• Title/Summary/Keyword: THM 복합거동

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Status of the International Cooperation Project, DECOVALEX for THM Coupling Analysis (THM 복합거동 해석을 위한 DECOVALEX 국제공동연구 현황)

  • Kwon, Sang-Ki;Cho, Won-Jin;Choi, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.323-338
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    • 2007
  • For the assessment of the performance and safety of a deep underground radioactive repository system, the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical behaviors and their coupling should be studied. In order to analyze the THMC coupling behavior more effectively, which requires complex mathematical models and modelling techniques, DECOVALEX international cooperation project was launched in 1992. Since its beginning, four major stages of the project were successfully completed and THMC modelling techniques for various conditions could be developed. In this study, the current status and major achievements from the project were reviewed and possible benefits of the participation to the project were discussed.

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THM Coupling Analysis for Decovalex-2015 Task B2 (Decovalex-2015 Task B2를 위한 THM 해석기법 개발 및 적용)

  • Kwon, Sangki;Lee, Changsoo;Park, Seung-Hun
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.556-567
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    • 2015
  • The evaluation of THM coupling behavior in deep underground repository condition is essential for the long term safety and stability assessment of high-level radioactive waste repository. In order to develop reliable THM analysis techniques effectively, an international cooperation project, DECOVALEX, is carried out. In DECOVALEX-2015 Task B2, the in situ THM experiment planned to be conducted by JAEA was modeled by the research teams from the participating countries. In this study, a THM coupling technique combining TOUGH2 and FLAC was developed and applied to 1 dimensional THM modeling, in which rock, buffer, and heater are considered. The results were compared with those from other research teams.

A Numerical Study of the Performance Assessment of Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) Processes in Improved Korean Reference Disposal System (KRS+) for High-Level Radioactive Waste (수치해석을 활용한 향상된 한국형 기준 고준위방사성폐기물 처분시스템의 열-수리-역학적 복합거동 성능평가)

  • Kim, Kwang-Il;Lee, Changsoo;Kim, Jin-Seop
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.221-242
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    • 2021
  • A numerical study of the performance assesment of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processes in improved Korean reference disposal system (KRS+) for high-level radioactive waste is conducted using TOUGH2-MP/FLAC3D simulator. Decay heat from high-level radioactive waste increases the temperature of the repository, and it decreases as decay heat is reduced. The maximum temperature of the repository is below a maximum temperature criterion of 100℃. Saturation of bentonite buffer adjacent to the canister is initially reduced due to pore water evaporation induced by temperature increase. Bentonite buffer is saturated 250 years after the disposal of high-level radioactive waste by inflow of groundwater from the surrounding rock mass. Initial saturation of rock mass decreases as groundwater in rock mass is moved to bentnonite buffer by suction, but rock mass is saturated after inflow of groundwater from the far-field area. Stress changes at rock mass are compared to the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and the spalling strength in order to investigate the potential rock failure by thermal stress and swelling pressure. Additional simulations are conducted with the reduced spacing of deposition holes. The maximum temperature of bentonite buffer exceeds 100℃ as deposition hole spacing is smaller than 5.5 m. However, temperature of about 56.1% volume of bentonite buffer is below 90℃. The methodology of numerical modeling used in this study can be applied to the performance assessment of coupled THM processes for high-level radioactive waste repositories with various input parameters and geological conditions such as site-specific stress models and geothermal gradients.

Performance Evaluation of OGS-FLAC Simulator for Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical Analysis (열-수리-역학적 연계해석을 위한 OGS-FLAC 시뮬레이터의 성능 평가)

  • Park, Dohyun;Park, Chan-Hee
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.144-159
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    • 2022
  • The present study developed a sequential approach-based numerical simulator for modeling coupled thermal-hydrological-mechanical (THM) processes in the ground and investigated the computational performance of the coupling analysis algorithm. The present sequential approach linked the two different solvers: an open-source numerical code, OpenGeoSys for solving the thermal and hydrological processes in porous media and a commercial code, FLAC3D for solving the geomechanical response of the ground. A benchmark test of the developed simulator was carried out using a THM problem where an analytical solution is given. The benchmark problem involves the coupled behavior (variations in temperature, pore pressure, stress, and deformation with time) of a fully saturated porous medium which is subject to a point heat source. The results of the analytical solution and numerical simulation were compared and the validity of the numerical simulator was investigated.

