TLD with iu-sitn gamma-ray spectrometry system can give more accurate and precise measure of environmental radiation exposure, and further study for more adequate and sensitive TLD for environmental dosimetry, including improvement and elevation of accuracy in data assessment through inter-laboratory or international intercomparison is necessary.

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Exposure Dose of Thyroid, Breast, and Sexual Gland using a Personal Dosimeter in Multiple CT Examinations (다중 CT 검사 시 개인선량계를 이용한 갑상선, 유방, 생식선의 피폭선량)

  • Kim, Hae-Suk;Kim, Jang-Oh;Lee, Yoon-Ji;Heo, Sung-Hoe;Lee, Chang-Ho;Min, Byung-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.345-351
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    • 2020
  • In this study, a dose assessment was conducted on the exposure dose of thyroid, breast and sexual gland using a personal dosimeter in multiple CT examinations currently being conducted in health examinations. The dose assessment was measured by attaching TLD and EPD to the locations of the thyroid, breast and sexual gland during CT examinations of Brain, Brain + C-S, Brain + Low lung, Brain + L-S among CT items. The generated dose of equipment, CTDIvol and DLP, was measured. The study found that effective doses were rated 41.7% higher for thyroid TLD in Brain + C-S CT examinations than for the general public, 156% higher for EPD, 10% for breast EPD in Brain + Low Lung CT examinations, 124.4% higher for reproductive TLD and 339.8% higher for Brain + L-S CT examinations. The CTDIvol and DLP analysis results showed that C-S CTDIvol values were higher than the diagnostic reference levels at 0.6%, Low Lung CTDIvol values at 5.7%, DLP values at 11.8% and L-S CTDIvol values at 1.2%. In order to reduce the exposure dose of patients, indiscriminate examination is reduced and dose limit setting is needed in health examination.

Quality Assurance of CORVUS Planning System for Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (CORVUS Planning System을 사용한 세기조절방사선치료의 정도관리에 관한 연구)

  • 김성규
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2004
  • The intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is believed to be on of the best treatment techniques for the goal of radiation therapy: to irradiate fatal dose to tumor region while minimizing dose to critical organs. It is essential to have comprehensive quality assurance program to assure the precision and the accuracy of the treatment due to the characteristic of the IMRT. The quality assurance technique for the Corvus treatment planning system was developed and its effectiveness was tested with the treatment planning of H&N region. Acrylic phantom, film and ionization chamber were used for this study, the discrepancy between the treatment planning and the film measurements showed 0.03 cm and 0.28 cm for the 90% of isodose line in each directions. Dose measurements showed 1% and 1.2% differences for ionization chamber and TLD, respectively. This concluded that the system can be used for clinic.

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The evaluation of dose of TSEI with TLD and diode dector of the uterine cervix cancer (열형광선량계와 반도체검출기를 이용한 전신피부전자선조사의 선량평가)

  • Je Young Wan;Na Keyung Su;Yoon IL Kyu;Park Heung Deuk
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : To evaluate radiation dose and accuracy with TLD and diode detector when treat total skin with electron beam. Materials and Methods : Using Stanford Technique, we treated patient with Mycosis Fungoides. 6 MeV electron beam of LINAC was used and the SSD was 300 cm. Also, acrylic speller(0.8 cm) was used. The patient position was 6 types and the gantry angle was 64, 90 and $116^{\circ}$. The patient's skin dose and the output were detected 5 to 6 times with TLD and diode. Result : The deviations of dose detected with TLD from tumor dose were CA $+\;6\%$, thigh $+\;8\%$, umbilicus $+\;4\%$, calf $-\;8\%$, vertex $-\;74.4\%$, deep axillae $-\;10.2\%$, anus and testis $-\;87\%$, sole $-\;86\%$ and nails shielded with 4mm lead $+4\%$. The deviations of dose detected with diode were $-4.5\%{\sim}+5\%$ at the patient center and $-1.1\%{\sim}+1\%$ at the speller. Conclusion : The deviation of total skin dose was $+\;8\%{\sim}-\;8\%$ and that deviation was within the acceptable range(${\pm}\;10\%$). The boost dose was irradiated for the low dose areas(vertex, anus, sole). The electron beam output detected at the sootier was stable. It is thought that the deviation of dose at patient center detected with diode was induced by detection point and patient position.

