• 제목/요약/키워드: System Embodiment

검색결과 178건 처리시간 0.025초

무기체계 획득관리를 위한 IDEF 적용 (Application of an IDEF to Acquisition Management of Weapon System)

  • 유상양;오현승
    • 한국국방경영분석학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.170-186
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    • 1998
  • The purposes of this paper are applying the IDEF(Integrated DEFinition), which was selected for standard methodology of CALS(Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support) process modeling, to the acquisition process of the weapon system to activate DEfense CALS of the acquisition and management business of weapon system on Defense Planning and Management System and developing a AS-IS model which is usable and that the analysis of process problems results in. On this paper, We diagrammed the function of the acquisition and management of weapon system by using IDEF0 and presented AS-IS model. This paper focused on the development of AS-IS model which can put to practical use to find the problems of current acquisition and management process of weapon system and the embodiment of national defense CALS system. So more detailed analysis of current system and additional studies about TO-BE model would be the future research area.

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Development of Multivariate Analysis System by Using SAS/AF and SCL

  • Han, Sang-Tae;Kang, Hyuncheol;Lee, Seong-Keon;Jang, Myung-Seok;Lee, Duck-Ki;Ryu, Dong-Kyun
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.507-514
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    • 2001
  • In recent years, the development and the embodiment of information analysis system has been sprightly carried out in several fields of study. In this study, as and extension of these studies, we develop a system for multivariate analysis which might be widely used in social and natural sciences. This multivariate analysis system is developed by using multivariate analysis procedures in SAS/STAT software. Also, the system supply users with he environment of GUI(Graphical User Interface), which is constructed with AF(application frame) and SCL(screen control language) of SAS software, in order to help users to use the system with easy.

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포텐셜 다이버시티와 칩확산 직교부호분할변조 방식 (Potential diversity and chip-spreading orthogonal code division modulation system)

  • 김병훈;이병기
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제22권7호
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    • pp.1590-1598
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    • 1997
  • The paper first introduces the new concept of potential diversity and signal decomposability, which establish a foundaton to generalize the existing concepts of path and frequency diversities. Then it presents a new DS/CDMA system called chip-spreading OCDM system, which is an embodiment of the petential diversity concept that combines the path diversity of the DS/CDMA system and the frequency diversity of the OFDM/CDMA system. In the chip-spreading OCDM system the chip sequences in each symbol interval are first converted into aralled streams, which then simultaneously modulate different orthogonal Walsh basis functions. In the receiver, the received signal is matched to each extended basis-function which is the union of the transmitter basis-functions and their delayed replicas, and the matched-filtered chip samples are combined together after individual channel compensation. The conventional DS/CDMA system using the maximal ratio combining. In addition, it effectively resolves the high PAR and high sensitivity to frequency offset problems which are critical in multi-carrier systems.

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지능형 공작기계 설계 지원 시스템 (Intelligent Design Support System for Machine Tool Design)

  • 박면웅
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2000
  • An intelligent software system which can support efficiently and systematically machine tool design by utilizing deign knowledge is described in this paper. The process of embodiment design of a machining center was modelled represented by IDEF0 and embedded in the system. A hybrid type inference engine has been introduced so that the system can effec-tively deal with knowledge represented in diversified forms The design system was developed on the basis of object-ori-ented programming and has been coded into one software system which can be ported on Windows NT.

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무선 인터넷 망에서 임베디드 리눅스 기반 PDA를 이용한 영상보드 원격 제어 시스템 구현 (Implementation of an Image Board Remote Control System using PDA based on Embedded Linux in Wireless Internet)

  • 김성용;이상민
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.155-171
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    • 2008
  • This thesis proposed a method that connecting step motor to image send board which can acquire image to move and remote controlling via streaming image board of PDA(personal digital assistant) based on embedded Linux which is using wireless network There are three embedded Linux system to embody movable image send board. First, though the wireless network a signal of PDA is transmitted to the board which has embedded Linux and a system which is controlled by the expansion I/O port of the board. Second, it's a system streaming realtime image at a PDA which has embedded Linux. The last is a system which controls a process of image board using TCP/IP communication and image send board at PC. These are the system which can use industrial settings and homes. It can also make use of an embodiment method about travelling image robot.