Evaluation of mechanical properties of KURT granite under simulated coupled condition of a geological repository (복합 처분환경 모사조건에서의 KURT 화강암의 역학적 물성 변화 평가)

  • Park, Seunghun;Kim, Jin-Seop;Kim, Geon Young;Kwon, Sangki
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.501-518
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    • 2019
  • The rock properties measured under in-situ geological condition can be used to increase the reliability in numerical simulations with regard to the long-term performance of a high-level waste repository. In this study, the change in mechanical properties of KURT (Korea atomic energy research institute Underground Research Tunnel) granite was evaluated under the simulated THM (Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical) coupled condition due to a deep geological formation in the disposal repository. The rock properties such as uniaxial compression strength, indirect tensile strength, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio were measured under the coupled test conditions (M, HM, TM, THM). It was found that the mechanical properties of KURT granite is more susceptible to the change in saturation rather than temperature within the test condition of this study. The changes in uniaxial compression strength and indirect tensile strength from the rock samples of dried or saturated conditions showed the maximum relative error of about 20% and 13% respectively under the constant temperature condition. Therefore, it is necessary to use the material properties of rock measured under the coupled THM condition as input parameters for the numerical simulation of long-term performance assessment of a disposal repository

Numerical Modeling of Coupled Thermo-hydro-mechanical Behavior of MX80 Bentonite Pellets (MX80 벤토나이트 펠렛의 열-수리-역학적 복합거동 모델링)

  • Lee, Changsoo;Choi, Heui-Joo;Kim, Geon-Young
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.446-461
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    • 2020
  • Numerical simulations of CIEMAT column test in Spain are performed to investigate the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behavior of MX80 bentonite pellets using TOUGH2-FLAC3D. The heater power and injection pressure of water in the numerical simulations are identical to those in the laboratory test. To investigate the applicability of the thermo-hydraulic (TH) model used in TOUGH2 code to prediction of the coupled TH behavior, the simulation results are compared with the observations of temperature and relative humidity with time. The tendencies of the coupled behavior observed in the test are well represented by the numerical models and the simulator in terms of temperature and relative humidity evolutions. Moreover, the performance of the models for the reproduction and prediction of the coupled TH behavior is globally satisfactory compared with the observations. However, the calculated stress change is relatively small and slow due to the limitations of the simple elastic and swelling pressure model used in numerical simulations. It seems that the two models are insufficient to realistically reproduce the complex coupled THM behavior in the bentonite pellets.

Numerical Analysis of Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) Behavior at Korean Reference Disposal System (KRS) Using TOUGH2-MP/FLAC3D Simulator (TOUGH2-MP/FLAC3D를 이용한 한국형 기준 처분시스템에서의 열-수리-역학적 복합거동 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Changsoo;Cho, Won-Jin;Lee, Jaewon;Kim, Geon Young
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.183-202
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    • 2019
  • For design and performance assessment of a high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal system, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) behavior. However, in previous studies for the Korean Reference HLW Disposal System (KRS), thermal analysis was performed to determine the spacing of disposal tunnels and interval of disposition holes without consideration of the coupled THM behavior. Therefore, in this study, TOUGH2-MP/FLAC3D is used to conduct THM modeling for performance assessment of the Korean Reference HLW Disposal System (KRS). The peak temperature remains below the temperature limit of $100^{\circ}C$ for the whole period. A rapid rise of temperature caused by decay heat occurs in the early years, and then temperature begins to decrease as decay heat from the waste decreases. The peak temperature at the bentonite buffer is around $96.2^{\circ}C$ after about 3 years, and peak temperature at the rockmass is $68.2^{\circ}C$ after about 17 years. Saturation of the bentonite block near the canister decreases in the early stage, because water evaporation occurs owing to temperature increase. Then, saturation of the bentonite buffer and backfill increases because of water intake from the rockmass, and bentonite buffer and backfill are fully saturated after about 266 years. The stress is calculated to investigate the effect of thermal stress and swelling pressure on the mechanical behavior of the rockmass. The calculated stress is compared to a spalling criterion and the Mohr-Coulumb criterion for investigation of potential failure. The stress at the rockmass remains below the spalling strength and Mohr-Coulumb criterion for the whole period. The methodology of using the TOUGH2-MP/FLAC3D simulator can be applied to predict the long-term behavior of the KRS under various conditions; these methods will be useful for the design and performance assessment of alternative concepts such as multi-layer and multi-canister concepts for geological spent fuel repositories.