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Consideration on Shielding Effect Based on Apron Wearing During Low-dose I-131 Administration (저용량 I-131 투여시 Apron 착용여부에 따른 차폐효과에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Ilsu;Kim, Hosin;Ryu, Hyeonggi;Kang, Yeongjik;Park, Suyoung;Kim, Seungchan;Lee, Guiwon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.32-36
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    • 2016
  • Purpose In nuclear medicine examination, $^{131}I$ is widely used in nuclear medicine examination such as diagnosis, treatment, and others of thyroid cancer and other diseases. $^{131}I$ conducts examination and treatment through emission of ${\gamma}$ ray and ${\beta}^-$ ray. Since $^{131}I$ (364 keV) contains more energy compared to $^{99m}Tc$ (140 keV) although it displays high integrated rate and enables quick discharge through kidney, the objective of this study lies in comparing the difference in exposure dose of $^{131}I$ before and after wearing apron when handling $^{131}I$ with focus on 3 elements of external exposure protection that are distance, time, and shield in order to reduce the exposure to technicians in comparison with $^{99m}Tc$ during the handling and administration process. When wearing apron (in general, Pb 0.5 mm), $^{99m}Tc$ presents shield of over 90% but shielding effect of $^{131}I$ is relatively low as it is of high energy and there may be even more exposure due to influence of scattered ray (secondary) and bremsstrahlung in case of high dose. However, there is no special report or guideline for low dose (74 MBq) high energy thus quantitative analysis on exposure dose of technicians will be conducted based on apron wearing during the handling of $^{131}I$. Materials and Methods With patients who visited Department of Nuclear Medicine of our hospital for low dose $^{131}I$ administration for thyroid cancer and diagnosis for 7 months from Jun 2014 to Dec 2014 as its subject, total 6 pieces of TLD was attached to interior and exterior of apron placed on thyroid, chest, and testicle from preparation to administration. Then, radiation exposure dose from $^{131}I$ examination to administration was measured. Total procedure time was set as within 5 min per person including 3 min of explanation, 1 min of distribution, and 1 min of administration. In regards to TLD location selection, chest at which exposure dose is generally measured and thyroid and testicle with high sensitivity were selected. For preparation, 74 MBq of $^{131}I$ shall be distributed with the use of $2m{\ell}$ syringe and then it shall be distributed after making it into dose of $2m{\ell}$ though dilution with normal saline. When distributing $^{131}I$ and administering it to the patient, $100m{\ell}$ of water shall be put into a cup, distributed $^{131}I$ shall be diluted, and then oral administration to patients shall be conducted with the distance of 1m from the patient. The process of withdrawing $2m{\ell}$ syringe and cup used for oral administration was conducted while wearing apron and TLD. Apron and TLD were stored at storage room without influence of radiation exposure and the exposure dose was measured with request to Seoul Radiology Services. Results With the result of monthly accumulated exposure dose of TLD worn inside and outside of apron placed on thyroid, chest, and testicle during low dose $^{131}I$ examination during the research period divided by number of people, statistics processing was conducted with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test using SPSS Version. 12.0K. As a result, it was revealed that there was no significant difference since all of thyroid (p = 0.345), chest (p = 0.686), and testicle (p = 0.715) were presented to be p > 0.05. Also, when converting the change in total exposure dose during research period into percentage, it was revealed to be -23.5%, -8.3%, and 19.0% for thyroid, chest, and testicle respectively. Conclusion As a result of conducting Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, it was revealed that there is no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05). Also, in case of calculating shielding rate with accumulate exposure dose during 7 months, it was revealed that there is irregular change in exposure dose for inside and outside of apron. Although the degree of change seems to be high when it is expressed in percentage, it cannot be considered a big change since the unit of accumulated exposure dose is in decimal points. Therefore, regardless of wearing apron during high energy low dose $^{131}I$ administration, placing certain distance and terminating the administration as soon as possible would be of great assistance in reducing the exposure dose. Although this study restricted $^{131}I$ administration time to be within 5 min per person and distance for oral administration to be 1m, there was a shortcoming to acquire accurate result as there was insufficient number of N for statistics and it could be processed only through non-parametric method. Also, exposure dose per person during lose dose $^{131}I$ administration was measured with accumulated exposure dose using TLD rather than through direct-reading exposure dose thus more accurate result could be acquired when measurement is conducted using electronic dosimeter and pocket dosimeter.

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Basic Measurements and Dosage Compensation for Total Body Irradiation (전신조사를 위한 선량 측정과 보상)

  • 김진기;권형철;김정수;김부길;추성실
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1992
  • For the TBI with medical linear accelerator(6.10MV), we measured basic data for dosage calculation and designed compensation filters to improve dose uniformity. At the distance of 3.4cm from the source, using the specially designed compensation filters reduced with in ${\pm}$5% for mid-depth dose in the phantom seated with flexion of the legs in the field sige up to 120${\times}$120cm$^2$ for the whole body. In repeated measurements for the dose distribution with humanoid phantom contained paraflin compound, measurement error using the TLD chips were less than ${\pm}$5%.