웹 기반 자동창고시스템 시뮬레이터의 개발 : Web-SAW (Development of Web-based Simulator for an Automated Warehouse System : Web-SAW)

  • 임대진;박양병
    • 한국시뮬레이션학회논문지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.25-39
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    • 2004
  • Simulation has been recognized as one of major application areas of world wide web. Over the last several years, most research has been focused on the development of web-based simulation languages mostly using JAVA and validation of simulation modeling on web with the newly developed languages. In this paper, we develop a tentative web-based simulator for a simple unit-load automated warehouse system, named Web-SAW. In constructing Web-SAW, we program a user interface program, a simulation logic program, and an animation program with JAVA while utilizing the class library functions and embodiment environment of existing web-based simulation languages. Web-SAW simulates the automated warehouse system with the user input about system operation, displays the animation on a static background representing the system, and generates the various textual outputs after simulation.

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ERP 구축 후 사용자만족도에 관한 사례연구 (A case study about the user's degree of satisfaction after ERP Implementation)

  • 문찬오;김창은
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.175-185
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    • 2008
  • The research it sees the many enterprises ERP system Go-Live after, which fail are appearing to are actuality plentifully with continuous change management insufficiency. One objective of the research it sees the ERP system effect leads simple with successful ERP system embodiment end me, the thing knows, the successful change management to ERP system Go-Live after and there is report that the effect appears. The ERP system Go-Live after the domestic enterprise 2 year above is analysis about the user's degree of satisfaction.

보건의료 공공성을 넘어 건강공공성으로: 건강안보와 사회적 대화를 중심으로 (Health Publicness beyond the Healthcare Systems: Focusing on the Concept of Health Security and the Process of Social Dialogue)

  • 문다슬;정혜주
    • 보건행정학회지
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.329-338
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    • 2018
  • The study seeks to widen the discussion from healthcare oriented 'health publicness' to human security oriented 'health publicness'. The shortcomings of previous literatures on health publicness are as follows: (1) the studies have confined the range of discussions to healthcare system, (2) lacked arguments from political perspectives, and (3) failed to provide actionable pathways to achieve the goal. Thereby, we suggest 'health publicness' based on the concept of human security to solve multidimensional healthcare problems. The health publicness based on human security, which aims to secure everybody's freedom from want and fear, enables not only to expand the scope of health problems that can be discussed but also to propose the procedures to achieve health publicness. More specifically, it consists of substantive and procedural health publicness. The former is about 'health security'-protecting, maintaining, and promoting individual's health-whereas, the latter is about 'social dialogue' guaranteeing participation of citizens, government, employers, and worker representatives. In conclusion, this study proposes the 'Regional Healthcare Quadripartite' as the incarnation of health publicness involving a variety of actors within and across the healthcare system.

8체질 진단을 위한 전문가 시스템 개발에 관한 연구(2) (A Study for 8 Constitution Medicine Diagnosis Expert System Development(2))