Numerical Formulation of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Interface Element (열-수리-역학 거동 해석을 위한 경계면 요소의 수식화)

  • Shin, Hosung;Yoon, Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2022
  • Because discontinuity in the rock mass and contact of soil-structure interaction exhibits coupled thermal-hydromechanical (THM) behavior, it is necessary to develop an interface element based on the full governing equations. In this study, we derive force equilibrium, fluid continuity, and energy equilibrium equations for the interface element. Additionally, we present a stiffness matrix of the elastoplastic mechanical model for the interface element. The developed interface element uses six nodes for displacement and four nodes for water pressure and temperature in a two-dimensional analysis. The fully coupled THM analysis for fluid injection into a fault can model the complicated evolution of injection pressure due to decreasing effective stress in the fault and thermal contraction of the surrounding rock mass. However, the result of hydromechanical analysis ignoring thermal phenomena overestimates hydromechanical variables.

A Numerical Study on the Step 0 Benchmark Test in Task C of DECOVALEX-2023: Simulation for Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Behavior by Using OGS-FLAC (DECOVALEX-2023 Task C 내 Step 0 벤치마크 수치해석 연구: OGS-FLAC을 활용한 열-수리-역학 복합거동 수치해석)

  • Kim, Taehyun;Park, Chan-Hee;Lee, Changsoo;Kim, Jin-Seop
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.610-622
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    • 2021
  • The DECOVALEX project is one of the representative international cooperative projects to enhance the understanding of the complex Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical(THMC) coupled behavior in the high-level radioactive waste disposal system based on the numerical simulation. DECOVALEX-2023 is the current phase consisting of 7 tasks, and Task C aims to model the THM coupled behavior in the disposal system based on the Full-scale Emplacement (FE) experiment at the Mont-Terri underground rock laboratory. This study performs the numerical simulation based on the OGS-FLAC developed for the current study. In the numerical model, we emplaced the heater with constant power horizontally based on the FE experiment and monitored the pressure development, temperature increase, and mechanical deformation at the specific monitoring points. We monitored the capillary pressure as the primary effect inducing the flow in the buffer system, and thermal stress and pressurization were dominant in the surrounding rocks' area. The results will also be compared and validated with the other participating groups and the experimental data further.

Case Studies of Indirect Coupled Behavior of Rock for Deep Geological Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel (사용후핵연료 심층처분을 위한 암석의 간접복합거동 연구사례)

  • Hoyoung, Jeong;Juhyi, Yim;Ki-Bok, Min;Sangki, Kwon;Seungbeom, Choi;Young Jin, Shin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.411-434
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    • 2022
  • In deep geological disposal concept for spent nuclear fuel, it is well-known that rock mass at near-field experiences the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) coupled behavior. The mechanical properties of rock changes during the coupled process, and it is important to consider the changes into the analysis of numerical simulation and in-situ tests for long-term stability evaluation of nuclear waste disposal repository. This report collected the previous studies on indirect coupled behaviors of rock. The effects of water saturation and temperature on some mechanical properties of rock was considered, while the change in hydraulic conductivity of rock due to stress was included in the indirect coupled behavior.