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A Study on Accuracy and Usefulness of In-vivo Dosimetry in Proton Therapy (양성자 치료에서 생체 내 선량측정 검출기(In-vivo dosimety)의 정확성과 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sunyoung;Choi, Jaehyock;Won, Huisu;Hong, Joowan;Cho, Jaehwan;Lee, Sunyeob;Park, Cheolsoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the authors attempted to measure the skin dose by irradiating the actual dose on to the TLD(Thermo-Luminescence Dosimeter) and EBT3 Film used as the In-vivo dosimetry after planning the same treatment as the actual patient on a Phantom, because the erythema or dermatitis is frequently occurred on the patients' skin at the time of the proton therapy of medulloblastoma patient receiving the proton therapy. They intended to know whether there is the usefulness for the dosimetry of skin by the comparative analysis of the measured dose values with the treatment planned skin dose. The CT scan from the Brain to the Pelvis was done by placing a phantom on the CSI(Cranio-spinal irradiation) Set-up position of Medulloblastoma, and the treatment Isocenter point was aligned by using DIPS(Digital Image Positioning System) in the treatment room after planning a proton therapy. The treatment Isocenter point of 5 areas that the proton beam was entered into them, and Markers of 2 areas shown in the Phantom during CT scans, that is, in all 7 points, TLD and EBT3 Film pre-calibrated are alternatively attached, and the proton beam that the treatment was planned, was irradiated by 10 times, respectively. As a result of the comparative analysis of the average value calculated from the result values obtained by the repeated measurement of 10 times with the Skin Dose measured in the treatment planning system, the measured dose values of 6 points, except for one point that the accurate measurement was lacked due to the measurement position with a difficulty showed the distribution of the absolute dose value ${\pm}2%$ in both TLD and EBT Film. In conclusion, in this study, the clinical usefulness of the TLD and EBT3 Film for the Enterance skin dose measurement in the first proton therapy in Korea was confirmed.

Shielding Effect of Radiation Protector for Interventional Procedure (중재적 방사선 분야 방호용구 차폐효과)

  • Ko, Shin-Kwan;Kang, Byung-Sam;Lim, Chung-Hwang
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate shielding effect of radiation protector for interventional radiologists in procedures by measuring inside and outside of radiation protector. In this study, we measured the radiation dose of 4 interventional radiologists during TACE and PTBD procedure for 4 month(2005.05-2005.09). Absorbed dose were measured by TLD placed underneath and over radiation protector such as Goggle, Thyroid protector, Apron and placed on the 4th finger of Hand. In addition, we measured background radiation dose in the control room using TLD. During TACE procedure, using 0.07 mmPb Goggle decreased average 53.8% of radiation dose rate in continuous fluoroscopic mode and decreased average 77.6% of radiation dose rate in pulse fluoroscopic mode. Using 0.5 mmPb Thyroid protector decreased average 88.9% of radiation dose rate in continuous fluoroscopic mode and decreased average 92.8% in pulse fluoroscopic mode. During PTBD procedure, using 0.07 mmPb Goggle decreased radiation dose rate average 62.7%, 87.9% by 0.5 mmPb Thyroid protector, 90.5% by 0.5 mmPb Apron. The average fluoroscopic time of PTBD was 6.14 min. shorter than TACE procedure, but radiation exposure dose rate of PTBD was 3 times higher in total body dose, and 40 times higher in hand dose rate than TACE. Interventional radiologists must wear thicker protector recommended over 0.5 mmPb. Also, they must use lead Goggle during interventional procedure. Abdomen dose decreased average 38.4% by drawing a lead curtain under the patient's table, therefore, they must draw a lead curtain to shield scattering ray. Radiation exposure dose decreased average 59.0% by using pulse fluoroscopic mode. So radiologists would better use pulse fluoroscopic mode than continuous fluoroscopic mode to decrease exposure dose.

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Evaluation on the Radiation Exposure of Radiation Workers in Proton Therapy (양성자 치료 시 방사선 작업 종사자에게 미치는 방사선 피폭에 대한 평가)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun;Jang, Yo-Jong;Kim, Tae-Yoon;Jeong, Do-Hyung;Choi, Gye-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.107-114
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Unlike the existing linear accelerator with photon, proton therapy produces a number of second radiation due to the kinds of nuclide including neutron that is produced from the interaction with matter, and more attention must be paid on the exposure level of radiation workers for this reason. Therefore, thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) that is being widely used to measure radiation was utilized to analyze the exposure level of the radiation workers and propose a basic data about the radiation exposure level during the proton therapy. Materials and Methods: The subjects were radiation workers who worked at the proton therapy center of National Cancer Center and TLD Badge was used to compare the measured data of exposure level. In order to check the dispersion of exposure dose on body parts from the second radiation coming out surrounding the beam line of proton, TLD (width and length: 3 mm each) was attached to on the body spots (lateral canthi, neck, nipples, umbilicus, back, wrists) and retained them for 8 working hours, and the average data was obtained after measuring them for 80 hours. Moreover, in order to look into the dispersion of spatial exposure in the treatment room, TLD was attached on the snout, PPS (Patient Positioning System), Pendant, block closet, DIPS (Digital Image Positioning System), Console, doors and measured its exposure dose level during the working hours per day. Results: As a result of measuring exposure level of TLD Badge of radiation workers, quarterly average was 0.174 mSv, yearly average was 0.543 mSv, and after measuring the exposure level of body spots, it showed that the highest exposed body spot was neck and the lowest exposed body spot was back (the middle point of a line connecting both scapula superior angles). Investigation into the spatial exposure according to the workers' movement revealed that the exposure level was highest near the snout and as the distance becomes distant, it went lower. Conclusion: Even a small amount of exposure will eventually increase cumulative dose and exposure dose on a specific body part can bring health risks if one works in a same location for a long period. Therefore, radiation workers must thoroughly manage exposure dose and try their best to minimize it according to ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) as the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommends.

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