  • 신용섭;박영배;박영재;김민용;이상철;오환섭
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.107-126
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    • 2008
  • Background : There was seldom study about method that diagnose 8 Constitution beside method of pulse diagnosis in 8 Constitution Medicine. Objectives : This study is to make out 8 Constitution Medicine Diagnosis Expert System Development used CBR(Case based Reasoning). Methods : First, at case base construction process we constructed case base for CBR embodiment because gathering 925 cases all to patient who constitution is verified, and second, at study model establishment process superior expert system development by purpose CBR of reasoning process dividing fundamental type CBR that spend basis data value and expert type CBR that reflect weight in basis data value accordin I II III to advice expert opinion, and third, system embodiment process explained about way to give process and weight that diagnose constitution through Nearest Neighbor Method sampling process of CBR techniques, and fourth, at system estimation process we selected superior CBR model because comparing and estimate the diagnosis rate of expert system with fundamental type system (GECBR) model and expert type I II III CBR system (AVCBR, AACBR, AGCBR) model that reflect expert opinion in fundamental type system. GECBR and AGCBR chose on superior study model. Through such 4 study process, we developed 8 constitution diagnosis expert system lastly. Results : 1. When we select GECBR that is fundamental type by reasoning system, diagnosis rate 78.91% of 8 constitution diagnosis expert system is expected, and the constitution diagnosis rate Hepatonia 90.4%, Cholecystonia 63.0%, Pancreotonia 91.1%, Gastrotonia 0%, Pulmotonia 71.2%, Colonotonia 74.4%, Renotonia 37.5%, Vesicotonia 67.1% expect. 2. When we select AGCBR that is expert type III by reasoning system, diagnosis rate 77.51% of 8 constitution diagnosis expert system is expected, and the constitution diagnosis rate Hepatonia 93.4%, Cholecystonia 58.5%, Pancreotonia 91.1%, Gastrotonia 0%, Pulmotonia 73.1%, Colonotonia 64.4%, Renotonia 41.7%, Vesicotonia 72.2% expect. Conclusion : Based on this study, 8 constitution diagnosis expert system may give help to diagnose 8 constitution, and it is going to utilize as objective estimation tool of 8 constitution diagnosis, and further study for 8 Constitution Medicine Diagnosis Expert System Development used CBR(Case based Reasoning) is needed to supplement this study.

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8체질의학을 위한 진단 전문가 시스템 개발 및 고찰 (A Study for 8 Constitution Medicine Diagnosis Expert System Development)

  • 신용섭;박영배;박영재;김민용;오환섭
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.142-184
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    • 2008
  • Background: There was seldom study about method that diagnose 8 Constitution beside method of pulse diagnosis in 8 Constitution Medicine. Objectives: This study is to make out 8 Constitution Medicine Diagnosis Expert System Development used CBR(Case based Reasoning). Methods: First, at case base construction process we constructed case base for CBR embodiment because gathering 925 cases all to patient who constitution is verified, and second, at study model establishment process superior expert system development by purpose CBR of reasoning process dividing fundamental type CBR that spend basis data value and expert type I II III CBR that reflect weight in basis data value according to advice expert opinion, and third, system embodiment process explained about way to give process and weight that diagnose constitution through Nearest Neighbor Method sampling process of CBR techniques, and fourth, at system estimation process we selected superior CBR model because comparing and estimate the diagnosis rate of expert system with fundamental type system (GECBR) model and expert type I II III CBR system (AVCBR, AACBR, AGCBR) model that reflect expert opinion in fundamental type system. GECBR and AGCBR chose on superior study model. Through such 4 study process, we developed 8 constitution diagnosis expert system lastly. Results: 1. When we select GECBR that is fundamental type by reasoning system, diagnosis rate 78.91% of 8 constitution diagnosis expert system is expected, and the constitution diagnosis rate Hepatonia 90.4%, Cholecystonia 63.0%, Pancreotonia 91.1%, Gastrotonia 0%, Pulmotonia 71.2%, Colonotonia 74.4%, Renotonia 37.5%, Vesicotonia 67.1% expect. 2. When we select AGCBR that is expert type III by reasoning system, diagnosis rate 77.51% of 8 constitution diagnosis expert system is expected, and the constitution diagnosis rate Hepatonia 93.4%, Cholecystonia 58.5%, Pancreotonia 91.1%, Gastrotonia 0%, Pulmotonia 73.1%, Colonotonia 64.4%, Renotonia 41.7%, Vesicotonia 72.2% expect. Conclusion: Based on this study, 8 constitution diagnosis expert system may give help to diagnose 8 constitution, and it is going to utilize as objective estimation tool of 8 constitution diagnosis, and further study for 8 Constitution Medicine Diagnosis Expert System Development used CBR(Case based Reasoning) is needed to supplement this study.

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